Zoran Chronicles Volume 1 A Dragon in Our Town (32 page)

Read Zoran Chronicles Volume 1 A Dragon in Our Town Online

Authors: Vic Broquard

Tags: #fantasy

BOOK: Zoran Chronicles Volume 1 A Dragon in Our Town
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“What do I do?” he whispered to Anezka. Zoran realized that he had not the
slightest idea what was needed from him.

“The Ceremony links you to this Circle of Ascension. Just focus on the color of
your ribbon on the floor, the sky blue line. I will do the chanting. As it activates,
according to the documents of Bandar Zar, this new Circle of Ascension ought to bind
itself to you. We are not exactly sure what that really means, however. There hasn’t been
a new Circle in centuries, so no one really knows anymore just what goes on with the
binding process. Ready?”

“I guess so. Let’s do it,” he whispered. Inwardly, Zoran said a prayer; everything
depended upon this Circle coming into being. So much was riding upon it activating. He
gently held onto her arm, allowing her to lead him.

Priestess Anezka began chanting in a plainsong sort of way that he had never
heard before. He couldn’t quite follow her words, however, as she walked very slowly
around and around the circles of seventeen colored tiled ribbons on the floor. The
intertwining threads formed a circle some twenty feet across. On their third pass, Zoran
began feeling a bit nauseous, as he had when he came of age and had his special gland
activated. The room seemed to grow darker and darker; the intertwining threads seemed
to begin to radiate their own light, captivating his complete attention as the two
continued to walk over them.

Alive, somehow these threads seemed to be alive, he thought. That cannot be, his
mind struggled with that notion. The seventeen threads began to swirl of their own
accord; the treads were moving around the circle, each at a slightly different speed,
which only added to the disorientation of Zoran. Dimly he heard the distant voice of
Anezka calling to him, “Focus on your sky blue thread. Focus!”

With effort, Zoran attempted to concentrate on following the single sky blue
thread as it interwove with the sixteen others. Dizzy. He felt like falling down, only he
couldn’t say which way was actually down. Other colors fought for his attention, but he
concentrated on his sky blue color. Swirling colors intertwined within him, locking onto
his sky blue. Now his color dove into the earth, directly below his feet, wherever they
seemed to be. Zoran was not quite sure that his feet were even on solid ground; he
seemed to be stepping into space within the earth. Now the sky blue color and the earth
seemed to fuse into one and into his own body. Just when he thought that he was going
to pass out, faint, or vomit, this location, this Circle of Ascension latched on to his body
solidly and the swirling ceased. He felt as if he were somehow anchored here, anchored
firmly to his very own Circle of Ascension. He was now a part of this location; this spot
here on Adapazan was now a part of him, though he did not realize this yet.

The swirling ceased; the room came back into focus. He was still holding the arm
of Priestess Anezka; she was still chanting; they were still walking. Zoran looked down at
the Circle. The seventeen colored threads were now glowing and undulating; slowly the
intertwined threads moved around the circle of their own accord. Anezka finally stopped
her song.

“There, it is done. I give you the new Circle of Ascension. Zoran, you must now
speak the name by which this Circle and House shall be known.” She nudged him
slightly, bringing him to his senses.

“This shall be known as the House of the Free People of Brn and Adapazan,”
Zoran spoke proudly and clearly, giving all the distinction to those who lived here and
those who fought for freedom.

Priestess Anezka announced formally, “I give you Baron Archmage Zoran
Vladislov of the House of the Free People of Brn and Adapazan!” Everyone began
clapping, acknowledging this incredible event that they had just witnessed. Jarka
realized that they were fantastically lucky; they had just witnessed something no one had
seen for hundreds of years, the creation of a new Circle of Ascension and power. Zoran
walked over to Zdenka and took her hand.

“Zoran! Your eyes!” she exclaimed, very startled. Zoran blushed, suddenly all eyes
in the room stared at his.

“What’s the matter with them?” he asked growing very embarrassed with this
surprise attention.

“They’ve turned sky blue! They match your thread’s color!” she exclaimed.

Zoran gave a joking giggle, “Glad I didn’t choose purple!” Everyone roared with

“Zoran, someone’s coming through!” the steely voice of Janos called out.
Instantly, everyone focused their undivided attention on the center of the Circle, whose
threads were now glowing brighter than before, a sure indication that someone was
using it to come to this location.

A moment later and four forms took shape. As they fully materialized, the Circle
resumed its dull glow. Zoran recognized them at once. His uncle, aunt, cousin, and sister
Lida arrived. Zoran spoke ceremoniously, “I give you my uncle, Baron Milan Matous of
Gladno, Baroness Marjeta, Duke Leo, and my sister Lida Vladislov. Welcome to the
House of the Free People of Brn and Adapazan.”

The baron wore his official attire of office, a very fancy suit with many medals
pinned to his chest. His smile was infectious, and he could not conceal his excitement.
His wife wore an elegant green, silk dress that billowed out nearly seven feet. Duke Leo,
his arm around Lida, also wore a very well made silk suit, befitting an heir to a throne.
Lida wore a matching light blue dress; her hair done up nicely. She could not contain her

“Oh Zoran! You did it! You have made history! I am so proud of my little
brother!” she exclaimed, rushing to him and giving him a huge hug and kiss. “Your eyes!
Oh, I do like their new color!”

“Congratulations nephew!” Baron Milan said, his bass voice echoing in the room.
“Well done indeed! This will shake up the establishment!”

“I can’t take credit for building this. Priestess Anezka Zar performed the
ceremony and Brother Jiri Zar built this new Circle. Come on you two. I want you to
shake hands with my uncle.” Both timidly stepped forward and shook hands with the

“Someone’s coming through,” Jarka announced. Hastily, Zoran moved the four
back behind his security guards. All eyes watched for more bodies materializing in the
center of this new Circle.

Zoran, his uncle, and others recognized them at once. Zoran announced formally,
“I give you my uncle, Baron Viktor Pavel of Valtr, Baroness Ivana, Duke Stefan, and my
sister Rayna Vladislov. Welcome to the House of the Free People of Brn and Adapazan.”

Baron Viktor wore an elegant brown silk suit, and his grin could not have been
broader. His wife wore a matching brown silk dress that also billowed out seven feet.
Duke Stefan wore a slightly lighter shade of brown silk suit with twin tails. Rayna,
radiant and very excited, also wore a billowing light blue silk dress, matching her sister’s

“Oh little brother! It worked! You did it!” Rayna exclaimed, rushing to hug Zoran.

“Well done, Baron Zoran, well done indeed!” Baron Viktor added, shaking his
hand firmly. “This will certainly shake up all of the Houses!” At once, he and his party
moved to join with Baron Milan, and the two men began chatting, while their wives
exchanged words as well.

Lida and Rayna clung to their brother and to their fiancés as well. Zdenka and
Jarka felt rather embarrassed. Their simple dresses looked awful compared to these
elegant ladies.

“Say, come on. I have a sight that I’d like you eight to see — well all of you ought
to see this sight,” Zoran interrupted everyone. “This way; let’s step outside the Archmage
Oldrich’s tower.” Zdenka took Zoran’s arm, as his sisters finally let go of him. A minute
later, the large group stood outside the five story, plain looking tower, there at the
northern edge of Brn. They were not alone. Everyone who lived in Brn was also outside
staring up at the sky around the tower.

Thirteen gold dragons, the sunlight reflecting off of their shiny skin, flew in wide
circles around the tower. Such a sight had never before been seen anywhere in the entire
Federation of Planets! Some soared up high and then dived, others did barrel rolls. Two
of the smaller forms swooped down onto the only empty patch in the crowded streets,
there just before Zoran and the tower. After landing, their forms morphed into the two
young Archmages.

“Allow me to introduce to all of you to Archmages Emil and Renata Vogler, twin
gold dragons,” Zoran spoke formally as the twins, grinning, walked up to the group.

“That is the most beautiful sight that I have ever seen, Renata!” Rayna spoke first.
“You and the others — why you are just beautiful. I had no idea.”

“Indeed, spectacular flying,” Uncle Milan added. “Say, can we talk, Archmage
Emil? I have a million questions I’d like to ask.” Baron Viktor stood beside Baron Milan,
eager to hear Emil’s answer.

“Of course, though our father is more experienced in dealing with humans. Why
don’t you chat with him?” Emil cleverly sidestepped the questioning. A spell cast,
Aldrick flew down, landing on the street. He morphed into his human form and came up
to his son. “Dad, these barons have a lot of questions for us. I figured you would know
better how to answer them.”

Aldrick grinned; his son was doing just what he had asked of him. “Certainly,
barons, come, I understand that Archmage Oldrich has refreshments awaiting us.”

General Janos returned to stand guard over the Circle of Ascension. He fully
expected that many other barons may come to check out this new Circle, just as soon as
they discovered the new sky blue thread addition to their own Circles. The others headed
into the first floor meeting room, where the Archmage was awaiting them — she had had
her staff prepare various breads, teas, and juices.

“Please, barons, baronesses, dukes, accept my humble hospitality. I have but a
simple, frugal tower,” Archmage Oldrich said in her usual soft manner. “Now if you will
excuse me, my body is a bit tired. I will leave you to your discussions.” After the men
rose and thanked her, she left.

“Baron Zoran, we have much to discuss, but I would like the opportunity to meet
Aldrick first,” Uncle Milan explained.

“Go ahead, uncle; it is not every day that you get to talk firsthand with a gold
dragon,” Zoran teased. Zdenka shot him a grin.

“First, where do you all come from?”

“From a planet called Voss.”

“How? I mean do you have means of travel, such as our Shadow Walk?”

“Something that is similar, I believe. I’ve never been given a Shadow Walk so I
cannot say for sure. We can only travel between planets with which we are familiar.
Archmage Oldrich was my teacher many years ago. I am familiar with Adapazan.”

“Well, it would be my honor to give you a Shadow Walk, say to my planet of
Gladno later today,” Baron Milan replied.

“And I would be honored to also take you to my world of Valtr,” Baron Viktor
added quickly, unwilling to be left out. Too much was at stake here.

“Excellent, then I will have a way to compare our travel with yours,” Aldrick

“How is it that you need to come to Adapazan? To learn magic?” asked Baron

“Yes and no. We golds prize two things above all others: gems and magic. Our
lives are devoted to the acquisition of large gems and learning all the magic we can.
Well, we also tend to collect magical items, but those are scarce. So, yes, I brought our
twins here to learn magic from Archmage Oldrich. She is a good teacher and it has paid
off handsomely. Both our twins have achieved Archmage status, something seldom
achieved among golds. That is the yes part.”

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