Read You're My Little Secret 2 Online

Authors: Chenell Parker

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Genre Fiction

You're My Little Secret 2 (8 page)

BOOK: You're My Little Secret 2
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I walked into Brooklyn’s baby shower, and my mouth hit the floor in amazement. I couldn’t believe how beautiful everything was. When Candace invited me, I almost declined, but curiosity got the best of me. I was slowly beginning to regret my decision. Never in my life had I seen anything like this before. I couldn’t help but feel like all of this should have been for me. After all, I had Dominic first, and I was the first one to get pregnant by him. I followed behind Candace and Co-Co while looking around at everything. There were already over one hundred people here, and the gift tables were full with more guests and gifts to come.

“Baby they did this shit,” Co-Co complimented and I couldn’t agree more. They had a huge four tier cake and another cake that was made like baby blocks. The candy station was so beautiful that I just had to take a picture of it. Everything had Dominic and Brooklyn’s name on it, congratulating them on the birth of their son. It’s no surprise that the baby would have his father’s name. Dominic wouldn’t have it any other way. There were professional pictures of Brook and Dominic all over the place. If I didn’t know any better, I would have assumed that she was his fiancé instead of Kennedi, not that I felt sorry for that bitch. She’s getting everything that she deserves.

“Let’s sit down, Brook and Dominic should be here any minute,” Candace said.

I watched as Dominic and Brooklyn’s mothers walked around greeting the guests and making sure that everything was perfect. I got nervous when they got to our table because I didn’t want Dominic’s mother to ask why I was there. Mrs. Liz was always cool when Dominic and I were together, and she never hesitated to put him in his place when he was wrong. She was there for me the entire time when I lost my baby, and I really appreciated her for that.

“Hey Nadia, I haven’t seen you in forever,” she said giving me a hug. “What are you doing here?”

“Hey, Mrs. Liz, I’m here with my friend,” I replied pointing to Candace. “She and Brooklyn are cousins.”

“Oh okay, it’s a small world,” she laughed. I agreed, too small if you ask me. “How have you been?”

“I’ve been fine, thank you,” I replied. I hated how she looked at me with pity. Even if she did feel sorry for me, she didn’t have to make it seem so obvious. I wanted to jump for joy when they left our table and went to bother some of the other guests that were arriving. The place was almost filled to capacity, and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, except for me. I pulled my phone out of my purse to text Kyle to see if we could hook up later. He hadn’t been over in a few days, and I wanted to know why. I figured he was probably spending time with Candace, so I decided to pick her brain and find out.

“What’s up with you and Kyle? I haven’t been hearing you talk about him lately,” I pried.

“And you won’t ever hear me talk about him again,” she hissed.

“Why, what happened?” I tried to play it off like I was concerned, but that was music to my ears.

“Girl, Kyle is a hoe, plain and simple. He tried to mess with Brooklyn right in my house. Ain’t no dick that good for me to play games like that,” Candace replied. Once again, I had to mask my anger and pretend to be a concerned friend.

“How do you know? Did Brooklyn tell you that?”

“No, I walked down on him talking to her. This wasn’t hearsay. I heard it with my own ears so he couldn’t even lie,” she told me.

“Wow,” was all I could say. Kyle is a piece of work. I’m feeling him, but I wanted to hear his side of the story before I went off on him. I didn’t understand why everybody was after Brooklyn. She’s a cute girl, but she’s slower than slow. It took her eighteen years to come out of her shell, and now she had men falling at her feet. Dominic could run circles around her dumb ass, and that’s probably what he was doing. She didn’t know the first thing about having a man. I was shaken from my thoughts when someone announced that Brooklyn and Dominic had arrived. I didn’t want to stand up, but I would have been the only one sitting down if I didn’t. They were acting like the president and first lady were entering the building. It took everything in me not to run out of there in tears when they walked into the room. Brooklyn looked amazing in her chocolate brown maternity romper with powder blue and chocolate matching accessories. Her hair was freshly cut and colored to perfection. It draped down her back and shoulders. Dominic held her hand and led her over to the two decorated chairs that sat in the front of the hall that was reserved for them. My mouth watered as I stared him down. He always knew how to dress and today was no exception. He was dressed in a brown and powder blue Ralph Lauren button down with the Ralph Lauren loafers that matched perfectly. I knew that he and Brooklyn dressed to coordinate with the theme, but it still bothered me that they wore matching colors. It bothered me even more to see how he looked at her. I was so happy that I came in my own car. There was absolutely no way I could stay here until the end. I took my phone out of my pocket when I felt it buzzing and saw that Kyle had replied to my earlier text. I had to do a double-take when I saw he wanted me to come to his house. I don’t even think that Candace has ever had the pleasure of going there. I smiled and quickly replied before he changed his mind.

“What are you smiling for? You must have you a new man,” Candace observed.

“I surely do. I’ll be dipping out of here to go meet him in a few,” I replied.

After what seemed like forever, I was more than ready to go. I tapped Candace’s arm to let her know that I was leaving.

“I’m about to get out of here. I need to go meet my boo.”

“Alright girl, call me later,” she replied. I put on my best fake smile and made my way to the exit. I stayed at Brooklyn’s shower long enough to eat and play some games. I left right when it was time for her to start opening her gifts. I didn’t buy the bitch anything, so there was no need for me to stick around. There was no way that she could open up all of those gifts anyway. Dominic was smiling more than anybody else in the room. I was so envious that I was making myself physically sick. As soon as I got in my car I allowed the tears that I’d been holding in to flow freely. I hated myself for still having feelings for a man that didn’t feel the same about me. Brooklyn had his heart, and a blind man could see that. Kennedi was in way over her head. She was about to marry a man who was clearly in love with someone else.


I pulled up to Kyle’s apartment and checked my reflection in the mirror before I got out. This was my first time coming here, and I was nervous. Kyle and his brother Kevin lived in a nice complex near the University area. He recently told me that Kevin’s girlfriend Shannon lived there too, and I was curious to see what she looked like. I exited my car and made my way up to the front door. Before I even had a chance to knock, it swung open, and Kyle pulled me inside. I was shocked at how he was acting, especially since I hadn’t seen him in a few days. He really wasn’t the kissing type, but he had his tongue all in my mouth, nearly gagging me.

“You must be happy to see me,” I giggled.

“I’m always happy to see you,” he replied closing the door behind me. I looked around his spacious living room and admired the décor. Kyle didn’t have a job, but he had to be moving some major weight to be living it up like this. He had a huge seventy inch smart TV on the wall, accompanied by surround sound. The entire color scheme was grey and black including the stereo system that sat up against the wall. I walked over to the black and grey leather sectional sofa and took a seat. Kyle sat down next to me and pulled me onto his lap. Something was definitely up, and I needed to find out what.

“So what’s up? Why did you want me to come over here?” I asked him.

“I haven’t seen you in a few days, and I missed you,” he replied.

“You sure it doesn’t have anything to do with Candace kicking you to the curb?” I felt his body tense up when I mentioned her name.

“Fuck Candace. She can’t kick me to the curb because she was never my girl.”

“She told me about you trying to mess with Brooklyn,” I said looking at him to see how he would respond.

“She got me fucked up. I don’t know why they think everybody wants Brooklyn. That bitch ain’t all that,” he fumed.

He was lying, and I knew it. The guilt was written all over his face. He was pissed that he got caught. None of that mattered to me anyway. With Candace out of the picture he could spend all of his free time with me. Kyle was a beast in the bedroom, and I wasn’t ready for it to end.

“What’s up Nadia?” Kevin said when he walked into the living room.

“Hey Kevin,” I said as I tried not to stare. Kyle was cute, but Kevin was everything. He was taller than Kyle with light caramel skin and a head full of beautiful jet black hair. His body was perfect like he went to the gym every day. A few seconds later a woman, who I assumed was Shannon, came down and stood right next to him. She had a cute face, but there were no words to describe how she’s built. She wasn’t fat, but her midsection is big, and her ass is flat. Her bottom half is smaller than her top half making her look like a cartoon character. She doesn’t look like somebody that Kevin would go for, and he could definitely do better.

“Who is this?” She rudely asked while pointing at me.

“This is Nadia, the chick that I was telling you about,” Kyle replied.

“Okay, so what is she doing here? We never made anything official,” she complained.

“Shut the fuck up Shannon. Don’t make me put my hands on you in front of company,” Kevin threatened.

To say that I was shocked was an understatement. Kevin always seemed so quiet when he was around Brooklyn and her family. He was a completely different person now. I always thought he was shy, but now I knew that he was just putting on a front. Shannon must have been no stranger to a beat down because she sat down and shut right up.

“What do y’all need to make official?” I asked Kyle.

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” Now we were getting to the real reason why he asked me to come over here.

“I’m listening,” I said giving him my undivided attention.

“Just hear me out before you give me an answer. I need you to do me a huge favor that will benefit both of us financially,” he said.

“What kind of favor?”

“Shannon is going to make you an I.D. card and give you a few checks to cash. All you have to do is cash them, and we’ll split the money between the four of us. It’s fast and simple,” he babbled.

“Well, if it’s so simple why can’t she do it?” I asked pointing at Shannon.

“Don’t point your hand in this direction,” she snapped. One look from Kevin, and she put her head down in fear.

“She can’t do it. Some of the check cashing places are familiar with her. We need the heat off of her for a while. You’re a new face so it won’t be a problem.” Now I knew how they afforded to live so well. They were into the check writing scheme. I couldn’t believe that this nigga was sitting here asking me to help him do some shit like that. I bet he would have never asked Candace to help him.

“I don’t think so Kyle. I’ve never been to jail, and I’m not about to let you send me,” I replied. I got up off of his lap and grabbed my purse off of the sofa.

“Another scary bitch,” Shannon mumbled.

“Excuse me?” I inquired as I turned to face her.

“Bring your stupid ass upstairs,” Kevin yelled while pulling her up from the sofa. He had a death grip on her arm as he forced her out of the living room.

“I’m leaving,” I announced.

“Wait ma, let me talk to you for a minute,” Kyle begged. I reluctantly let him lead me upstairs to his bedroom. I was impressed at how nicely furnished and decorated it was. I could hear Kevin yelling at Shannon from all the way down the hall.

“I never saw Kevin act like that before,” I told him.

“Don’t worry about them. I’m the only person that you should be focused on right now,” Kyle said walking over to me. He pushed me down on his king sized bed and started removing my clothes. Once he was done, he walked over and turned off the light. He then went to his nightstand and flipped on a lamp that gave the room a soft red glow. I laid back and watched as Kyle slowly removed his clothes all the while looking directly at me. When he was undressed, he walked over to the bed and covered my body with his.

“I really need you to do this for me Nadia,” he whispered while planting kisses all over my face and neck.

“I can’t Kyle. I’m too scared of something going wrong.”

“I got you baby. I promise I won’t let anything happen to you,” he promised as he made a trail of kisses down my body. He spread my legs apart and slowly kissed the insides of my thighs. I went down on Kyle more times than I could count, but he never returned the favor. I was hoping that tonight would be the night that he finally did.

“Can you at least think about it?” He asked. “Just do it this one time and I’ll never ask you again.”

I really do like Kyle, and I don’t want to run him off, but I’m really scared to do what he’s asking me to do. That and the fact that I don’t trust nor like Shannon, made me want to run up out of there. Kyle was still kissing me below the belt, making it hard for me to say no. When I finally felt his tongue slide up and down my lower lips, it was over from there.

“Okay, just this one time,” I moaned in ecstasy. I knew that I was making a huge mistake, but I would worry about the consequences later. Right now, Kyle had me on a high that I never wanted to come down from.

BOOK: You're My Little Secret 2
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