You're My Little Secret 2 (7 page)

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Authors: Chenell Parker

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Genre Fiction

BOOK: You're My Little Secret 2
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I was happy as hell that Baby moved into the apartment right above mine. I can’t even front, I was pissed when I found out she was pregnant by Dominic, but he’s been handling his business. Thanks to him, Brooklyn’s apartment looks like something straight out of a magazine. When she moved in a few weeks ago the place wasn’t fully furnished, but now she had everything she needed and then some. Even my nephew’s room is complete and ready for him to arrive. Even though Dominic is about to get married, I knew without a doubt that he has mad love for my little sister. He makes sure that Brooklyn is straight at all times. That alone made my brothers, and I love and respect him even more.

Brooklyn is almost eight months pregnant, and everybody is preparing for her upcoming baby shower. Dominic and his family are going all out, and we made sure to do our part as well. Dominic’s mother Mrs. Liz chose a place called Celebrations that’s on the Westbank of New Orleans. They supply an unlimited amount of food and drinks, and they have someone there to decorate as long as we supplied the decorations. The hall also accommodates up to two hundred people, so that was an added bonus since both of us have big families. Right now, Jaden and I are on a mission to go pay for Brooklyn’s baby shower cake and favors. My mama ordered everything that she wanted, but my brother and I are footing the bill.

I hadn’t hung out with my boy Kyle in a minute, so he decided to roll with us. I don’t know what’s been up with him lately, but it wasn’t my place to ask. Kyle doesn’t work, but he keeps a nice car and plenty of cash. I just assumed he was selling drugs, but it was never confirmed. He also takes care of his little brother Kevin while he’s going to school to be a CAD Engineer.

“Man what kind of shit did mama order that cost almost two thousand dollars?” Jaden complained.

“I didn’t even ask her. You know she’s going all out for her baby’s baby shower,” I replied.

“That nigga Dominic is spending mad money too. Mama said that the hall was like eight thousand dollars by itself.”

“Yeah, I know. That’s because of the unlimited food and drinks. They have an open bar, so it’s worth it. This is his first baby, so he doesn’t really care about that,” I said.

“I thought he was about to get married,” Kyle chimed in.

“He is, but that ain’t none of my business. He takes damn good care of my sister, and that’s all that I care about,” I replied.

We pulled up to the bakery and got out of the car to go handle our business when I saw a familiar face across the street.

“Look at his punk ass,” I gestured with my hand towards Larry, who was standing in front of the building smoking a cigarette. I know he works as a probation officer so I assumed that was his office building. I hadn’t seen him since we saw the tape of him destroying Taylor’s car. My brothers and I went to his house a few times looking for him, but we were never able to catch up with him. The house was empty the last time we went back, so that made finding him even harder.

“Let’s go get that nigga,” Jaden fumed as he headed in his direction. Jaden was a live wire who didn’t mind popping off at any time. He didn’t think before acting which is why he was always in and out of jail.

“No man, they have too many people out here. Let’s go handle this first and wait for him to come out,” I suggested as I pulled him back. We were on St. Charles Ave. and that was one of the busiest streets in the city. No matter if it was day or night, there was always a crowd of people milling around. Most offices in the area closed around four, and it was already three thirty. I didn’t mind waiting around for his punk ass to get off. After paying for Brooklyn’s baby shower items, we sat out front in the car waiting to see if Larry was going to come out of the building. It was now almost four thirty, and he still hadn’t shown his face again.

“Man, let’s go. That nigga is not coming back out,” Jaden said reading my mind. I started the car and pulled away from the curb when Kyle yelled from the back seat.

“There he is. He’s walking out of the building now.” We observed as he walked to the side of the building and got in his all black pick-up truck. As soon as he pulled off, I made sure I stayed close behind him. There was a little traffic in the area, and that made it even better for me to blend in with the crowd.

“Where the hell is this clown going?’ I asked no one, in particular. I didn’t know where Larry lived now, but I was damn sure about to find out.

After stopping to get food and gas, he was now on the bridge heading towards the ninth ward area. It had gotten dark outside, and I was getting tired of following his dumb ass. It was five thirty, and he was still driving. When he got off of the bridge he drove a few more blocks before turning on a dead end street. Since Hurricane Katrina hit some years ago, a lot of areas in the ninth ward of New Orleans were still fairly secluded. Thankfully for us, Larry had just pulled up to a house in one of those areas. He took his time getting out of his truck and we were standing right there by his door when he did.

“Bryce, how you doing man?” He asked nervously when we made eye contact.

“I’m not doing too good Larry. Somebody fucked up my girl’s car, and I had to buy her a new one. You wouldn’t know anything about that would you?” I inquired sarcastically.

“Huh, no, uh I don’t know anything about that,” he mumbled weakly.

“So the tape I saw of you fucking up Taylor’s car must have been a mistake,” I replied. I didn’t even give him a chance to answer before my fist was connecting with the side of his face. I heard his jaw crack, but that didn’t stop me from beating his ass down. He dropped the bags that he was holding and attempted to fight back. For every punch, he threw, I countered with three of my own.

“Stupid ass nigga, I know you didn’t think this was a social call,” Jaden roared as he joined in on the action. Kyle stood back and laughed while my brother and I ripped Larry another asshole. When he fell, we stomped him until a puddle of blood surrounded his head.

“Damn, y’all about to kill the man,” Kyle barked as he pulled us back.

I was breathing hard as I watched Larry try to stand on his feet. He was too weak, so he kept falling back to the ground.

“I’m sorry man, please don’t kill me,” he begged while spitting blood from his mouth.

“If you get the police involved that’s exactly what’s going to happen. I know where your punk ass lives at now,” Jaden spat.

“I won’t call the police, I swear. I can lose my job if that tape gets out. I promise I’ll stay away from Taylor,” he wailed.

“That’s a promise that you better keep,” I said right before I kicked him in the face one last time. He fell back against the truck, but he didn’t try to get up this time. He was out cold. We hopped back in my car and sped away just as quickly as we came.


“Brooklyn stop moving before I fuck your hair up,” Co-Co fussed. It was the night before her baby shower, and my brother was coloring and cutting Brooklyn’s hair into layers.

“This chair is uncomfortable and I have to pee again,” Brooklyn whined as she jumped up and ran to the bathroom. During the past few weeks, her stomach had gotten much bigger. She had a cute little baby bump at first. Now that she was in her eighth month, she looked like she swallowed a huge watermelon.

“I’ll be happy when her fat ass have that damn baby. I hate doing her hair while she’s pregnant,” Co-Co complained.

“Leave her alone. You know she has to be on point for her shower.” Dominic and his family had really rolled out the red carpet for Brooklyn. They went with the chocolate, powder blue, and green king of the jungle theme, and it was beautiful. When Dominic said, he was sparing no expense that’s exactly what he meant. He’s so in love with my cousin so that was no surprise. I was shocked that he was still going through with marrying Kennedi. She knew about the baby, but she was still hanging in there. He spent so much time with Brooklyn I’m surprised she saw him at all. Then again, niggas were known to lie and everything else to do what they wanted to do.

“Alright I’m ready,” Brooklyn announced taking her seat again. I sat around and talked to her and my brother while texting back and forth with Kyle. He was asking if he could come over later and he was right on time. I had a few other friends that I kicked it with, but none of them were better than Kyle in the bedroom. There was no limit to what he would do, and I loved every minute of it. Unfortunately, sex was all that could ever be between us. Kyle is one of the biggest dogs I know. He kicked it with me and probably any other female that would give him some ass. We would be out somewhere, and I would catch him looking at other females like he was by himself. It never bothered me because he wasn’t my man. When I first met him some years ago, I tried to hook him up with Nadia. I never told her about it because he was never interested in her. When Nadia hooked up with Dominic, Kyle and I started messing around. He had a live-in girlfriend at the time, but that never stopped us. She ended up finding out about me and moved out of the house.

“Go answer the door. That’s probably Kyle’s dog ass anyway,” my brother said when the doorbell rang. Co-Co couldn’t stand Kyle or his brother Kevin. He always said they were sneaky and couldn’t be trusted. Kyle never gave me any reason to look at him sideways, but I still kept my eyes and ears open whenever he was around me.

“Later bitches, I’m going to get me some of that good wood,” I laughed and walked out of the room. I let Kyle in and headed straight to my room just like always.


A few hours later, I woke up, and Kyle was no longer in bed with me. We had been going at it nonstop for hours until both of us crashed from exhaustion. I knew that he hadn’t gone home because he would have woke me up before he left. His shirt and hat were still on my dresser so he couldn’t have gone too far. I got up from the bed and put on my robe to go search for him. When I walked out into the hall, I heard voices coming from the kitchen. I quickly recognized that the voices belonged to Kyle and Brooklyn. I quietly tiptoed down the hallway and listened to what was being said. It sounded like they were arguing, and I needed to know why.

“Fuck you Kyle. This is my last time telling you to stop playing with me before I make my brothers whip your ass,” Brooklyn warned.

“I’m saying though, you giving it up to a nigga that’s about to be married, but you keep turning me down. I know it’s even better since you’re pregnant. Just let me taste it. Even my little brother got a taste before me,” Kyle laughed.

I already knew about what went down between Brooklyn and Kevin. That was a long time ago, and it wasn’t anything serious like Kyle was trying to make it seem. I just couldn’t believe his dirty ass was trying to sleep with my cousin. I was happy that Brooklyn wasn’t a weak bitch or he probably would have had her right in my house. I heard one of the kitchen drawers open before Brooklyn spoke again.

“Get the fuck away from me before I plunge this knife into your heart,” Brooklyn whispered harshly.

“It’s cool. You gon’ be begging me for the dick once your baby daddy gets married,” Kyle snickered. I had heard all I needed to hear and then some. I went back to my bedroom to retrieve whatever he left behind. It was time for this nigga to go, and there was no coming back. He had crossed the line, and I was done with his ass. This time when I walked down the hall, I didn’t try to be discreet.

“You need to leave,” I told Kyle while throwing his belongings at his feet. Brooklyn had her phone up to her ear, and I prayed that she wasn’t talking to Dominic or one of her brothers.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Kyle inquired with guilt written all over his face.

“You were just in here begging my cousin to let you taste her and you’re asking what’s wrong with me. Get the fuck out!” I demanded.

“Man, I was just fucking with her. It’s not even that serious,” he replied like it was nothing.

“I don’t give a damn if you were playing or not. Get the fuck out of my house and don’t even think about coming back. And lose my number while you’re at it,” I yelled.

“Well, fuck you then bitch!” Kyle barked angrily as he picked up his items from the floor.

“No nigga, fuck you!” Co-Co blurted when he walked into the kitchen. “Don’t let the cute face fool you. I’ll drop you right where you stand.”

“It’s all good, I got you,” Kyle said smiling. Co-Co and I followed him as he made his way out of our front door. I peeked out of the living room window to make sure he got in his truck and pulled away from our house.

“Are you alright Brook?” I asked my cousin when I walked back into the kitchen.

“Yeah, I’m good,” she replied.

“Please tell me that wasn’t Dominic or one of your brothers that you were talking to when that happened,” I said.

“No, I was talking to Kia when he came in here,” she replied. Kia is my cousin Jaden’s girlfriend. Well, at least she’s his girlfriend for now. They break up every other month, and they have a daughter, Jaylynn, together.

“Don’t tell them about what happened. I would hate for them to go to jail for killing Kyle’s stupid ass.” My cousins are the sweetest men that you would ever meet, but they also have a dark side, especially Jaden. He’d gone to jail for murder before, but he was able to beat the case. That didn’t mean he didn’t do it, he just had a damn good lawyer. He has a bad temper, and it’s hard to control him when he gets mad.

“Well, somebody needs to tell me what the hell happened,” my brother said looking from me to Brooklyn.

“Tell him Brook, I’m going to bed,” I said walking back to my room. I can’t lie and say that I was hurt because I wasn’t. I didn’t have any feelings for Kyle outside of lust. He could have played on any bitch in the world, but he chose my cousin. Then he did the shit in my house of all places. I was too tired to give it any more thought, so I fluffed up my pillow and drifted off into a peaceful night’s sleep.

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