You're My Little Secret 2

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Authors: Chenell Parker

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Genre Fiction

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You’re My Little Secret II




Chenell Parker

Copyright © 2015 Chenell Parker

Published by Write House Publishing

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without prior written consent of the publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to the real locals are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents are entirely coincidental.

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Other Titles By Me Include:

Her So Called Husband 1

Her So Called Husband 2

Her So Called Husband 3: Till Death Do Us Part


Follow me on Facebook under Chenell Parker or Author Chenell Parker

Follow me on Instagram and Twitter at cocochenell504



As always, I give thanks to God first and foremost for continuing to bless me and my family. My babies, Lil Terrence and Kiara for keeping me grounded. I’m very thankful for my mother, Rhette Parker, grandfather, Jeff Stirgus, sisters and brother, Lynell, Trina, Racquel and Earl Parker, my aunts, Susan Atkins (who always wants to kill me after reading the story) and Serita Walker. I also want to acknowledge my very special friends Quo Vadis Hollins, who reads and gives me a lot of much needed advice. We clash (all the time), but I truly appreciate your support. Trina Jackson, who reads all of my books, even though she hates reading (That’s Love). Mattinisha Singleton (My baby) who gets on my nerves, but I still put up with her. A very special thanks to my publisher, Mr. Torica Tymes, Cole Hart, Tiece, Ebony Smith, Latarsha Banks, and my entire WHP Family. And a special shout out to a few of my favorite people. My cousin Lee and my entire BR Family, Jody Andrews (I’m looking forward to reading that review…Lol), Joyce Andrews, Johnette Jacobs, Diana (Nae Nae) Williams, Maria Sanchez, Joan Bro, Missy Walker (My Nola Bookie), Reshonda Buckley, Margie Algere and my girls Letoria and Teresa Thompson. Hopefully I didn’t forget anyone, but please forgive me if I did. It was unintentional.



“What did you just say?” Kennedi asked me. I hated for her to find out this way, but it was now or never.

“I said, Brooklyn is pregnant by me,” I replied again, but much louder this time.

“Boy, stop playing with me,” she said as she laughed at what she thought was a joke. This is probably one of the hardest things that I’ll ever have to do, but there is no way I can keep it from her.

“Kennedi, I’m so sorry. I swear I didn’t mean for this to happen. The last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt you,” I said honestly.

“Oh my God, you’re not playing are you?” She said as she started backing away from me.

“Baby, just listen to me,” I said trying to reach out to her.

“Don’t touch me!” She screamed. “All this time, I was thinking it was David who was dealing with her and it’s been you the whole time.”

She picked up the plates of food and started throwing them at me in a fit of rage. I was dodging plates and glasses left and right.

“Kennedi stop and just let me talk to you,” I begged.

“There is absolutely nothing you can tell me Dominic. I can’t believe you would do something like this to me,” she said crying.

I felt so bad for causing her to shed tears because of my wrong doings. Hurting Kennedi is something that I never wanted to do. She has her faults, but she doesn’t deserve what I’ve done to her. I can’t help, but to think that this is probably the same way Nadia felt when she found out about me and Kennedi. I tried to wrap my arms around her waist in an attempt to console her, but she pulled away from me.

“Get away from me! How could you do this to me Dominic?” She yelled as a steady stream of tears flowed down her face.

“I’m sorry,” I said again. That’s the only thing I could say. I’m not about to say I made a mistake because that’s not how I view my unborn child.

“You fucked that nasty bitch without any protection and all you can say is you’re sorry. You could have given me a disease or something and all you can say is you’re sorry?” She continued to cry as she fell to the floor.

“We did use protection,” I lied.

“If you used protection how did the bitch get pregnant?”

“I don’t know, the condom must have broken,” I lied again knowing that Brooklyn and I never used condoms. “But I’m the first person that’s she’s ever been with.”

As soon as the words left my mouth I wish I could have taken them back. She went crazy after I made that last statement.

“And you believe that shit!” She screamed as she jumped up from the floor. “These hoes will say anything to get at you and you actually fell for that shit.”

I didn’t respond because there was no use. She’s going to believe what she wants to believe, but I know the truth.

“I’m leaving, I can’t stand to even look at you right now,” she said running towards the stairs.

“Kennedi just talk to me. Running away is not going to make it go away.”

“I don’t care, I need to get away from you,” she said as she quickly got dressed. I sat there helpless as she packed a bag full of clothes and headed back down the stairs. I couldn’t let her leave without being able to plead my case again, so I was right behind her.

“Can we just sit down and talk for a minute? If you still want to leave, I promise I won’t stand in your way,” I said blocking her from leaving out of the front door.

“Move Dominic! I’m too pissed to even have a decent conversation with you right now,” she replied.

Reluctantly, I moved out of her way and allowed her to leave. I stood on the sidewalk while she got in her car and sped away from me.

I walked back inside feeling defeated. Everything was happening so fast, and I didn’t have time to process it all. I wanted to call Brooklyn to see how she was making out, but I decided against it. Most likely she’s having the same kind of day that I’m having, and it’s not a good one. Now that Kennedi and Brooklyn’s family know what’s up, the only thing left for me to do is tell my own family. Besides David, none of them knew what was going on. My mama is going to be pissed, and I’m not in the mood to hear her mouth. Then I have to face Brooklyn’s brothers. It’s not that I’m scared of them, but I know they’re probably feeling like I’ve betrayed them somehow by getting their little sister pregnant. Even still, none of that is stopping me from being excited about the life that is growing inside of Brooklyn’s body. To have a healthy baby would be reward enough for all of the madness that’s taking place at this very moment.

After putting away the rest of the dinner that Kennedi and I never finished, I cleaned up the mess she made. I made my way to my bedroom even though sleep was the furthest thing from my mind. Right before I got into the bed, my phone rang displaying my brother’s number. Just like always, he called at the right time.

“Hello,” I said sounding as down as I felt.

“What’s up with you lil brother?” He asked with his music blasting in the background.

“Man, I don’t even know where to start. Everything is all fucked up right about now,” I replied.

“What happened?” He asked as he turned the volume down on his stereo.

“Well, Kennedi knows about the baby thanks to Tiffany’s messy ass.”

“I thought you already told her about that.”

“No, I was supposed to do it today, but Tiffany told her before I could. Then she asked me if the baby was yours,” I told my brother.

“Mine? Why would she think it was mine?” He asked in shock.

“I already told you that she thought you and Brook were messing around. You know how y’all are always playing around and stuff. She really thought it was true when she saw her driving your car.”

“And what did you tell her?” He asked.

“I told her that she was pregnant by me and not you. Of course, she went crazy after that and left,” I said.

“Damn man, I’m sorry to hear that. Did she take all of her stuff?”

“No, she just packed a bag with a few things in it.”

“Well then, you know she’s coming back. Maybe she just needs to cool off for a while.”

“I hope you’re right. It’s not that I regret my baby, but Kennedi just doesn’t deserve this,” I said feeling guilty.

“Did Nadia deserve it when she did it to her?” David asked me.

“No, she didn’t deserve it either.”

“That’s my point. You reap what you sow,” David said.

“I still haven’t told mama and daddy what’s going on,” I told him.

“That’s what I’m calling you for. Mama invited us over there tomorrow. She’s cooking, and she told me to tell you and Kennedi to come over. I guess we might be going together now since she bounced on you,” David said.

“I guess so, but let me talk to you later. I need to call and see what’s up with Brook.”

“Alright, let me know if you want me to pick you up tomorrow,” he said before the line went dead.

Before calling Brook, I decided to give Kennedi a call. I wasn’t surprised when my calls were sent to her voicemail three times in a row. After leaving a message, I sent her a text apologizing once again. When I called Brooklyn, I was met by yet another voicemail. I really started feeling depressed. After a few minutes, Brook sent me a text telling me that she was not feeling well, and she would talk to me tomorrow. At least she’s talking to me, so all hope isn’t lost. Soon after receiving her text, I received one from Bryce telling me that he and his brothers needed to talk to me as soon as possible. I knew that was coming, and I’m prepared for it. There’s nothing that can be done about the situation that we’re in. Brooklyn is having my baby, and I’m not apologizing to them for that.    

The next day, I woke up to the ringing of my cell phone that was still clutched in my hand. I don’t even know when I’d even fell asleep. I remember spending a few hours texting back and forth with Brooklyn last night, but I really wasn’t that tired. I guess sleep must have found me eventually because it was now after twelve in the afternoon.

“Hello,” I groggily said into my phone.

“Man open up the damn door. I have been standing out here for ten minutes,” David yelled at me.

I rolled out of bed and stumbled down the stairs to let him in. It was afternoon, but that’s still early for David. 

“It’s about time,” he said smartly when I opened the door.

“What the hell are you doing up so early?” I asked him.

“Nigga, it’s almost one o’clock. Mama is waiting for us to come over there.”

“She wants us to come this early?” I asked in shock.

“Yeah, she said the food is already done. You know how early she wakes up.”

“Alright, let me hop in the shower right quick,” I said as I headed for the stairs.

About an hour later, we were pulling up to our parents’ house. I tried calling Kennedi again, but she still wasn’t answering.

“Give her some time, she’ll come around eventually,” David said.

As soon as we got out of the car Ivan and Nyla were opening the front door for us. They usually met us on the porch when they wanted to beg for something without our parents hearing them.

“Aw shit, here they go,” David said peeping what they were doing. I’m not in the mood, so I stopped them before they even started talking.

“Not right now y’all. We’ll talk about whatever y’all are begging for later,” I said bypassing them and going into the house.

“Hey, I was just about to call and see where y’all were at,” my mama said when I walked in. I gave her a hug and went straight to the kitchen. I didn’t care what she cooked, I’m about to eat it. David came in and joined me as she piled our plates high with enough food to last us the entire day. She sat in the kitchen and talked to us while we ate. When we were done, we all retired to the dining room to watch TV. This is my daddy’s favorite room in the house because his oversized leather recliner is in here.

“So how’s business?”  My father asked us as we took a seat on the sofa that sat adjacent to his chair.

“Everything’s all good,” David said. We were both glued to the basketball game that he was watching, so conversation was cut short.

“Where’s Kennedi?” My mother asked. David and I looked at each other, but we didn’t say anything.

“What the hell are y’all looking crazy for?” My daddy asked us.

“Nyla and Ivan go to your rooms,” my mama told my teenaged brother and sister. She knew something was up, and she didn’t want them to hear it.

“Now, what’s going on? Something happened between you and Kennedi?” She asked as soon as my siblings left.

“It’s a long story that y’all probably won’t like,” I said lowering my head.

“Okay, we’re listening, so start talking,” my daddy said.

“Well, the first thing is y’all are going to be grandparents,” I said looking at them for their reactions.

“Boy bye, I already told you how I feel about that. Call me when it’s time for Kennedi to push. I won’t be getting excited until then,” my mama said waving me off.

“Now, this is the part that y’all probably won’t like,” David said laughing.

“What, the baby is not yours”? My mama asked.

“Yeah, the baby is mine, but Kennedi is not the one that’s having it. Brooklyn is nine weeks pregnant.”

“Who in the hell is Brooklyn?” My daddy yelled.

“I knew something was going on with y’all. I told you about the girl that was at David’s house cooking when I went over there a while ago,” my mama said to him.

“And that’s who you got pregnant?” He asked looking at me.

“Yeah,” I said while nodding my head.

“Now you know that’s fucked up don’t you?” My daddy fumed. “You shouldn’t have asked that girl to marry you if you weren’t ready.”

“I am ready,” I replied.

“I can’t tell. If you were serious about it, you wouldn’t have a baby on the way with somebody else.”

“That’s the same thing I said,” David interrupted.

“You shut your damn mouth boy. You’re the biggest dog in New Orleans so I don’t want to hear nothing from you,” my daddy barked.

“So does Kennedi know?” My mama asked.

“Yeah, she knows. I told her last night,” I confessed.

“And how did she take it?”

“She left, but I know she’s coming back. She didn’t take all of her stuff,” I said hopefully.

“Do you want her to come back?” My mama asked me.

“Yeah, I want her to come back. What kind of question is that?” I asked looking at her sideways.

“So what does this mean for you and Brooklyn? You can’t be trying to make it work with your fiancé if you plan to keep messing with her.”

“I know that,” was my simple reply. I really don’t know what is going to happen with us. I would be lying to myself if I said that I didn’t love Brooklyn. I’m not ready to end things with her, but I can’t keep her and expect Kennedi to still marry me.

“Well, when does she go to the doctor? If it’s alright with her I want to be there,” my mama said.

“I don’t know she’s making an appointment soon. I’m sure she won’t mind if you come, but I’ll ask her anyway. Her people said they would like to meet y’all,” I told my parents.

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