Read Wilson's Hard Lesson Online

Authors: K. Anderson

Wilson's Hard Lesson (34 page)

BOOK: Wilson's Hard Lesson
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Chapter 8


I didn’t turn around, not wanting the confirmation of what was
happening here, or who it was happening with. Then I felt his lips on the back of
my neck, and I started to think that maybe, just maybe, it was the time of the morning
that had us both a little confused, and a little bit vulnerable, sexually. I knew
that this was probably not the case for him though. He was a multibillionaire, and
he was probably used to getting everything, and everyone, that he wanted.

Now, it seemed, he wanted me!

He started to kiss the back of my neck, and then the sides of
it. I lost my breath, completely, and closed my eyes. Then he started to nibble
on my ear, and I really wanted to turn around, so that our lips could meet. But
I still could not bring myself to open my eyes.

Then he turned me around, and kissed the lids on my eyes, gently.
Then he kissed my nose, and at last got to my mouth. I kissed him back, and he tasted
like coffee and cigarettes. I never thought that he smoked, but the taste of tobacco
was so strong in his mouth that I knew that there was no other explanation for it.

His cock grazed the front of my shorts, and I confirmed for myself
that it really was an incredibly thick piece of meat. I wanted to look down, but
my focus was on his mouth still, his lips moving on mine, and his tongue teasing
the inside of my mouth periodically. He didn’t seem to be in any hurry to get to
anything, and he just sent his tongue into my mouth briefly, and then pulled it
out. Then again he drove his thick tongue into my mouth, holding it there for a
moment, and then pulling it out.

I really hoped that he didn’t say anything. I couldn’t bring
myself to concentrate on anything but his lips and cock now, and any words that
came out of his mouth would distract me from the incredible rush that I was feeling
now. Then he lifted me off the ground and carried me towards his unmade bed. He
placed me on the bed gently, and then came down on me. Kissing me again, I was suddenly
unsure of what to do with my body.

Trenton was experienced, and I knew this. I knew this from the
way he was kissing me, and from the way his hands were moving all over my body with
such intention that I knew that he knew exactly what he was doing. I suddenly felt
so young, so inexperienced, and it bothered me. How would I be able to satisfy this
man who had probably had more women in his life than I could count on my fingers
and toes combined?

 “May I?” he asked me, and then teased the top of my shorts.
I nodded, really not knowing what else to say to him. There was no turning back
now, because he was already pulling my shorts down. I thought to take my top off
myself, but stopped myself, knowing that he probably needed to feel like he was
in full control of this situation.

After getting my shorts past my ankles and dropping them to the
floor, he came right back up to me. He sent a finger under my panties, and felt
for my clit. It was fully engorged and ready for him. He tapped on it with his finger
for a moment and then pulled my panties down my long legs, dropping these also to
the floor.

I felt very exposed suddenly, and I knew that he was looking
at my pussy, salivating. I couldn’t deny him the pleasure of what I knew he really
wanted. I wanted it too, so there was nothing to explain to anyone. By the time
the twins woke up we should be done, so I let him take my top off, and lay back
completely naked on the bed.

“You’re really beautiful…” he said, and I sensed that he was
really meaning it.

“Thank you,” I said again, again not knowing what to add to this

He started to kiss me up and down my belly, and then he sent
his tongue into my belly-button. He was literally French kissing my naval, and this
sent real shivers down my spine. Then he worked his way onto my tits with his mouth,
and took my nipple into his mouth. Trenton sucked on it so gently that I almost
wanted to move him off me. The pleasure was really too much for me.

Then he moved onto my other breast, sucking on the nipple and
then sucking on the whole breast. Then his lips landed repeatedly on my breasts,
kissing the surface of them tenderly. I loved the feeling of it, and then arched
my back as he worked his way onto my neck.

I wanted him on my mouth now, really wanted him there. But there
was no need to rush things, because this was probably a once off, and I suddenly
wanted it to be perfect. They say you only get one chance to make a good first impression,
and I suddenly needed this first impression to be great. I needed it to be better
than great.

How did I feel about Trenton, I wondered? Yes, I knew that I
thought he was gorgeous, I knew that he was every bit the man of my dreams. But
he was also the father to my best friend, and this would make any sort of relationship
between us awkward.

This had to be a once off, a one-time thing. Shit, I wished it
could be more, but it really couldn’t. So I just had to make sure that it was everything
that I had ever dreamed it would be…



Chapter 9


He kissed me for a moment, just a moment, and then he stood up
on the bed. I looked up at the man towering over me now, and watched as he took
his boxers off. I could not believe that this was happening now, still, and I didn’t
close my eyes. I wanted to see every part of him that he was about to reveal to

His cock was huge, really big, and it hung low between his thighs.
I wanted to reach out and touch it, but I also didn’t want to appear too enthusiastic.
Trenton came down over me, and straddled my head, dropping his cock onto my face.
I didn’t even think he meant too, but it was just so long that the bulk of his meat
rested on my face.

He held it in his hand, and moved the tip of it against my lips.
I opened my mouth, and he slid it into me slowly. My mouth filled so quickly that
I had to adjust myself underneath him, to position my head perfectly for this sucking.
After I had moved up on the bed a little, and propped my head up on a pillow, I
was in the most comfortable position to take him into my mouth.

I started to suck on his meat, and it hardened quite quickly
in my mouth. I loved the feeling of his hardness, and the taste of his cock too.
It tasted like he smelt, with a hint of sweat and man. The last time I tasted dick
this good was…never. I had never had mature dick before, and the rumor that dick
is dick was certainly not true. This tasted beautiful.

He sunk his meat deep into the back of my throat, and I couldn’t
breathe. Then he pulled himself from my mouth just before I started to struggle.
Again he sunk his meat deep into me, and again I was deep-throating him. Trenton
really had the most beautiful penis I had ever seen on a man, and I loved the way
it moved in and out of my mouth, loved the way it pressed against my tongue and
then settled in the back of my throat.

His eyes moved on to my face, on to my mouth and on to his dick
as it moved between my lips. My eyes were on his eyes, and I was really interested
to know how he was feeling. He didn’t give anything away though, just moaning softly
as he kept thrusting himself into my mouth. But then he slipped himself out of me,
and his cock landed on my face again, wet, thicker, and harder. I really wanted
to take it back into my mouth, but before I could, he was lifting himself off me.

 Then he moved down my body again, and I knew that he too wanted
inside me now. He found my cunt lips with his fingers, and parted them. Then he
eased his finger inside me, and my tight pussy resisted him. It had been a while
since I was really taken, by a man, the last time I had any sort of sex being with
Rachel. So it was almost expected.

“Ooooh…you’re really tight,” he whispered, sending his finger
a little deeper into me. Then he fingered me with the parts of his finger that were
inside me for a moment, before he pushed more of it inside me.

“I’m sorry, it’s been a while…” I said, speaking the truth, because
I really hadn’t known dick in a while.

“Nice,” he said, and I knew that he appreciated my supposed chastity.

He fingered me with his whole finger, slowly, steadily. Then
he fingered me a little harder, before removing his finger from me, and quickly
replacing it with two. Trenton struggled to get both his fingers inside me, but
the wetness of my cunt allowed him eventually to make entry. He fingered me with
the full length of these two thick digits, and brought his lips onto my neck, then
my mouth.

As he kissed me deeply, passionately, I felt him slipping a third
finger into me, and I parted my legs a little more, to facilitate this entry. He
got in too, and fingered me slowly with these three fingers. I felt that he was
struggling, but he needed to stretch me out a little bit, before he could even think
of entering me with his thickness.

“Beautiful…” he whispered. I was not sure if he was talking about
me now, or my pussy, but it didn’t matter. As long as he was impressed with me,
I was happy. I was actually very pleased that I was as tight as I was, without even
trying. I was just tight, my cunt small, and needing a little bit of motivation
before he stuffed it with himself.

“What are we doing?” I asked suddenly, not sure where this question
came from.

“Do you want me to stop?” he asked, still moving his fingers
in and out of me, slowly, determinedly.

“No…No…” I said, almost begging him.

“There’s a good girl…” he said, pulling his fingers from me one
at a time now. I knew that it was time for him to enter me with himself, and I knew
that I was not quite ready. But I had to be, not wanting to disappoint him so late
in the game.

Trenton moved me further still on the bed. He opened my legs
and looked at my neatly shaven cunt. He shook his head, and then licked his lips.
I couldn’t help but giggle, and he smiled. Trenton was very playful it seemed, and
I liked that. This made me comfortable. It relaxed me enough, because I knew now
that whatever happened, we would laugh about it and move on.

He came on top of me now, and kissed me on my mouth. He searched
for my entrance with the tip of his thickness, and once he found it, held himself
there, in position, ready for entry, and continued kissing me. I took a deep breath,
and braced myself for what was about to come…



Chapter 10


He nudged into me with the precision of a medical doctor. I was
so surprised by this that I pushed myself down on him a little more, to get him
into me a little quicker. He pulled his mouth off mine, and looked at me, shaking
his head.

“Patience my dear…I’ve got this…” he said, assuring me that he
was in full control of this situation, and in full control of himself.

I took a deep breath, and relaxed a little more.

He worked his meat inside me, apparently one millimeter at a
time. The feeling of being filled almost overwhelmed me, and as he got halfway inside
me, I almost thought that he couldn’t possibly go any further. He did though, getting
two thirds of himself inside me. Then, with one more final thrust, he got every
last inch of himself into me.

“There we go…” he whispered, and paused for a moment. Then he
pulled his cock from me almost completely, before sending every inch of his long
thickness back inside me. He repeated this, over and over, deliciously slowly, warming
every part of me, my cunt, my belly, up through my breasts. I wanted to wrap my
legs around his large frame, but I couldn’t. I just needed to be sure that he was
comfortable with the access he has gained into me.

He seemed to be comfortable too, because soon enough he was thrusting
a little harder, a little faster into me, and I started to feel the pleasure being
sent into me through my cunt overcome me in waves. I knew that I was home free now,
I knew that he had full control of my small tightness, and I knew that the promise
of a beautiful orgasm will be met, and then some.

Trenton moved himself in and out of me, in, all the way, and
then almost all the way out. Then he was stuffing himself all the way back into
me, and then pulling himself out of me until just his head was left in me, splitting
open my hole with just his head. Over and over again he repeated these swift thrusts,
ending them now with a slight circular twist, first to the left, and then to the

I could not hold myself back from wrapping my legs around him
now. My legs were around his, and he seemed to go deeper into me. There was slight
discomfort, ever so slight, but I could take it. I was sure that I would be able
to handle anything, as long as it was being done to me by Trenton. He seemed to
make love to me forever, and I closed my eyes, pulling his face to mine now, kissing
him with as much passion as he was driving his tool into me.

Grinding against his cock now, I loved the feeling of being filled
by him. I moved my entire waist in circles, opposing the circles that he ended each
of his thrusts with. We seemed to have found our rhythm now, individual rhythms
that worked very well together. Briefly I thought that he should perhaps have put
a condom on, but then I figured that I would just make a quick trip to the pharmacy
to sort myself out after. Stopping him now was completely out of the question.

He seemed to settle into his own movements now, and I started
to think that perhaps he was going to cum. But after thrusting into me a little
while longer, he pulled himself from me, and I wanted him back inside me, quickly.
He turned me, so that my back was to him. Then he lifted my leg, and put it over
his. He guided himself back inside me, and started to send himself completely into
me in this new position.

I could not help but to look down now, and watch him move all
the way in, and then almost all the way out of me. My pussy received him a whole
lot easier now.

We made love for the longest time this way. Then he rolled me
onto my stomach, his dick still firmly lodged inside me. He dug deeper and deeper
into me, harder too. I knew that he was going to cum now, and I started to think
of my own orgasm. It appeared somewhere in the distance, and I hoped that he would
see me through to the end.

He did, and then he shot a massive load into me. He kept on moving
himself inside me long after he had cum, bringing me to another orgasm, surprisingly.
Then he just settled on top of me, still inside me, and caught his breath. I too
tried to recover, not sure how I was feeling about this event, not sure what to
make of what had just gone down between me and my best friend’s billionaire father.

“Dad…have you seen Heather…Oh…” Dammit! Rachel was back, and
she was in the room with her father still inside me. Dammit, dammit, dammit!

“Uhm…” was all Trenton could say, and I hid my face in the pillows.

“Well…” Rachel said, and I pulled my head out of the pillows
and looked at her. She had a strange look on her face. It was not a look of disgust
or disappointment. It was a look of approval almost. Then she winked at me, and
gave her father and me two thumbs up. “I’ll put some coffee on, you two finish
up…” she said, as she walked out of the room, pulling the door closed behind herself.

“Don’t worry about her…she really is more open-minded than you
think…” Trenton said, resurrecting his erection inside me.

“I know…” I said, although I wasn’t sure if explaining to him
right now how I know just how open-minded his daughter actually was, was appropriate.

We made love two more times before I went and faced Rachel in
the kitchen…


BOOK: Wilson's Hard Lesson
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