Read Wilson's Hard Lesson Online

Authors: K. Anderson

Wilson's Hard Lesson (30 page)

BOOK: Wilson's Hard Lesson
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Chapter Four


Kendall wrapped her arms around his neck as they kissed. Her
mind was racing, and her body felt like it was on fire. She could not believe that
she was in this situation. She knew that there had to be consequences for this course
of action, and she was half frantic to find some way out. But the insistent throbbing
between her legs demanded that she respond to his kiss with equal fervor, and her
mind began to fade away as sensation overtook her body.

“Let’s go to the bedroom,” he whispered harshly into her ear
as he roughly pulled away from their kiss. Kendall nodded hastily in agreement and
released a cry of shock as Mr. Thomas quickly yanked her off the bar stool,
giving her a swat on the rear end, encouraging her to move forward. Kendall blushed
at the contact but headed straight up the stairs for his bedroom.

No sooner had Kendall stepped through the door than Mr. Thomas
pushed her back onto his bed. She moaned as he lowered his body over hers and kissed
her deeply. His hands found her hips, and he gripped them tightly. Kendall gasped
as she felt him grind his erection against her stomach through their layers of clothing.
He moved his mouth away from hers and began kissing down her neck, and Kendall felt
a wave of uncertainty course through her body.

“Are … are you sure?” Kendall stammered and whimpered as her
boss gently nibbled at the side of her neck. “Are you sure this is right … for,
for us to be doing this?”

Mr. Thomas pulled back and looked her in the eyes.

“Kendall,” he said softly. “
am a grown man, and
are a grown woman. As long as we have each other’s consent, we can do anything we
please. But we don’t have to do anything that you’re uncomfortable with. If this
is too much for you, we can stop.”

Kendall looked up into his blue eyes, and she felt her mind calm
even as her body felt even more inflamed with need.

“Is this what you really want?” he asked her, and he rocked his
erection against her stomach.

“Yes,” Kendall gasped, and arched her hips, desperate for friction
against her aching sex.

Without a word, he captured her mouth in a kiss, and she felt
his hands at the hemline of her shirt. She arched her back up off the bed to help
him remove it, and she raised her arms over her head so that he could pull it off
completely. Shivers ran over her body to be so exposed, and she released a shaking
breath as he ran his fingertips over her stomach.

“Mr. Thomas.…” Kendall sighed and writhed underneath him.

“Mark,” he corrected his voice low and dark with his own desire.

Kendall blushed with embarrassment, but she was soon distracted
by the sensation of her breasts as they were covered by his large hands over her
bra. He gently kneaded them, and Kendall moaned at the deeply satisfying feeling.
She arched her back and allowed Mark to slip his hand beneath her to undo the clasp
of the bra. He easily pulled it off her.

Her breasts naked, she watched as he lowered his head to one
of them. She whimpered as he ran his tongue around her nipple, never quite touching
it. Her nipples were achingly hard, and she cried out as he pinched one of them
between his thumb and forefinger, twisting it. His tongue still danced around the
other, and Kendall was a squirming, whimpering mess as the sensations assaulted
her body.

Suddenly, Mark withdrew from her, leaving her mind in a whirl.
He leaned back and hastily pulled off his sweater. A throb of hot desire coursed
through Kendall’s body as she saw his muscular torso. His shoulders were broad and
well defined, as were the muscles of his chest and abdomen. Dark hair dusted his
chest and led all the way down to disappear beneath the waistline of his pants.
He looked down at her, his mouth parted and his eyes hazy with lust as his hands
moved to his belt.

Kendall watched, enraptured, and mimicked his motions, beginning
to remove her jeans as well. Still her fingers fumbled, as she could not tear her
eyes away from his fingers as they easily undid the clasp of his belt, as well as
the button, and then pulled down the zipper. He moved off the bed to stand, but
instead of removing his pants, he took the waistband of her jeans in his hand. Kendall
gasped as he yanked them down. Kendall hurriedly kicked off her shoes and the jeans
with them.

Then, Mark’s hands returned to his own jeans, and he shoved them
down past his hips. Kendall’s eyes were locked on his impressive erection as he
stepped out of his loafers and the jeans. It bobbed as he moved, and Kendall
felt a sharp jolt of need shock her center. Mark moved back over her body, and Kendall
moaned as she felt the tip of his erection trace over the skin of her thigh.

Mark kissed her once again, and she ran her hands down his muscular
back. She felt his hot, thick length resting on her thigh, and she squirmed in an
attempt to get it to rub against her hot core. Mark lowered his kiss from her mouth
to her neck, and Kendall struggled to maintain her breathing as he moved even lower.
Her heart beat frantically as Mark nibbled at her pelvic bones, and she buried her
hands in the sheets beneath her as he kissed and licked his way to her mound.

Kendall couldn’t help the tiny thrusts of her hips as she silently
pleaded for Mark to touch her. She groaned and shook as she felt the tip of his
tongue trace lightly from the bottom of her slit to the top, and then lightly circle
her clit. Kendall writhed from the pleasurable, teasing sensation, and Mark held
her hips steady as he licked at her. When he slipped a finger inside of her tightness,
Kendall let out a sharp cry. He began to slowly insert it and remove it at a maddeningly
slow tempo. Kendall bucked her hips and urged him to go faster, and he complied.

Kendall’s breathing came in ragged gasps as Mark continued to
bring her ever closer to the edge. Her brain was turning to mush, and she felt her
body rapidly approaching the edge. She began to tighten her muscles, in preparation
for what was sure to be an incredible climax. Just as she thought she would come,
Mark withdrew his finger from her entirely, and Kendall cried out and bucked her
hips as she was left in the agony of her denied orgasm.

“Shhh,” Mark soothed and settled himself over her body.

Kendall pleaded incoherently as she felt the tip of his length
at her entrance. She felt him draw its head up and down her slit, teasing her.

“Mark, please!” she gasped and arched her hips in an attempt
to entice him.

Mark looked into her eyes, and without a word he plunged his
entire length into her tight wetness. Kendall groaned, and her eyes rolled back
in her head at the feeling of being so completely filled. She held onto Mark’s shoulders
as he pounded into her, and she bucked against him wildly in return.

Kendall whimpered and let out hoarse cries as she once again
felt herself nearing the edge of orgasm. She half feared that he would deny her
again, and she willed herself to go over the edge before he could cut her release
short. She dug her fingers into his back and scratched all the way down to his buttocks,
which she clutched fiercely. Mark let out a growl in response, and he reached between
them and pressed down hard on her clit with his thumb.

Kendal cried out at the intense contact, and the cry grew into
a hoarse scream as her inner walls clamped down on his erection. Her nerve endings
seemed to explode as she was caught up in an intense orgasm. Unrelenting, Mark continued
to thrust into her, and her orgasm seemed like it would never end. His breathing
grew ragged, and he pumped faster than she thought possible.

With a growl, Mark suddenly pulled out of her and took his hardness
in hand and began pumping up and down his shaft furiously. It took only a few seconds
for him to reach his end. Kendall watched in fascination as his semen spurted out
of his tip and splattered onto her stomach. She shivered at the sensation, and she
felt a surge of heat course through her at the sight of his cum on her body.

Mark collapsed on the bed beside her, panting heavily, and placed
a kiss on her cheek. Kendall, too, focused on catching her breath and coming down
from the sexual high that she had just experienced. She seemed to be floating in
a dream, and she felt the urge to fall asleep. She felt Mark shift on the bed beside
her, but she couldn’t be bothered by his movements.

“Hold still,” he said to her. “I’ll be right back.”

Kendall nodded, and her eyes followed him as he moved into the
bathroom, her eyes drifting to his toned buttocks. She felt the strange desire to
purr in appreciation of his masculine beauty. She lost sight of him as he went into
the bathroom. She could hear him rummaging about, and she heard running water. When
he moved back into her line of sight, she noticed that he was carrying a washrag.
Kendall could not help but blush as she realized what he would be using it for.

“Stay still,” he said as he came to sit on the edge of the bed
beside her. Kendall did as she was instructed, but she couldn’t help but flinch
as she felt the warm, damp cloth run over her sensitive skin to collect the fluid
that had been deposited there. When he finished cleaning her up, Mark leaned down
and planted a kiss on her forehead before getting up and returning to the bathroom
to take care of the rag.

Kendall sat up in the middle of the bed and ran her fingers through
her unruly hair. No longer lost in the haze of desire, she suddenly felt very self-conscious.
She gathered the blankets around her from the bed so she did not feel as naked as
she truly was. Mark chuckled at her as he reentered the room, and she ducked her
head in embarrassment.

Mark said nothing, but moved onto the bed and lay down beside
her. He tugged at the blankets she was hoarding, and she released her grasp on them
so that they were both covered up. Mark placed his arm around her shoulders, and
she allowed herself to cuddle up to his side. She once again had half a mind to
fall asleep, but anxiety was beginning to creep up inside of her again. She carefully
extricated herself from under his arm and began to crawl off the bed.

“Where are you going?” Mark asked her from the bed as he watched
her begin to gather her discarded clothes.

“Home,” Kendall answered simply, though she was fighting off
a measure of panic.

“Oh,” Mark blinked, seeming surprised. He, too, moved off the
bed and began to dress. It did not take long for them each to be fully dressed.
Kendall checked to make sure she had all of her belongings, and she moved out of
the room, Mark following closely behind. She had every intention of walking out
the front door without another word, but Mark cut her off.

“Kendall,” he said, and Kendall lowered her eyes. He took her
chin in his hand and gently held her face so she had to look him in the eyes.

“What’s the matter?” he asked, concern radiating from his blue

“I don’t know,” Kendall answered fretfully, and she felt tears
gathering in her eyes.

“Please don’t cry,” Mark frowned as he wiped away a tear that
had escaped. “I’m sorry, I should never have let this happen. This was all my doing,
and you have nothing to be ashamed of. We will forget it ever happened.”

“No, no,” Kendall shook her head. “I’m sorry. I just … I don’t
know what we are supposed to do now. I don’t know if things can ever be the way
they were before.”

“Well, I assure you,” Mark started. “You still have a job here
if you are not too uncomfortable. You mean a great deal to me, Kendall, and I don’t
want to remove you from my household just because we want one another.”

Kendall nodded, and a sense of relief flooded through her. Still,
she could not help but wonder how on earth they were going to interact with one
another now that they had known each other intimately.

“Believe me,” Mark spoke again. “Everything can be exactly as
it was before. Maybe we can work out another arrangement, but it would be entirely
separate from your work life.”

Kendall relaxed a bit more. Mark seemed to know just what to
say to calm her. She looked up at him and gave him a small smile.

“Thank you,” she said gratefully. “I’m sorry I’m such a wreck.
I just never imagined I would be in this kind of situation.”

“Trust me, neither did I,” Mark chuckled. “Are you sure you want
to go home? We can have lunch if you like.”

“I think I’d better go home,” Kendall said. “This is a lot for
me to handle, and I’m barely keeping it together.”

“Alright,” Mark nodded, though a frown of concern marred his
features. “Don’t hesitate to call me if you need to talk anything out. I care about
you, Kendall. This wasn’t just a quick roll in the hay for me. I’d hate for you
to think that.”

“Thank you,” Kendall blushed, but smiled. “I’ll be going.”

Mark nodded and opened the door for her. Kendall hastily made
her way to her car. She waved at Mark as she pulled out of the driveway.

Chapter Five


Kendall’s mind grew numb as she drove home, and when she got
to her apartment, she headed straight into the shower. She allowed the hot water
to cleanse her mind and body, and when she was clean, she dressed in a tank top
and cotton shorts and lie down in her bed. Unwilling to begin to think about her
new situation, she allowed herself to fall asleep.

The rest of the weekend seemed to pass all too quickly. Too soon,
Kendall was preparing to go back to Mark’s home and resume her tasks as babysitter
and house sitter. She wondered how things would be different, or
would be different. All during the drive, Kendall found herself chewing her bottom
lip from nervousness.

Before long, Kendall pulled into the driveway of the house, and
she went through the process of shakily gathering up her things. She took a deep
breath as she approached the front porch. She hesitated a moment before ringing
the doorbell. When she finally gathered the courage to do so, hardly a moment passed
before the door was opened, and Mark stood in front of her.

“Good morning,” he smiled down at her as he moved to let her
enter the house.

“Good morning,” Kendall replied, her eyes locked on her feet
as she moved into the house.

Before she could move to do so, Kendall felt Mark’s hands on
her shoulders as he helped her remove her jacket. She remained silent as he hung
the garment on the coat rack. She flinched as she felt his hand come to rest on
her shoulder, and she turned her body to face him.

“How are you?” he asked her quietly, concern shining in his cool
blue eyes.

“I’m alright,” she gave him a small smile.

“Are you sure?” he looked down at her and a small frown creased
his forehead. “If you need to talk about anything, I have time.”

“No, it’s fine,” Kendall shook her head. “I think I just want
to try and put everything out of my mind for a while.”

“I understand,” Mark nodded, and she heard a bit of relief in
his voice. “Take all the time you need. Nothing has to be strained or uneasy between
us, and it doesn’t have to interfere with your job here.”

“I know. Thank you,” Kendall said, hoping that her voice was
adequately conveying her gratefulness.

“I’m going to go ahead to work,” Mark informed her. He leaned
down and placed a soft kiss on her forehead, and she blushed at the sweet gesture.

“Have a good day,” he smiled.

“You too,” Kendall shyly returned, and his smile widened.

Kendall watched as he gathered up his things and headed off to
work. She released a breath that she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. A sense
of immense relief filled her body. That had certainly not been awkward, and Mark
had not merely brushed her off as if nothing had ever happened. They were adults,
after all, but that did not always guarantee emotional maturity. Still, Mark was
much older than her, and he had a great deal more experience dealing with his emotions
and the emotions of others.

Kendall allowed her thoughts to linger on the subject, but after
a while she decided to sit down and start her work. The day flowed seamlessly as
usual, and so did the following days, and even the following weeks. Kendall and
Mark interacted somewhat more intimately, but they did not engage in another encounter.
They had, however, established a routine of sharing breakfast before Mark went to

Kendall found that she was developing deeper feelings for her
boss. He was charming and funny and very intelligent. Kendall worried that their
growing relationship was inappropriate, but he assured her that he found no issue
with their age difference, or the fact that she was his babysitter. He even admitted
that he found it very attractive that she got along with his boys so well, and that
they, in turn liked her. Kendall was flattered by his admission, and she could not
deny that she loved his sons.

There was another factor that Kendall had all but forgotten.
That issue arose in the form of a phone call from her best friend, Allison. Kendall
had been wildly embarrassed as soon as she saw the name appear on her caller ID.
She had been developing feelings for the father of her best friend. The very idea
was enough to embarrass Kendall. Still, she could not shun her friend because of
her own shame, and she nervously answered the phone.

“Hello?” Kendall answered, trying to sound as positive and normal
as possible.

“Hey!” Allison responded excitedly. “How are you?”

“I’m doing well,” Kendall answered, trying to calm the frantic
beat of her heart. “How is school going?”

“Well, as well as one can hope,” Allison said dismissively, and
Kendall laughed. “What about you?”

“The same,” Kendall sighed. “But we’re getting closer to our
degrees every day.”

“You’re absolutely right,” Allison affirmed, her voice confident.
“So what are you up to this weekend?”

“Nothing much,” Kendall shrugged.

“Good,” Allison replied. “I’m coming into town tonight for the
weekend, so you should spend the weekend at my place!”

Kendall said nothing as a wave of anxiety crashed over her. The
idea of spending the weekend with her best friend was, of course, appealing. It
was the idea of spending the weekend with her father that caused her to falter.
Kendall knew very well that sexual tension had been building up between them since
the day they had slept with one another. She knew very well that spending a weekend
in his home would be an ordeal by fire for the both of them.

“Kendall?” Allison’s voice asked on the speaker of the phone.
“You still there?”

“Yeah,” Kendall replied hastily. She despaired briefly. She knew
that she couldn’t deny her friend without arousing suspicion.

“Alright, sounds great!” Kendall said with as much enthusiasm
as she could muster.

“Awesome!” Allison replied happily. “I’ll call you when I get

“Alright,” Kendall confirmed. “I’ll see you soon.”

“See you soon!” Allison chirped, and then hung up the phone.

Kendall made sure that the phone was completely hung up before
she released a shaky breath. She was incredibly nervous about the coming weekend,
but she had agreed to it. And now she had to follow through. She began to gather
up clothes and put them into a bag so that she would not have to return to her home.
She collected a few toiletries and her toothbrush. Just as she had finished packing,
she heard a honk outside her apartment. Kendall looked out the window, and sure
enough, Allison was waiting for her in the parking lot.

Kendall shouldered her bag and exited the apartment, being sure
to lock the door behind her. She got into Allison’s car, and she wasted no time
in wrapping her friend in a tight hug.

“It’s so good to see you,” Kendall said. Her anxiety and tension
seemed to melt away as she was reunited with her friend of so many years.

“I missed you!” Allison replied as she pulled back from their
hug. “I’m so glad we can spend the weekend together. It will be just like when we
were little.”

Kendall allowed her mind to drift back to all the weekends she
had spent with her friend over the years. They were always laughing and talking
about various social items or any number of frivolous things. They always had something
to do together. Kendall allowed herself to remember Mark through all those times.
Kendall remembered thinking how attractive he was. She vividly remembered harboring
a very serious crush on him in junior high. She had not shared her secret with anyone,
especially not Allison.

Now, Kendall could only smile in dark humor at the sense of nostalgia
the memory gave her. Now, her crush had come to fruition in a way she would never
have imagined, and she was still very eager to keep that knowledge out of Allison’s

Before long, Allison pulled into the parking lot of her house,
and each of them gathered their belongings from the trunk. Allison used her key
to enter the home.

BOOK: Wilson's Hard Lesson
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