Read Wilson's Hard Lesson Online

Authors: K. Anderson

Wilson's Hard Lesson (31 page)

BOOK: Wilson's Hard Lesson
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Chapter Six


“I’m home!” she called out. Kendall immediately heard the patter
of footsteps coming from the living room. Allison chuckled as she was wrapped in
two pairs of arms at the waist. She bent down on her knees and hugged her brothers

“Hey, Kendall!” Adam greeted her cheerily, looking up at her
with sparkling eyes.

“Hello, Adam,” Kendall smiled down at him. “Hello, John.”

John gave her a lazy smile, and Kendall smiled even more
broadly as he looked up at her with his calm demeanor.

“Welcome home, sweetheart,” Kendall couldn’t help but shudder
at the sound of Mark’s voice, and she averted her eyes as Allison moved to embrace

“Thanks, Dad,” Allison stood on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on
his cheek.

“Hello, Kendall,” Mark turned to her, and Kendall looked up at
him. She saw a flicker of amusement in his eyes, and she knew he realized the reality
of their situation. Naturally, she blushed.

“Hello, Mr. Thomas,” Kendall replied politely. His smile widened,
but otherwise he appeared unaffected by the formal use of his name.

“Here, you all go into the kitchen,” Mark said. “I’ll go take
your things up to Allison’s room.”

Mark moved to gather their things, and Kendall followed the throng
of people into the kitchen. Dinner was already prepared, and as soon as Mark returned
from upstairs, they commenced to enjoy their meal. Kendall mainly listened as Allison
conversed with her father and brothers. She allowed her eyes to wander across the
table to look at Mark. He was dressed in his loafers and jeans, with a dark green
sweater that clung nicely to his muscled frame. She looked up at his face, and his
eyes were upon her. Kendall felt a surge of hot lust, and she bit her lip. She saw
Mark’s eyes darken from across the table.

The dinner proceeded in that manner, and before long Kendall
felt very aroused. Somehow, rather than being embarrassed, she found herself being
turned on by Mark’s furtive glances at her even as his children were gathered around
the table. Kendall found that her mouth was constantly dry, and she squeezed her
legs together under the table to attempt to get some relief from the dull ache between
her thighs.

At length, they finished dinner, and Kendall offered to clean
up the kitchen so the family could spend some time with Allison. At first they protested,
but Kendall insisted, and the family began to move back into the living room. Mark
lingered, though, and once the others had left the room, he seized Kendall and claimed
her mouth in a fierce kiss. Kendall dug her fingers into his hips and kissed him
back with equal fervor.

Mark pulled back, clasping her head between his hands, his eyes
hungrily searching her face.

“I want you.” he whispered so low that she could scarcely hear
him. Kendall could only nod in response, her lips still tingling from the force
of his kiss.

“Tonight,” he said, and Kendall knew that it was a command. Kendall
nodded again. She didn’t know how she would manage it, but she knew she would find
a way.

Mark gave a single nod, and he kissed her hotly before
returning to the living room. Kendall leaned against the counter as her head spun.
Her heart beat hard in her chest and excitement built up in her stomach. She started
the dishes and allowed her mind to wander to what the night would hold for her and

The rest of the night seemed to pass torturously slowly. Kendall
lingered with the family in the living room for what seemed like hours before Mark
finally stood up to put the boys to bed and to retire himself. Kendall could not
help that her eyes were drawn to his shapely buttocks as he moved up the stairs.

Shortly thereafter, Allison suggested that they also move upstairs
and head off to sleep. Kendall agreed, feeling excitement bubble to the surface.
Once Allison was asleep, she could easily sneak out of her room and go see Mark.
It was getting closer and closer to the time for her to make her move.

Kendall followed her friend into her room, and sat on the bed
as Allison shut the door behind them.

“So,” Allison said softly as she moved toward the bed. “When
were you going to tell me that you were seeing my dad?”

Kendall felt the blood rush from her face.

Chapter Seven


“I don’t know what you mean,” Kendall feigned innocence, and
felt her heart pound hard in her chest.

“I saw you two in the kitchen, Kendall,” Allison said, and Kendall
felt her stomach drop. “Don’t lie to me.”

“I … I don’t know.…” Kendall stammered as she tried to find an
explanation. “I don’t know what happened.”

“I think I do,” Allison said, her voice low as she came to stand
directly in front of Kendall. “I think you slept with my daddy.”

Kendall gasped as Allison suddenly knelt down in front of her
friend and placed a hand on both of her thighs, running her hands slowly upward.
Already in a state of high arousal, Kendall couldn’t help but feel turned on by
the touch. Still, though, Allison was her friend, and she had never acted this way

“Allison!” Kendall protested. “What are you...?”

“Shhh,” Allison suddenly rose and pushed Kendall back onto the
bed, a hand clasped over her mouth. “We wouldn’t want to wake up my brothers.”

Kendall shuddered at the idea and found that it only served to
increase her arousal. She felt Allison’s hand slip under her shirt and move to caress
her breast through her bra. Her eyes fluttered back in her head as her friend’s
soft, delicate hand massaged her flesh, and she rolled her over involuntarily. Kendall
was mildly panicked by the situation, but more than that, her body ached for the
soft touches.

“I saw the way you two looked at one another in the kitchen,”
Allison whispered sensually into Kendall’s ear, sending violent shivers down her
spine. “The air was rippling with tension. It was obvious. I even started to get
a little wet. And if I was turned on, I can only imagine how you must have felt.”

Kendall felt Allison’s hand dip beneath the waistband of her
jeans, and she bit her lip hard as her friend traced a finger through her juices
and circled her clit. She squirmed on the bed beneath her and worked hard to keep
from whimpering or crying out.

“You’re just so wet right now,” Allison whispered and flicked
her tongue over Kendall’s earlobe. “But I know that’s not all for me.…”

Kendall couldn’t even reply as Allison dipped a finger into her
tightness. She bucked her hips up and ground her teeth to keep from crying out in
pleasure. Allison began to pump slowly in and out of her, and Kendall was just beginning
to lose herself in the sensations when she saw the door of Allison’s room open.
Kendall felt her entire body blush furiously as Mark stood in the doorway.

Kendall was desperate to defend herself. But Allison’s hand was
still clamped tightly over her mouth and her fingers were still working deep inside
her. She looked into Mark’s eyes and shuddered at the dark, powerful lust she saw
there. She watched as he entered the room, closing and locking the door behind him.

Kendall’s mind whirled at the insanity of the situation, but
she could hardly think straight as Allison began to twirl her thumb over her engorged

Allison brought her fingers up to Kendall’s face. She moved the
hand that was clamped over her mouth, only to insert two fingers into it. Kendall’s
eyes rolled back as she licked and sucked her friend’s slender fingers, cleaning
them of every drop of her fluids. Allison gestured for her to remain quiet as she
removed her fingers and began to undress. Kendall watched in fascination as Allison
bared her body.

Kendall’s eyes watered as Allison began to massage her
breasts. She began to squirm on the bed beneath them as she felt her orgasm approaching.
She released a soft moan, and Allison withdrew from her in an instant, leaving her

“It won’t do to have you making noises like that,” Allison shook
her head reproachfully.

Allison moved so that she was straddling Kendall’s face. Kendall
felt her heart beat erratically as she looked up at her friend’s glistening entrance.
Allison slowly lowered it onto her face. Kendall couldn’t help herself. She leaned
her head up and lapped hungrily at her friend’s slit, marveling at the exquisite

All the while, Mark stood back and watched the situation
unfold. Kendall arched her back and flexed her hips, and every now and again he
rewarded her by slipping a finger into her depths. Kendall felt stimulated in a
way she never had before. She sucked hard on Allison’s clit, and she felt her friend
bury her hands into her hair as she was lavished with oral affection.

Kendall moved her hand and slipped two fingers into Allison’s
core, pumping into her hard. Allison’s hands tightened in her hair, and she bucked
her hips faster into Kendall’s mouth as she lapped at her clit.

Allison wanted to scream. Her juices were running down over her
face, and her friend had leaned back so that she could manipulate Kendall’s breasts
as she rode her face.

She licked at Allison faster and faster, and she felt Allison’s
inner muscles begin to clench. Kendall gave her friend’s clit a solid flick of the
tongue, and she felt Allison’s body spasm in orgasm. The only sound she made was
a soft gasp, and then she collapsed onto the bed beside Kendall.

 “You made me feel so good Kendall,” Allison whispered sensuously.
“It seems like we could have spent all our years together a little better than we
did, hmm?”

Kendall smiled knowing that this would be a new beginning to
their friendship.


Spread Wide and Filled
by my Best Friend’s Dad

© Naughty Nicole, 2015 – All rights reserved

Published by Steamy Reads4U


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Chapter 1


College was hard, but I was finally getting the hang of it. Living
on campus did make it easier, especially since my best friend lived off campus,
and she was born with every possible privilege you can imagine. I liked Rachel,
and it really had nothing to do with her father’s wealth. It did make my weekends
off campus a lot more fun though.

“Latte?” Rachel asked me, as she walked to the double-doors that
led out of our faculty building. We had just attended our last class for the week,
and I knew that she was going to ask me to come and spend the weekend at her house.
Her father was hardly there, and so she really needed the company.

Also, she needed reinforcements to help deal with her eight-year-old
twin brothers, Jethro and James. I loved the boys, probably a little more than Rachel,
but that is just because I had a little more patience than her.

“Sure…Am I packing a bag?” I asked.

“Do you mind?” she asked, squinting, as we passed my residence.
We went inside and got the things I would need for the weekend. Then we made our
way to her Maserati, and headed off campus, towards her home on the upper eastside
of Manhattan. I was always incredibly star struck whenever we walked into the three-storey
penthouse. It always looked so immaculate, and I always felt like I was transported
into a whole other world.

I wondered what her father must have done to have afforded this
lifestyle, but all she has told me was that her father was loaded. I knew why she
decided to attend university in New York too, because seriously, I wouldn’t want
to leave my home for too long either if it looked like that.

The boys would be home at around 4, their driver picking them
up from boarding school. The maids moved around the house like robots, and Rachel
ignored them for the most part. Her father was not home, as usual, and I really
couldn’t help but think that he probably stayed away from them because he knew that
Rachel was available to look after her brothers.

Walking passed the pictures in the hallway, I noticed their pictures
again. I’ve always thought that her dad was hot. So was her mother. But she died
during childbirth, while she was giving birth to the twins.

There really didn’t seem to be another women in his life now
though, or maybe, that was where he spent all the time that he wasn’t here.

Rachel grabbed a bottle of champagne from the kitchen, and after
we changed into our bathing suits, we went up to their private rooftop pool to tan.
I could really get used to this life. But I needed to remind myself that this wasn’t
my world, and that I was just a guest here.

The boys arrived just after 4p.m., and they greeted me enthusiastically.

“Heather!!!” James yelled at me from across the pool.

“Hello James,” I said, seeing Jethro as he appeared through the
double doors leading on to the roof. They were identical, but their recent change
in hairstyles and their attempt at establishing their independence had definitely
made it easier for me to tell them apart.

The boys hung onto me, and I lifted them off the ground. It was
easy too, because they are just the tiniest, skinniest, most lovable little things.
I really don’t know why Rachel got so irritated with them, for the smallest things.
But I had always been very patient, with kids, with animals, with men.

The twins got into their bathing suits and joined us in the pool.
We played for a while, and then went down to get showered and ready for dinner.
The maids insisted on cooking, but Jethro wanted to make pizza, and he wanted to
make it with me. We tore up the kitchen, having fun, playing music and dancing,
and got two extra-large pizzas out of the oven in about an hour. Then we hung around,
eating, and watching DVDs.

“Dad?” Rachel said, looking back, over the couch. James and Jethro
jumped off the couch and went to hug the man who looked like he just stepped off
the cover of a magazine, the kind that appealed to women who liked silver foxes
with money. I could smell the money on him.

This was the first time that I had been so close to this man.
And he was every bit as attractive as his pictures. More so even, and I could smell
him clear across the room. I caught myself staring, and looked away. As I did, Rachel
stood up and went to him, kissing him on the cheek.

“Dad, this is Heather, a friend from college…” I was not sure
what to do with myself, so I stood up. Rachel motioned with her head for me to come
to them, so I did.

“Hello sir…” I said, extending a hand for him to take. He took
it, and shook it firmly.

“Heather made pizza dad,” Jethro said, excitedly.

“Did she now?” he asked, sounding genuinely interested. Then
he let go of my hand and walked into the room, to where the pizzas were sitting
half-eaten on the table. He grabbed a slice, and took a huge bite from it. “Mmm,”
he said, “this is really good!”

He looked at me and winked. I smiled, and felt my face flushing.
I hoped nobody noticed this, especially not Rachel…

BOOK: Wilson's Hard Lesson
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