Wickedly Wanton: A Ménage Regency Tale (12 page)

BOOK: Wickedly Wanton: A Ménage Regency Tale
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Chapter Nineteen

Aiden pounded into his wife's wet body. Sabine's knees were bent to her chin and she gripped the sides of the chaise lounge, crying out with each thrust.

“Look at me, Sabine,” he demanded.

Her eyes opened, the beautiful blue of them hazy with lust. With love. Her body arched beneath his hands as another shudder of orgasm crashed over her.

“Aiden!” she cried out.

He felt her body clamp down on his, but ruthlessly brought her back up, thumb circling her nub. Kissing her throat, he suckled the soft skin between neck and shoulder. Marking her. Still, he continued to move within her, each thrust driving deeper and deeper.

Again she screamed his name as she orgasmed, body stiff with pleasure, arching into him, smooth, hairless legs pressing hard against his shoulders, waxed pussy grinding against him.

“Please,” she panted, even as her body moved with his, strained against him. “Please, love.”

“There's nothing like being buried deep inside you,” he panted. “You drive away all sense.”

Sabine's hands released their death grip on the edges of the chaise and pulled him closer. Her kiss was hard, a possessive need of passion. Love.

Once more he drove her body up, feeling the edge of control slip away from him. She tightened around him, her inner muscles drawing him farther, deeper.

“I love everything about you,” she gasped. “How you feel in me. Your taste. Your hands. I can never get enough of you. I love you.”

Aiden came then, all semblance of control gone, and he emptied himself within Sabine's warm body. Collapsing atop her, he tried to move, to think, but could only kiss her shoulder, breathe in her scent—him, sex, and that underlying fragrance that was uniquely her. Feel her body wrap around his, hold him close.

“Aiden,” she sighed, hands stroking his back. “Aiden.”

He'd never have believed he could fall in love with someone, but knew he'd found the perfect mate with Sabine. Not only did she meet his every sexual desire, she was clever, amusing, and beautiful.

And she was his.

Running his tongue over the mark he'd made, he tasted her skin. Pressed his lips to her and kissed her deeply. He'd never get enough of her.

His hand rested on her hip, and he lifted her leg over his own, opening her for him again.


The startled squeak gave him pause and Aiden looked up. Faith stood there, white-faced, clutching a sheaf of parchment to her breast but unable to tear her eyes from the scene before her. Aiden felt Sabine's wetness at this latest addition and chuckled.

“Oh, I'm so sorry,” Faith stammered, but her gaze ran over Aiden's back and thighs, to the point where he still joined with Sabine.

Sabine nipped his jaw and he looked down at her. One eyebrow was raised in question, and her hand grabbed his ass, nails digging into him. He kissed his wife slowly, deeply, felt her shiver beneath him. With a nod, he turned to look at Faith, who still stammered her way through apologies.

“I didn't mean to intrude,” she said, probably for the third or fourth time. “I just wanted to, I mean I had to come…I need to speak…”

“Faith,” Aiden said quietly and beckoned her closer.

Sabine shifted, her hard nipples rubbing against his chest. Absently, he tugged on one, and she moaned. Faith's speech stumbled to a halt, and she took a couple of steps closer. He did so enjoy watching his delicious wife with her lover. Faith was so expressive, so responsive, and Sabine loved her.

Aiden was surprised to discover he wasn't jealous over the bond between the pair. Rather, it aroused him—he loved watching them together.

“Yes, Faith.” Sabine's voice was husky as she gestured for Faith to join them. “Come here.”

Faith did so, dropping the crumpled parchment to the floor and kneeling by Sabine's side almost before Sabine finished her sentence.

Lifting himself off his wife, Aiden kissed her, hard, one last time before sitting back and watching them. How beautiful Sabine looked when she took Faith's chin in her hand, kissed her mouth, spread her legs so Faith could kneel between them.

“Undress, Faith,” Aiden ordered.

Sabine pulled back to watch Faith. It hadn't taken long for her to learn to undress herself, to rearrange her clothing so that it was easier to disrobe. Aiden didn't like it that Reddick had been the one to teach Sabine that, to force her to do that. But watching her strip before him, one limb at a time, was highly arousing.

The gown pooled around her knees, and Faith stood, quickly lifting her shift over her head before kneeling back in front of Sabine. Her smooth legs gleamed white on the hardwood floor; her pussy was waxed now, and Aiden could see the moisture of her arousal glistening on her thighs.

Taking his cock into one hand, he caught his wife's eyes and smirked at her knowing look. Aiden stroked himself as Sabine said, “Come here, Faith,” and drew her forward, to her.

He took her mouth in a fast kiss, mouth fierce on hers, bruising. Roughly pinching Faith's nipples, tugging the sensitive peaks until Faith cried out.

But Faith hadn't moved, remained passive as Sabine touched her. She'd learned her lessons well, though Aiden knew she was much more aggressive when he wasn't there. Still, he knew it aroused Sabine to have this power, this control over Faith.

Hell, it aroused him to watch them like this.

“Lie down on the chaise, Faith, and spread your legs.” It was an order eagerly obeyed.

Sabine took one nipple into her mouth, then the other, kissing down Faith's lean body. Spreading her legs wide, she licked Faith's wetness, fingers pumping in and out. Faith cried out, arched into Sabine, tried to grab her head, but Sabine easily swatted her away.

“No, Faith.” Sabine's voice was slightly breathless but insistent, and when she pulled away, Faith sobbed in frustration. “You know the rules—no touching until and unless I say so.”

“Yes, My Lady,” Faith managed.

Aiden stroked his cock, eyeing Sabine's delectable ass as she went back down on Faith. Rolled her nub between long thin fingers, nipped the inside of her thighs, brought Faith higher and higher until she screamed Sabine's name.

Hips still arching, Faith opened her eyes. Sabine crawled up her body and pressed against her, moaning as she did so.

“Would you like to taste me?” Sabine asked. “Would you like my wetness on your tongue?”

“Yes,” Faith gasped, nearly mindless. “My Lady, yes!”

Sabine chuckled and leaned back, her body graceful as she did so. Her back arched, thrusting out her breast, the nipples hard, hips tantalizing close to Faith's mouth.

Cock hard, Aiden continued to stroke himself, his wife's luscious body a temptation he was unable to resist. Faith moved so quickly then, her mouth on Sabine. Fingers pumping in and out, lips drinking in her pleasure, bringing her closer to climax.

“Faith,” Aiden said, lifting her off his wife.

Laying her gently on the floor, he took Sabine and set her atop the other woman. Sabine kissed Faith, impatient, hips grinding against hers, striving for her climax. Positioning himself behind her, Aiden thrust into her, the feel of her wetness driving him perilously close to his own climax.

Withdrawing, he found Faith's fingers and guided them into Sabine as he knelt behind her, slowly entering her back end. She screamed as she came, pushing back against him, down on Faith's fingers.

Aiden moved within her, mouth tasting along her back as she kissed Faith.

“Touch yourself, Faith,” Aiden ordered. “Bring yourself to orgasm.”

She did but he could tell, even as Sabine tightened around him, Faith was too centered on her lover's pleasure instead of hers.

Aiden gave Faith a knowing look. He moved down while still buried in Sabine and guided his wife's mouth to Faith's breast. He and Sabine suckled their lover's dark nipple together, tongues battling over the hard point. With some effort, Faith lifted her body just high enough to allow her fingers to enter her own pussy.

Sabine's fingers soon joined hers, and it did not take much for Aiden to feel the climax start in one, then like a wave pass to the other. His body jerked deeper into Sabine as he came hard, emptying himself into Sabine's puckered entrance.

It took several moments for him to find the energy to disentangle himself from Sabine and Faith. Shifting, he lounged with his wife nestled in his arms, Faith's head across Sabine's stomach.

“What's wrong, Faith?” Aiden asked, Sabine's body warm in his arms. “What caused you to rush in here earlier?”

Faith jumped, shaking off her postcoital bliss, and moved out of Sabine's arms. She scrambled across the floor, searching through her clothing to produce the crumpled letter. Aiden had forgotten about that and now wondered what it said to have her so fearful.

“I received this today,” she whispered and handed it to him.

He took it and quickly read it.

My Daughter,

Mr. Rupert Reddick has made an offer for you. I realize he was once a beau of your dear friend, Sabine, but he is a powerful, rich man and I have accepted his offer on your behalf. The wedding is to take place in three weeks’ time at his Gloucestershire estate. As you are visiting Sabine, your mother and I shall venture to town in time for the nuptials.

All my love,

Your Father

Sabine took the letter from Aiden once he'd finished reading it. She scanned it, clearly not believing him.

?” she said, looking from him to Faith.

Aiden saw the concern, the fear, in the blueness of her eyes. He didn't like it that Reddick was involved. It had to be more than a simple desire for Faith. No, Aiden was certain it was revenge.

“Reddick wants to marry Faith.”

Chapter Twenty

Sabine recoiled, tossing the paper away as if it burned her. Standing, she looked for her shift and tugged it over her head. She didn't want to be naked for this conversation; it made her feel as if Reddick sullied her beautiful afternoon.

“What is that snake thinking now?” she demanded. “How can he do this?”

Sabine flicked her fingers at the letter sitting innocuously on the floor by the chaise. Sick fury filled her, and she kicked the parchment as if it were Reddick. The bastard, he did this on purpose.

“It's obvious, Sabine,” Aiden said, and she could hear the contempt in her husband's voice. “Our little game didn't set well with him. He wants to show he doesn't stay on the losing side. That he can win through whatever means necessary.”

He rose and stood behind her, uncaring of his nudity. But his arms were a warm comfort around her shoulders as he guided her to sit down.

“He wants to disrupt our home life the only way he can.” Aiden drew Faith up and next to her, taking the other woman's shift and tenderly covering her with it. “By attacking our pet.”

Turning to him, she took his hand, clenched it in hers. “What can we do?” she whispered as calmly as she could. “How can we prevent this? I don't want to see Faith leave this house.”

He kissed her forehead, but his words chilled her. “I don't know we can, Sabine. The slimy bastard has acquired her parents’ approval.”

“It can't be this easy for him to take her from us!” Sabine insisted.

He nodded, his expression unreadable. “I'll see what can be done, but make no promises.”

With that, he stalked out, completely naked, his clothes still in the pile where she'd clawed them off him earlier. Sabine stared at that pile and thought how a few hours made such a difference.

She turned to Faith and put her arm around her friend's shoulders. “It'll be all right,” she said. “He'll do whatever he can.”

There was a hint of desperation in Faith's eyes, a depth of sadness Sabine had never seen there.

“I know he'll try,” Faith whispered, tears in her voice. “But he may not be able to do anything. I don't want to leave you and Lord Severn, but also don't want to cost you the kind of trouble Mr. Reddick can bring.”

Sabine kissed her forehead. “Aiden will find a way,” she insisted.

Sabine only partly believed her words.

* * * *

Faith sat very still on the settee, Sabine hovering near the door. Reddick's missive arrived while she forgot herself in Sabine's arms. Forgot about him and his cruelty in forcing her parents to marry her off to him. He was coming round to see her this afternoon. Now, sitting in the parlor awaiting his arrival, she thought she might be ill.

Her fingers gripped the material of her gown so hard it wrinkled, and the smell of the scones made her so light-headed, she begged Sabine to remove them. Even her cup of tea did nothing to ease her stomach.

“Mr. Rupert Reddick,” the butler announced with a hint of disapproval in his formal tone.

Reddick bowed and waited until the butler backed away. In her effort not to notice him, Faith did see the butler leave the parlor doors open. She was strangely grateful for that. Reddick's gaze passed over her to settle on Sabine and he walked to them, bowing over the hand Sabine had not offered.

“I've seen you bare,” he whispered to Sabine. “Why so utterly formal, my dear?”

Sabine glared at him and snatched her hand away. Reddick chuckled and moved to the chair opposite them.

“Have you shown Severn all your tricks?” he wondered, sitting down. “Have you fallen to your knees and opened your mouth for him yet? Wrapped those tantalizing lips around his cock?”

“His cock,” she said haughtily as she swept around the table and sat beside Faith, “is the only one I could feel down my throat. Now,” she said, not offering him a cup of tea, “what is your game with Faith? She's not the type of girl to interest you.”

“And how would you know that, Sabine?” Reddick wondered, neatly ignoring her. Faith was glad for that and hoped she melted into the settee. “I have a wide range of tastes. And Miss Faith is comely enough. Besides, it gives me great pleasure to remove a toy from Severn's household.”

“So you admit,” Sabine said, triumphantly, “this is but a petty retaliation.”

Reddick watched her, a long, uncomfortable moment where Faith tried not to fidget. Tried not to bring attention to herself.

“There's nothing petty about this,” he laughed, a cruel sound that made her skin crawl.

How had Sabine stood him all those weeks? How could
survive him?

“Rather,” Reddick added, “a very clever gambit.”

“Why waste your energies on such a gambit, Reddick?” Sabine wondered. “Move on, find another morsel to subjugate. Our friendship,” she said, shocking Faith with the twist in conversation, “with that gesture might be of value to you in the future.”

The lust in Reddick's eyes was palatable as he rose and stood before them. “I have no interest in your friendship.”

His hand shot out and pulled Faith to her feet. She stumbled, not expecting such a move, but couldn't break away. His fingers bruised her as they fondled her breast, lifting it from her gown and maliciously twisting the nipple. She cried out in pain and swore the sound aroused him.

“I simply want to explore my delectable fiancée.” He jerked Faith's chin up and leaned close to her. She could smell his breath, see the brutal gaze as he continued to touch her.

“As I'm certain Severn has.” With that, he dipped his head and bit down on her nipple, lapping the point as he held her still.

Faith looked to Sabine, who closed the distance between them and pushed Reddick, yanking Faith behind her. Eyes downcast, tears falling uncontrollably, Faith righted herself. Her fingers felt stiff, refusing to obey her commands, and all she could think of was that Aiden had just tasted that nipple, that Sabine had suckled her, aroused her.

“This is inappropriate even for a bastard like you,” Sabine spat and pushed him again.

Reddick laughed but bowed and took a step back.

“You may have her parents’ written consent,” she continued, “but you haven't hers. And it's unlikely you'll receive it.”

That wouldn't work, and both she and Sabine knew it—she wasn't of age, not yet one-and-twenty, and couldn't make her own marriage choices. Her parents’ consent was all Reddick needed. Reddick's laugh told Faith as much, but she couldn't raise her head to see him, mortified over his actions.

“I have all the permissions I require. Three days’ time, my dear Faith, and I'll expect you at my house for a lovely little wedding ceremony.”

Faith's gaze jerked to his. Her father's letter said the end of the month! Had he lied to her? Or had Reddick lied to her Father? The latter most likely, Faith realized as cold settled over her limbs.

“You may bring your friends,” Reddick added, backing out of the room. “Lord and Lady Severn, if you wish.”

“Reddick—” Sabine started.

“There is a way to forgo the wedding ceremony,” Reddick offered with a sick grin. “Perhaps a small arrangement between you and I, Sabine?” He sighed dramatically. “I regret not sinking myself into your warm, wet depths.”

“Leave,” Sabine snarled. “Get out now.”

Reddick offered one last chuckle and said, “Three days.”

Faith knew that was directed at her, though she didn't look up at him.

“I'll have my carriage sent.”

She heard his boots on the floor but didn't move until Sabine came over and guided her back to the settee.

“He's gone,” she whispered, hands soothing on her face and arms. “Faith, he's gone. Reddick is a right smug bastard,” she added in a hiss, but her hands never lost their gentleness.

Faith was far from comforted.

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