Wickedly Wanton: A Ménage Regency Tale (13 page)

BOOK: Wickedly Wanton: A Ménage Regency Tale
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Chapter Twenty-One

They walked through the garden paths, enjoying the early fall day. The weather had not yet changed, and several hardy summer flowers still bloomed. Sabine chose her words carefully but eventually decided tact was not the way to approach this conversation.

She knew what Reddick was like, what he wanted, especially from Faith, and Sabine didn't think he'd be gentle or understanding in any way with her. Aiden did as well—she'd confessed all to him before their wedding. She'd told Faith, granted, but didn't believe her lover truly understood exactly what went on between her and Reddick.

Beneath their feet, dead leaves crunched, and birds chirped from tree branches, scurrying over the garden. Sabine took a deep breath, eyed the rabbit hiding beneath a bush, and started a conversation she'd rather not have.

“Faith, I'm concerned about Reddick, everything that's transpiring between us all. It would make his treatment of you likely harsher. I have a suggestion you may not like,” Sabine said as they rounded the fountain.

Memories from her first time here had her smiling, and she wondered what her life would have been like had Faith not insisted she seize this chance. Married to Reddick, no doubt, and Sabine shuddered in revulsion. Phenomenal physical pleasure aside, she loved Aiden with everything in her. He made her laugh, understood her quest for knowledge and her grasp of all things political. When the war with Napoleon was over, he promised to show her the world, and Sabine knew he'd keep that promise.

that letter
, Sabine had intended to bring Faith with them as they traveled. Now, unless Aiden could figure out another way, or Reddick somehow rejected Faith, she didn't think that would happen.

“I know.” Faith turned to look at her, nodding as she accepted Sabine's words. “He's using this opportunity with me against Lord Severn. For wining that game, for wining
. Perhaps, I should speak with my father.” Her voice rose, panic threading through, and Sabine could tell she was on the verge of hysteria. “Tell him I don't wish to marry Reddick!”

“Faith,” Sabine interrupted gently, taking her friend's hand and holding it tightly. “Do you honestly believe they'll release you from this obligation? Reddick is a wealthy, respected man, and they want to see you secure. Living with me and Aiden, in their eyes, is not security. It's a temporary measure.”

She nodded her agreement, and the hysteria faded into misery. Despondent in the knowledge that her parents would push for this, and her life with Reddick would be wretched. Sabine took a deep breath, tightened her grip on Faith's hand, and plunged in.

“I have a suggestion,” she said.

Faith looked at her curiously, tears shining in her dark brown eyes.

“I think you should allow,” she began cautiously, “Severn to take your virginity. I'll be with you.” Sabine rushed on when Faith stopped dead, caressing her friend's cheek, then, with care as she insisted, “But I'd rather see Severn introduces you to that type of sex than know you'll be introduced to it in a very…
way by Reddick.”

Stumbling backward, Faith looked at her in horror. “I'd hoped I would only need to be that close with you. I'm not interested in being with a man.”

Sabine nodded in understanding and took Faith's face between her hands, pressed her lips lightly to the other woman's. “I think this is for the best,” she whispered, wondering how Reddick would abuse her when he took her that first time, sick at the image of what he'd do. “Aiden will be as gentle as you need him to be.”

* * * *

Faith swallowed her nervousness and tried to move a step closer to the bed. Until now, until she knew Severn would touch her,
enter her
, she'd never noticed how…so very large he was. Tall, muscular, and naked, his cock thick and hard, the epitome of a man—and she'd never once wanted a man, only ever Sabine. One hand lay on Sabine's back as they stood beside the bed, awaiting her.

She didn't think she could do this.

But Sabine was there too. Clearly they'd been intimate, for Sabine had that well-loved look Faith knew all too well. Also naked, her hair lay wild over her shoulders, full breasts with a bite mark on one side, nipples hard, her hairless pussy moist with passion.

Faith took another step, breathing easier.

She knew Sabine loved her, that Severn cared for her, that they would make this pleasurable but could not, simply could not bring herself to move closer.

Terror seeped into her veins, not at the thought of Severn inside her, but at the thought of Reddick.

The man paralyzed her with fear, yet she knew Sabine was correct in this.

“Faith,” Sabine said as if she could read her thoughts. “Come closer.” Then she stepped forward, holding out a hand. “I told you,” she said gently, a smile on her face that reiterated the promises she'd made. “I'll be here the entire time. It'll be me beside you.”

Wordlessly, Faith nodded and tried to swallow around the lump in her throat. Surprisingly, she found herself before the couple, quite unaware of how she came to be there. Breathing easier, she looked up at Severn, and though she was utterly unaroused, she didn't feel the need to flee in terror.

“I'll make it as gentle as possible, Faith,” Severn promised.

His large hand cupped her cheek, and for the first time since Reddick's visit, the knot in Faith's stomach loosened. She nodded up at him and relaxed. Believed him.

Before she realized it, Sabine's hands were on her, a soft caress over her shoulder, along her collarbone, her breasts. Faith's breath let out in a whoosh and she arched into her lover's hands. Sabine's mouth was on her, gentle, probing, and Faith lost herself in the feel, in the sensation. Until she hit the bed, Faith hadn't realized Sabine walked her backward, and she didn't care.

Climbing up, she didn't break contact with Sabine, didn't care Aiden was right there—he often was. This wasn't about that other, this was about them—her and Sabine, the only woman, the only
, Faith had ever desired.

Sabine's hands pushed her backward, still lightly grazing her skin, teasing to the point of arousing. Her mouth kissed here, nipped there, sending sparks of need through her, never enough. Faith reached up, but Sabine pulled back and took her hands.

“No, Faith,” she said gently but firmly.

Then Sabine returned to her breasts, suckling the nipple. Had she meant Faith was to remember her place, her role? That Sabine was in charge, her mistress? Moaning as Sabine's teeth bit on her sensitive nipple, Faith didn't care. Curling her fingers into the bedding, Faith released all her reservations about this, about her future, and allowed Sabine to do to her as she pleased.

Her hands lifted her breasts, kissed the underside, sucked each nipple in turn. Her mouth kissed down her belly and over her hip, along the inside of her thigh. Fingers brushed her pussy, and Faith opened her legs wider, silently begging though she bit her lips to keep the words from leaving her mouth.

Again, Sabine's fingers brushed her, over and over, and finally, just as Faith thought she could take no more, entered her.

A long, low moan escaped her, and Faith pushed against Sabine's fingers, deeper, as her thumb rubbed her nub. Her pleasure built higher, hips jerking against Sabine, and all Faith knew was this; this clawing passion, this unbearable need to feel her lover against her.

Higher and higher still, and then Sabine's mouth was on hers, hungrily tasting her, fingers still moving within her. The orgasm crashed through her, a shocking wave of pleasure that had Faith screaming Sabine's name.

It took Faith a moment to realize her lover had moved. That her fingers no longer filled her, her mouth no longer tasted her. The bedding shifted, and suddenly Sabine was behind her, fingers on her breasts, mouth slanted, from behind, over hers.

Severn was there. The afterglow of her orgasm still surrounded Faith, and Sabine's body hovered over hers, her kiss arousing, her hands on her breasts.

Sabine pulled back, and Severn took her face in his hands. Faith looked up at him, still aroused, but swallowed against the uncomfortable fear hovering on the edges.

“It'll be all right,” he promised. Oddly enough, Faith believed him.

Kissing her forehead, he held her gaze as his fingers entered her. Spread her wider even as Sabine continued to tweak her nipples, caress her body. Severn's finger encircled her nub, and she shuddered as her climax once more built. Aroused, Faith tried not to tense, but it was inevitable.

When Severn entered her, she screamed. He was big, filling her more than Sabine ever could. But he stilled, allowed her to adjust to him. Sabine's fingers drifted down her body, and she lay next to her, slowly rubbing her nub, building her to that delicious peak.

Opening her eyes, she looked up at him and nodded. She couldn't speak, of that she was positive, but she let him know she was all right nonetheless.

He moved slowly, and with each movement she relaxed. Looking to the side, Faith held Sabine's eyes as her body adjusted to Severn's every thrust, but it was Sabine who aroused her, who made her skin tingle and her blood heat.

Faith reached for her lover, who bent down to engulf her in a kiss. Faith could feel Severn's deep thrusts into her body, but her mind concentrated on the taste, the softness, of Sabine. Their kiss was long, intense, and Faith clung to it, to
like a lifeline.

Sabine had her heart, even if Severn moved inside her body.

Severn pulled out of Faith. She hid the relief she felt when he did so by nestling her face into Sabine's neck. A moment later, Sabine released her and was on her back, legs wrapped high on Severn's waist as he pounded into her. Sabine, even as she chanted Severn's name, urged Faith to come up and straddle her.

Doing as instructed, she settled over Sabine, who twirled her tongue around Faith's nub. Faith gripped the bed's headboard as she felt her body tense with the mere touch of Sabine's talented tongue. She heard Sabine shout her release, hands gripping Faith's thighs as she climaxed.

Seconds later, she bucked over Sabine as her own climax took her hard, making spots dance around the edges of her vision. Severn grunted Sabine's name, taking Faith's arm and making certain he had her attention as he climaxed within Sabine.

The three of them collapsed in a tangle of flesh and whispered comforts; the scent of sex hung heavy in the air. Severn held Sabine tight as she brushed her fingers comfortingly through Faith's hair. It was a most insane arrangement—in all the time they'd been lovers, Faith had never really touched Severn.

Now they all wanted this, needed this, and tentatively, she reached out and touched him, rested her hand on his chest, felt the hardness of muscle, the coarseness of hair, and curled her fingers.

Retreating, she turned her head into the pillow as a tear slipped out. She would lose this, lose them. Not just her love and need of Sabine, but even Severn and his acceptance and caring. These two people were all she cared about in this world, and she was about to lose them.

Chapter Twenty-Two

When his carriage rounded the corner and Reddick's house came into view, Aiden narrowed his eyes. The man was a blight. An unwelcomed intrusion on his happy home. Any hope that he would be a gentleman and lose with grace was squashed when the letter from Faith's parents arrived.

The bastard must have been plotting this since the day of the challenge.

As Aiden's carriage pulled in front of the steps, Reddick appeared in the doorway. Opening the door before the carriage was in full stop, Aiden stepped down in front of the older man.

“Smug, aren't we.” Aiden stated, gazing at the man with all the contempt he felt.

No, he didn't love Faith. She was no Sabine, but she was a sweet woman. And Sabine loved her. That was enough for Aiden. Hell, knowing Reddick as he did, he'd do this for a complete stranger.

“You won the lovely Sabine,” Reddick retorted with a smirk Aiden wanted to wipe off the bastard. His hand waved negligently before him, clearly dismissing Faith's importance. “What do I have to be smug about? Miss Faith is but a mere consolation.”

“I am sure you, of all men,” Aiden said evenly, “would rather have a woman better suited to your particular tastes. Faith is
such a woman.”

Reddick didn't invite Aiden inside, and Aiden was certain that if he'd done so, Aiden would have found a means to dispose of the other man. Unfortunately, that was the absolutely last resort.

“I will mold her,” Reddick said with a particularly nasty sneer, “to my particular tastes, fear not, Lord Severn.”

“Your obsession with my household does concern me.” Aiden's tone reflected his annoyance but little else. No need to give Reddick more than he already had in regards to his home. “Perhaps,” he mocked, “you're having trouble finding your own women to satisfy your appetites? Is that why you raid my chambers?”

Reddick's eyebrow rose at that statement, but he didn't comment on it. A sexual man, a man who had no doubt seen more than he let on, Reddick had to know Faith held no interest in men.

“I never have trouble finding women to please me,” Reddick snapped. “However, when my selections are stolen with the pretense of a gentlemanly challenge…I tend to get agitated and seek retribution. Why should the loss of Miss Faith bother you so? Sabine is the gem and you have safely ensconced her in your crown.”

“Sabine is fond of Faith.” Aiden shrugged. Maybe not so worldly after all. “She wants no undo harm or distress to come to her friend. This marriage you propose is causing such distress.”

“Why should it?” Reddick queried with a sharp laugh. “All young ladies will have to marry eventually, for their own protection as well as secure future. I shall offer Miss Faith a
comfortable existence.”

“Sabine has explained your idea of marriage to me.” He held himself in check, refusing to beat the man to death over it.

Not on Reddick's own driveway, though Aiden did not rule out such a possibility. Sabine was his. The very thought of Reddick's hands on her infuriated Aiden. His wife was a passionate, willing adventuress, and she was his alone.

“It's not something she believes Faith would enjoy.” Aiden slipped a hand into his vest pocket and withdrew a wad of banknotes. “I could make it much easier for you to conduct your banking business in London. In exchange, perhaps this intended marriage could—”

“I have no interest,” Reddick interjected callously, “in your help. My business is on firm ground, Severn. The only interest I have that involves
is seeing that you accept the invitation to my wedding ceremony.”

Aiden laughed, a scoffing sound, and turned for his carriage. He didn't bother with further discourteous courtesies. The moment the door closed, his driver sped off. Restless, he drummed his fingers against his leg, mind working on this latest between him and Reddick.

Faith was a pawn in their game and would pay the price for her friendship with Sabine. Perhaps it was just as well Reddick didn't realize just how close Sabine and Faith were, how often the three of them shared a bed. Things would go much worse for the woman then.

There had to be a way to halt this marriage, to stop Reddick—

To stop Reddick. Aiden slowly smiled an evil grin as he let the idea grow.

* * * *

Rupert Reddick suppressed an anticipatory grin. Tomorrow was his wedding day and that damnable Severn couldn't stop him. A meticulous man, he wanted to double-check all the preparations for tomorrow's wedding breakfast.

The parlor curtains opened to the weak autumn sunlight, highlighting the green of the room. Green brocade-covered chairs sat against one wall, underneath his hunting tapestry. The room had been cleared out for the ceremony itself, where before the vicar, several business associates, and her closest friend, he'd wed the chit.

A servant hurried in carrying a vase of late-summer flowers to add to the already overpowering scent of them. When she saw Reddick, she smiled and curtsied, careful not to tilt the vase.

He waited while she sat the heavy crystal down before ordering her over. She instantly obeyed, and he knew the bold maid was already wet for him. Snarling at her, he yanked her dress down, exposing her breasts, large nipples already hard peaks. Pinching them, he watched her coldly as she closed her eyes and moaned, thrusting her breasts out.

“Naughty girl,” he whispered, giving her nipples one last vicious twist that made the woman's breath hitch. “You know better.”

Shoving her away, he didn't bother to look at her as he inspected the rest of the house. No doubt she fingered herself to a quick orgasm, but Reddick had better things to do. And other, better trained maids who would see to his sexual propensities.

In the kitchens, the cook assured him the wedding breakfast would be worth remembering and that he need not worry. She was a handsome woman, but far too brash for his liking. Impatient, he roamed the house, cock hard, temper held in check by a slippery thread.

Banging open the doors to his rooms, he watched the upstairs maid instantly drop to her knees. Ah, perfect. Here was one who knew her place.

Ignoring her, though her submissiveness pleased him greatly, he scrutinized the rooms. The mat he instructed his latest mistress to sleep upon while she was in favor had been removed. Perhaps he should have it returned, show dear Faith exactly where she stood in the hierarchy of the household.

“Put the mat back,” he ordered, snapping his fingers so the maid could rise and do his bidding. “And fetch Mary Ann,” he added.

The girl nodded and scurried out. Mary Ann was his favorite and best-trained mistress. She trained the newest maids and disciplined their interaction with the footmen. He didn't care who did what in his household, so long as it didn't interfere with his desires while he was at home.

Mary Ann entered, dropped to her knees, hands clasped behind her back, head bowed.

“My lord,” Mary Ann asked, “how precisely would you like your chambers to be arranged for your first night with your bride?”

Smiling at her efficiency, he beckoned her forward. She obeyed, still kneeling as she moved to his feet. Caressing the top of her head, he grabbed her chin and tilted her face so she looked up at him.

“Little Miss Faith,” he said softly, “will have to become used to this household and her position within it. And I wish her to be fully aware,” he continued, yanking Mary Ann's head back until she gasped, “of what that position is. Be sure the floor mat is arranged at the foot of the bed. She's to sleep there when I finish with her.”

“Yes, my lord,” Mary Ann said, though with her head yanked back at such a hard angle, it came out in a rasp whisper. Still, she didn't complain, and that was what he enjoyed about her.

“As I'm to be quite busy with several business arrangements over the next months,” he said, suppressing the fury over Severn's manipulating of his creditors. Reddick now had to rebuild their trust in him, to rebuild his business.

Setting that aside, he released her hair and gestured for her to rise before saying evenly, “I entrust you with my bride's initial training. I won't have the time I wish to have to mold her.”

“Will she, as your wife,” Mary Ann asked, “be made first amongst us…Sir?”

Reddick laughed, pulling the woman's dress down so her generous breasts spilled out. He pinched her nipples, twisting them until they were hard tempting peaks. She didn't say a word, merely tugged her dress further. So very well trained.

“That honor belongs to you, my dear,” he assured her. “My wife will be last. I want her to fall to her knees and suck the cock of the horse's groom if I so see fit. I want her to submit in every conceivable manner to
orders her to do so.”

“Would you care for us to train her, Sir” she asked, “in all forms of submission? Or will some of those delights be left untouched for you?”

“Train her completely,” he ordered dismissively. “I want her stripped of everything until all she knows is how to respond to orders. Debase her so that she is so pliable I'll have no trouble thrusting my cock into whichever hole I wish.”

“Very well,” she agreed. “But I warn you, Sir, I'll have no mercy on her.”

So saying, she went to the curio cabinet in the corner and opened the glass door. Carefully lifting the anal training glass phallus and the longer, thick phallus, Mary Ann turned to face him again.

“I may not use the smaller one,” she said.

Grinning, he strode to her and plucked the anal one from her hands and set it on the shelf with a decisive click. Taking the larger one, he ran it over her breasts, the cold glass against her heated skin causing her to involuntarily shiver.

“Do as you wish with her.” Phallus in one hand, he forgot about his soon-to-be wife and ordered his maid, “Strip, crawl to the bed, and bend over, ass in the air.”

Mary Ann obeyed, and by the time he undid his pants, she was in the perfect position for him to fuck her.

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