Adventurous Me

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Authors: Deanndra Hall

Tags: #Romance, #drama, #Erotica, #erotic romance, #Mystery

BOOK: Adventurous Me
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Adventurous Me

Deanndra Hall

Adventurous Me

Copyright © 2014 Deanndra Hall

Kindle Edition

Celtic Muse Publishing, LLC

P.O. Box 3722

Paducah, KY 42002-3722

All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

This book is a work of fiction.

Names of characters, places, and events are the construction of the author, except those locations that are well-known and of general knowledge, and all are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is coincidental, and great care was taken to design places, locations, or businesses that fit into the regional landscape without actual identification; as such, resemblance to actual places, locations, or businesses is coincidental. Any mention of a branded item, artistic work, or well-known business establishment, is used for authenticity in the work of fiction and was chosen by the author because of personal preference, its high quality, or the authenticity it lends to the work of fiction; the author has received no remuneration, either monetary or in-kind, for use of said product names, artistic work, or business establishments, and mention is not intended as advertising, nor does it constitute an endorsement. The author is solely responsible for content.

Cover design by
Novel Graphic Designs
, used by permission of the artist

Formatting by
BB eBooks

Material in this work of fiction is of a graphic sexual nature and is not intended for audiences under 18 years of age.

Love Under Construction Series
The Groundbreaking
(Free Introductory Volume) – Summer 2013

The Groundbreaking is a preview of the main characters contained in all of the Love Under Construction Series books. Not intended as a work of erotic fiction, it is simply a way for the reader to get to know and love each character by discovering their backgrounds. Contains graphic situations that are unsuitable for readers under 18 years old.

Laying a Foundation
(Book 1) – Fall 2013

Sometimes death robs us of the life we thought we’d have; sometimes a relationship that just won’t die can be almost as bad. And sometimes the universe aligns to take care of everything. When you’ve spent years alone, regardless the circumstances, getting back out there can be hard. But when you’ve finally opened up to love and it looks like you might lose it all, can love be enough to see you through?

Tearing Down Walls
(Book 2) – Fall 2013

Secrets – they can do more damage than the truth. Secrets have kept two people from realizing their full potential, but even worse, have kept them from forming lasting relationships and finding the love and acceptance they both desperately need. Can they finally let go of those secrets in time to find love – and maybe even to stay alive?

Renovating a Heart
(Book 3) – Spring 2014

Can a person’s past really be so bad that they can never recover from it? Sometimes it seems that way. One man hides the truth of a horrific loss in his teen years; one woman hides the truth of a broken, scarred life that took a wrong turn in her teens. Can they be honest with each other, or even with themselves, about their feelings? And will they be able to go that distance before one of them is lost forever?

Planning an Addition
(Book 4) – Fall 2014

When you think you’re set for life and that life gets yanked out from under you, starting over is hard. One woman who’s starting over finds herself in love with two men who’ve started over too, and she’s forced to choose. Or is she? And when one of them is threatened by their past, everyone has choices to make. Can they make the right ones in time to save a life?

The Harper’s Cove Series

Beginning with the flagship volume, Karen and Brett at 326 Harper’s Cove, find out exactly what the neighbors of Harper’s Cove are up to when they go inside and close their doors. According the Gloria, the drunken busy-body of the cove, they’re all up to something perverse, and she’s determined to find out their secrets. As she sneaks, peeks, pokes, and prods, her long-suffering husband, Russell, begs her to leave all of their nice neighbors alone. But could Gloria be right?

The Harper’s Cove series books are fast, fun, nasty little reads priced just right to provide a quick, naughty romp. See if each of the couples of Harper’s Cove shock you just enough to find out what the neighbors at the next address will do!

Karen and Brett at 326 Harper’s Cove

Gloria wants more than anything to be invited to one of Karen and Brett Reynolds’ parties, and she’s very vocal about it. Karen and Brett, however, know full well that if Gloria were ever invited to one of their parties, she would be in a hurry to leave, and in an even bigger hurry to let everyone know they’re the scourge of the neighborhood. Every Saturday night, Karen and Brett keep their secrets – all twelve of them.

Donna and Connor at 228 Harper’s Cove

Those nice people at 228, the Millicans? They’re religious counselors, trying to help lovely couples who are having marital problems. Problem is, they’re not counseling; training, maybe, but not counseling. But no matter what Donna says, Gloria still thinks the truck that delivered large crates to the Millicans’ house in the wee hours of the morning two weeks after they’d moved in was pretty suspicious. Donna says it was exercise equipment that the moving company had lost, but Gloria’s not so sure. Could it be that they’re not as they appear?

Becca and Greg at 314 Harper’s Cove

Even though they’re quiet and stay to themselves, Becca and Greg Henderson seem pretty nice and average. They don’t go out much or have many people over, except for that one couple who are probably relatives. But when that half-sister of Becca’s moves in, it all seems a little fishy; she gets around pretty well for a person recovering from cancer. And where was Becca going all decked out in that weird outfit? The Henderson are tight-lipped, but Gloria hopes she can eventually get to the bottom of things. If she does, she’ll get the biggest surprise of her life.

And we’re just getting started!

I don’t really know where this novel came from.

One day the title just came to me. I’m not sure why. I wasn’t looking for anything else to write – god knows I’ve got enough stuff on deck. But the title intrigued me, so I set out to write whatever the book was supposed to be.

And just when I thought it was a lost cause, Trish started to speak and everything fell into place. I met Sheila, and Dave, and Steffen, and then Clint, and Trish told me all about them through her eyes. I didn’t quite know what I thought about it. But I found out pretty quick what my betas thought about it.

They loved it.

And so I offer it to you, a sweet little read full of sass and pain and passion and over-the-top, hardcore sex. And love – don’t forget love. It’s what makes the world go ‘round, you know!

Love and happy reading,


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P.O. Box 3722, Paducah, KY 42002-3722

Independent (Indie) authors are not a new phenomenon, but they are a hard-working one. As Indie authors, we write our books, have trouble finding anyone to beta read them for us, seldom have money to hire an editor, struggle with our cover art, find it nearly impossible to get a reviewer to even glance at our books, and do all of our own publicity, promotion, and marketing. This is not something that we do until we find someone to offer us a contract – this is a conscious decision we’ve made to do for ourselves that which we’d have to do regardless (especially promotion, which publishers rarely do anyway). We do it so big publishing doesn’t take our money and give us nothing in return. We do it because we do not want to give up rights to something on which we’ve worked so hard. And we do it because we want to offer you a convenient, quality product for an excellent price.

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Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page


More titles from this author

A word from the author

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Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Author’s Note

Sneak Peek: Laying a Foundation

Sneak Peek: Tearing Down Walls

Sneak Peek: Renovating a Heart

Connect with Deanndra on Substance B

Chapter 1

oddamn it, Trish!” Ron ducks as I hurl another object. I’m not even sure what it was. It doesn’t matter.

“Boring, huh? Tiresome, huh? Predictable, huh? Didn’t predict this, did you, rat bastard?” I hurl an empty beer bottle at him. It misses his head by a fraction of an inch and crashes into the wall. I’m going to have a helluva mess to clean up, but right this minute, I don’t care.

“Nuts! That’s it, completely nuts! Trish, STOP IT!” He ducks again when I throw the crystal vase his parents gave us for our first anniversary.

Almost thirty years. That’s what I’ve given this sad son of a bitch – almost thirty years. Wasted. No kids. Moved far away from my family.

And now I’m boring? Tiresome? Predictable?

Well, we’ll just see about that!

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