Wickedly Wanton: A Ménage Regency Tale (11 page)

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He leaned closer, saw Sabine's eyes darken with interest, and knew it was arousal as well as power over Faith.

“And believe me,” he whispered into her ear, “I know that is all she wants.”

Chapter Seventeen

Sabine expected Faith this afternoon and was torn between excitement at seeing her friend and longing for another month of solitude with her husband. In the whirlwind two weeks they'd been home, she barely had a chance to think about her friend's visit, what with getting accustomed to being Lady Severn and all that accompanied that.

As she walked through the garden, anticipation raced through her veins. Both of tasting Faith's luscious body and of the training Aiden wished to instill in the other woman. She had to admit, the thought of a subservient Faith awakened something within her.

Shaking her head, Sabine entered the house. Aiden was in town tending to business and wouldn't return until late tonight. Whether he did that on purpose or not, she didn't know but had agreed with him—and promised herself—that she'd begin Faith's training immediately.

Sitting by the open French doors, she picked up her book and tried to occupy her mind until Faith's arrival. She hadn't long to wait.

“My Lady Severn,” the butler said, “Miss Faith has arrived.”

Standing, Sabine waited as Faith rushed into the back parlor. She kissed both her friend's cheeks and held her close. Until then, Sabine hadn't realized how much she'd missed her.

“I've gone out of my mind missing you,” Faith whispered. Stepping back she said louder, “Here in Gloucestershire, it's been a terrible bore! Even the gossips have had little to speak of these past months.”

“I've missed you as well, Faith.” To the hovering butler she nodded. “Please have the maid bring refreshments to the back terrace.”

The butler bowed and went to see to it, as well as to Faith's trunks. She wouldn't, as Sabine knew she would assume, be sleeping with them. No, she'd have her own room in the opposite wing as befitted a visiting friend…and as Aiden nicknamed her, as a pet.

The lawn looked different than the last time they'd sat here. It sparked memories of Rupert Reddick that Sabine didn't wish to invoke. Apparently, Faith remembered the same things and offered up the latest gossip on the man.

“Mr. Reddick has been seen cavorting with another,” Faith said as the maid set out refreshments. Sabine relaxed in the chair as the girl quickly did her job, but Faith seemed tense. “A meek girl, I hear, but both seem rather pleased with the arrangement.”

Sabine wondered how meek the other girl truly was, and if Reddick trained her as he had Sabine. Of course he would—that was what he did, was where his sexual proclivities lay. Shaking those thoughts from her mind, she nodded to the maid, who instantly curtsied and left.

“It's rather curious,” Faith continued. “I assume they will soon become betrothed. The girl has a dowry of twenty-five thousand pounds! Though I can't imagine Mr. Reddick needing the money.”

“Perhaps,” Sabine said and sipped her tea, “it isn't about the dowry.”

Faith nodded to that, but Sabine wondered how much she truly comprehended about what went on between Sabine and Reddick. Faith, for all her enthusiasm in the bedroom, was still naïve. Sabine would bet her newfound happiness with Aiden that Reddick's supposed betrothed's dowry was merely an added bonus.

“And is that how you've kept yourself occupied these last months?” Sabine asked with a light smile. “Listening to gossip?”

“I've had very little else,” Faith said in a quiet voice, “save tend to Mother and sit through the parade of eligible suitors she and Father host.” She leaned closer and looked around as if any would dare interrupt the mistress of the house. “I'm so very happy to stay here with you,” she admitted and caressed her thigh.

Sabine smiled against the spark of lust Faith's touch elicited. She took her friend's hand and lifted it as if to kiss it. She could see that expectation in Faith's eyes. But then she set it on the table and stayed where she was.

Disappointment washed over Faith's face, so heavy she appeared crushed by it. Faith removed her hand from the table and twisted it within her skirts.

Sabine didn't move to remedy her misconception, and realized that much as she loved Faith, much as she wanted to feel her friend kiss her pussy, wanted to bring her friend to those delicious heights of passion, she wanted this power over her more. Wanted to train her, wanted to see her obey their every command.

“Have you lost all affection for me now that you are Lady Severn?” Faith asked in a pained whisper, eyes downcast.

“No,” Sabine said calmly. “However, things have changed and you must accommodate this change.”

“How?” Faith asked, still taken aback.

“You must learn.”

Faith nodded dejectedly but didn't look up from her lap. “Are we no longer to be friends?” she asked. “Am I here to learn to obey and naught more?”

“If you wish to continue familiar relations, with me and my husband,” Sabine said less kindly than she might, “then this is the price. Are you willing to pay this price?”

Faith raised her eyes and looked at Sabine quietly for long, long moments. Eventually she said quite seriously, “If it allows me to be with you, I'll pay any price.”

Sabine nodded. Aiden had been correct, nearly to Faith's exact wording, when he said the other woman would accept this offer.

“You shall do as I say and not go beyond,” Sabine warned harshly. “With one look you'll understand when I do not want you near. And with a single gesture, you will come to understand when I want your attention. If we are to live in this house,” she continued. Faith nodded eagerly. “You will learn restraint and will learn to serve me or Aiden as we please.”

“I agree,” Faith said instantaneously.

“Then we shall get along splendidly.” Sabine smiled and brushed her hand over Faith's breast in a light caress. Faith shivered but wisely kept silent. “Are you finished, Faith?”

She nodded, and Sabine gestured for her to stand and follow. Aiden had told her to trust her instincts when it came to training Faith. Much to Sabine's surprise, it truly was that simple. She'd had the servants draw the bath the moment Faith arrived.

“You'll disrobe me,” Sabine said as the maid left the room with a deep curtsy, “and bathe me but naught more. Understood?”

“All right, Sabine,” Faith said and immediately went round Sabine to undo her gown.

“No.” Sabine turned sharply and gripped Faith's chin, forcing her lover to meet her eyes. “When we're here, it's My Lady.”

Shocked, Faith nodded. Sabine could see the realization in her eyes, the knowledge that Sabine meant every word she said. Oh, she knew her friend and lover all too well, knew that Faith thought once she touched her, all boundaries would be forgotten.

Doing as Aiden suggested, Sabine found it harder and harder to look Faith in the eye. Her closest friend, when Sabine was, in essence, tortured by Reddick, it had been Faith who comforted her. And now she turned that harshness on Faith, used what Reddick had inflicted to train her friend.

“Yes, My Lady,” Faith said and once more moved around Sabine, this time more sedately.

Faith disrobed her and, eyes caressing her naked body, helped her into the hip bath. The water was warm as Sabine sank into it, and she had a memory of her and Aiden making love in the chilly channel waters.

Smiling softly at that, she wondered if they'd ever return to Brighton. She hoped so, possibly with Faith. She'd love to make love to her friend in the bath house. It would utterly scandalize Faith, but the very thought sent a surge of desire through Sabine.

The cloth moved over her back and shoulders, and Sabine sat still whilst Faith methodically washed her. Sabine credited Faith with learning this first lesson well; she didn't attempt to purposely arouse or plea for more. After Faith rinsed her, Sabine stood and waited for her to gather the linen towel.

* * * *

Faith wrapped the towel around Sabine. She didn't looked up at her, didn't touch her more than necessary. No, she understood exactly what happened here. No longer were they equal lovers. Now they were mistress and slave.

Backing away from Sabine, Faith mourned the loss of their friendship. She'd never been under the illusion they were on the same level. No, Sabine had always been smarter, wealthier, more popular. But she had never treated Faith as less than an equal before.

From what the other woman said about her time with Reddick, Faith knew what was happening here.

“Help me dress, Faith,” Sabine ordered.

It wasn't said unkindly, far from it. Firm, yes, and Faith didn't hesitate to obey. Rather, it was the order itself that cut deeply.

Still, Faith rushed to dress Sabine, careful not to touch her soft skin more than necessary, not to kiss the fragrant spot between her breasts. Lick her nipples, so hard and tempting and right there, a bare breath away.

When she was finally dressed, Faith stepped back, careful to keep her eyes downcast. “May I retire to my rooms, My Lady?”

Sabine was quiet for so long, Faith wondered if she'd done something wrong. But then a soft hand grasped her chin, lifting her head to meet Sabine's gaze. She had not expected the gentle look in them nor the understanding.

When Sabine leaned forward, her lips pressing to Faith's, she eagerly took what the other woman offered.

“Of course, Faith,” Sabine said.

Quickly leaving, Faith hurried down the hall and into the solitude of her rooms.

The servants had already unpacked, and all she could do was wander the pretty room. It was done up in her favorite colors and styles, but she took no pleasure in it. Not today. Melancholy, she thought about what had just transpired between her and her oldest—her only—friend. Strolling to the window, she looked out at the expanse of lawn.

It didn't matter; she'd accept what Sabine offered. Faith wanted this, wanted to be with Sabine. Lord Severn clearly had no qualms about Faith's role in his wife's life, indeed in his household. That told her all she needed to know.

Despite her new position, she was grateful to Lord Severn both for his understanding and for whatever time she had with Sabine.

What function would she play in this marriage? Unmistakably, Sabine and Aiden were much closer than Faith originally believed. Their honeymoon had seen them grow together and the bond she had but sensed before had solidified.

What kind of relationship would she form with Lord Severn? He had thus far not given her a second glance; from the first he had been taken with Sabine. On the other hand, he didn't seem jealous of his wife's relationship with her.

Relationship. Training. Sabine intended to train her—that much was obvious. The question was, did Sabine train her in the methods Mr. Reddick used? Up to and including sexual deprivation?

Faith shuddered at that. Dear God, she hoped not. Sabine had told her everything about what went on with her and Mr. Reddick. Dread clenched her stomach, and she thought she'd be ill from the notion.

A quick knock sounded on the door, and an instant later, Sabine entered. She looked beautiful, her gown falling perfectly over her body, hair swept up and leaving her neck deliciously exposed.

“Faith,” Sabine said, crossing the room to where she still leaned against the window. Her friend's hand was gentle against her cheek, the touch sending shivers of arousal through her.

“I don't mean to be so hard on you, Faith,” Sabine said.

Faith could hear the honesty in her voice, even with the thread of inflexibility.

“However,” she continued, “things have changed, and we must find a way to merge all the desires in this household.”

She wanted to say something, but Sabine was correct—things had changed. Biting her tongue, eyes catching Sabine's, then instantly moving away, she waited.

“What's troubling you, Faith?” Sabine asked. She stood against the window, ignoring the view of the Severn lands. “We've always told each other everything.”

“That's exactly it,” Faith admitted in a rush. “Things have changed. I'm no longer your friend. I am your…servant.”

Surprise clearly showed on Sabine's face. Nodding, she absently brushed a stray blonde hair from her cheek. “I see.”

Another caress on her cheek, and Faith felt the moisture coat her thighs. How was it she'd survived her whole life without the pleasure of Sabine's body, but once she'd had her friend, the merest touch was enough to arouse her?

“We're friends,” Sabine insisted. Her hand drifted along her neck, over her shoulder and the tops of her breasts. “We've always been friends, and that's very dear to me. I don't want this change to threaten what we have. I don't want to lose it…lose you. The closeness of our friendship.”

“I don't either!” Faith cried, sick at the thought of losing Sabine completely. “But I don't want to overstep my bounds. We are not simply friends.” The arousal slicking her thighs was proof enough of that. “I don't want to test the boundaries of this new relationship. My time with you is the only time I feel.”

Smiling, Sabine leaned forward and kissed her. It was a deep welcoming kiss, and the feel of Sabine's mouth on hers had Faith reaching for her friend. To feel her body close, breasts pressing to hers.

“Then we shall have to find our own unique way,” Sabine said, forehead pressed to hers, “so that our household can function.”

Reaching up, she took Sabine's face between her hands and kissed her, sweeping her tongue over her lips, tasting the darkly sweet flavor of her lover. Pulling back, heart pounding in arousal and delight, Faith lowered her gaze but couldn't keep the joy from her face.

“I believe I understand,” Faith whispered. “I understand your relationship with Lord Severn, the time you wish to spend with him. But I'm grateful he allows us

Again Sabine smiled, a wickedly understanding smile. Faith started to say more, but Sabine's lips on hers cut her off. Her hands slid over her shoulders, along her arms. Up her waist to her breasts, kneading the soft flesh. Beneath her gown, Faith's nipples hardened, ached for Sabine's touch, her mouth. Arching closer, she whimpered. but Sabine pulled back.

“We'll have a delightfully sexual life together,” Sabine promised.

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