Who Do You Think You Are? Encyclopedia of Genealogy (88 page)

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Highland Clearances 321, 322

Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland records 334

lunacy records 411

mining records 260

non-conformist records 130

Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) 43, 321

poor relief records 406

probate records 148

profile 507–8

railway records 297, 300

teachers' records 351–2

National Army Museum, Chelsea 158, 178, 179

National Association of Mining History Organizations 266

National Burial Index 125

National Coal Board (NCB) 254, 255

National Coal Mining Museum (NCM), Wakefield 36, 261, 262

National History show 71

National Index of Parish Registers (NIPR) 374

National Library of Ireland (NLI) 37, 131, 265, 316, 319, 322, 334, 346, 347, 352, 457

National Library of Scotland (NLS) 36, 43, 260, 265, 346, 508

National Library of Wales (NLW) 35, 36

assize records 475

Great Session records 450

Life on the Land exhibition 311

Newsplan 265

non-conformist records 123

online catalogue 43

parish records 118

profile 508–9

National Maritime Museum, Greenwich 184, 185, 198, 199, 222, 224, 225, 230, 232, 245, 247

National Museum of Scotland 312

National Museum Wales (NMW) 262

national newspapers 288, 330

National Railway Museum, York 36, 301

Library and Archives 303–4

National Register of Archives (NRA) 37, 42, 249, 256, 273, 274, 289, 297, 315, 326–8, 332, 416, 432

National Register of Archives for Scotland (NRAS) 43, 289

National Society 349

National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) 258, 264, 265

National Union of Teachers (NUT) 351

National Waterways Museums 293

National Wool Museum, Carmarthenshire 282

Nations Memory Bank (NMB) 64

Naturalization Acts

1844: 378

1870: 379

naturalization records 378–9

Naval Discipline Act (1661) 183

Naval Who's Who

navvies 286

Navy Boards 247

Navy List 186, 203, 206, 210, 236

Navy Pay Office 188, 192

nephews 18

network websites 62–4

New Model Army 153

New Navy List

New South Wales 382, 386, 391, 392, 454

New World 183, 381–2, 387

New Zealand

child migration to 388

emigration to 381, 383

migrant records 392

parish registers 128

New Zealand Company 383, 392


criminal trials 446

family memorabilia 12

online archives 60–1

research techniques 129

Swing Riots 321

see also
local newspapers; national


nicknames 87

nieces 18

1901censusonline 105

1914 Star 170, 217

1914/15 Star 217, 229

1939–1945 Star 230

non-conformists 74, 113

Ireland 131

marriage records 77, 79

naturalization 378

oaths of allegiance 325

parish records 118–23

Scotland 130

wills 135

see also
Quakers; Roman


Norman Conquest 134, 443, 447, 460, 462, 465, 466

Normans 372

North America

emigration to 309, 381–2, 387, 388

migrant records 384, 389–91

transportation to 382, 385, 451

see also
Canada; United States

North West Film Archive 285

Northern Ireland

adoptions 420, 423, 425

age of consent 79

census returns 111

civil registration 93

company registration records 327

criminal records 457

divorce 438–9

institutional catalogues online 43

lawyers' records 339

see also
Public Record Office of Northern Ireland; Ulster entries

Norwich 458–9

Notable British Trials

note taking 49–50

Nottingham 461

nuncupative wills 136

nurses 346

Oath Rolls 325, 337–8, 341, 353

obituaries 12, 61, 129

war dead 181

occupations 220–365

historic 502–3

on family trees 23

Oddie, Bill 3, 36, 79, 81, 83, 107, 119

Office of National Statistics 77, 180

Old Bailey 450

One-Name Studies 57–8


amalgamated catalogues 41–2

census returns 104–6, 110

communities 63–4

DNA social network sites 505–6

etiquette and problems 64–5

family trees 25–8

forums 63

genealogy research viii, 59–67

GRO indexes 87–8

institutional catalogues 42–3

Latin and palaeography help 47

local will indexes 143–4

mailing lists 63–4

parish registers 125–7

pedigrees 57

Ordnance Survey (OS) maps 255, 272

Origins website 106, 124, 126–7, 142–3, 222, 351


British railwaymen 304

civil registration of Britons 89–90

civil servants 341

estates 140

parish registers 127–8

railways 300

wills 140, 141

Owen, Wilfred 167

Oxford Ancestors 504

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography

Oxford University 324, 353

oyer and terminer 445

Pacific Star 230

palaeography 46–7, 461

palatinate courts 338, 450

Pallot's Marriage and Baptism Index 124–5

parish burials 117

parish records and registers 30, 35, 36, 74–5, 86, 112–31, 459

case study: Bill Oddie 119

Channel Islands 131

Church of England 113–18

illegitimacy 416–17

interpreting 114–18

Isle of Man 131

name indexes 123–7

non-conformists 118–23, 130, 131

online 65, 125–7

overseas 127–8

research technique 128–9

Scotland 59–60, 130–1

parishes 112–13

see also
bastardy examinations

poor relief

settlement system

Parliamentary Archives,

Westminster 275, 294, 401

Divorce Acts 431

Parliamentary Papers 275, 294, 401

parole system (‘tickets of leave') 454–5

passenger lists

emigrants 383, 390

immigrants 377

passport records 384

Patent Rolls 378, 470

Paxman, Jeremy 405

Paymaster General

PMG series 161, 162, 211, 239, 248

peculiar parishes 139

pedigrees 20–1

narrative indented 23–4

online 57

published 17, 54–6

People's History Museum, Manchester 280–2

Pepys, Samuel 183

Personal Ancestral File (PAF)

software 28

Pharmaceutical Society of Great

Britain 347

Philimore Atlas

Philip of Spain 476

photos 11, 14

physical clues 11–14

physical labour 45

physicians 348

Pinsent, Matthew 478

Pipe Rolls Society 448

piracy 471

place names 68

police 343–4

case example: Jeremy Irons 343

Polish refugees 370–1

Polish Resettlement Act (1947) 371

political movements 283–4

Poor Jews Temporary Shelter 375

Poor Law Act (1601) 397, 448

Elizabethan records 398–401

Poor Law Amendment Act (1834) 384, 387, 397, 402, 414, 418

abolition (1948) 403

records 400–1, 403–4

Poor Law Amendment Act (1850) 388

Poor Law Amendment Act, Scotland, (1845) 406

poor law records 418–19

Poor Law Unions 75, 97, 111, 356, 398, 402, 403–4, 406

poor relief 354

deserted wives 429

historical background 396–8

Ireland 406–7

nineteenth century 402

original records 285, 398–404

Scotland 406

population 459, 461–2

port records 368

portal websites 61–2

Post Office 288, 291–2

records 291

poverty 308–9, 396

case study: Jeremy Paxman 405

historical background 396–8

see also
poor relief

Prerogative Court of Canterbury (PCC) 139–42

Prerogative Court of Canterbury Index 143

Prerogative Court of York (PCY) 139–42, 143

Presbyterian Church 130

Presbyterians 120, 130

preserving the present 15

Preventative Forces records 236

Preventative Water Guard 234, 235

Priaulx library 131

primary sources 10, 33

accuracy 53

primogeniture 134

Principal Probate Registry, Holborn 146–7

Principal Registry of the Family Division 433

prison registers and calendars 452–4

prisoners of war 212–13, 370 UK 370, 371–2

private sector (professional classes) 324–39

accountants 333–4

businesses 326–30

case study: Nigella Lawson 331

insurance and insurance agents 335

legal profession 335–9

merchants 330–2

Privy Council 156

PC series 387, 388

probate 135–6

changes in England and Wales (1858) 137–8

prior to 1858: 138–42

problems with 140–1


Channel Islands 149

England and Wales post 1858: 146–7

Ireland 148–9

Isle of Man 149

making the most of 133

online research guides 62

Scotland 148

Probate Act (1857) 138, 146

Probate and Matrimonial Office

(Northern Ireland) 438

probate inventories 136

problem solving 67–8

professional classes
private sector

public sector

professional researchers 71


in Ireland 131, 365

divorce 437

marriage registration 74, 92

immigrants 366

naturalization 378

parish records 120–1

prison records 451–5

Prisons Act (1868) 456

Public Record Office of Northern

Ireland, The (PRONI) 35, 60

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