Who Do You Think You Are? Encyclopedia of Genealogy (86 page)

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Hospital Records Database

(Hosprec) 410

House Detectives

House of Lords Record Office 378

Household Cavalry 168

Howard family 478

Hudson Bay Company 390

Hue and Cry

Huguenot Society of Great Britain and Ireland 122, 123, 368, 378

Huguenots 122–3, 366

hulks 451–2

Hull, flour milling 270

Hungarian refugees 371

Hurt, John 17, 37, 242, 329, 342, 419

Identigene 504, 506

illegitimacy 7–8, 9, 85, 108, 412–13

and aristocracy 419, 477

‘bastardy examinations' 397–8, 399

family trees 23

institutional records 416

researching 415–19

and wills 12, 419

illiteracy 87, 96–7, 106, 109

immigration 366–79

case study: Colin Jackson 376

denization and naturalization 377–9

Irish Catholics 271

losing British citizenship 379

Commonwealth immigrants 375–7

Jewish immigrants 372–5

records for UK arrivals 367–72

troubleshooting guide 492–3

Immigration Acts (1962, 1968) 377

Imperial War Museum 37, 158, 171, 178, 179–80, 331

Duxford branch 215, 218–19

in-laws 19

Inclosure Acts 317

1801: 306, 307

1836: 307

indentured labour 387–8


military 153

trade apprentices 355–6, 364, 401

Independent Labour Party (ILP) 283–4

India 5, 270

baptism, marriage and burial records 36

migration from 375–7

migration to 393–5

parish registers 128

Indian Army (British Indian Army) 172–3, 393

troubleshooting guide 482

Indian Army Lists 173

Indian Rebellion (1857) 172, 393

Industrial Revolution vii, 117, 268, 278, 306, 307, 323, 355, 380, 382, 402, 458

industrialist ancestors 274–5

factories, foundries and mills

Ingenius 304

inheritance tax 144

Inland Revenue 244, 356

IR series 146, 221, 317–18, 356

Inland Waterways Association 296

Inland Waterways Association of Ireland 296

Inns of Chancery 337

Inns of Court 336–7

Inquisitions Ad Quod Damnum 468

Inquisitions Post Mortem (IPMs) 467–8

insolvent debtors 329–30

case example: John Hurt 329

Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales 333–4

Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland 333, 334

Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland 333, 334

Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies (IHGS) 70

institutional catalogues online 42–3

insurance and insurance agents 335

International Committee of the Red Cross 213

International Genealogical Index (IGI) 123–4

International Council of the Red Cross 370

‘International Memoranda' 128

internee records 371


Interregnum period (1653–60) 45–6, 140–1, 156, 432

interview techniques 6–9

intestacy 137

Ipswich Transport Museum 304–5


adoptions 423–4

apprenticeship and guild records 365

army recruits 162

Boards of Excise 240

canal records 294

census returns 94, 95–6, 110–11

civil registration 30, 74, 92–3

criminal records 457

customs and excisemen 242, 243

divorce 437–9

economy 271

estate records 316

Huguenots 122

landlords 315

lawyers' records 338–9

lunacy records 411

Magdalene convents 416–17

mining 267

parish records 131

parishes 112

poor relief records 406–7

probate records 148–9

professions 326

rail disasters 303

railways 300–1, 304

shipyards 249

teachers 352

tithes 318–19

transportation from 382, 385, 387

see also
National Archives of Ireland

National Library of Ireland

Northern Ireland

Republic of Ireland

Irish Adoption Contact register 425

Irish Agricultural Museum 312

Irish Civil War (1922) 95, 111, 131, 149

Irish Constabulary 344

Irish emigrants

to America 382

to Canada 390

to England 271

Irish Potato famine 407

Irish Free State 339, 439

Irish immigrants 122, 367

Irish Potato Famine (Great Famine) 271, 306, 308–9, 312, 319, 322–3, 382, 406–7

Famine Museums 323

Irish Railway Record Society 299

Irish Reports, The

Ironbridge Gorge 280

Irons, Jeremy 343, 453

Isle of Man 37

census returns 94, 102, 103, 104, 105

National Heritage Library 131, 371

parish registers 131

Italy Star 230

Izzard, Eddie 57

Jackson, Colin 376, 504

Jagger, Mick 12

James I 365, 368

James II 200, 365

Jamestown, Virginia 381

Jersey 149
see also
Channel Islands

Jersey Archives 131

Jessop, William 287

Jewish Chronicle

Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain 69

Jewish Historical Society of England 374

Jewish Museum 374

Jewish Refugees Committee 375

Jewish Year Book

Jews 113, 123, 366, 372–5

marriage 79, 116, 121, 373

naturalization 378

records 373–5

John, King 182, 252

John of Gaunt 477

John Rylands University of Manchester Library 277

Johnston, Sue 2, 36, 301

Joint Stock Companies Acts (1856, 1857) 330

journeymen 357, 358–9

Judicial Committee of the Privy

Council 432

PCAP series 432

Julian calendar 47, 114

Justice for Magdalenes 417

Justices of the Peace (JPs) 369, 443, 448

Kaplinsky, Natasha 3, 347, 362

Kelham Island Industrial Museum 276


coal mines 251

quarries 250

smuggling prevention 234–5

Swing Riots 321

key resources 496–11

Kilmainham Hospital pension

registers 164

Kilner family 145

King's (Queen's) Bench 339, 445, 451, 471

KB series 338, 378, 451, 474, 475

King's Council 472

Knox, John 130

labour movements 264–5, 283–5

Lambeth Palace Library 128, 346, 353

Lancashire Cotton Famine 271


cotton industry 270, 277–8, 281

palatinate courts 450

Land Revenue Record Office (LRRO series) 258

laptops 49

Latin 45–6, 114, 136, 353, 443, 447, 463, 474, 561

Law Reports
335, 446

Law Society 147, 338

Lawrence Hammond, Barbara and John 323

Lawson, Nigella 331

lectures 70–1

Leeds, industrialization 270

Leeds Industrial Museum 279–80

legal profession 335–9

legal system, historical background 443–5

legal term dates 47

letters of administration (admon.) 137

libraries 36
see also
local libraries

Life Saving Apparatus Companies 239

Lindsay, Robert 194, 272

Lionel of Antwerp 477

Liverpool 248

flour milling 270

population (1700s) 461

livery companies 347, 359

case study: Natasha Kaplinsky 362

Londonderry 365

records 360–3

Lloyd's Captains Registers
225, 230

Lloyd's List
230, 335

Lloyd's marine collection 230

Lloyd's of London 232, 335

Lloyd's Register of Shipping
225, 230

local archives/record offices/studies

centres 34

apprenticeship records 356

census returns 104

Coastguard records 240

crew lists 224

fishing apprentices 245

guild records 363

manorial and estate records 314–15

Militia records 173

parish registers 118

prison records 450

quarter/petty sessions records 448

Local Education Authorities (LEAs) 350

local history books 35, 50

local libraries 31, 34, 36, 55, 104, 212, 265

local newspapers 61, 129, 265, 330, 404, 418, 446

local registration 75, 77, 84

local will searches 147

local wills indexes online 143–4


bombing 209

census returns (Hackney) 95

expansion 287

flour milling 270

Huguenots 122

Jewish immigrants 373, 375

municipal archives 35

population (1700s) 460–1

river transport 295

see also
City of London

London Burial Index 127

London Canal Museum 296

London City Burials 127

London Gazette
175, 198, 217, 225, 230, 326, 328

online 158, 225

London Metropolitan Archives (LMA) 35, 144, 361, 375, 427, 450

Lost Generation website 181

Lunacy and County Asylum Act (1845) 409

Lyons Coffee House 331

Madhouse Act (1774) 409

magazines 68

Magdalene Laundries 416–17


Manchester 458

Chartism 283

industrialization 270

museums 280–2

population (1700s) 461

regional industry archives 277–8

Manchester Metropolitan

University's Library Special

Collections 285

Manningham Mills strike 283–4

manorial and estate records 314–16, 460–6

manorial courts 447

court rolls 463–5

manorial system 462–3

Manx National Heritage Library 131, 371

Mary, Queen 476

Marine Officer Lists 202

Marine Society 222

Maritime Museum, Greenwich 220

Maritime Museum, Liverpool 249

Marriage Act (1898) 77

marriage by banns 115

marriage certificates 10, 11, 29–30, 33, 36, 75–6

case example: Bill Oddie 81

common problems 86

contents 79–81

discrepancies with birth certificates 53

introduction 74

making the most of 76–7

Northern Ireland 93

Republic of Ireland 93

Scotland 91

marriage licences 115–16, 127

allegations 115

bonds 116

marriage proclamations (Scotland) 130

marriage records

Boyd's Marriage Index 124

India 36

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