Who Do You Think You Are? Encyclopedia of Genealogy (87 page)

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marriages at sea 220, 232–3

non-conformists 121

Pallot's Marriage and Baptism Index 124–5

parish records 113, 114, 115–16

RFC/RAF personnel 214

Royal Marines 207

serving soldiers 180

marriages, irregular/clandestine 116, 436, 441

Married Women's Property Act (1882) 135

Marx, Karl 269

masters (guilds) 359

Matrimonial Causes Act (1857) 432


McCulloch, Joseph 235

McGowan, Alistair 394

Medal Index Cards 170, 216

medals and medal rolls 11, 13, 37

British Army 170

Coastguards 237

Merchant Navy 228–30

Royal Air Force 216–17

Royal Marines 206

Royal Naval Division 197

Royal Navy 198

troubleshooting guide 483

Medical Archive and Manuscripts

Survey (MAMS) 345

Medical Directories

medical professions 344–8

apothecaries and chemists 347

dentists 348

nurses 346

physicians 348

Medical Register

Members of Parliament 275, 325

Memorial University of Canada 220

Mental Health Act (1959) 409

mentally ill ancestors 407–11

asylum records 410–11

lunacy records 409–10

Mercantile Marine Award 227, 229

Mercantile Navy List 230

merchant guilds 358

Merchant Marine Memorial, London 230

Merchant Navy 5, 190, 195, 220–33, 245

apprentices 356

births, marriages and deaths at sea 232–3

case study: Amanda Redman 231

docket books 228

medals 228–30

officers' records 225

seamen's pouches 228

seamen's records 226–8

service records

prior to 1835: 221–2

after 1835: 223–8

troubleshooting guide 488–9

Merchant Seamen Act (1823) 223, 356

Merchant Shipping (Fishing Boats) Act (1883) 245

Merchant Shipping Acts

1835: 223, 226

1854: 233

1894: 245

merchants 330–2

Metropolitan Police Force 343–4

metropolitan record offices 118

Metzner Index 369

Middle Ages 134, 364, 396


Pallot's Marriage and Baptism

Index 125

trial records 450

midwives 346

Midwives Act (1902) 346

Midwives (Scotland) Act 346


internal 250–1, 256, 288–9

see also
emigration; immigration

military ancestors 152–219

military memorabilia 37

Militia 166

records 173–6

Militia Act (1757) 174

Mills Archive, Reading 314

Mines Act (1842) 251

Mines Rescue website 266

Mineworkers' pension scheme 255–6

mining 250–67

brief history 250–4

case study: Lesley Garrett 261

disasters 263–6

finding out more 266–7

miners' records 254–60

museums 260–3

Mining History Network website 266–7

Mining Records Office, Mansfield 259–60

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries 319

MAF series 319–20

Ministry of Defence 172, 187, 192, 197, 199, 204, 217, 230

Ministry of Pensions 211

Ministry of Health

MH series 384, 391, 400–1, 411

Modern Records Centre, University of Warwick 284

monumental inscriptions 117–18

movinghere website 375

municipal archives 35

Munk's Roll 348

Museum of English Rural Life (MERL) 310–11, 316

Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester 280–2

Museum of Scottish Country Life 312

museums 36–7

muster lists/muster rolls

British Army 156, 165–6, 174, 177

Merchant Navy 221

Royal Air Force 213

Royal Navy 190

MyHeritage website 27–8, 57


census problems 108

informal vs. official 10

patterns 12–13

recording on family trees 21

spelling variations 46, 68, 86–7, 108, 140

Napier Commission 321

Napoleonic Wars 95, 184, 187, 190, 195, 235, 308, 309, 368, 372

National Adoption Contact

Preference Register (NACPR) 425

National Archives, The (TNA), Kew ix, 35, 36, 37, 59

apprenticeship records 346, 356, 361, 365

asylum records 411

bankruptcy records 330

British Army records 30, 155, 169, 173

Army Lists 157–8

battalion war diaries 171, 177

Home Guard 176

Indian Army records 173

Medal Index Cards 170

medal rolls 170

officers 158–60, 167–8

operational records 177

other ranks 162–6

pension records 171

regimental histories 178

British Transport Historical

Collection Library 303

British Transport Historical

Records Section (BTHR) 294

business records 328

canal records 294

capital punishment records 456

Catholic records 121, 122

census returns 95, 104

1841: 99–100

1851–1901: 102–3

census enumerator books 103–4

Chancery Rolls 470–1

civil servants' records 340, 341

Coastguard records 236, 238, 239

company records 273, 327

Complete Peerage

consular records 89–90, 128

court records

assizes 449

Central Criminal Court 450

civil court 472

common law court 474–5

General Eyre 448

King's Bench 451

Prerogative Court of Canterbury records 140–1

Customs records 241–3, 343

death duty registers 48, 146

debtors' prison records 329

deeds of separation 432

deportation records 370, 386, 387

Divorce Acts 431

divorce records 431, 432, 433–4, 441

Documents Online 60

Domesday Book 479

emigration records 383–4, 388, 389, 390, 391, 393, 395

enfranchisement records 465

Factory Inspectorate records 277

farm survey records 319–20

fishermen's records 245, 246–7

Foundling Hospital records 427

Great Exhibition records 275

Huguenot records 122, 123

immigration records 367–8, 369, 375, 377

blacks and Asians 366

denization 378

Jews 373, 374,

naturalization 378–9

Poles 371

prisoners of war 371–2

illegitimate intestacy records 419

independent researchers list 71

Inquisitions Ad Quod Damnum records 468

Inquisition Post Mortem records 468

lawyers' records 337, 341

lunacy records 408, 409–10

Manorial Document Register 315, 447

Merchant Navy records 220

apprenticeships 222, 223

births, marriages and deaths at sea 232–3

crew lists 221, 223, 224, 231

medals 229, 230

officers' service 225

seamen's service 226–8

Militia records 173, 174, 175–6

mining records 255, 258–9, 263–4, 265

naval dockyards records 247–8

nursing records 346

Oath Rolls 325, 337–8, 341, 353

online catalogue 42

overseas registers 89, 128

palaeography help 47

police records 343, 344

Poor Law Amendment Act records 400–1

poor relief records 398

post office records 291

probate records 140–1

profile 506–7

Protestant dissenter records 120, 121

prison and convict records 452–5

Quaker records 121

railway records 297, 299, 300, 301, 302, 302–3

registration 39

Royal Air Force records 213–14, 215, 217

operations 218–19

prisoners of war 212

Women's Royal Air Force 216

Royal Flying Corps records 210, 211–12, 214, 216–17

Royal Naval Air Service Records 210–11, 212, 214, 217

Royal Ordnance Factory records 271

Royal Marine records 202–4, 204–5, 206–7

Royal Naval Division service records 197

Royal Navy records 184, 194

Admiralty (ADM 1) 199

Chatham Chest 193

officers 185, 186–9

ratings 190–2

Royal Naval Division 197

Royal Naval dockyards 198

Royal Naval Reserve 196

slave trade records 330–2

State Papers 156, 471

taxation records 469

teachers' records 349, 350, 351

tithe records 317–18

transportation records 386, 454–5

trial records 447

turnpike records 289

wardship records 469

see also
ARCHON Directory

National Register of Archives

National Archives of Australia 391–2

National Archives of Canada 390

National Archives of Ireland, The 35

canal records 294

civil servants' records 340

criminal records 457

customs and excise records 241

divorce records 437

Dublin Metropolitan Police records 344

Irish Famine records 322

lunacy records 411

National Schools records 352

online catalogue 43

parish records 131

poor relief records 407

private estate records 316

probate records 149

profile 509–10

railway records 301

tithe records 318, 319

transportation records 387

turnpike records 289

National Archives of New Zealand 392

National Archives of Scotland, The (NAS) 35, 59

adoption process papers 423

airmen's wills 214–15

apprenticeship and guild records 364

bankruptcy records 330

canal records 293–4

civil servants' records 340

company registration papers 327

criminal records 456–7

customs and excise records 241, 244, 343

divorce records 434, 435, 436

estate papers guide 316

farm survey records 320

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