When Sparks Fly (Sexy Secrets Book 2) (17 page)

BOOK: When Sparks Fly (Sexy Secrets Book 2)
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I watch her take four bottles of water and head over to Wood,
Charlie and Zoe.  I pull my little red wagon over to where Isaac and Judah are
working.  I observe them as I walk up.  Even though they both have the same
sexy bodies, Isaac is the one that has my girly parts all tingly.

“Boys,” I call out, almost shyly.  “I have cold water.”

Two identical faces turn towards me and both give me those
dimpled grins.  I pick up two bottles and hold one out to each.  Judah takes
his and thanks me before chugging it as he walks away.  Instead of taking the
water I am offering, Isaac leans down and gives me a kiss. 

His kiss is salty, but I don’t care.

“Hey,” he says softly as he pulls back, opens his water
bottle and starts to drink from the bottle.

“Hey.”  I watch him chug the bottle of water, fascinated by
his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down. 

“Can I have another bottle?” he asks when he drains the

I give him another, watching him drink while he watches me
watching him.

 “So, lunch will be ready in about an hour,” I state and I
suddenly feel like we are meeting for the first time, as I feel all shy and

“Okay.”  He gives me his empty water bottles and I put them
in the trash bag hanging from the wagon handle.  “Will you save me a seat?

I smile big at him and nod before I move along so I can give
the rest of the workers water.




“1…2…3 and lift,” Charlie grunts out before he and I hoist
up the beam and hand it off to my brother and Wood.  I wipe my sweaty forehead
with my equally sweaty forearm.

“Damn it’s hot out here.  It’s October, it supposed to be
cool, not 82 degrees.”

The guys grunt in agreement.  I do a quick scan of the area,
looking for Liv.  I can feel a slow smile start when I spot her under the big
tent where we will have lunch.  My smile quickly turns into a frown when I see
some dude next to her and all up in her space. 

I never thought I was the jealous type until now.  I move to
go over to her, when someone wraps a strong hand around my arm and holds me

“Isaac, don’t go over there.  I see what you are looking at
and Liv is fine,” Charlie says as I look back at him. 

Wood then chimes in.

“Yeah, no need to act like a caveman.  She’s just chatting
with him – it’s all innocent.” 

My twin then voices his thoughts.

“Fuck that.  Dude is all up in her personal space.  Liv
might be too sweet to tell him to back the fuck off, but if you don’t want to
do it, I will.” 

Judah goes to walk over, but Wood yanks him back.

“Both of you need to just need to chill the fuck out,”
Charlie says with a slight chuckle.  “Going over there and marking your
territory will do nothing more than piss her off.  Trust me, she will not see
it as you being attentive or whatever, she will see it as you being a
possessive asshole.”

“Says who?”  I ask incredulously.

“Says me – been there and done that with your sister and I
got my ass handed to me – by your sister.  I am just trying to save you some
trouble,” Charlie replies.  “If she needs you to step in, she’ll let you know.”

“How?” both Judah and I ask.

Both Wood and Charlie laugh and it is pisses me off.

“You see how she is talking with him and even smiling?  It
means she is just talking with him.  Nothing more.  He’s not flirting, acting
in a threatening manner or anything like that.  She is talking with him as if
she would talk with one of us,” Charlie explains.

“Right,” Wood continues, “And if she stops talking to him
and doesn’t look at him or starts  looking around as if searching for someone
to rescue her, then and only then can you go over and piss on her  - so to

I look at both of them, trying to figure out if they are
serious or not.  What they said does make sense - I guess.  And they do have
experience with Zoe and Ivy.  I look at my brother and he gives me a look as if
to say ‘maybe there is something to what they are saying’.

“Fine,” I finally say.  “Let’s get back to work.  We have
about fifteen until lunch.”



 Twenty-five minutes later, after washing up and putting on
clean t-shirts, we are all in line getting our food.  My mom’s catering company
provided the food today, so I know it will be good.  After I get my food, I
search underneath the tent looking for Liv.  I spot her and the rest of the
girls at a table at the edge of the tent towards the back.  I indicate to the
guys where the girls are and make my way to the table as they follow.  As I get
closer to the table, I see that fucker that was all up on Liv earlier take a
seat across from her. 

That flare of jealously I felt earlier is back.  As I
approach the table, they are engrossed in conversation.  I take the seat next
to Liv and wait for her to acknowledge me.  One minute passes, then two and
just as I am about to interrupt their conversation, she places her hand on my
thigh and squeezes, turning to give me a sweet smile. 

This gesture pacifies me for the time being.  I start to
eat, listening to their conversation.  They are discussing comic books.  My
jealousy is easing as I realize that their talking is innocent.  They are just
discussing a common interest.  I grab her hand and hold it in my lap as I eat
and interact with the rest of the table. 

A little while later, I feel Liv stiffen beside me, I
continue to interact with everyone else at the table but I pay attention to
Liv’s conversation with her new ‘friend’.  He just asked her out and she
declined, telling him that she has a boyfriend.  However, that doesn’t deter
the fucker.

“Come on.  It’s just dinner and then we can check out the
comic book store in Chesterfield County that I mentioned earlier,” he reasons.

“No thank you,” Liv replies shyly but firm.  “I am not
comfortable with that and I don’t think my boyfriend would be comfortable with
that either.”

“Well, who says you have to tell him.” 

I hear a huff of frustration from Liv and I take that as my
cue to intervene.  I turn to look at her.

“You okay Baby Girl?”  I ask as I lean down. 

She turns and looks up at me and I nuzzle my nose with
hers.  I say this loud enough for the fucker to hear, just in case he doesn’t
get it by our close proximity.  She gives me a little nod and I can tell that
she is a little bit annoyed. 

“Is this your boyfriend?” the fucker asks, with a tone that
I don’t like.

“Yes,” Liv replies looking back at him.

“You could have told me you had a boyfriend,” he looks

“I did,” Liv replies hotly.  I squeeze her hand, letting her
know that I have her back. 

The fucker dismisses her and gives me a look. 

“You know, your girlfriend is quite the flirt.  She had me
thinking she was available and interested in me.” 

I know Liv, she is nice to everyone who talks to her, so I
know what he is saying is pure bullshit.  He took her sweet nature to be
something more. 

“Is that so? “  I reply calmly, even though I want to jump
across the table and beat the shit out of him just for implying that Liv is
being duplicitous.  

“Yeah, she was all flirty with me earlier.  You should have
seen it.  If I were you, I would keep a better eye on her, to make sure she
ain’t messing around behind your back.” 

Liv squeezes my hand and then she does something that is
totally unexpected.

She snaps her fingers at the fucker and says, “Stop acting
like an asshole!”  Even though she is not loud, the entire table stops talking
and I can tell they are now paying attention to us.   

“I never flirted with you,” she continues.  “I was just nice
to you.  You need to learn the difference between a girl being nice to you and
a girl flirting with you.”

To my surprise, he looks totally chastised as he looks at
Liv before looking back down at his plate.  Without another word, he gets up
from the table and goes to sit at another table.

I look down at my girlfriend – totally amazed.  She looks up
at me.  Her cheeks are flushed and she looks embarrassed.

“What’s wrong Liv?”  I ask.

“That was totally rude of me,” she replies ducking her
head.  “I shouldn’t have done that, especially in front of everyone.” 

“I disagree.  You were not rude.  You just let him know what
was up – that’s all.”

“I shouldn’t have called him an asshole.”

I chuckle.  “You didn’t call him an asshole.  You told him
to stop acting like an asshole.  There is a difference – slight – but there is

I see a slight smile forming on her lips and hear a stifled

“Thank you for letting me handle that,” she says finally. 
“I saw you watching us earlier.  You looked a bit irritated.”

She finally looks up at me. 

“I know you wanted to ‘mark your territory’, so thank you
for having restraint.”   

Zoe calls her name and we both look down the table to her. 
She and everyone else at the table are giving her thumbs up gestures.

Chapter 11 - All-nighter


Isaac – A Friday evening in mid-November

I watch Liv as she moves around my kitchen.  We have been
hanging out in the theater room most of the afternoon and we finally decided to
take a break to cook dinner – well, she is cooking dinner as I watch.  The main
dish is currently in the crockpot and has been simmering all afternoon.  It
smells good whatever it is.  My eyes follow her as she reaches into the
pantry.  My cock jumps when I get a peek of the tiny shorts she has on under my
t-shirt.  On the ass of those tiny shorts is a little cartoon dog holding a

Yeah, I plan to bury my bone in her later.

We have the house to ourselves since Judah is out on a pussy
binge –
his words, not mine. 

Liv pulls a pouch of Chewy’s food from the pantry and I get
up from the table. 

“Why don’t you go ahead and finish up dinner, I’ll take care
of Chewy,” I tell her, placing a kiss to the side of her head and taking the
pouch from her.  I go about setting up Chewy’s food and water dish.  I cluck my
tongue loudly and a few seconds later, I hear his nails clicking against the
hardwood floor as he comes running into the kitchen.   

By the time Chewy has woofed down his food, Liv is plating
our food.



9:01 pm

Before I can close my bedroom door, Chewy comes strolling
into the room, looking for his mama.  I shake my head, because as much as I
like Liv’s dog, he can be a cock block.  He will pick the damnest times to want
her attention.  I watch him trot up the steps.  He tries to climb into the
recliner with her before she picks him up. 

Liv has gotten hooked on
The Walking Dead
series and
since I own all the seasons that have aired so far, she has been watching
them.  Earlier today we finished up season one and tonight we were going to
start on season two, which for me translates  into I will let her watch five or
ten minutes of the show before getting her naked.  However, the little
big-eared cock block is currently snuggled with my girl. 

“Liv, I am going to shower and then I’ll join you,” I say to
her, hoping like hell Chewy will be gone by the time I get out of the shower. 

I take my time in the shower and when I get out, Liv is at
the sink brushing her teeth.  I kiss the side of her head before leaving the bathroom
to put on a pair of sleep pants.  I scan the bedroom and notice that the
bedroom door is open.  I peek out in the hall and see that Chewy is in his dog
bed with one of my t-shirts draped over his rump.  Chewy has this thing about
sleeping with items of clothing.  It used to be just Liv’s clothing but now he
has taken to sleeping with items of mine too.  She said that it is because the
clothing smells like us and it comforts him somehow.

“Can we leave the door cracked?” she asks as she comes up
behind me, running her hand down my back. 

She doesn’t like to shut him out of the room.

“Yeah, you know that is always okay.” 

By the time I join her on the recliner, she is just starting
the first episode of season two.  Even though the recliner is big enough for us
to sit side-by-side, I pick her up so she can sit between my legs.  Once the
show starts, I don’t even make it to the five-minute mark before my hands start

 “Isaac, what are you doing?” she breathes out as I slide my
hand down the front of her shorts.  She is not wearing panties and I let my
fingers stroke through her folds. 

I put my mouth to her ear and whisper, “Don’t worry about
what I’m doing; watch your show.”

She wraps her small hand around my wrist.  I ghost my lips
from her ear and down the side of her neck, suckling ever so slightly the soft
skin over her jugular. 

“Watch your show,” I urge her again, this time lightly
strumming her clit with my thumb.

She abruptly climbs off my lap and stands before me.  I look
at her warily, wondering if she is pissed.  She surprises me by taking off her
t-shirt and smirking at me.  I smirk right back and slip off my sleep pants. 
She then pulls down her shorts.




“Come here shorty.”  Isaac jerks his chin at me.

“Hey, I am not short,” I reply moving closer to him. 
“I am 5'5.  I would be short if I were 5'4.”

“So one inch makes you

“Yep...if I was 5'4” I would have to buy petite sizes and I
don't so therefore I’m not short.  Just because you are a giant ....”  I trail
off coming to stand between his legs.  I am naked as the day I was born.  He is
just as naked as he sits back, slouched in the recliner, looking up at me as he
slowly strokes himself. 

Isaac laughs softly before picking me up easily and settling
me on his lap – my back to his front.  I lean back against him, my legs
automatically spreading.  I let my left leg rest over the arm of the recliner
while my right leg dangles over his thigh.  I sigh when his fingers start to
stroke my lower lips. 

“Are you excited about our trip next week?” he asks softly
against the side of my head.  I turn my head and angle it some so I can look at

“Yeah,” I breathe out.  Our group vacation to Sonoma is next
week.  I bite my lip and moan when he slips in two fingers.  I allow my upper
body to go limp against him, closing my eyes as he slowly finger fucks me. 
He’s still talking, but I have no idea what he is saying. 

When his fingers still inside me, I open my eyes and he is
looking at me with that devilish look that I have come to love and hate. 

“Are you going to answer my question Baby Girl?” he asks
seductively, rubbing his lips against mine.

Isaac is fond of having conversations when he is pleasuring
me.  He likes to see how discombobulated he can get me.  He is successful at
doing that one hundred percent of the time. 

“What question?”  I mumble against his lips, licking the
bottom one.  I am hoping he will start moving his fingers again.  He kisses me
instead.  It’s wet, sloppy and it’s making my pussy even wetter.

“Stop teasing me Isaac,” I say when we come up for air. 

He grins against my lips.  “I’m not teasing you.”

He knows exactly what he’s doing.  He loves to get me worked
up; he says when he gets me worked up, I am my freakiest. 

That is totally possible.

Instead of finger fucking me again, his other hand starts
caressing along my hip and up my torso before cupping my tit with his big
hand.  I let my head drop back onto his shoulder when he captures my nipple
between his index and middle fingers, plucking it.  He then starts to finger
fuck me again.


He chuckles deeply - I am pretty sure I said that out loud. 
I move my hips in time with his fingers just loving how good he can make me
feel.  Just when I can feel my release approaching, Isaac speaks against my

“Are you gonna be my little freak tonight?” 

That is when my pussy decides to spontaneously combust with
my orgasm.  His fingers still as I ride my orgasm out, his other hand tenderly
caressing my torso.  When his fingers leave my body, he brings them up to my
mouth.  They are glistening with my juices.  I lean forward a bit and take them
both in my mouth, swirling my tongue over the salty yet tart digits.

“Fuck,” he growls out low. 

When I have finished licking his fingers clean, he assaults
my mouth with a hot kiss. 

As he is kissing me senseless, he effortlessly lifts me onto
his lap fully and impales me on his cock.  I inhale sharply, because Isaac is
big and damn if that didn’t hurt.  He stops kissing me at once. 

 “You okay, did I hurt you?” he asks - concern in his eyes
and voice.

I blow out a deep breath.  “A little - give me a few
moments.”  I usually have no problem taking all of Isaac, but every now and
then, he will get a little too eager and slam all the way in without any

“I’m sorry,” he whispers against my ear in between soft
kisses.  He has both his arms wrapped around my torso, holding me against him
tightly as he keeps his lower body still.  When the pain has subsided some, I
tentatively start to move my hips.  Isaac helps me out by thrusting ever so
slightly up into me.  The thrusts are not hard or powerful, they are a lazy
type of thrust and they feel so good.  The more he thrusts, the less pain I
have.  His mouth is trailing kisses from my ear down the side of my neck. 

“Better?” he asks as his hands start to meander over my
torso.  The squeezes to my tits and the grazes to my clit with his thick
fingers have my body thrumming with pleasure.  I let out a breathy “yeah,”
followed by a “harder.”  That is when Isaac growls in my ear and starts to pump
his hips into me more forcefully.  It is then I know it is going to be a night
full of wild sex.



Isaac – 2:51am 

I walk back into my bedroom with four bottles of water and
Liv is still in the exact spot where I left her moments ago; asleep and curled
into a tight little ball at the edge of the bed (which is probably the only dry
spot on the bed). 

The pillows that are usually against the headboard are on
the floor.  The comforter and flat sheet are haphazardly bunched at the foot of
the bed.  We have been going at it most of the night and she is wiped out. 

The cave man in me is beating his chest and roaring.

I walk over to the bed, placing the water bottles on the
nightstand.  I sit on the edge of the bed and rub my hand up and down her bare
back.  I notice a developing bruise on her hip.  Liv bruises easily and usually
I am careful, but the past few hours have been wild and there is no telling how
many more bruises she has.

“Baby Girl,” I call out softly, trying to wake her gently. 
A few moments later, she opens those big brown eyes for me.

I offer her a bottle of water and help her sit up.  I
continue to rub her back in a relaxing manner as she greedily downs the
bottle.  I offer her a second bottle and she downs half of that before

“Come on – let’s take a shower.  We are both sticky and you
will sleep better once you’re clean,” I say as I pull her gently from the bed. 
I tuck her under my arm as I walk us to the bathroom.  She gives an exhausted
sigh as she leans into me.  I plant a kiss to the side of her head, knowing
that she is tired. 

My inner cave man roars again.

 I leave her leaning against the bathroom counter while I
turn on the showerheads.  I grab one of her hair bands from the small container
on the counter.

“Liv, why don’t you put your hair up before we get in the

She gives me a sleepy smile and takes the hair band from
me.  She bends over at the waist, gathering all of her braids into a ponytail
on the top of her head.  When she is upright, I usher her into the shower.  I
hold her against me as I steer us both underneath the main showerhead and let
the hot water cascade over both of us. 

She leans against me as I start to soap her body.  I linger
a little longer over her tits.  She seems to perk up a bit and takes over
washing her body.  I then take the time to wash my own body.  After we are both
clean, I usher her out the shower, wrapping her in a towel, before securing one
around my hips.  I navigate her back into the bedroom and sit her in the
recliner.  I quickly strip the bed, tossing the sheets in the laundry basket in
the corner of the room.  I remake the bed with the sheets I pull from the linen
closet in the hallway.

By the time the bed is remade, Liv is fast asleep in the
recliner.  I take a moment to look at her.  She’s curled into the chair, her
hand tucked under her cheek.  Her face is relaxed and she is so beautiful.  Her
deep pink lips are slightly pouted.  Looking at her makes my heart ache.  I
gently gather in my arms and carry her to the bed, removing the towel and
tucking her under the covers.  I remove my own towel and climb under the
sheets, gathering her close before sleep takes me.




I bound down the stairs, scooping up Chewy on the way
because it looks like his short legs are about to send him tumbling down the
stairs.  When I hit the first floor, I place him back on the floor and he
follows me into the kitchen.  Judah is at the table, staring out the window as
he sips from his coffee cup. 

I palm his head as I pass him. 

“Morning Bro.” 

His only reply is to grunt.

I walk over and open the kitchen door, letting Chewy out to
do his business while I take a pouch of his dog food from the box in the panty
and pour it into his food bowl.  I unscrew the water bottle from his water bowl
and screw on a fresh bottle of water.  By the time I have screwed the bottle
back to the water bowl, Chewy comes charging through the door.  He makes a
beeline for his food bowl and chows down.  I am sure he is starving since it is
almost two hours past his usual feeding time.

With him taken care of, I go about pouring myself a cup of
coffee.  I take a seat next to Judah at the table and look out the window. 

“So, what are we looking at?”  I ask because he’s still
looking out the window as if in trance.

He grunts again.

I lightly shoulder-check him. 

“What’s with the grunts Judah – getting laid is supposed to
put you in a good mood.”  I turn and look at him.  He is still looking out the
window and will not look at me.  Since he is my twin, I know his moods as if
they were my own.  He looks as if he has the weight of world on his

I pat him on his shoulder, knowing that when he is ready to
talk, he will come to me or Pop.

“Okay – I am here when you are ready to talk.” 

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