When Sparks Fly (Sexy Secrets Book 2) (13 page)

BOOK: When Sparks Fly (Sexy Secrets Book 2)
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“There’s a car in your driveway.  It pulled up when Chewy
and I were returning from our walk.  They have yet to get out of the car.”

She gives me a cute frown and before she can respond, the
doorbell rings.  She removes her arms from around my waist and steps around me,
walking out the room.  I catch up to her at the end of the hallway.

“Let me get it,” I say as I head to the door.

“Who is it?”  I ask when I reached the door.

“Boy, you better open this door,” an angry disembodied male
voice says.

“Daddy?”  I hear Liv ask in an astonished voice behind me. 
Then to me she says, “That’s my daddy.” She moves me to the side to open the

She opens the door to an angry looking older gentleman, who
looks a lot like Liv and an attractive older woman, standing behind him,
looking amused.

“Daddy!  Mama!  What are you guys doing here?  You are not
supposed to be here until tomorrow evening,” Liv exclaims.

“Yeah, well surprise Sweet Pea,” her dad deadpans.  “We’re
early.  Now, do you mind telling me why this boy here has a key to your house?”

Liv rolls her eyes.

“Daddy, just stop!”  She has her hands on her hips and she
and her dad are having some kind of staring contest; neither one of them is
saying a word.

The woman whom I assume is her mom, shakes her head,
chuckles and walks around them before coming to stand before me. 

“You must be Isaac.  I’m Ruby Simone, Olivia’s mother,” she
says as she looks up at me.  She has the same big brown eyes as Liv, but that
is about it.  Liv looks more like her dad.

“You’ll have to excuse my husband’s behavior.  He is under
the impression that his Sweet Pea is still a little girl.  He seems to forget
that she is quite capable of making her own decisions.”  She looks back over
her shoulder at her husband and daughter still having a stare down on the




Daddy and I are staring each other down as we stand on the
front porch.  His weird gray-green eyes are boring into my brown ones.  I am
aware of my mama ushering Isaac into the house and closing the door softly
behind them.

She knows how stubborn her husband can be and she knows that
when I get upset enough that I will stand my ground, which is what I am doing
now.  I refuse to let Daddy act like an asshole to Isaac.  About two minutes
have passed, maybe more.  All I know is that my eyes are watering and I am sick
of this.  I sigh, walk past him and lean against the porch railing. 

“Daddy,” I say looking out onto the street.  “Please don’t
act like an a-hole to Isaac.  He’s important to me.”

I can feel him come up next to me and lean against the
railing too.  Instead of looking out on to the street, he looks at me. 

“That boy has a key to your house, does he not?” he asks –
sounding so much like the lawyer that he is right now. 

I turn to face him and I try to keep my voice calm as I
speak to him.

“His name is Isaac, not ‘
that boy
’ and Isaac does not
have a key to my house.  He was using the spare key that I keep in the
hallway.  Because we are going out to dinner, he volunteered to walk Chewy
while I got dressed.  This is why he had a key – my spare key - so he could
lock up when they left and get back in the house when they returned.” 

He just continues to look at me and I really can’t tell what
he’s thinking, which pisses me off.  So I decide to add on a bit more.

“This is my house – yes Grammy left it to me in her will –
but it is still my house; my name is on the deed and title.   I mean no
disrespect when I say this, but even if Isaac did have a key to my house; it
would be none of your business.”

I see his jaw clench and I wonder if I have gone too far. 
Still leaning against the porch railing, he turns and looks out on the street. 

“You say he’s important to you?” he finally asks after a few

I nod, knowing he can see me.

“How long have you known that - …Isaac?”

I turn to face the street as I reply.

“Since March.”

“Is he good to you?  Does he have a job?  Is he a
homeowner?  Where is he from and have you met his folks?” Daddy rattles off the
questions in rapid succession.

I take my time and answer all his questions, knowing that he
likes to have all the facts, no matter if they are relevant or not. 

“How old is he?”  Daddy asks when I finish.


“Too old for you,” he says almost instantly.

I tilt my head at him and grin.  “Aren’t you five years
older than Mama?” 

He turns his head briefly and winks at me before looking
back onto the street. 

“Do you love him?” he asks in a serious tone.  

“Yes,” I say softly.

“Does he love you?”

“Yes,” I reply again.

A few minutes go by as we enjoy the light breeze rustling
through the trees.

“I’m getting too old for this shit,” he mumbles and then
adds on, “I thought I had a few more years until I had to deal with this.”

“A few more years,” I giggle out.  “Daddy, I’m 32.  Did you
think I would wait until I was 40 to fall in love?” 

He gives me a sheepish look. 

“Maybe.  Paris is 35 and she has yet to fall in love or
introduce a boy to us…”  He trails off.

“What about the guy she brought home last Christmas?” I
ask.  I know Mama figured out the guy was nothing more than Paris’ plaything,
but I wonder if Daddy caught on too.

He gives me a look to let me know that he knew the guy was a
plaything too.

We are quiet for a few more moments.

“So,” I say.  “We are going to go inside and I am going to
introduce you to Isaac.  Then you are going to let Isaac and I take you and
Mama out to dinner because I am starving and you are not going to act like an
a-hole to Isaac - right?”

He lets out a light laugh as he turns towards me and pulls
me into a hug.  My daddy gives some of the best hugs.  He places a lingering
kiss on my forehead before he replies.

“I’ll try Sweet Pea, I’ll try.”

Chapter 8 – Old vs. New


Olivia – Late July

On a Friday night in late July, I arrive at the restaurant
five minutes till 7pm.  At 7:15pm, Jacqueline and Taylor have still not
arrived.  I should know better as they are rarely on time.  I finally decide to
get a table instead of waiting at the entrance.  The hostess seats me and lets
me know that she will send my friends back when they arrive.

The waiter comes over and takes my drink order.  As he
leaves, my phone buzzes with a text.  It is from Jacqueline.

Jacqueline – Where are you?

Me – Already inside.  You’re late.  Just give the
hostess my name and she will show you to the table.

I put my phone away, not waiting for a response.  I am
little irritated and I really don’t want to hear or care why she is late.  

A few minutes later, she and Taylor are walking towards the
table, looking like they just stepped of someone’s runway – they must have come
together.  No matter the occasion, they both always look so put together.  I
instantly wonder if my black and pink strapless maxi dress and sandals are too
plain.  I feel sexy in it, but when I look at them – both wearing form-fitting
dresses, with their hair and make-up model perfect - I feel plain.  I have
curled my micro braids and pulled them into a high ponytail and my make-up
consists of barely-there eyeliner, mascara and my favorite pink-tinted

When they arrive at the table, they both give me air
kisses.  I try not to roll my eyes at the gesture.  By the time they are
seated, along with their oversized purses, the waiter arrives with my glass of
wine.  Jaqueline gives me a look.

“Since when do you drink wine?” she asks.

“Since now,” I reply.  “I like the taste.”

And I do.  I can thank Ivy, Maddie and Zoe for my new
interest in wine.  I like the taste and as long as I stick to the dryer white
wines, it doesn’t give me a hangover like Jack and Coke can sometimes.  I take
a sip from my glass of pinot grigio.  I swear I can taste the crispiness of a
green apple as it caresses my tongue and trickles down my throat. 

The waiter asks them both what they would like to drink.

Jaqueline orders her ‘signature’ cosmopolitan – which she
will only take two sips of before she abandons it–while Taylor orders her
‘signature’ apple martini – which she will abandon after two sips as well.

When the waiter leaves, Taylor immediately whips out her
phone and starts texting or whatever she does with that thing - which is par
for the course.  Jaqueline turns her attention to me and starts in.

“So Olivia…I hear you have been keeping secrets.  A little
birdy tells me you have a boyfriend.”  Jaqueline gives me a smile that shows
off all of her thirty-two teeth.  I know better – I know the little birdy that
told her my so-called-secret.  Her sister-in-law saw Isaac and me together at
the movies a few nights ago.  It’s not a secret either.  I would have told her
earlier, but she is always busy when I call and never calls me back.  I decide
not to bring that up and just play along.

“Yeah,” I say coyly.  “I do.”  My cheeks are aching from how
hard I am grinning.  I spend a few moments and tell her all about Isaac – even
how we met.  When I have caught her up, the waiter approaches us and asks if we
are ready to order.  Before we can utter a word, someone calls out my name. 

I look up and see Ivy, Maddie and Zoe approaching our table
–all with matching mega-watt smiles.  I instantly pop up from my seat, meet
them and give them hugs.  Before meeting Isaac and his friends, I was not a
hugger – but now – I am totally a hugger. 

After releasing Maddie, I ask, “What are you guys doing

“Having dinner of course!” she replies in her lyrical

This makes me happy – happier than meeting Taylor and
Jacqueline after not seeing them for almost six months. 

“Do you guys want to join us?”  I briefly glance at Taylor
and Jacqueline and then back at Maddie.

“We don’t want to impose,” she says.

I don’t even consult with Jacqueline and Taylor before I

“You are not imposing at all!” 

I greatly welcome their company because Taylor and
Jacqueline usually bore me to tears.  Maddie quickly confers with the hostess
and before I know I know it, a few bus boys are moving some tables and chairs
and we are all sitting together.

“So, who are your little friends?”  Jacqueline asks in her
‘mean girl’ tone before she takes a sip of her drink.

She can be such a bitch.

I smile at her anyway as I introduce her and Taylor to Zoe,
Ivy and Maddie.

“So how do you all know each other?”  Taylor asks, finally
looking up from her phone.

I am wondering if I should mention that Zoe is Isaac’s
sister and that is how I met them all.  Before I can ponder it too long, Zoe
chimes in.

“Livy here is dating my brother.”  She gives me a warm

Taylor and Jacqueline give each other a look before
Jacqueline says, “Well – isn’t that convenient – so you all are friends now I
suppose?”  She gives me a smile that oozes bitchy-ness.  “And what will you do
when your brother – Isaac is it – and Olivia break up?”

I gnash my teeth and take a healthy sip of my wine.  I hate
it when they do shit like this.  However, as always, I keep quiet and let her
continue, knowing that if I interrupt or try to defend myself, my humiliation
will be much worse.

“What makes you think they will break up?”  Ivy asks hotly
as she leans across the table, looking directly at Jacqueline.  “Wait a minute,
fuck that.  I will come back to that in a minute.  We are Livy’s friends no
matter what.  Yes, we met because she’s dating Zoe’s brother, but that is
okay.  Even if she wasn’t dating Isaac, we would still be her friends.”

The waiter chooses that moment to come over and take their
drink order.  They all order wine.  I try to look anywhere but at Zoe, Ivy and
Maddie.  I know they are wondering why I haven’t said a word.  I have known
Jacqueline since the second grade and trust me, it is easier to let her run her
mouth with her insane bullshit than to try and stop her or argue with her. 
Yeah, I could tell Jacqueline to go fuck herself, but I am not one for drama, I
like to keep the peace and avoid confrontation. 

Once the waiter leaves, Ivy is speaking again.  “And what
makes you think Livy and Isaac are going to break up?”

“Oh come on – it’s only a matter of time before he gets
tired of her weirdness and breaks up with her.”  She rolls her eyes and
continues.  “No man wants a woman who is a comic book geek and a diehard
fan or whatever it is.  She makes no secret of either of those.  I am sure
Isaac knows all about both by now,” Jacqueline finishes, taking a dainty sip
from her drink.  “Besides, Olivia will tell you herself, she can’t keep a
boyfriend because she wants to ‘be herself’”.  She actually uses air quotes
when she says this.

Deciding that this fuckery has gone on long enough, I
finally speak up. 

“How about we all just chill and stop discussing my love
life…okay?”  I give a pleading look to Ivy, Maddie and Zoe, hoping that they
just let it go.  I will explain to them my fucked up dynamics with Jacqueline
and Taylor later.

They all look at me with curiosity, but drop the topic.  We
sit in silence then.  Taylor is back to being engrossed in her phone and
Jacqueline has a little smile on her lips – as if she has won the argument or
made some point.


She hasn’t won anything; I just chose to shut down all the
bullshit before it got out of hand.  As I said earlier – I don’t like drama.

Our waiter is back with their wine and we all order our
entrées.  I am grateful that Ivy orders two appetizers for all of us to share
because I am quite hungry.  The waiter promises that the appetizers will be out
quickly and asks me if I would like another glass of wine. 

Of course, I tell him yes.

We briefly go back to silence before Jacqueline starts
talking about her little girl as if nothing has happened.  Jacqueline’s little
girl, Avery, is 4-years-old and spoiled.  She is actually a brat, but I would
never tell Jacqueline that. 

Jacqueline drones on and on about Avery latest antics,
passing around her phone to show off pictures of her little girl.  When I have
her phone in hand, I am surprised.  I haven’t seen Avery is almost six months
and she has grown so much.  In some of the pictures, there is also a young
woman I don’t recognize.

“Jacqueline, who is this?”  I ask as I show her the phone’s

She leans over to look at the phone. 

“Oh – that’s Erica– the nanny.”

I look at her to see if she is joking because Jacqueline
doesn’t have a job.  She is a stay-at-home mom.  Why does she need a nanny?

“Um, so you are working now?”  I ask.

She lets out a tinkering laugh. 

“Oh no, I don’t have a job – you know that!  You know Alton
is quite successful.”

Now I am genuinely confused – why does she need a nanny if
she doesn’t have a job?

“So why do you have a nanny then?  Aren’t you still a
stay-at-home mom?” 

She gives me a look as if I an idiot, making me want to
smack her.

She huffs out an exasperated sigh.

 “Because I need time for me; Avery can be exhausting!”

Before I can respond, Zoe speaks up, reminding me that they
have all heard Jacqueline. 

“So, you are a stay-at-home mom, but you have a nanny to
take care of your daughter because you need time for yourself?  I am assuming
she is part-time then.”  Zoe sounds just as confused as I do.

Jacqueline puts away her phone in her gigantic purse.  “Yes,
I am a stay-at-home mom and no, Erica is not part-time, she is full time,
except for weekends.”

As if that makes it better.

Ivy lets out a snort laugh.  “Are you serious?”

Jacqueline turns her head slightly and gives Ivy a scathing
look.  “Yes, I am dead serious.  What is wrong with hiring a nanny to help

Ivy holds up her hands in a surrendering gesture.  “Nothing
at all – no judgment, but I am curious, if your daughter is with the nanny full
time during the week – what do you do?”

Jacqueline scoffs.  “Well, I take care of me.”

Looks are passed between Ivy, Maddie and Zoe before they
look at me.  I shake my head minutely – hoping that they will just let it go. 
They do and in no time we are back to talking about mundane topics.  By the
time the appetizers arrive, I have downed my second glass of wine and request a
third.  When the appetizers have been devoured as well as my third glass of
wine, our entrees arrive. 

My fourth glass of wine is consumed with my entrée and I am
joyful.  Everyone is happy and there seems to be no tension with my new and old
friends.  But on the other hand, it could be me choosing to ignore the big ass
elephant in the room.

I giggle quietly with Maddie as we look over the dessert
menu together when Taylor’s voice pulls me away.  “Well HELLO!  Hotties at
twelve o’clock.”

I look up from the dessert menu and see Charlie, Wood, Judah
and Isaac entering the room – hotties indeed!  

“Zoe texted them earlier to come and join us for dessert…I
hope that is okay?”  Maddie asks. 

I absentmindedly nod because I am transfixed watching them
walk into the room and to our table.  They are all swagger and oozing sexual
prowess.  I watch Charlie come up behind Zoe’s chair.  She tilts her head back
and he gives her an upside down kiss before he all but manhandles her and seats
them both on the bench seating on the other side of the table.

Wood comes up and takes the seat vacated by Zoe.  He leans
into Ivy and kisses her sweetly on the cheek before she turns her head and he
devours her mouth in a hot kiss.  I find myself squirming in my seat at the hot

Judah gives me a wink before he gives Maddie a sweet kiss to
her forehead.  When I look back up, I see Isaac.  He sits in the seat directly
in front on me.  He gives me that gorgeous smile of his and I swear his dimples
are set to stun. 

“Baby Girl,” he says - the deep rumble of his voice sending
a shiver up my spine.

“Isaac,” I respond, feeling all kinds of hot and bothered
right now.

He places his elbows on the table and leans towards me.  I
meet him half way.  He kisses me with such tenderness that I want to climb over
the table and gobble him up. 

Someone clearing her throat daintily pulls me from my kiss
with Isaac. 

“Care to introduce?”  Jacqueline asks in her best bitch

Oh stop being a bitch for one fucking second will you!

The snort laugh from Ivy and the amused ‘oh’ from Maddie
lets me know that I have said this aloud.  I quickly clamp a hand over my mouth
– mortified at what I have said. 

I turn to look at Jacqueline and she is looking at me as if
I have lost my mind.  It’s not that, it is just that the wine has loosened my
tongue and my inner thoughts seem to be tumbling out.  

“Really Olivia…really?” she scoffs. 

I know I should apologize, but I don’t– she had it coming. 
I just shrug at her sheepishly and turn my attention back to Isaac.  He looks
like he is trying not to laugh.  He knows that I rarely curse out loud – well
unless we are fucking.  He grabs ahold of my hand and brings it up to his
gorgeous mouth to kiss it.  He winks at me before introducing himself to
Jacqueline and Taylor.  They simper and gush, as I knew they would. 

I try not to roll my eyes. 

I take over and introduce the rest of the group.  We all
make small talk while we look over our dessert menus.  When Ivy calls my name,
I look up.  Before I can respond, Jacqueline speaks.

“Why do they call you that?” she asks with disdain in her

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