When Sparks Fly (Sexy Secrets Book 2) (21 page)

BOOK: When Sparks Fly (Sexy Secrets Book 2)
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“I know what I want it to represent,” I whisper.

“What?” he asks instantly.

“An engagement ring.”

“You sure?”

I can only nod vigorously because I can’t find my voice.

“So – will you marry me?” he asks.

“Yes,” I say before I tackle him in a hug, raining kisses
all over his face before finding his lips. 

“I don’t want a long engagement,” I say finally when we come
up for air.

“If I didn’t think my parents and yours would kill me, I
would marry you next week.” 

“I agree.  Is March or April too soon?”  I really want to be
married to this man so he can be mine forever.

“Is that enough time for you to plan a wedding?”

I nod, sitting back up on the side of the bed.  He sits up
too and pulls me back across his lap.

“Yeah, I don’t want anything big or fancy.  I want something
small with just our family and closest friends.  Is that okay?”  I ask.

“Whatever you want Baby Girl,” he says before bringing his
lips to mine in a sweet kiss.

Epilogue – Isaac and Olivia


Isaac – Some months later

The whining and crying over the baby monitor has me
instantly awake.  I peek at the bedside clock and see that it is too early –
4:22am .  I feel my wife snuggle closer to me as she sleeps on.  I touch the
base of the lamp on the nightstand and a dim glow lights the room.  Liv is a
heavy sleeper, but right now, she is faking.  I can see the hint of a smile on
her beautiful lips.

“Stop faking Baby Girl – I know you’re awake,” I say,
kissing her bare shoulder.

She keeps her eyes closed as she mumbles, “It’s your turn.”

I let out a sigh.  Yes, it’s my turn to go and check on the
newest member of our household; the newest member of our household who has been
waking us up every single night for the past two weeks ever since we moved him
into the room across the hall. 

When he was sleeping in our room, he slept through the night
– now that he’s separated from us, he likes to voice his displeasure by whining
and crying.  Granted, it is getting better.  In the beginning, he would stay
quiet for only an hour, waking us both up before midnight.  As time has gone
on, he is sleeping longer on his own, but 4:22am is still too damn early.  When
he can sleep until 8:00am, then I will be satisfied. 

I climb out of bed and make my way out the door and to the
room across the hall.  The instant I flip on the overhead light, he ceases his
antics.  His big black eyes, ringed with blue look up at me expectantly.  I
make my way over to his bed and run a hand over his soft dark gray fur. 

“What’s wrong boy?”  I ask softly as I rub the head of our
ten month-old Great Dane puppy, Loki.  Although, puppy is a term I use lightly
– since he already weighs 55 lbs.  Loki lets out a sigh of contentment as I
lightly scratch behind his floppy ears.  I look down to my left and see Chewy
stretched out on his own dog bed looking up at me sleepily. 

“Come on,” I say, “Let’s go.” 

Before I can even make it to the door, Loki runs past me and
zips across the hall into our bedroom, no doubt about to jump on the bed.  I
hurry after him and gently grab ahold of his collar just as he is about to jump
on the bed.  Liv opens one eye and sleepily speaks. 

“You have to sleep in your own bed Loki.”

He lets out a soft whine.  When he was much smaller, we
allowed him to sleep on the foot of our bed, but he is getting too big for that
now.  Besides, he has three very nice dog beds in the house – one being in the
corner of our bedroom, which is where I steer him.  I watch him step onto the
bed and turn around three times before settling down.  Something brushes past
my leg and I see Chewy climbing into the dog bed with Loki – cuddling with
him.  Loki looks at me with what looks like panic in his big eyes.

I chuckle.  Loki should be used to it by now - Chewy likes
to cuddle with his ‘little brother’.  I make a detour to the bathroom before
joining my wife in bed.  I turn off the bedside lamp and pull a sleeping Liv
close, loving the sweet smell and softness of her skin. 

“Are you still going to pretend you’re asleep?”  I ask as I
softly plant a kiss on her shoulder. 

“Maybe,” she says breathlessly as I run my hand up her
mid-section before cupping her tit while thumbing her pierced nipple. 

“Maybe, huh?”  I nibble on her ear while using my other hand
to cup her between her legs and she is already wet.  “Well maybe this will wake
you up.”  I start to finger her wetness ever so slightly and she grabs my
forearm, stopping me.

“What about Chewy and Loki?” she whispers – as if our dogs
can understand us.

I laugh against her neck.

“Baby Girl, they’re dogs, they have no idea –nor do they
care - what we are doing.”  I remove my hand that is cupping her pussy and lift
her leg so I can slide into her.

“Okay,” her breath hitches, as I slide all the way into her
and with that, I proceed to make love to my wife. 



Playful barking wakes me.  I reach for Liv and encounter
cold sheets.  I raise my head, looking around the room with my eyes finally
landing on the bedside clock - noticing that it is almost 10am. 

I hear the playful barking again and get up to start my
day.  Upon entering the kitchen, I make myself a cup of coffee and look out the
back window.  Liv is in the backyard, giving Loki a bath – or at least she is
trying to.  He is wet, soapy and trying to get out of the giant washtub she has
him in.  I take a few sips of coffee before going out to help.  The second Loki
sees me; he slips out of Liv’s grasp, jumps out of the tub and runs towards
me.  Before I know it, the overgrown and wet puppy is jumping all over me.  I
hold my coffee cup out and away from him because I don’t want the hot liquid to
spill on him or me.  

Liv is sitting on the ground looking beyond frustrated.  I
quickly put my coffee cup back in the house before joining her.  I sit down on
the ground behind her.  She scoots back between my legs.

“Loki is unruly.”  She pouts.   

I kiss the side of her head. 

“True and the bigger he gets, the harder it will be for you
to give him a bath.  Why didn’t you come get me to help?”

As she leans into me, she runs her hands up and down my
thighs, while laying her head back on my chest.  She is not going to answer
me.  My wife can be quite stubborn. 

“Liv,” I say, nudging her gently.

She mumbles something.

“I’m sorry – what was that?”  I nuzzle into her neck as I
start tickling her.

She lets out a string of uncontrollable giggles and shrieks
as I tickle her, maneuvering her until she is flat on her back and I am
hovering over her. 

“I said,” she is breathless from all the giggling, “I didn’t
want to wake you.”

“Baby girl, we talked about this, if you need me for
anything, come and get me – no matter what I am doing – ok?”

She nods her head and leans up to give me a soft kiss.

“I will always be wherever you need me,” I mumble against
her lips before I deepen the kiss.  The kiss only lasts a few seconds before a
very wet Loki and a slobbering Chewy are all over us and you know what - I
wouldn’t have it any other way.



Thank you for reading When Sparks Fly, Book 2 of the
Sexy Secrets Series. 

I hope you enjoyed it!


Check out my
Pinterest page (
for visuals of how I see my characters and
out my website -
 - to delve
deeper into my naughty thoughts and to see what I am working on next.


Look for Books 3 and 4 of the Sexy Secrets Series in


Happy Reading!





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