When Sparks Fly (Sexy Secrets Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: When Sparks Fly (Sexy Secrets Book 2)
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Most men would have a problem with their father kissing them
on the cheek in greeting – but I don’t.  My grandfather is a very affectionate
man and that is the way he greets you – a hug and then a kiss to the cheek.  It
was passed on to my pop and uncle Daniel – hence onto me (and Judah).  This is
how the men in our family greet.

“You good?” he asks as he releases me, jostling a happy
Chewy in his arms.

I nod my head.  “I want to introduce you to my girl,”
knowing that she can hear me.

He turns his attention to Liv.

“Olivia – I would like for you to meet my father, Matthias
Rossi.  Pop, this is my girlfriend Olivia Simone.”

“So this bundle of fur is yours,” he asks gesturing to her
dog in his arms.  I hold back a groan, because I know he is about to be his
charming self.

Liv nods her head before speaking, “Yes Sir.”

My pop waves a dismissive hand.  “None of that ‘Sir’ stuff. 
You call me ‘Matt’ or ‘Mr. Matty’ as Ivy and Maddie call me.” 

Liv just nods and stammers out an “Okay.” 

“What’s his name?”


“Is that a nod to Star Wars?” my pop asks hesitantly with a
hint of excitement in his voice.

She nods enthusiastically and just like that, she is at
ease.  Pop is a Star Wars nut and I know they will be okay talking about one of
their favorite movie franchises while I go in the house and see what my mom is
up to.  When he finds out she has a comic book collection that could rival his,
he may never let her leave the house.

“I’m gonna go in the house and say hi to Mom.”  They barely
acknowledge me as they chatter on excitedly.  

I enter the house and like always, I am transported back to
my childhood.  The smell of something cooking permeates the air.  My nose leads
me to the kitchen and sure enough, my mom, Veronica ‘Ronnie’ Rossi, is pulling
something from the oven.

“Hey Mom.”

She turns around, placing a pan on the cooling rack.  A
radiant smile graces her face.  I get my dimples from her. 

“Hey Baby Boy,” she says before coming over and wrapping me
in a hug.  Since I have been 14-years-old, I have been taller than my mom, but
when I am in her arms, I feel like I am a 5-yearold boy again and she is
comforting me.  I clear my throat, feeling sentimental and emotional for some

“How are you?” she asks, releasing me from the hug.

“I’m good.  I brought Olivia by to meet you guys.  She’s
outside with Pop right now.”

She has known I have had a girlfriend for a few weeks now
and has been periodically asking when she was going to meet her. 

“Really?” she asks with barely concealed excitement.  “Can
you two stay for brunch or do you have other plans?”

I nod my head, “Yeah, we can stay.  We have her dog, Chewy,
with us.  Is it okay for him to come inside?”

“As long as he’s house-trained, it’s okay.”

“He is,” I reply smiling, knowing that she was going to be
another one spoiling Liv’s dog. 

I spend a few more minutes talking to my mom before Pop and
Liv come into the kitchen; Chewy is back on his leash and is trailing behind
Liv, surveying his new surroundings. 

I reach for Liv’s hand and bring her to me, wrapping my arm
around her waist.

“Mom, this is Olivia Simone,” I say proudly – feeling like I
am 16 and not a grown ass man.  I look down and Liv is blushing something

“Hi Mrs. Rossi, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

 “Oh - none of that Mrs. Rossi nonsense!  Please call me
Ronnie or Ms. Ronnie,” she says before pulling Liv from me and engulfing her in
a hug.  After releasing her, my mom bends down to look at Chewy who is sitting
quietly by Liv’s feet. 

“Such a cute dog,” she says, rubbing between his ears. 
“Chewy, right?”  She asks, looking up at Liv for confirmation.  Liv nods and my
mom unhooks him from the leash and picks him up.

“I have heard many good things about you Olivia and this
little fella here,” she says standing back up with Chewy cradled in her arms. 

Liv blushes deeper, if that is even possible.

“I’m almost done with making brunch,” she says motioning to
the stove behind her.  “Will you two join us?”

Liv looks up at me briefly and I give her a look as if you
say ‘it’s up to you.’

“Sure, that would be great, but only if I can help you
finish up with whatever you are making.”

With that decided Mom places Chewy back on the floor before
looping her arm with Liv’s and takes her further into the kitchen.  I look at
Pop and he motions for me to follow him.

A whining sound stops us all in our tracks.  Chewy is
whining because he doesn’t know who he want wants to go with – Me or Liv.

“Come on Chewy,” I say, pulling a dog biscuit from my

I am not above bribing a dog.

“Come and hang out with the men.”

Chewy takes one last look at Liv before coming over to me. 
I give him the dog biscuit and look up at Liv.  She is wrinkling her cute
little nose at me and shaking her head.

“You are such a cheater,” she says, trying to hold back a

“Yeah, but you still love me.”

“I do,” she replies quietly.

I think we have both forgotten that we are in the presence
of my parents as my mom is beaming from ear-to-ear and I swear she is already
planning the menu for the wedding in her head. 

I sneak a look at my pop and he gives me a wide grin.  I
know he wants grandkids and I can see him already counting how many we can give

Chapter 7 – Surprises


Olivia – End of June

“So when are you guys getting here,” I ask my mama as I put
my phone on speaker and place it next to me on my workbench. 

“We’ll be there on the second; your daddy’s conference ends
on the first so we’ll drive down the next day.”

It’s the week before the Fourth of July and my parents are
coming for a visit.  My daddy is a speaker at a conference in Washington D.C.
the week of the fourth and my mama is going with him.  They will rent a car and
drive down to Richmond to see me before flying out on the sixth.

“Okay – that sounds good.  I will have the spare bedroom
ready for you guys.  I also want to guys to meet Isaac.”

My mama knows about Isaac, but my daddy doesn’t as he can be
a bit of a prickly bear when it comes to guys paying attention to his
daughters.  We talk a little bit more about mundane things before hanging up. 
I finish up my work and head back into the house so I can shower and get ready
for a date with Isaac. 

Isaac arrives just as I am getting out of the shower.  I
shouldn’t be surprised because he is always early.  After I finish putting on a
little bit of makeup and styling my hair in my bathroom mirror, I tell Isaac
about my parents’ visit next week. 

“So,” I say as I walk to stand in the bathroom doorway to
talk to him as he lies across my bed playing a game on my iPad.  “My parents
are coming to visit me the week of the fourth.  They will be here on the second
and leave out on the sixth.  I want you to meet them.”

He looks up at me and gives me an appreciative look as I am
only wearing a bra and panties. 

“Yeah?” he asks, placing my tablet on the bedside table as
he sits up.  “Come here.”

I stay where I am, shaking my head as I look at him.  If he
gets his hands on me before I get dressed, we will not be going out tonight. 
He is taking me to dinner and then to a movie I really want to see.

“Come on Baby Girl,” he gives me that dimpled smile that
still makes me feel like I have just gone down a steep hill on a bicycle with
no brakes.

I shake my head at him again.

When he stands and walks over to stand in front of me, I
know I am in trouble.  He doesn’t touch me, but he is standing so close and I
can feel my body vibrating with the anticipation of his touch. 

“So you want me to meet your parents?” he asks as his warm
peppermint scented breath wafts over me. 

I focus my attention to the side of head, because if I look
him in the face, I am going to jump him.

“Yeah, if that’s okay – I was thinking that you could come
by on the third for dinner so you can meet them.”

“Of course it’s okay,” he answers as he steps impossibly
closer to me; my bra-covered nipples barely touching his shirt covered chest. 
“Do you plan on bringing them to my parents’ cookout on the fourth?”

Isaac’s parents are having a cookout where the guest list
will consist of family and a few close friends.  I was invited weeks ago. 

“Yeah – If that’s okay – do you think your parents will

He lightly trails a finger from my shoulder down to my wrist
and it gives me goosebumps.

“No, my parents won’t mind.  They would love to meet your
mom and dad.” 

“Okay,” I moan out softly when he wraps his arm around my
waist before he lowers his head to kiss me.

Isaac takes me to bed and spends the next hour or so
appreciating my body.  So instead of dinner and a movie, we do a movie and eat
movie theater snacks for dinner.


Isaac – July 1

At a quarter till 11am, I pull up into Liv’s driveway. 
has been short on camera guys and Judah and I had to go on an
impromptu out-of-state location shoot to fill in.  We had been filming in South
Carolina and when we finished the shoot early, I convinced Judah to leave early
this morning and we (meaning me) drove the six hours back to Richmond.  I
didn’t even bother getting out of the truck when I dropped Judah off at home –
my only thoughts have been on seeing my girl.

I ring Liv’s doorbell and wait for her to answer.  I smile
when I hear Chewy’s yappy bark and Liv shushing him.  She opens the door and
man is she a sight for sore eyes.  I missed my girl.  I haven’t seen her in
four fucking days. 

“Isaac!” she exclaims before launching herself into my

I drop my oversized duffle bag, holding her tight against

“What are you doing here so early?  I thought you were going
to be back some time tonight,” she asks as she looks up at me, her lips grazing
my scruffy chin. 

When I spoke to her last night that is what I told her, not
bothering to tell her that I would be home sooner.  I shift my head some and
give her a kiss that she deepens quickly.  I pin her against the doorjamb with
my body.  I take my time getting reacquainted with her mouth, her taste, her
scent – her everything. 

“We were able to wrap up early,” I murmur as I come up for
air, lightly brushing my lips against hers.  “I wanted to surprise you.”  I
delve in again, not giving her a chance to   respond.  She moans low and snakes
her arms around my waist as I kiss the shit out of her.

A persistent tug at the calf of my jeans has me breaking the
kiss and looking down.  Chewy has my jeans in his little furry mouth and is
tugging for all he is worth – all fifteen pounds of him.

“It looks like someone else missed me too,” I muse as I
release her from my hold – taking a step back.  If I don’t, I am liable to fuck
her right here – at the front door where everyone can see. 

“Is it okay that I came early?”  I ask.

She looks at me as if I have lost my mind. 

“Of course it is!” 

She drags my duffle bag into the house and shuts the door. 
I give Chewy a few scratches behind his big ears before he moseys off. 

“So, it’s almost lunch time, do you want something to eat? “
she asks, looking up at me with those big, brown eyes.  Judah and I got on the
road a little before 5:30 am.  We grabbed a couple of breakfast sandwiches from
McDonalds around 7am, but since then, I haven’t eaten and I will admit, I am

“Yeah, I could eat.”

“Why don’t you go take a shower and when you get out, I will
have something ready for you.”

I discreetly sniff my armpit and I know that she is right -
I need to shower.  I lean down and give her quick kiss. 

“I stink, huh?”  I ask.

She smiles against my lips. 

“Maybe a little.”

I kiss her again before making my way to her bedroom.

Some twenty minutes later, I have showered and I am sitting
on her bed in a pair of sleep pants that I keep at her house.  Now that that I
have had a chance to sit still, I realize how tired I am.  I can feel myself
drifting off.  When I feel a small warm hand on my head and the familiar smell
of Liv, I rouse myself. 

She is standing in front of me and I pull her close,
wrapping my arms ar0und her torso as I lay my head against her flat stomach. 
Her hand is rubbing over my head again and I can feel myself drifting off once

“Are you awake enough to come eat lunch?”

I nod my head against her and let her pull me up from the
bed.  I shuffle sleepily behind her as she leads me to the kitchen.  After
eating a meal that consists of cold pasta salad and a huge turkey and pastrami
sandwich, I am sliding into Liv’s bed while she closes the blinds and pulls the
room-darkening curtains closed.

“Baby Girl,” I say softly, loving that her scent is all
around me as I settle onto my back. 

“Yeah,” she replies as she closes the last curtain and walks
back to the bed, looking down at me. 

“Come lay with me for a bit.”

Without question, she shimmies out of her short-shorts
before pulling her Thor t-shirt over her head.  She then unfastens her bra and
lets it fall to the floor before she hooks her fingers into the sides of her
panties and pulls them down those gorgeous legs of hers.

I chuckle to myself.  She never ceases to amaze me.  Here I
am trying to be a gentleman and subtle about getting her under me and she
bypasses all of that.  My cock is instantly hard as she slides naked under the
sheet next to me.  She gives me that innocent look before she turns her back to
me and scoots back until she is the ‘small spoon’.  I run my hand down her
side, past the dip in her waist and the curve of her hip before lightly
gripping her there.  She responds by pushing her ass into my hard cock.

“I thought you were tired?” she asks pushing her ass against
me again, which causes me to hiss.

“I am, but I am never too tired for you.”



Olivia – a little after 4pm

I wake up to soft kisses making their way up my spine.  I
smile to myself remembering that Isaac is back from his trip and in my bed.  I
find myself raising my hips when I feel his big hand cup my pussy from the

“You awake Baby Girl?” he asks, murmuring the words against
my bare shoulder.  My reply is to raise my hips a little bit higher and spread
my legs.  He chuckles and sinks in two fingers knuckle deep before he pulls out
and starts to slowly finger fuck me.

God – this man!  What have I done to deserve him? 

He slowly and methodically finger fucks me until I can feel
myself about to cum, but before I can, he stops. 

“What time will your parents be here tomorrow?”

What?  I don’t want to talk about my parents!  I want to

“Isaac,” I whine.

“Okay, okay.”  He chuckles before his fingers start to move
again – delving in and out at an excruciating slow pace.  When he removes one
finger and starts to rub my clit, I bite down on the pillow, muffling my
moans.  When his fingers leave me again, he instructs me to close my legs and I
do.  His body covers mine - his chest to my back and his cock is nestled
between my closed legs as he straddles me. 

“Lift your ass a bit.”  I do and his cock slides through my
wetness before it slides all the way home.  I am fully awake now as he pumps
into me with long and unhurried strokes.  By the fifth stroke, I am clutching
the sheets. 

“How does it feel?”  He whispers in my ear.  His hands move
from their resting place by my head and grab my hands, prying them from the
sheets.  He laces his fingers with mine as he continues with his slow, deep

“Baby Girl – tell me…how does it feel?”  This time he
lightly nips my ear.

I let out a soft whimper when I try to move my hips and
realize I can’t.  Isaac chuckles softly in my ear. 

“Can’t move, can you?” 

After a few deep and shiver inducing strokes, he speaks

“Come on, Baby Girl…I asked you a question.” 

He does some kind of swivel with his hips and I let out a
low moan.  I know he is talking to me, but I have no idea what he is saying.  I
find myself clenching around his cock, biting the pillow as my orgasm hits me
and he continues to stroke into me all the while whispering in my ear.  



We are lying in bed and he is telling me about his trip. 
Our legs are entwined, my head is on his shoulder and I am lightly tracing my
finger across his chest.  I love the intimacy of the moment.  When I trace my
finger around his flat dark nipple, he catches my hand.

“That tickles.” He laughs lightly and I try to do it again,
loving the sound of his deep laugh. 

Giving up, I prop myself up on my elbow so I can look down
at him.

“I’m hungry,” I say.

He tucks a wayward braid behind my ear.

“You want to cook, order in or go out?”

“Let’s go out.  I have a taste for Greek food and the place
I want to go doesn’t deliver.”




After a quick and grabby shower together, I quickly dress
and leave Liv to get ready. 

“I’m going to go and take care of Chewy.  Will you be ready
when I get back?”  I ask as I watch her sit on the bed with her phone in her
hand.  She is texting back and forth with my sister and has yet to get dressed,
still clad only in a towel.  I know I have a good twenty to thirty minutes
before she is ready – plenty of time for me to feed and walk Chewy. 

She looks up to me and gives me a smile.

“Yeah – I’ll be ready.”

Chewy must be starving because he woofs down his food in
less than three minutes.  I grab his leash and Liv’s spare house key from the
hook in the hall and Chewy and I are on our way.  Even though Chewy has 24/7
access to the backyard, he still likes to go for his daily walks.

We walk for fifteen minutes or so before returning to the
house.  As we approach the house, I see a dark colored sedan pull into the
driveway of Liv’s house.  I can see the outline of the occupants as I walk
past.  I pause for a bit, but they make no move to exit the car.  I walk up the
porch steps and open the door with the key, closing it behind me and locking
it.  I bend down and unclip the leash from Chewy’s collar.  He toddles of to
the kitchen, presumably for his water bowl. 

I stand at the window next to the door and peek through the
blinds.  The car is still in driveway.  I contemplate going back out there, but
I have no idea who it is.  Instead, I head back to the bedroom to see if Liv is
ready.  As I enter the bedroom, she is sitting on the bed, putting on a pair of

“Hey, are you expecting anyone to come over this evening?” 
I ask as she looks up me and stands up.  She is wearing a short little dress
that I know I will enjoy stripping from her later.

“No, why?” she replies as she comes up to me, wrapping her
arms around my waist. 

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