Read What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two Online

Authors: Ella Jade Michelle Hughes Christa Cervone Ranae Rose Red Phoenix Nina Pierce Malia Mallory Kate Dawes Adriana Hunter Vi Keeland,Summer Daniels

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Erotica, #Box Set, #Anthology

What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two (142 page)

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Oh, crap.

“Miss Bennett, now that Miss Wilson isn’t here to distract you, I trust you will succeed in cooking a simple egg dish.”

“Yes, Marquis Gray.”

Having all of the attention on her proved to be more pressure than she could handle. Marquis had to send out for more eggs. “Even if it takes all night, Miss Bennett, you will cook me the perfect omelet.”

Brie’s frustration grew as she failed omelet after omelet. It was painfully obvious cooking was not in her nature and she wanted to give up. However, Marquis would not hear of it. He was a formidable taskmaster, brutally honest and uncompromising. When she handed him her twenty-first attempt and he took a bite, he growled, “I will kill Thane for electing me for this assignment.”

It turned out that twenty-four was the magic number. “Although I am going to vomit, this is a good omelet.” He sighed and added, “Now make another.”

Brie wanted to cry with relief. She hurried to make another masterpiece. Three omelets later, he finally gave his seal of approval.

Marquis Gray looked up at the clock and shook his head. “You only have twenty-five minutes until your practicum.” He frowned and then stood up. “Unfortunately, there’s nothing else to be done,” he mumbled, as if to himself. Then, to Brie, he added, “Here, let me show you an easy pasta dish no one can decimate… Not even you.”

He collected premade noodles from the refrigerator and made a quick Italian dish consisting of freshly cut tomatoes, garlic, fresh basil and olive oil. Despite the simplicity of the ingredients, it was delectable—restaurant quality. The challenge for Brie was not making the tomato sauce, it was getting the noodles al dente. With just a few minutes to spare, Brie was able to present him with a satisfactory dish.

“You truly fail as a cook, Miss Bennett. In all my years of training I have never seen such ineptitude. I insist that you sign up for cooking lessons after this course.”

Brie bowed before him, mortified beyond belief, but she was grateful to be leaving the kitchen. “Thank you, Marquis Gray.”

“Leave. I must find a bucket to relieve myself of your cooking.”

“Where do I go, Master?”

He shook his head. “You are not allowed to call me Master after this.” He chuckled afterwards, so she figured he was joking. “Meet Master Anderson in room forty-eight.”

Brie’s heart sank.
More cooking?
“Beg your pardon, Marquis Gray, but I thought my practicum was starting.”

He looked at her thoughtfully. “It is. You are spending the evening with Master Anderson. You will be joining him at the party he is hosting. Thank heavens the other two girls proved better cooks, or he would have nothing to serve.”

Brie made her way to Master Anderson. Her back tingled in remembrance of his masterful skill with the bullwhip. She wondered what to expect at the party. Would she be scrubbing toilets next?

She was surprised and disappointed that the other two girls were not in the room with the talented trainer. “Good evening, Miss Bennett.”

She remembered the ritual and readied to undress, but he told her, “There’s no time. Come bow before me.” She came over to him and offered the homage he was due. His deep voice reverberated in her loins. “You are a lovely thing. Stand up and serve your Master.”

She was grateful he didn’t comment on where she had been for the last two hours. Brie helped Master Anderson load up boxes of prepared food, then followed him to his car.

“Do you understand what will be asked of you tonight, Miss Bennett?”

“No, Master Anderson.”

On the drive to his place, he explained, “You will act as the gracious hostess. See to my guests’ food and beverage needs. Smile and move gracefully throughout the rooms as you care for my special guests. I want every eye on you. I want them to envy me for the beauty only I control.”

The way Master Anderson talked made her long to please him. “It will be my honor, Master Anderson.”

“Tonight I would prefer you to simply call me Master, young Brie.”

She thought it was funny that Marquis had forbidden her from using that title a short time earlier. “Yes, Master.”

When they got to his home, an old Victorian, he directed her to his bedroom. “Your clothes are laid out for you. Dress and return to me.”

Brie hurried to the door he’d pointed out. It was definitely a masculine bedroom, with a dark brown color scheme, a leather lounger, and sports equipment on the wall. If his decor was any indication, the man was heavily into rowing and archery.

He had chosen a formfitting black dress for her, along with fishnet hose and five-inch heels. She appreciated his thoughtfulness concerning the heels. She gratefully exchanged six-inch for five and sought out her Dom for the evening.

“Ah, my beauty. Come to your Master.”

Brie walked up to him and was taken by surprise when he grabbed her ass and pressed her against his waist. His massive arousal was easy to detect beneath his business suit. “I remember your courage, young Brie. It stirs your Master to think of it.”

She wanted to service his need and asked, “How may I please you, Master?”

His smile was devastating, almost heart-stopping. “As we still have a bit before guests arrive, I believe now is a good time to show you my Room. I have a much nicer set-up in my other home…”

He walked her down a narrow hallway and unlocked the door at the end, then ushered her inside. It was illuminated by a soft, candle-like glow. She was immediately drawn to the wall of extensive BDSM toys and equipment, including his infamous bullwhip.

“Lie on the table so that I may play with you.”

“Do you want me to disrobe, Master?”

“Only the dress.”

He went over to his wall and scanned his equipment, apparently looking for something in particular while she removed her dress and lay down for him.

“Ah, there it is…”

Master Anderson approached Brie, holding a black hood. She felt a bit queasy as he gently placed it over her head and secured it around her neck. It took away a sense of self to have the hood cover her face, and she didn’t like it.

“First time with a hood?” he asked, although it sounded as if he already knew her answer.

She nodded, feeling mute under the black sheath.

“It will heighten different senses. Don’t you feel it?”

She realized he was right. Her sense of touch was magnified because of her sight and sense of smell being taken away. Even her sense of hearing was affected as she listened to herself breathe inside the hood.

She felt a light, prickling sensation run up her inner thigh. Goose bumps took over the area. She heard his light chuckle. “You must be new to the Wartenberg Wheel as well. It is a charming tool. I can lightly tickle or bring prickling pain.” She stiffened at his words, but he responded by caressing her thigh with his warm hand. “I do not cause pain needlessly, young Brie. Every tool, every action is gauged to bring the most pleasure. Tonight, I tease your body as I acquaint you with something new.”

Brie relaxed and gave in to the sensation. He ran the spur-like wheel over her exposed skin, acclimating her to its unique pleasure. Once he had her skin tingling from it, she heard his belt buckle being undone.

She was surprised to feel his shaft press against her pussy and immediately reacted. “I can’t!” Brie tried to scoot backwards, but he held her still. She cried out from inside the hood, “I can only couple with my trainer if other trainers are around, Master.”

He chuckled lightly as his tight grip on her loosened. “Ah, but I am not technically a staff member of the Center. The rules do not apply to me, young Brie.”

She nodded her head inside the hood and relaxed back on the table.

“Do not worry, I wouldn’t risk your training or my reputation,” he said soothingly as he began caressing her pussy with his massive cock. He spread her legs wider, coating his manhood with her juices as he readied Brie for penetration.

When he finally pushed the head of his large shaft inside her, she found herself grunting from effort. She’d forgotten just how big Master Anderson was and had to force her body to relax to a greater degree. Master was a challenging man to receive.

“So tight,” he exclaimed appreciatively as he pushed himself in deeper.

Brie could just imagine his immense manhood opening her up. The vision of it turned her on and she tilted her hips to further his progress.

“Good…” he growled hoarsely. Master Anderson began thrusting his dick into her, causing Brie to cry out. There was nothing like being filled past capacity to make a girl lose herself. Her senses blurred as Master Anderson fucked her with his mammoth cock. It pulled and tugged her into another reality. Soon she felt him shudder inside her warm depths.

It gave Brie an intoxicating sense of power. Not only could she take his manly shaft in its entirety, but she could bring him nirvana.

Master Anderson quickly disengaged and removed the hood. “The favor shall be returned later, but for now we must receive our guests.”

He helped her with her dress and teased her hair to maintain the just-fucked look. Then he cleaned his instrument before returning it to the wall.

He turned to her and grinned enchantingly. “Let the fun begin.”

The two walked into the foyer just in time to receive the first of his many guests. Brie about dropped to her knees when she opened the door to Mr. Holloway, the producer of two of the most popular cable series on TV. Her big chance stood before her, and all she could do was stare at him like a complete idiot.

Master Anderson came up behind her, placing his hand on the small of her back while holding out the other to give the producer’s a hearty shake. “I am glad you could make it, Mr. Holloway. I know Miss Bennett is grateful to make your acquaintance as well.”

“Ah, yes, Miss Bennett. The table trick.”

Brie blanched at his remark.

He seemed to find amusement in her discomfort and smiled. “So Gray didn’t tell you I was the designated lookout in case you failed in your task to be discreet.”

To hide her shock, she shook her head good-naturedly and asked, “May I take your coat, Mr. Holloway?”

He shrugged off his jacket and handed it to her, then dug into his shirt pocket and pulled out a card. “Gray says you are filming a documentary about the Center. I should have some time off in three months. Give me a call then and I’ll give it a look.”

Brie took the card and answered in a calm voice, “I will be sure to do that, thank you.” Thank heavens for her sub training! It saved her from falling all over him and making a fool of herself.

Within an hour, the house was full to capacity and Brie was running around serving drinks, along with exotic finger foods prepared by her two friends. She was floating on cloud nine. Mr. Holloway knew who she was and wanted to look at her documentary! Her break had finally come and it was all due to Marquis Gray, the man she’d nearly poisoned with her cooking earlier. She kissed the card and grinned to herself.

Brie suspected there were several submissives in attendance based on their postures and attentiveness to their ‘dates’. It became obvious when she walked into the study to care for her guests and found a submissive bent over an armchair, receiving a hard pounding. Seeing it so unexpectedly was both a shock and a turn-on.

The participants ignored her, so she quietly left the room and headed to the large entertainment area, where she was treated to another copulation scene. This time it was a young man taking a dick deep in the ass from a skinny but lusty Latino.

Master Anderson walked over to Brie, ignoring the erotic scene. “I have a friend I would like you to meet.” He guided her over to a scenic window where an Australian she’d served earlier was waiting. He was of Aboriginal ancestry, with a wide face and beautiful dark skin. His accent had delighted her when she’d heard it earlier but he was extremely quiet, so she asked a question in order to get him to speak. “What may I serve you?”

Master Anderson answered for him. “Actually, young Brie, the item he seeks is you.”

She was suddenly reminded of Rytsar’s party. However, this time her Master wanted to ‘share’. She glanced over at the young sub and saw the Latino had brought out a paddle. A party devoted to sub play… What a concept.

Brie turned to Master Anderson. She was open to the experience, so she bowed low at his feet. “What is your pleasure, Master?”

“That’s my beauty. Present yourself to us,” her Master commanded.

She immediately dropped to the floor before the men, her head down and her legs as open as her little black dress would allow. She felt them both caress her as they slowly removed her clothing. The Aborigine had a soft touch, light like a feather. It intrigued Brie, and she began to focus on his subtle caresses because of the delirious way they made her feel.

She felt Master Anderson leave her side, but was distracted when her other partner began nibbling on her hip bone. It was light and ticklish, making her twist and writhe underneath him. His laughter had a lilting quality she found charming. He continued to tease her until Master Anderson returned.

She saw he had a set of nipple clamps in his hand, connected by a delicate chain. She bit her lip, feeling her loins close up. Clamping her nipples had never been enjoyable. It was simply something to endure for her Dom’s pleasure.

“Not a fan of the clamps?” Master Anderson asked.

She snuck a peek at him. “No, Master.”

“Shall I change that?”

Brie doubted he had that kind of power, but she appreciated his offer. “Please, Master.”

She watched as he unscrewed the alligator clamps. He turned to her other partner and said, “Cobar, would you do the honors?”

Cobar’s dark hands moved to her nipples, and he began pinching and tugging on them ever so lightly. Because she was already sensitized to his unique touch, her nipples hardened instantaneously.

“I see you have a way with her,” Master Anderson commented. “Very good.” He placed the device on her nipple and clamped it shut. It barely squeezed her nipple because it was so loose. Then he began tightening the screw. “Let me know when it starts to feel uncomfortable.”

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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