What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two (138 page)

Read What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two Online

Authors: Ella Jade Michelle Hughes Christa Cervone Ranae Rose Red Phoenix Nina Pierce Malia Mallory Kate Dawes Adriana Hunter Vi Keeland,Summer Daniels

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Erotica, #Box Set, #Anthology

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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Brie knelt down next to the ugly wooden device. She gingerly put her hands and neck into the grooves and stayed there while Ms. Clark busied herself. Brie had to keep the tears from falling when her trainer lowered the top board down. The click of the lock solidified Brie’s disgrace.

“Five weeks I have had to put up with your insolence. This has been a long time in coming.”

“I’m sorry, Ms. Clark.”

“Mistress to you,” she corrected. “Save your apologies. They have no place here. You have been disrespectful to your trainer and must be punished. It is a natural consequence for disobedience.”

Ms. Clark pulled Brie’s skirt and panties off. Brie felt Ms. Clark’s hands spread her outer lips apart. “You will wear this for the entire session. I don’t think I need to tell you that coming is not an option.” Brie felt the cool invasion of a dildo push into her opening. She bit her lip, feeling nothing but humiliation.

Her Mistress turned the vibrator on to its fastest setting, then she showed Brie a long wooden paddle. “I prefer to use a cane, but Marquis forbade it with you.”

Brie was grateful for his intervention. It would have ruined the instrument for her.

When Mistress moved behind Brie, she closed her eyes. All she wanted was to escape the experience and she tried to shut down emotionally. It was as if Mistress knew, because she announced, “You will count for me, Miss Bennett.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Normally, I tell my subs the number of hits they must endure. However, I think I will keep that to myself.”

Brie groaned silently. The paddle came down hard across both cheeks. Brie gasped as the sting of it burst over her skin, and then dissipated. “One,” she called out to Mistress.

It was immediately followed by another, equally hard swat. Brie choked out, “Two.”

“Why are you being punished tonight, Miss Bennett?”

“I made a joke instead of answering your question.”

The third hit landed on her tender ass and Brie felt the first tear fall.

“It was your lack of respect towards me that was the problem.” Ms. Clark waited.

Brie realized she’d forgotten to count and blurted, “Three.”

“You will receive an extra for forgetting.”

Brie knew better than to beg for mercy, but had to bite her lip to prevent it.

“All along I have striven to help you succeed as a submissive, and yet you return my gift with flippancy?” The fourth swat made Brie weak all over.

“Four, Mistress.”

“What is your greatest weakness?”

Brie thought Mistress was taking a breather until she felt the fifth land on her ass. She gasped in surprise. “Five… I look Dominants in the eyes, Mistress.”

The sixth came with a hearty, “No!” Tears fell down Brie’s cheeks; there was no holding them back any longer. “Your greatest weakness is not remembering you are a submissive when you are in the presence of Dominants.”

“Six,” Brie said meekly.

“If that was foremost in your mind, you would not fail constantly.”

Brie tried to silence her sob. “Thank you, Mistress.”

Mistress rubbed the paddle over her ass, making it sting from the contact. “I have never seen such talent wrapped up in such foolishness.” She slapped the paddle with a little less muscle.

“Seven.” Brie held her breath.
Is Mistress giving me a compliment?

“From this day forward, you will not forget your place.” She swung the paddle hard, and Brie’s ass burst into burning heat.

“Eight…Yes, Mistress.”

Brie heard the paddle drop to the floor. Mistress bent over and played with her vibrating clit. Brie had forgotten about the dildo inside her until the Domme had started manipulating it.

“I want you to stay here in the dark and concentrate on what you have learned tonight. I shouldn’t have to repeat it, but coming is not allowed.” She pulled the dildo out a little farther so that the clitoral stimulator attached to it vibrated more fully against Brie’s aching clit.

Mistress stood up and asked, “What do you say, Miss Bennett?”

“Thank you, Mistress.”

“It’s been my pleasure.”

She walked out of the room, flicking off the light switch before she left, leaving Brie alone in the dark.

The throbbing of her buttocks started pulsing with her clit. Faelan came to mind. She recalled the lusty way he had taken her and had to fight off the feelings building up.

She shook her head. She dug down deep and pushed away all thoughts of pleasure. Endurance and obedience were her only goals; they were the only things that mattered. She was determined not to get herself into this situation again. After what felt like several excruciating hours, Mistress returned.

“Did you come?” she asked calmly.

“No, Mistress.”

“Fine.” Ms. Clark pulled out the dildo and unfastened the stockade. “Get dressed. You may leave.”

Brie slowly pulled her panties back on and zipped up her skirt. She walked out of the Center with her head held high but her butt cheeks throbbing. She’d survived Ms. Clark’s punishment and learned a valuable lesson from it.

Both girls approached her when she went to unlock her car. Lea put her hand on Brie’s shoulder and asked, “How are you?”

Brie gave a faint smile. “Okay. My ass hurts like the dickens, but I’ll live.”

“That bitch beat you while you were in the stockade?” Mary asked, clearly upset.

“Yes, but I survived and am better for it.”

“What do you mean?” Mary barked, looking like she wanted to kick some Ms. Clark butt.

Brie hemmed and hawed before she answered. “Ms. Clark was right to punish me. I was not respectful.”

“Fuck me! I can’t believe you’re being such a wuss. That woman has been nothing but a bitch to you.”

Brie looked Mary in the eye. “I have not been submissive to her.”

Mary shook her head in disbelief.

Lea took Brie’s hand and squeezed it. “Yes.”

Brie looked at Lea in surprise. All this time she had thought of Lea as the lesser sub, but had been blind to the girl’s strengths. Lea might not have had the same level of book smarts, but it was obvious that she had her own unique talents as a submissive. There was a reason that Ms. Clark had praised her and other Doms had rated her well.
What a fool I’ve been,
Brie thought, giving Lea a quick hug.

She announced to both girls, “We are headed to my home. This is our last auction debrief and we are partying all night long!”

Brie eagerly opened her apartment to her friends, proud of the array of drinks and foods she had accumulated for the occasion. It was every bit as extravagant as the spread they’d had at the Center, and had taken weeks to save up for. She also had her camera ready.

Mary eyed it suspiciously. “I am
going to interview for you.”

“You don’t have to,” Brie assured her. “I just want to record our evening. I’ll edit it later and let you look it over. I promise I won’t use any footage you aren’t comfortable with. I just want us to enjoy ourselves without worrying about the camera.”

“Hey, I’m totally down with that,” Lea said, going over to the lens and blowing a kiss.

Brie grinned. “Thanks, girlfriend.”

“Oh, is that how it is? You playing favorites, Miss Bennett?” Mary snarked.

“Only if you won’t agree to being filmed.”


Brie bumped hips with her playfully. “The blackmailiest.”


“The bitchiest.”

Mary swatted her ass lightly, causing Brie to squeal in pain. “Okay, fine, Miss. Bennett, but I have final say.”

Brie moved a safe distance away before answering, “I wouldn’t have it any other way, Mary Quite Contrary.”

Brie herded her friends to her couch with their favorite drinks and snacks. She sat down gingerly, finding the position that hurt the least. The three spent the night sharing not only the details of their last Auction Day, but their favorite moments from their time at the Center.

“My favorite has to be the violet wand,” Lea blurted.

“Not your outing with Ms. Clark?” Mary asked sarcastically.

“Well, that was exceptional. However, that wand… I’m telling you, I haven’t felt anything like it.”

“What about you?” Brie asked Mary.

Mary instantly clammed up and stared at the camera.

“It won’t bite, woman. Pretend it’s not there and tell me what you liked.”

Mary took a deep breath. She turned away from the camera before she spoke. “Hmm… So much to choose from. You have to admit we are the luckiest women alive. So many Doms and so many scenarios to reflect on.”

“True,” Brie agreed, “but which was your favorite?”

“Oh, hell… Marquis Gray.”

Brie and Lea nodded in unison. Lea grinned. “Totally makes sense. He is a master of the flogger.”

“I do like Marquis…” Brie said dreamily.

“I would ask that man to collar me if it was allowed,” Mary said, taking a sip of her drink.

Brie felt a cold chill.
Mary must not know what she was talking about. The waiting was almost over… Once they’d graduated from the course, the trainers would be fair game.

Mary shocked Brie again when she added, “But I sure would like to take a spin with Faelan.”

Brie felt her hackles instantly rise. “Why?”

“He’s the talk of the Center. Haven’t you heard? All of his subs want to partner with him. Damn, I want a chance at that boy! There’s something about those eyes that drives me absolutely wild. I haven’t stopped dreaming about Todd Wallace since suffering through his vibrator punishment. I can’t explain what it is about him, but I am majorly attracted.”

What is Mary’s problem?
Does she have to lust after every guy I like?
Brie got up to fix another drink to avoid saying something she’d regret.

Lea spoke up. “He’s been Brie’s since even before Brie knew he existed.”

Mary turned on her. “I don’t understand it. What does she have that I don’t?”

“A heart,” Lea joked.

Brie headed back with a new drink in her hand. She shook her head in response to Lea’s statement. “No, Mary has a heart.” She looked at her former nemesis. “You were kind to Captain tonight.”

Mary’s eyes softened. “He’s a good man.”

Brie smiled, agreeing, “Yes, he is.” She paused for a moment, debating whether she should voice her thoughts, but forged ahead anyway. “I doubted you, Mary. But I should have known better. Underneath that hard exterior is a beautiful person.”

“Shut the fuck up!” Mary glared at the camera accusingly. “Turn that damn thing off!”

Brie didn’t budge. “Why? The truth pissing you off?”

Mary suddenly looked close to tears. Brie rushed over to her camera and switched it off. “I didn’t mean anything by it…” She added tenderly, “Bitch.”

Mary looked her in the eye and mouthed the word, “Thanks.”

Brie suddenly understood that Mary wasn’t used to compliments from other women. “I only speak the truth, you know.”

Mary began wiping tears away as quickly as they appeared.

Lea looked at Brie in shock, clearly not knowing how to handle the situation. “So Mary, I don’t suppose you’ve heard that a good submissive is hard to beat?”

Mary shook her head a couple of times and then started laughing hysterically, far more enthusiastically than the joke deserved. But it prompted both girls to join her. Brie poured Mary another drink and handed Lea a beer.

She held up her wine glass and toasted, “May we go down in the history books as the best damn submissive class known in the history of the Submissive Training Center!”

They held up their glasses one at a time, each girl cheering for herself:

“Lea the Lovely!”

“Mary the Magnificent!”

“Brie the Bodacious!”

They broke out in more peals of laughter until Mr. Nguyen hammered from the floor above. Brie looked at the clock. “Oh, crap, girls, we have to try to keep it down. I’m pissing off my neighbor because it’s four o’clock in the morning.”

There was silence for a couple of seconds, and then the snickers began. Mary smiled at Brie and suggested, “Why don’t we pay a visit to Mr. Nguyen and show him what we’ve learned?”

Brie started crying as she tried to hold back the laughter threatening to spill out. She stumbled over to the other two and wrapped them in her arms. “I love you guys.”

Lea hugged back, but Mary pulled away. “Enough with the hugging. You are not hot in any way, shape or form.”

Brie laughed out loud. “Whatever, Mary the Mediocre.”

“Magnificent, bitch.”

Brie held her hand up in a dismissive manner. “Whatever…”

Mary tackled her to the ground and Lea jumped on top.

Brie grinned up at the ceiling. Five weeks ago, she had been alone and bored. Now she had these two amazing women as friends
a whole exotic world to explore with the Dom of her choice.

Truly, life doesn’t get better than this…

(Week 6)

Brie Bows to Her Master

The End Approaches

ven though it was nearly five a.m., the girls were still partying hard. Five weeks of submissive training meant they had a lot to celebrate. Mary had even given Brie permission to turn the camera back on so that she could record their conversation for her documentary.

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