Read What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two Online

Authors: Ella Jade Michelle Hughes Christa Cervone Ranae Rose Red Phoenix Nina Pierce Malia Mallory Kate Dawes Adriana Hunter Vi Keeland,Summer Daniels

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Erotica, #Box Set, #Anthology

What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two (145 page)

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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He took her to a private box and ushered the boy in. He directed Brie to the seat nearest the stage. Sir sat next to her and the young man stood in the shadows. Brie wondered when Sir would reveal the boy’s purpose.

Sir leaned over and slid the fur off her shoulders before untying her wrists. “Have you been to an opera before?”

“Khan, may I be brutally honest?”

“Yes,” he answered with a smirk.

“I have avoided them. I’m not into foreign singing.”

“You have done yourself a grave disservice, girl. Have you heard the story of Madame Butterfly?”

“I only know it ends sadly.”

“Indeed. Unrequited love that ends in tragedy.”

As if on cue, the lights went down and the opera began. Brie enjoyed the costumes and the elaborate set, but it was the soulful voice of the girl that moved her. The tender and consuming love the girl expressed for her indifferent husband touched Brie’s heart, and she felt tears prick her eyes.


She turned to Sir, realizing she hadn’t heard him calling her name. “Yes, Khan?”

“Over my knee, now.”

Brie lay down over his muscular thighs and felt Sir pull her dress up over her waist. The darkness gave them the illusion of privacy, although anyone in the adjacent boxes would be able to see what he was doing if he or she simply stood up.

His warm hand caressed her ass, soothingly, teasingly… She closed her eyes, enjoying his sensual touch. When he lifted his hand, she held her breath. It came down forcefully but without pain. Instead, the contact reverberated through her loins. His swats were slow, solid and controlled, meant solely to arouse—his was a powerful, masculine caress that possessed her body and soul.

He fisted her hair and pulled her head back, kissing her with more than just passion. Brie responded, communicating her love for him through her lips. He pulled away abruptly and commanded, “Stand.”

Sir moved the chairs to the side and ordered her to lie on her back. She eagerly complied, thrilled when he lay beside her. He unzipped her dress, playing with the pearls hidden underneath. There in the dark, with the music echoing through the theater, Sir readied himself to take his devoted sub. Only, he didn’t…

Once he had unclasped her bra, Sir motioned the boy over—her priest. She was naked except for her garter belt, hose and heels, her legs wide open to him. The angel-faced boy knelt before her, undoing his buckle before unzipping his pants. He freed his long, hard member and began stroking it. Brie’s loins tingled. She knew he was about to take her, but she wanted it to be Sir.
Screw my fantasy!

Sir began caressing her body as he licked and nibbled her breasts. She responded to his attention, but stiffened when she felt the boy’s hand on her. Sir looked up and commanded, “Let him touch you.”

Brie forced herself to relax as the young man explored her soft folds with his fingers, lightly flicking her clit. She jumped when she felt the warmth of his tongue.

“Prove yourself worthy of your Khan’s attention,” Sir ordered.

His words changed her perception. This was her fantasy that Sir had thoughtfully set up. Instead of fighting off the boy’s attention, she allowed herself to yearn for it. Brie opened to the boy and felt the fire begin to build. The whole time, Sir ravished her with his hands and mouth. It was the best of all worlds. Two men focused on her pleasure, demanding her orgasm.

The music was building up to a crescendo, just like her body. Sir leaned over and whispered in her ear, “Let him take your innocence.” His lips came down on hers, his tongue entering her mouth at the same moment the blond penetrated her with his lengthy cock.

Brie forgot she was in public and cried out. Then she kissed Sir fiercely, releasing all the love and passion she had built up over the weeks. He groaned into her mouth, returning the intensity as the boy rammed his cock deep and hard—the three of them a ball of human lust. Sir bit her neck, sending ribbons of electricity to her groin.

She threw her head back and moaned. The music matched the fervor churning inside her, and then the chills began. Sir leaned over her possessively. Even in the dark, she swore she could see love expressed in his gaze.

“I want you to come for him.” He locked lips with her as Brie’s body stiffened and then shuddered in a forceful release—all the passion, all the love mixing into the physical embodiment of pleasure. It was a feeling like no other, and she embraced the climax to the very last spasm.

Sir pulled away from her and his expression changed as he reconstructed the wall between them. She could sense the distance he was creating, but was powerless to stop it.

The boy distracted her by kissing her thighs tenderly in gratitude. She appreciated the sweet gesture, but could only stare at the intricately carved ceiling, wondering if her heart could take any more games.

Sir helped Brie dress before the intermission. She’d barely had her dress zipped before soft lights illuminated their box. She was shaken by the intensity of their encounter and sat in her chair, pretending to watch the crowd of people milling below.

Sir turned to the boy and whispered something. Brie glanced over and saw the young man nod to him and then give her a meaningful glance before exiting the balcony. Sir turned to her and held out his hand. “We are done here, unless you want to watch Butterfly commit

Brie popped out of her seat and took his hand hastily. He pulled her to him, bringing their lips within centimeters of each other, but then he slowly turned her to face away from him. His hands ran down her arms and then grasped her wrists forcefully. He bound them and covered her with the fur, biting her neck lightly in the process. They left the theater just as the last act began.

The limousine was waiting for them outside. She noticed the blond was nowhere to be seen. It was just Brie and Sir… Her heart began to race as she thought of the possibilities.

Sir buckled her in and sat opposite her, just as he had at the beginning of the evening. She watched him covertly, hoping he would finally make his move.

“What did you think of the opera, girl?”

Still playing his role…

“It was more beautiful than I expected and,” she paused and looked him directly in the eye, “far more exciting, Khan.”

He had a slight smirk on his face. “Now that we have your deflowering out of the way, I can use you however I see fit.”

She felt delightful shivers run down her spine. “Yes, most revered Khan. I am yours for the taking.”

“After I untie you, remove your dress and bra. Brace your waist against the seat. I don’t plan to be gentle.”

Brie’s whole body trembled with excitement. She followed his instructions and laid her stomach against the seat with her legs spread wide for him. She whimpered softly when she felt his hand grasp her sex. “Mine!”

He trailed his hands over her body, seeming to relish every inch. Then he grabbed her ass with one hand and guided his cock with the other, rubbing and teasing her moist lips. He tormented her with his manhood, arousing her desire to greater heights. She wiggled against his rigid shaft,
him to take her with that princely cock.

“You want this, girl?” She felt Sir move into position, his shaft ready to penetrate her soul.

“Yes! Love me hard, Khan,” she cried.

He pushed violently away from her.

“I do not love,” he growled. Sir moved back to his seat and sat there in silence.

She braved a peek and saw him staring intensely at her. “I’m sorry, Sir. It was a bad choice of words.”

His whole countenance changed and the trainer returned. “Miss Bennett…” Oh, how Brie hated it when he called her by her last name. “You cannot confuse the emotions of a scene for real life.”

“Sir, I…”

“Enough. We are done for the evening.”

They spent the rest of the car ride in silence. Brie was sure she’d seen love smoldering behind his gaze at the theater, and she had certainly felt it in his kisses. She hadn’t been imagining things and there was no way it had been part of the ‘scene’. Why couldn’t Sir forget the rules for one night and love her body, the way they both wanted—both needed?

When the limo pulled up to her apartment Sir said, “Although the fur comes with me, the rest is yours to keep. Have a good evening, Miss Bennett.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

Brie got out of the limo, feeling shell-shocked. How could the evening be ending like this? Everything had been so promising, so deliciously exciting. She could still feel Sir’s passionate lips pressed against hers.

As she watched the limousine exit the parking lot, she lifted the pearls out from under her dress and dragged them across her teeth.
Whatever it takes, I will get you to say those three words tomorrow, Sir. I’ve been patient long enough.

Preparing for Graduation

rie walked into Sir’s office, a tangle of nerves. The night before graduation, each girl was expected to sit down with Sir to discuss their overall experience with the program, as well as their plans for the future. It was her best chance, and perhaps her only chance to get him to admit his true feelings. Really, now that their graduation was imminent, there was no reason for him to hide it any longer.

“Please sit,” Sir said in his smooth, velvety voice.

Brie sat down and thrust her hands between her legs to keep them still, not wanting to expose her tense excitement. She looked him directly in the eyes, letting her face express her love for him.

He cleared his throat.
A sign of his own nervous excitement?
she wondered gleefully. “I am assuming you still seek to be collared tomorrow?”

She beamed. “Yes, Sir.”

“I thought so. It’s a wise choice for you. Although you have the ability to please the Dom you are with, I don’t think you will truly be satisfied until you can focus on a single Master.”

Brie couldn’t stop herself from smiling. “I long for it, Sir.”

“I shall be forthright with you, Miss Bennett. You are one of the most talented subs I have had the pleasure to instruct. Although your instincts get in the way at times, you have the ability to please and charm a variety of Dominants. It has been satisfying to witness. However, I have enjoyed your wit, coupled with your fearless determination, that much more.”

“Thank you, Sir,” she purred, bursting with happiness. “I’ve flourished under your instruction.”

He waved the compliment away, choosing instead to splash cold water on their exchange. “You have two noteworthy Doms who are interested in you. I have confidence both would care for you well, although they couldn’t be further from each other in philosophy.”

Brie shook her head. What was he talking about
? Two?

He read the confusion on her face and responded, “Am I wrong to assume you will be choosing between Nosaka and Wallace?”

A nervous giggle escaped from her lips. “Those are not the only two.”

His tone became deadly serious. “Miss Bennett… I hope you are not under the impression that trainers are an option. I told you early on that we cannot partner with our students.”

She stammered, “But… I… We graduate tomorrow.”

His expression changed into one of compassion. “I will always be your trainer. Your graduation does not change that. Feel free to come to me or any of the trainers if you ever have need. We will always be here for you.”

She stared at him dully, trying to process his words. In one fell swoop, he’d stripped away two of her choices. No Marquis and no…Sir. The ice-cold reality of what he was saying washed over her.

A pained look traveled across his face before he spoke. “Miss Bennett, I thought you understood.”

She shook her head slowly.

Within a few seconds the worried look on his face transformed into a reassuring smile. “Well, there is no reason to be upset.” He picked up a pen from his desk and began fiddling with it. “You have two exceptional Doms to choose from. Ren Nosaka is a master at his skill. It is obvious that he has feelings for you. As for Todd Wallace, I had my reservations when he approached the Center about wanting to train as a Dom. However, he has proven himself to me. In fact…” Sir looked at her intently. “I see some of myself in him. That’s why I chose to spend time outside the Center instructing Mr. Wallace. Although I am not a master of one particular area, I have a solid background overall. It’s the main reason I was chosen as headmaster of the Center.”

Brie couldn’t believe that the man who had trained do everything was the one man who chose to rely solely on his touch. It made him…perfect.

“I am unsure if Mr. Wallace is simply infatuated with you, but that is something the two of you can explore if you choose.” Sir’s eyes were gentle, so loving.

A tear escaped and slowly trailed down her cheek.

It seemed as if he couldn’t handle seeing it, so he chose to ignore it by saying, “You are in a win-win situation, Miss Bennett.” Sir pulled a photo out of his desk and placed it in front of her. It was the one that Tono had taken of her. “Any man who can make you feel this way is worthy.”

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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