Read What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two Online

Authors: Ella Jade Michelle Hughes Christa Cervone Ranae Rose Red Phoenix Nina Pierce Malia Mallory Kate Dawes Adriana Hunter Vi Keeland,Summer Daniels

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Erotica, #Box Set, #Anthology

What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two (137 page)

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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“That’s it, blossom…”

His praise heightened her pleasure as she danced for Faelan. The bass vibrated in her core, the electronic notes highlighting the score as she moved instinctually to the erotic rhythm.

Goose bumps rose on her skin when she felt his hot breath upon her shoulder. He pressed against her and started moving with her. The two gyrated together as a single unit, in time with the sensual beat. She looked down at his masculine arm wrapped around her waist, struck by how intensely male he was.

He moved away from her and ordered her to continue dancing. She did so reluctantly, wanting Faelan to continue his physical seduction of her. She closed her eyes again and moved to the rhythm, swaying her hips and moving her arms gracefully above her head, feeling totally, utterly

Her nipples hardened as she felt his naked skin pressing against her, his firm cock tucked between her ass cheeks. Then she felt warm liquid down her front, and the scent of milk chocolate filled her nostrils. Her eyes popped open. She looked down and watched his chocolate-covered hands make dark trails over her white skin.

“Keep dancing,” he murmured.

They moved in sync with the music as he covered her chest in warm chocolate. He left for a second and then returned, his hands dripping with more of the sweet ambrosia. She put her hands over his and followed them as they trailed down her stomach and then moved to her waist, grabbing her aggressively. She laid her head back against his shoulder, giving in to the warm sensation of his chocolate caress.

He panted in her ear like an animal. Then she felt his masculine hand grasp her throat, holding her possessively. She was overcome by the gesture, loving the submissive emotion it provoked. “Release your animal, blossom,” he growled. He then pushed two fingers into her mouth and she started sucking them as they continued to grind to the music.

When the beat slowed, Faelan turned her around and pushed Brie to her knees, then joined her on the floor. He cupped her breasts in his hands and squeezed them together before licking and biting her chocolate flesh. Brie moaned raggedly, but her voice could not compete with the loud music filling her senses. The driving rhythm made her feel young, reckless, wild… She scratched her chocolaty fingernails down his chest. She looked down at his long, hard cock and cried, “I need…”

His lustful stare melted her loins. He turned her away from him, forcing her onto her hands and knees. Faelan grabbed her buttocks roughly, sexually, with only one thought in mind—to impale her with his manhood. She growled with animal passion as he delivered a powerful thrust. The two of them fucked to the aggressive beat of the music. His thrusts were demanding and she met every stroke by pushing against him, driving him in deeper. Needing more…

He sensed her unspoken desire and pushed her to the cold marble, shoving his cock deeper. She closed her eyes and accepted all of him.
Possess me!

The two of them grunted as they copulated on the floor—and copulated was the proper term. She
lust—hungry, insatiable, ravenous. He met that unquenchable need, fucking her hard, picking her up and pushing her against walls, tables, chairs… He was rough with her, pulling her hair, grabbing her forcefully, slamming his cock into her repeatedly.

And her body took his raw passion—
it, in fact. She licked his sweaty skin, needing to taste every part of him. At one point, the need for him became so intense that she bit down on his shoulder. He growled in lusty encouragement, pressing her against him.

By the time they had finished, she was a quivering heap of feminine flesh. She had to hold on to Faelan as he lathered her up and rinsed her off in the shower. Then he carried her to his bed and gathered her in his arms, panting softly in her ear. They lay like that for what seemed like hours, her body taking its own sweet time to come back down.

“You smell delicious,” he said huskily.

She buried her face in his neck and took a long inhale. She smiled as she looked into his blue eyes. “You have an intoxicating smell yourself.”

He pressed her closer to him and chuckled.

“What’s so funny?”

“I remember that day you were pushed into my chest at the door. I knew by the way you stiffened that you felt the connection too, no matter how much you wanted to fight it.”

“May I speak freely?” Brie asked.

“Yes, blossom.”

“You are an arrogant man.”

“I think you confuse arrogance with confidence, my sweet,” he said, kissing the top of her head.

She smiled despite herself. For being as green as he was, the man was Dom through and through.

“You and I are a lot alike, you know.”

She looked at him doubtfully. “How so?”

Faelan swept a string of wet hair from her cheek. “We both run on natural instinct. But it’s not just our instincts that we have in common, it’s also the burning desire to experience the limitless possibilities. Imagine two people determined to explore each other. Nothing too mundane or extreme to be considered, as long as both consent.”

Her heart quickened at the thought.

He kissed her tenderly on the lips and murmured, “I bet you didn’t know that I’m taking private lessons on top of my training.”

She shook her head and sat up to look at him more closely, surprised by the revelation. It seemed his interest in domination was not simply an infatuation over a girl. He was taking his training as seriously as she was—
more so, in fact.

“I’ve decided to get the most out of the break from my business classes. Not wasting time while I have the opportunity to learn from the best.” Brie nodded, feeling a new level of respect for the man. She was about to tell him so when he switched gears on her, gliding his index finger leisurely down the middle of her chest.

“Now that I have brought out the lioness, I want to hear you purr.” His mouth demanded her attention as his hands began their wicked exploration. Brie wiggled and squirmed, thoroughly enjoying the fruits of his training.

When Faelan dropped her off at the Center, he insisted on not only escorting her inside, but also directing her to the chair next to Mary. He bent over and bit her earlobe. It sent a fresh set of shivers down her spine. He chuckled softly before leaving her side.

Mary gave Brie a strange look, so she mumbled, “What’s your problem?” Mary ignored her and turned back to the panel.

Brie wondered if Mary had struggled with Captain. It would be a shame for both parties, but Mary shouldn’t be taking it out on her.

Once Lea joined the group, the panel discussion began. Brie was relieved to hear via the trainers’ questions that Mary had had a positive experience with Captain. Surprisingly, Mary had actually enjoyed her time with him. It seemed that she’d relished being chained to the bed even more than Brie had. Maybe her calling was to be a pet for a strong Dom who could balance discipline with tenderness.

Lea’s last Auction Day had been with a Dom named ‘the Sheik’. He’d had a harem of five girls that he’d introduced Lea to. From the glow on her face and the excitement in her voice, it was easy to tell it had been Lea’s dream come true.

Sir turned his attention to Brie last. “How would you rate your time with Mr. Wallace?”

“I would give today a solid nine.”

“Really?” he asked. “I couldn’t help noticing the marks on your arms.”

Mary stared at her again, and this time Brie could not miss the look of jealousy that played across her face.

Brie examined both arms and saw that there were several red splotches, some of which were beginning to turn purple. She’d had no idea they’d been that rough. She looked back at him and said, “It was worth it, Sir.”

“What exactly did you do?” Marquis asked, clearly interested.

“Umm…basic, animalistic sex. We did play a game first. A guessing game that included a blindfold and certain items I had to identify.”

“I wouldn’t have suspected you liked it that rough, Miss Bennett,” Master Anderson commented.

“I’m a bit surprised myself.”

Sir followed up by asking, “Based on your rating, I assume it’s something you would entertain again?”

She blushed and stammered, “Ah…only with the right Dom, Sir.”

He answered with a simple, “I see,” but the way he said it was odd. She wasn’t sure how to take those two words, and was surprised when all five trainers wrote down something on their paper.

Ms. Clark asked the standard question: “Is there anything you would change about the encounter?”

Brie answered with a straight face, “Well, having a rug would have been nice. The marble was a bit hard.”

Mary snickered softly, causing Ms. Clark to instantly turn on her. “Do not encourage such insolence!”

Ms. Clark ordered Brie to look her in the face. Brie felt queasy as she lifted her eyes to the Domme’s. The look of disgust and anger was hard to take.

“Such a flippant answer has only one recourse—the stockade.”

Brie silently groaned. It was true. She had not treated Ms. Clark with the respect she was due, but this was their last auction night together. All Brie wanted to do was head out of the door with Mary and Lea.

“Please, Mistress Clark. I’m sorry if I sounded flippant.”

“You did not
flippant, you
flippant. Speak again and I will increase your punishment.”

Brie nodded and sighed inwardly. She hoped desperately that the other two would wait for her. She needed her time with them.

Master Coen addressed the group. “This was your last auction. Next week, we will be introducing you to the community. It is a formal affair. I advise you to buy clothes suitable for the occasion.”

“What sort of clothes, Master Coen?” Mary asked.

“Clothes that would please a potential Master, of course.”

His words made Brie’s heart stop for a second.
My Master…

Marquis Gray spoke next. “You will have the option to present a symbolic collar to the Dom of your choice, but keep two things in mind. One, you do not have to pick a Dom. In fact, we would discourage it. It would be wise to give yourself time to circulate. Second, even if you are certain you have found the Dominant you wish to partner with, he has the right to refuse you.”

Brie’s jaw dropped.

Marquis continued, “To prevent that from happening, we will allow you to meet with up to three Doms during the gathering. If, at the end of the night, you still want to present your collar, you will be given the chance to do so.”

Sir added, “Whether you choose to present your collar or not, take advantage of the three meetings. It is an opportunity to quiz Dominants you are interested in, and you are allowed to engage in private activities, if you so desire. You will have no better chance to interview potential partners.”

It kind of reminded Brie of speed dating, with a BDSM twist.

“Are there any questions?” Sir asked.

Lea spoke up. “Can we change our minds partway through the night if we decide not to present the collar?”

“At any point you may change your mind. This is a personal decision. Do not feel pressured—it’s simply an opportunity afforded you at the ceremony.”

There was no question in Brie’s mind about presenting a collar. She was desperate to commit to one Dom, but the problem was she wasn’t sure which one yet. Having her heart stretched in so many directions was killing her inside.

“If there are no further questions, you are dismissed.”

“All except you, Miss Bennett,” Ms. Clark snapped.

Brie stood up to follow, but Marquis accosted Ms. Clark and spoke to her briefly. While she was waiting, Brie heard Lea whisper, “We’ll be in the parking lot.”

Brie closed her eyes in relief. At least Ms. Clark wasn’t taking that away from her. The Domme snapped her fingers and gestured for Brie to follow. Her trainer’s heels clicked loudly down the hall. The ire in her walk was easy to hear, filling Brie with apprehension.

Why am I such an idiot?

A Little Female Persuasion

er trainer opened a door to a classroom Brie hadn’t been inside. It was completely bare except for the stockade in the center. “Place yourself in it, Miss Bennett, while I ready your punishment.”

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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