What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two (133 page)

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Authors: Ella Jade Michelle Hughes Christa Cervone Ranae Rose Red Phoenix Nina Pierce Malia Mallory Kate Dawes Adriana Hunter Vi Keeland,Summer Daniels

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Erotica, #Box Set, #Anthology

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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Her shallow gasps filled the room. Brie stayed pressed against the wall, willing him back to her.

She heard his ragged breath and knew he was just out of reach. Brie said nothing, waiting obediently, praying he would return to her.

“Fuck! You’re like a drug to me.”

She whispered into the dark, “Consume me.”

He rushed upon her then. Sir found her wrists in the dark and pulled them above her head. He held onto them with one hand while the other fumbled with his zipper, then guided his shaft into her.

She cried out at the force of his entry. He covered her mouth to keep her quiet as he began thrusting hard, but it wasn’t enough for either of them. He let go of her wrists and lifted her up by the thighs. He gained deeper access with the new angle and smashed her against the wall as he took her roughly.

Brie gasped as his cock claimed its prize. Then she heard Ms. Clark say, “Where the hell is Thane? He’s not in his office.”

Sir’s hand was back on her mouth. His thrusts slowed but did not stop as the two listened to the conversation just outside the door.

Marquis Gray answered, “I have no idea. I’ll head upstairs to ask at the front desk.”

“I’ll check the commons again,” Ms. Clark snapped. “This is such a waste of time! He’s going to get an earful when I see him.”

Brie heard Sir chuckle softly, just before he thrust deep. He kissed her again, his lips expressing a tenderness she hadn’t experienced before. When he pulled away, she breathed out in the barest of whispers, “I love you, Sir.”

He responded by grabbing her face in his hands and kissing her deeply as his body crushed her against the wall. His tongue thrust into her mouth with the same passion as his cock drove into her burning depths. She lost herself in his desire as he consumed her—mind, body and soul.

“I need more…” he grunted.

She was desperate to give him more, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Just say the word and I am yours completely.”

His lips moved to her ear. She heard his intake of breath just as he was about to speak. Brie closed her eyes, waiting to hear his declaration of love.

The door swung open and light flooded the room. “Brie, what are you doing in the dark?” Mr. Reynolds asked.

Brie rubbed her eyes, waking from her dream. She looked up at her boss as the blood rushed to her cheeks. “I just needed to rest my eyes for a few minutes. Did I go past my break?” She started to get up, but he told her to sit back down.

“You’re fine. You still have a few minutes left.”

Brie took several deep breaths to calm her racing heart. Even in her dreams she had been denied hearing Sir say those three little words. She felt her heart catch.
Is it a sign that I never will?

Mr. Reynolds sat down next to her in the tiny office. “Is there anything I can do? You know I will be happy to help if I can.”

She smiled at the compassionate man who was so much like a father to her. “It’s nothing to worry about, Mr. Reynolds. Classes are just taking a lot out of me. It’ll be over soon.”

He responded sadly, “I have an uneasy feeling that I won’t be seeing your smiling face around here much longer.” He patted her hand. “But that’s okay. You were meant for more than this. It’s just that this old man will miss you.”

“Who says I’m leaving?” she quipped. “You can’t run this place with Jeff as your sidekick.”

He looked at her kindly. “Brie, you deserve better than this.”

Tears welled up when she heard the earnestness in his voice. “Thank you, Mr. Reynolds.”

He gave her hand one final pat. “So have you got enough Zs or should I turn the light back off and give you five more minutes?”

“I think I’m good.”

“Glad to hear it. Jeff screwed up stocking yesterday. Do you mind taking care of that?”

“I don’t know how you put up with that boy,” Brie grumbled good-naturedly as she got up from her chair.

“What choice do I have when he’s related to the owner? I consider Jeff a cross I must bear. The boy teaches me patience on a level no one else could.” He stood up and grinned. “Besides, who else would put up with him?”

“You’re a good man, Mr. Reynolds,” she said, and gave him a peck on his weathered cheek.

As she left work that night, Brie felt a cool chill travel down her spine. Her boss was right; she felt it in her bones that her days at the tobacco shop were numbered. She struggled with the conflicting emotions of excitement and sadness, knowing things were about to change.

She walked up to the doors of the Training Center with a playful grin on her face. Blue Eyes had been the one to mess with her mind for weeks now. It was high time to give him a taste of his own medicine. As she passed, she tucked her hair behind her ear while batting her eyes at him.

He cleared his throat before saying his customary, “Good evening, Miss Bennett.”

She turned around in one fluid motion, blowing him a kiss before turning back around and walking to the elevator.
Take that, Wolfpup,
she thought, giggling to herself.

Mr. Gallant’s class centered on the importance of tasks and rituals. “Daily tasks given by the Dominant are gifts. They may look like common, everyday tasks to an outsider, but for the submissive it is the opportunity to serve her Master. It allows her to please her Dom and gives her an opportunity to be rewarded for a job well done.”

“Rituals, on the other hand, are formalized series of words or actions that reinforce the D/s dynamic. They are created to set the mood and build anticipation. They should be simple and meaningful to both parties.”

“Miss Bennett, can you give me an example of a task versus a ritual?”

Luckily, Brie had been paying close attention. “An example of a task would be laying out your Dom’s clothes for the following day, meeting his exact specifications. A ritual could be greeting your Dominant at the door every day in a submissive pose until he touches your head and commands you to serve him.”

“Very good.”

Mr. Gallant opened his desk drawer and pulled out three cell phones. He placed one on each of their desks. “Tonight you will be doing a set of tasks for one of your trainers. You are expected to obey to the letter—no excuses. That may mean being creative in order to fulfill the commands given to you.”

Brie didn’t understand why a phone would be needed, but she felt the thrill that always came with a new challenge.

“You will meet the trainers at the commons. Remember that the goal is to follow the task to the letter. Failure is not an option.” The three girls got up to leave and he added, “Go ahead and take your coats with you. You will be leaving the Center shortly.”

Lea squealed after they left his classroom. “Another field trip!”

Brie couldn’t hide her excitement. “I wonder what we’ll be asked to do this time. I love outdoor practicums!”

Mary scoffed, “It sounds dumb to me.”

Brie frowned. “Why do you have to put everything down? You never give anything a chance, even though you end up enjoying it.”

“Hey, don’t knock how I approach life. If I expect the worst, when it happens I’m not disappointed.”

Brie shook her head. “That sounds like a depressing way to live.”

Mary snorted. “It works for me. If things go well then it’s an unexpected surprise, and I’m happy about it.”

Brie stopped in the middle of the hallway. “What if, by expecting things to go badly, you guarantee they do?”

Lea piped in, “Yeah, like what if you’re creating your own reality with your negative thinking?”

Mary rolled her eyes. “If that were true, I would never experience anything good. The fact that I do shoots your little theory to hell. Why do you two even care, anyway?”

“Because your negative attitude affects us,” Lea answered.

Mary growled angrily, “And
is why I hate women! I don’t want to hold hands and skip around pretending everything is wonderful. It’s dumb.”

“No, you’re dumb!” Lea snapped.

Her venomous outburst surprised Brie. They couldn’t afford to fight—not now. This was their last week together.

Maybe that’s why Mary is acting hostile.
What if Mary didn’t want their time together to end any more than she did?

Brie stopped again and turned on them both. “Enough! We are here to support each other. Tonight, we are going to kick butt on our tasks. Our trainers will talk about our awesomeness for years, do you understand me?”

Lea smiled at her. “Uh-huh! Kicking ass and taking names…”

“You two are so juvenile,” Mary said contemptuously as she walked ahead of the two. Then she looked back and added with a wink, “Of course, I’m going to kick better butt than either of you. It’ll be
name the trainers will be talking about for years.”

Brie pulled the belt from her coat discreetly, folding it in half. When Mary wasn’t looking, she whipped her ass with it. “You wish! It’s Brie all the way, woman.”

Mary jumped away in surprise and then faced her with a grin. “Stinky cheese? I think not.” She scooted to the side when Brie tried to hit her again.

Lea giggled adorably. “Yes, you will be remembered as Mary Quite Contrary and Stinky Brie, but it will be Lea the Lovely that will stand above the rest.”

“Bend over, Lea. I must beat you for that,” Brie commanded.

They heard a door open and Faelan popped his head out of the classroom. His voice was unusually stern. “You
aware that we can hear every word you say.”

Brie instantly apologized, bowing her head in mortification. How embarrassing to have had Blue Eyes, along with the other training Dominants, hear their feminine exchange.

He replied, “As penance, you three must go home tonight and strap on a vibrator at full blast for a half-hour without coming.” He disappeared back into the classroom.

As the three hurried to the commons, Lea whispered, “Do you think he was serious?”

Brie shrugged. “I’m not sure.”

Sir greeted the girls with a nod of his head. If he had heard their ruckus, he didn’t mention it. However, Brie felt certain he would hear of it later.

He said pleasantly, “Mr. Gallant spoke to you about rituals. Tonight I will assign each of you a ritual I expect you to follow at the beginning of each session for the remainder of your training.”

He addressed Mary first. “As soon as you enter the room, you are to move to the side and bow low with your arms outstretched on the floor. You are not allowed to speak or move until one of the trainers acknowledges you. Do so now.”

He moved on to Lea next. “When you enter the classroom, you are to strip off your panties and leave them by the door. You are then to present yourself in a kneeling position with your knees shoulder length apart. You may not release from the position until you have been given permission. Do so now.”

Brie held her breath as she waited for Sir to command her. Anytime she was given his full attention, she felt unadulterated bliss. She dared to look him in the eye, melting in the heat of his gaze. “Miss Bennett, when you enter the room you are to take off your corset and leave it at the entrance. Kneel in front of the panel with your legs closed, put your arms behind your back so that your breasts are fully presented. You are not to move until you are given permission. Do so now.”

Brie quickly untied the corset and placed it by the frame of the door. Then she gracefully glided over to the panel. She knelt down slowly, basking in the joy of her femininity. She would bet that even Ms. Clark was enjoying the view…but knowing her, probably not as much as the sight of Lea’s hot little beaver.

Sir continued with his instructions, telling the girls which Dom they had been paired up with for the evening. “Miss Bennett, you will be working with Master Coen tonight.” Her bottom tingled in remembrance of the trainer’s spanking. What would the muscular Coen have for her tonight?

After he had assigned each girl her Dom, Marquis Gray stood up and walked over to Lea. He placed his hand on her head and said, “You may stand and serve me.”

Master Anderson approached Mary and said, “On your feet, slave. Attend to your Master.”

Brie felt Master Coen beside her. He grabbed her long hair and pulled her chin up with gentle force. “It’s time.” She rose from the floor, gathered her corset, and followed him to a secluded corner to listen to his orders.

“You will get into your car and check your text. There you will find my next set of instructions. Be aware that when you hit the record button, the images will go directly to my phone. You also cannot text when it is recording.”

Brie looked at her cell phone and saw a large, red record button on the upper right. This was
an ordinary cell phone.

“Everything you need to know will be explained in the text.” His eyes held a mischievous glint when he ordered her to leave.

Brie glanced over and saw that the other girls were being given explicit instructions. It didn’t seem fair, but she was desperate not to fail her practicum so she obeyed her Master and left the Center. Once inside her car, she flipped the phone open and read his first text.

Proceed to the Supermart ten minutes from the school. Purchase hairbrush (thick handle), clothespins, Velcro w/ adhesive on back, condoms and a red bandana. Once items are attained, text your Master.

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