Warbreaker (99 page)

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Authors: Brandon Sanderson

BOOK: Warbreaker
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In this scene, there are some small hints of what it was like during the Manywar—like people Awakening ropes to toss boulders and things like that. It was a pretty dramatic conflict, the first one where Lifeless and Awakeners were put to a great deal of use in battle.


Denth Captures Vasher
[Contains Spoilers]


So, between this chapter and the previous one, Denth’s mercenaries—who were being hidden in the tunnels beneath the palace—quietly killed the two soldiers who were standing guard at Siri’s door. They are also, along with the Lifeless that Bluefingers broke, securing the Lifeless compound, grabbing Blushweaver, and taking control of the palace.

The priests get wind of this, though, and react by marshaling their own forces. For most of the night, the priests assume that they’re struggling with Idrian rebels who have tried to take the palace and rescue Siri.


Back to Chapter Fifty-One

Annotations for Chapter Fifty-Two

Lightsong Gathers His Finery in His Palace
[Contains Spoilers]


Is there a lesson in all of this, as Lightsong accuses Llarimar of teaching? Perhaps. The value of something is indeed in how you treat it. All of the riches in the world could be piled in one place, and they would be unimportant unless you ascribed value to them. I think this is one of the reasons Lightsong has been so flippant all of his life as a god. Before Returning, the things he valued were far more intangible. People, his life’s work, intellectual freedom—all these things were taken from him, then replaced with gold and baubles. To him, they’re inferior replacements, and he can’t help but chafe—unknowingly—at his confines.

I wanted a chance for Llarimar to take off his hat and be just a friend for a time. His belief system is complex, since he knew Lightsong ahead of time. He sees the divine mantle, but he also sees the man.

The man who was his younger brother, the brother who didn’t always do what he was supposed to, the daring and gregarious brother. One of the subtle twists of this book is that Llarimar and Lightsong’s relationship is supposed to be a parallel of Vivenna and Siri’s. They were closer than those two ever were, and as both were middle-aged, they interacted differently. But Lightsong (or Stennimar as he was then known) never married. He liked traveling too much, and enjoyed his bachelor lifestyle. Llarimar was the one who always did what he should, but he also always looked up to his brother for his sense of adventure, his proactiveness, and his simple kindness toward other people.


Siri Is Locked Up, and Her Guards Change


Just a quick reminder here of what’s going on with Siri. I worry about her next few sequences looking too “damsel in distress.” I tried to counteract this in several places, which I’ll mention. Still, I had a problem here. Once things turn to combat and fighting, there is very little that Siri can do. She’s not Vin—she can’t approach things the same way.

However, since Elend got to play damsel in distress fairly often in the
books, I think I’ve earned the right to put a female protagonist into that role here. It’s appropriate to the plot, and I don’t think it could have worked any other way.


Lightsong Sneaks into Mercystar’s Palace
[Contains Spoilers]


Here’s the other big place where I cheated just a tad and added Lightsong’s dreams of the tunnels and the moon as a reason to get him into the right place at the right time. I added this in a later draft; originally, this was one of my big personal problems with the book: the fact that Lightsong got into just the right place at just the right time. It was just too coincidental, and it always bugged me.

I wasn’t paying attention to the tools I’d given myself (as I think I mentioned earlier). If I’m going to go to all this trouble to build a magic system that uses prophecy as a major component of its religion, then I might as well use a few of those prophecies as small plot points. I didn’t want them to solve any major problems, but letting Lightsong dream of where he has to be brings nice closure to the entire “What’s in those tunnels?” plot while at the same time playing into his quest to determine if he really is a god or not.

By the way, the grate that Lightsong closes on the tunnel behind them...well, it didn’t do any good. There’s a lever and pulley on the other side, in the room beneath Mercystar’s palace—and the locking mechanism is there too. The grate is there to keep people out of her palace, installed by her priests to keep unsavory elements (if there are any) from sneaking in through the tunnels. Vasher had to pull this very grate up before he could sneak into the tunnels himself. Mercystar’s priests don’t follow because they don’t care that Lightsong snuck in and down; they just want to guard their goddess. So they arrange troops up above, waiting for Lightsong to return.

A little history on the tunnel complex. It was begun many years ago by some gods who wanted to have a secret way to get between each other’s palaces. They had to get funds for that, however, and so the God King’s steward before Bluefingers (who was also Pahn Kahl) heard of it and was intrigued. Even back then, plans were being laid. He realized that a secret way to get in and out of the Court of Gods would be very useful, so he began to hint to the priests he knew that they might want tunnels themselves. They were very useful in arranging clandestine meetings of the political type, and so some priests got their god to agree to tunnels. They didn’t realize that they were playing into the Pahn Kahl steward’s plans.

Bluefingers continued this work, carefully diverting funds from the projects secretly, then using the digging to mask digging in other places as well. Few priests paid attention to the workers down there, and within several decades, the workers could enter and leave even without passing through the court above. The priests liked having secret ways to enter the court themselves, though most had safety features—like the grate at Mercystar’s place—installed. They saw no danger in the tunnels; they’ve always been too confident of their safety in T’Telir. They didn’t realize the extent to which Bluefingers would eventually be able to manipulate the tunnels to bring in mercenaries and Pahn Kahl Awakeners to slowly begin breaking the Lifeless soldiers.


Lightsong Attacks


And we discover that Lightsong is no good with the sword. I toyed with making him able to use it, but I felt it was too much of a cut corner. Knowing who he was before he died, he’d not have needed to know the sword. Beyond that, I felt it would have been too expected. Lightsong himself built it up so much that I feel it would have been a boring plot twist to have him able to use the sword. Beyond that, it would have been just too convenient.

Reversals. I wanted to reverse what you assume about him, and to reverse how this scene would have probably played out in a lot of fantasy stories. Once again, I’m not reversing just
reverse. I’m reversing because it’s appropriate for the characters, setting, and plot—and then finally because it’s more interesting this way.


Back to Chapter Fifty-Two

Annotations for Chapter Fifty-Three

Vivenna Wonders Where Vasher Is


This is just a quick scene to update you on what Vivenna is doing. It’s approaching morning, so she’s been sitting and stewing all night. I felt we needed to at least get a glimpse of her here. If you can’t tell, the avalanche has begun.


Treledees Takes Siri


At this point, you’re supposed to be confused at whose motivations are what. I’m not sure what you’ll be thinking of the priests at this point in the story. Suffice it to say that Denth’s men were in control of Siri’s chamber, but he left them once he got Vasher. While he’s been torturing Vasher, however, Treledees and his forces seized Siri’s room back and killed the guards out front. Now they’ve pulled her away.

Tonk Fah wasn’t there, as you’ll soon discover. He’s guarding the door to the room where Vasher and Denth are. He’s just outside, and he has orders not to let Denth get interrupted. When things get out of hand in the palace, however, he goes in to inform Denth of what’s going on. We’ll see him there in just a little bit.


Old Chaps


I love having random little viewpoints like these in books. I don’t do them often, usually just once or twice a book. But I was excited to write this one, as Chaps has a very interesting way of thinking. Dance, dance, dance. I didn’t plan him into the book specifically; I simply wrote this scene as it arrived and I knew someone had to fetch Nightblood. I’m always pleased when a little glimpse like this gives us such a distinctive feel and flavor for a character, though.

Nightblood is better at communicating with people who are mentally unhinged. He can influence them more easily. Really, Denth, you should have known to toss Nightblood someplace far deeper than the shallow bay.


Vasher Tortured


Moshe wanted Vasher naked here, but I felt that keeping him in the white shorts was good enough. We’ve had a lot of nudity in this book, both male and female, and I didn’t want to push it any farther and distract from the discussion here.

Vasher is wrong about Arsteel, by the way. Arsteel
need to be killed; Vasher misinterpreted the man’s motives in joining with Denth. It’s unfortunate that the two came to blows, but Arsteel never intended to kill Vasher in the duel, just subdue him and talk some sense into him. (“Sense” as Arsteel saw it. He wasn’t actually right in what he was doing—he didn’t understand Vasher’s reasoning either. All I’m saying is that Arsteel’s motives were, in fact, pure.)

Denth has done a relatively good job keeping Tonk Fah from murdering as often as he used to. Killing is necessary, sometimes, in Denth’s opinion—but there’s no need to go around killing people who don’t need it. He’s managed to rein Tonk Fah in. It’s a slight measure of the good that’s left in Denth.


Vivenna Suits Up and Leaves


Vivenna is in a similar position to Siri here in these last chapters. Things are getting so dangerous that both women (well, and Lightsong too) are rather out of their elements. However, I knew that I had to have them both involved. It would be incredibly frustrating to read an entire book focused on two characters, then have them get pushed around for the entire climax.

So during my outlining, I made certain to build the story in such a way that they could be useful, even if they’re very much out of their elements. I feel this makes the story more tense in a lot of ways, since they’re forced to deal with things for which they’re completely unprepared.

Here, we have Vivenna sorting through her own emotions and finding enough determination left to go out and do something. This is an important moment for her, even though she doesn’t realize it. This is the moment where she takes her first real step toward becoming her new self.


Lightsong Is in Prison


Lightsong here is not giving up, which I think is very appropriate for his character. He still has his sense of confidence. In a way, the priest who kills Blushweaver is right. Lightsong does still see it as a game. His life in the court has taught him that things aren’t ever dangerous for him. This is all just politics, and a big piece of him feels that he’s just on an adventure. He finds it exciting.

That’s why Llarimar blows up at him. It’s not Lightsong’s fault—he’s been trained by the last five years to look at life this way. But here, the games have ended, and it’s suddenly become very real and very dangerous. Llarimar is the type who is very calm headed until you just push him past his snapping point, and then he loses it. It’s hard to get him there, but the current situation is enough.

By the way, this is only the second time Lightsong has landed them both in prison. The first time happened a good twenty years earlier, even if Llarimar has never quite gotten over it. It involved a whole lot of drinking. (Llarimar, already then an acolyte priest of the Iridescent Tones, had never gotten “good drunk” as Lightsong called it at the time. So, he took him out on he day before his ordination as a full priest and got him solidly, rip-roaringly drunk. The embarrassment of what they did, landing themselves in prison for trying to bust into the Court of Gods while wearing only their underclothing, nearly got Llarimar tossed out of the priesthood. Needless to say, he didn’t make full priest the next day. It was three years before he was allowed to apply for ordination again.)


Blushweaver’s Death


My editor was uncomfortable with the way this happened—he felt that the motivations for the killers weren’t solid enough. I tried to put a little more in, which placated Moshe, but I always felt that they

Bad guys in books often do stupid things, and it annoys me. They’re often not allowed to do the smartest things they could because it would ruin the plot. I wanted them to do the smart thing here, and I felt that the smartest thing was to kill Blushweaver. Just threatening her wouldn’t have worked with Lightsong; he refused to take things seriously. A simple threat would have earned them mockery and frustration. So, not knowing that he loved her, they killed Blushweaver to show how serious they were. Then they grabbed Llarimar, not intending to actually kill him, as they knew he was the best bargaining chip against Lightsong they had. (If he hadn’t talked, they’d have started cutting off Llarimar’s fingers.

The brutality of that moment of Blushweaver’s throat being slit is supposed to be a major reversal in tone for Lightsong’s sections. I hope that it worked for you; I think I laid the proper groundwork that this story could have things like that happen in it. I think I justified the motivations of the killers enough.

The games are over.


Back to Chapter Fifty-Three

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