War Torn Love (9 page)

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Authors: Jay M. Londo

BOOK: War Torn Love
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She said, “The God has heard her prayers.”


I was not certain as Abram was growing into a young man that he was developing this same sort of feelings towards me. Soon “hopefully,” I would find out. It was killing me not knowing,
did my best to hide my feelings from him. I could not just come out and ask him – that - sort of things just wasn’t done. I knew if he did not have some measure of feeling for me, it would utterly break my young tender heart, and then I did not know what I would do.  I declared on that day that I would never love another man but him.


We would both be celebrating, as we each would be having our Bar mitzvahs in a month time. I had mistakenly overheard a conversation my Poppa was talking about a dowry with Mr. Wakstok. I knew that Poppa was talking about, I just knew that he was promising me to Abram, that eventually we were to become man and wife, which was the way things were done when I was a girl. Of course,
before I actually heard if it had been about Abram, and me, I bolted before I was caught eaves dropping. The glorious thought of that got me all warm in the heart. I snuck outside, unheard, and headed off for somewhere, anywhere else, screaming for joy! 


Abram never really as much as told me, but I had unexpectedly caught him looking at me strangely once and awhile, especially when we went swimming, and I purposely let him see me. He seems to get all tongue tied when he is around me those days. I was not sure what that had meant.


The two of us still hung out together, he escorted me back and forth to school each day, but since the summer has started, there has been a new development in the time he had available to me; he had taken on a job with the nearby farmer, as a farm hand. I hardly
to see him - he seemed to be tired whenever I got to spend time with him, which was not much. I was sad
about this
- we had always spent our summers together.


This didn’t sit so well with his father. His father wanted his only son to have his employment in his and my
Poppa’s clothing
store. But the truth was, he wasn’t remotely even shown interest in that line of employment - he wanted to become a farmer one day, he showed no interest in clothing whatsoever, never did. It was however traditional that the eldest son to take over his father’s business at some point, but Abram just would not have it. He knew it was breaking his father’s heart he just wanted to pursue his own dreams. He dreamed of starting his own farm one day.


This was all smoothed over - thanks if you can believe it, - to my big sister, who just so happened to fall madly in - love with Abram’s older cousin. Who just so happened to have come to town, for work, and to attend college. He decided to stick around after he started dating and falling in love with Sissy. Now on this subject, both our fathers joined forces, through both combining their two businesses together, and happily joined families. Marym and her new husband was groomed to take over and solved the problem. I guess he has good taste for his daughters, I know he was very protective. So this got Abram off the hook to freely purse his dreams, and not have to feel so bad.


Oh, you ought to have seen Marym, these days, she was so happy. I can honestly say I have never seen her as happy as
she was
then, she was positively glowing. 
married, she really desired
to become a mother. I considered that she would make an excellent mommy. I looked forward to becoming an aunt too. And Momma had been leaving not so subtle hints, and let it known she desired to become a grandmother, she even started knitting baby clothing. And her new husband, oh he’s a really terrific guy, he treats her like gold, quite handsome to boot.


Poppa once said, “he’s is like a son I never had,”


They both got along positively famously - they often went fishing. My Father and Mr. Wakstok were quite happy with his work
they say
he has a good head for business.  He used to live in Warsaw before coming here - he moved here upon his mother’s passing because he needed work, and with no family there.


Mr. Wakstok, and Poppa have been trying to expand the company. Finding new markets for their line of men’s clothing, across the border, in Germany. 


Poppa said. “Since this fella named Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany, he has seemed to completely turn around the economy. In just a few short years since taking office tool! Poland should be as lucky as Germany.” Have you ever live to regret something you have said? We would all regret the true horror of what one man could bestow on the world, in his attempt to destroy humanity. Trying to completely exterminate a whole race of people. My Poppa
regretted ever liking Adolf - so did six million other Jews wishing this one man had never been born.


I anxiously have been waiting for the day of both Abram’s Bar mitzvahs, as well as my Bat mitzvahs. It was not normally customary to hold them both jointly together,
but Abram’s
and mines were going to be held this coming Sabbath after all. I prayed hard for it, every single night. I loved parties, being around others, the food, the music, and dancing, the atmosphere it creates. Having my Bat mitzvah on the same day, Sabbath only of course came about after I had lodged a one-girl campaign-begged, and ultimately
d my case with my dear un
expecting parents, and of course our Rabbi. I won dad over by hitting him through craftily appealing to his natural thriftiness, when I simply pointed it out, “Poppa you could save some of the cost associated with this big party. You could accomplish this by splitting the cost of the whole thing with Abram’s
father, and I’m sure he would also be keen to save money too.” Against that, I guess he felt he had no choice.


I of course
had ulterior
- maybe even selfish motives…well there was
no maybe
about it. I
was really
shoving for making such a move.  Due to my heart making me resort to such desperate diplomacy,
I was
using all of my charm. See I was thinking, hoping that at our Bar mitzvahs, I would finally receive my first kiss. Though I do wonder how Abram who has never stepped up to the plate, and shown me how he truly felt about me. Neither of us had come close to raising the subject - regarding our hearts, what I mean to say, if he even thought of me romantically. I knew how I felt about him, ha!!!!!


I guess I was making a lot of assumptions at this time, all in my favor, who knows what going through that boys mind.  I never allowed myself to consider a completely different outcome. After all, not for one second did I think that he did not like me.


I am the type of person that once I set my mind to something, I do not take no for an answer. And And for a while, I felt happy with myself - that is until I realized that we both might end up kissing. I grew edgily nervous when this finally stuck inside my mind. I had never kissed someone romantically before family doesn’t really count. I used my vanity mirror in my bedroom, to practice on every night. There I was, I made good and
that no one saw me during my practice sections. Thankfully, now that my sisters were married I had the room all to myself.  And so, I tried to imagine what it was going to be like.


As it grew nearer to my big day, I found myself growing panicky. I was losing sleep over it, as I worried about the minutest of details - was my dress going to fit, and how was I going to look in it. Was my hair going to look good and what about that kiss, and how about the dancing, would Abram want to dance with me? The only soul I dare to tell of what I was calling, “Operations get Abram to fall for me, once and for all my plans to receive my kiss - was of course my big Sissy. I could trust her, and she had experience in such matters. I knew she would have all the answers - by then she
been married six whole months.


She - to my delight - was blissfully happy for me.  And, after all, she’d already predicted it a while ago. Good thing that she and I had once again become good friends I could really talk to her, without any reservations. She was the grandest of listeners, and we - had several hearts to hearts on the subject of my beloved Abram. In fact, she was kind enough in helping me to prepare for my day I - knew that I would be the center of attention today; startlingly I find I’m happy about that. On the morning of my big day, we did my hair all up - as a princess would wear it, and that was all


Momma decided on this one special occasion, she would permit me to wear a small amount of her makeup, which both Mom and Sissy took the time to apply, since I had no idea how to put on. Momma pressed the dress I was going to be wearing. It was amazing.  Momma
bless her heart, had been hand sewing it for me for the last month.
Then Poppa stunned me the day before when he bought me home a pair of brand new black low heel dress shoes.


On the way there, I could bar
ely breathe - I do not know why
I was so worried. Momma helped me in combating this bad case of panic by telling me to take deep breaths, and then slowly let it out which helped some. Then seeing Abram all dressed up made my heart skip a beat, or two, he really cleaned up well.


After Abram and I happily concluded our religious portion of our Bar mitzvahs flawlessly and the fun portion of ceremony had arrived, the time to party.


The band began playing music as the guess started pouring into the large ballroom, situated in the Synagogue’s banquet hall. If people think that Jewish people do not know how to party, then they would sadly be mistaken, and misjudging us. As you walked into the room there were decorations hung everywhere. On the far side of the room, the band was set up and then the dance floor. Then just off the door a table for gifts, which was filling up rapidly, to my excitement. Then several tables of food. And then between the tables of food and the dance floor, there was several tables were people could sit and eat. Abram being such a gentleman - bless his heart - went over and formally approached my father, who at the time was drinking, as well as smoking a cigar, talking to a couple of men, laughing. Momma was off helping serve food so Poppa was off on his own. Without Momma there, he was being pretty brave.  Abram was formally there to ask for his permission to dance with me. Holding back my tears, fingers crossed I looked on as he gave his blessing, I saw
Momma witness what was happening, she walked over and nudged him in his arm. Hating to admit his little girl was growing up, right before his eyes, my Poppa looked over at me one last time. I was sitting at a separate table with my sister and her lovely husband, trying to remain as calm as I could under such stressful circumstances. I had reserved the chair next to me for Abram. Noticing that Abram was slightly pale after leaving his conversation he had had with Poppa, my heart skipped a beat as he began to walk towards me. I knew that he was coming to solicit me for a dance. My heart skipped a beat or two upon the thought. I nervously squeezed Sissy’s hand, as he grew close. I don’t know why at this precious moment, because he had approached me a thousand different times, over the years. Oh, he looked so handsome in his new suite. I knew how uncomfortable he felt in it. He absolutely hated having to get dressed up. But he did look good.

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