
Read Havah Online

Authors: Tosca Lee

Tags: #Fiction, #Historical, #Christian, #Religious, #Thrillers, #Suspense

BOOK: Havah
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A passionate and riveting story of the Bible’s first woman. Lee’s superior storytelling will have readers weeping for all that Havah forfeited by a single damning choice.

—Publishers Weekly
Starred Review



is a novel with boundless imagination.

—Eric Wilson,
New York Times
best-selling author of
Field of Blood

Tosca Lee is the most evocative storyteller to come along in ages. Never has the account of the Fall been so humanized.

—Sharon K. Souza,
author of
Lying on Sunday



An enchanting story masterfully told by an extraordinary wordsmith.

—Robert Liparulo,
author of
Comes a Horseman



With beautiful prose and breathtaking description, Tosca Lee has breathed new life into the story we thought we knew so well.

—Jake Chism,



Tosca Lee has given us a veritable literary feast in
Her vivid story of the original earth mother nourishes while her delicious, sensuous use of language delights. Devour it.

—Claudia Mair Burney,
Christy Award Finalist and author of



The story of Eve comes alive in this interpretation of the first people of the Bible. Even today, this story of love, longing, and loss offers encouragement.

—Romantic Times



Much has been written about Eve . . . but I doubt her heart has ever been so deeply plumbed as in this lyrical novel by Tosca Lee.

—Historical Novel Reviews



Rich and mesmerizing. Tosca Lee’s prose is breathtaking, her story of grace utterly transforming.
is nothing less than a masterpiece.

—Nicole Baart,
Christy Award Finalist and author of
The Moment Between



is an extraordinary book about an extraordinary woman. Tosca Lee has given us a bold retelling of a tale we all thought we knew.

—Randy Ingermanson,
Christy Award-Winning author of



I have never read a book like
It’s brilliantly conceived, uniquely delivered, and phenomenally profound.

—Lissa Halls Johnson,
author of
Kirk Cameron: Still Growing



I found myself fascinated by Tosca Lee’s mind, her capacity to spin a story, and the sheer volume of research that must’ve informed this compelling read.

—Mary DeMuth,
author of
Daisy Chain



is not only a novel full of beautiful prose; it is a book that causes the reader to pause and consider the state of the soul within.

—Kelly Klepfer,
Amazon.com Top 1,000 Reviewer



, Lee demonstrates her ability to develop a character that goes far beyond cliché. Lee dares again to look into Christian assumption.

—Lincoln Journal-Star



is an epic and explosive novel. Stunning prose and evocative imagery hallmark this retelling of life’s beginnings through the heart and voice of Eve.

—Relz Reviews



Lee’s “fiction” somehow doesn’t feel like make-believe at all.

—Michelle Van Loon,
author of
Parable Life



Evocative, lush. . . . This is not formula “Christian Fiction” and avoids providing easy spiritual answers to the inevitable questions the characters face.

—Synchronized Chaos



has set a very high standard in the realm of speculative fiction.

—Inside Corner Book Reviews



Imagery so real I could see for myself the sparkling, newly formed world.

—Barbara Warren,
Amazon.com Top 1,000 Reviewer



I never read a novel twice, but I double-read this one, with intense delight to the last page, both times.




Going beyond Sunday school stereotypes,
introduces us to a gloriously human Eve who reflects the strength and beauty of any woman or man who truly hungers for the presence of God.

—Meredith Efken,
author of
Lucky Baby



With delicious prose, Tosca Lee captures the passion, innocence, fatal mishap, and tragedy that were our first mother’s life.

—Karen Lee-Thorp,
coauthor of the
Doing Life Together Bible studies



Tosca Lee’s version of
Paradise Lost
makes Eve’s far-distant story into a personal tale of loss and love. Lush, lyrical, and deeply moving.

—Lyn Cote,
author of
Blessed Assurance



A moving story that plumbs the depths of human experience, faith, and spirituality.

Press & Sun Bulletin,
Binghamton, NY



The emotional pull of this story is truly divine. Tosca’s powerful use of language is very moving and the ending is perfectly written. I stand amazed.

—Favorite PASTimes



This is the story of Adam and Eve as it really might have been. The writing is poetic and lyrical, the story compelling and captivating.

—Virginia Smith,
author of
Stuck in the Middle



Our beginning deeply, richly, beautifully imagined, lifting our hearts in worship to the One that is.

—Louise M. Gouge,
author of
Then Came Hope



Copyright © 2010 by QUELLE LLC

All rights reserved.

Printed in the United States of America.



ISBN: 978-1-4336-6879-1



Published by B&H Publishing Group

Nashville, Tennessee



Dewey Decimal Classification: F




Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version, copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 • 14 13 12 11 10

For my mother and for you.





The Garden

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

The Fruit

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten


Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen


Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five


Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-One


Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Thirty-Three




Names/Meaning List

Author's Notes




I have seen paradise and ruin. I have known bliss and terror. I have walked with God.

And I know that God made the heart the most fragile and resilient of organs, that a lifetime of joy and pain might be encased in one mortal chamber.

I still recall my first moment of consciousness—an awareness I’ve never seen in the eyes of any of my own children at birth: the sheer ignorance and genius of consciousness, when we know nothing and accept everything.

Of course, the memory of that waking moment is fainter now, like the smell of the soil of that garden, like the leaves of the fig tree in Eden after dawn—dew and leaf green. It fades with that sense of something once tasted on the tip of the tongue, savored now in memory, replaced by the taste of something similar but never quite the same.

His breath a lost sough, the scent of earth and leaf mold that was his sweaty skin has faded too quickly. So like an Eden dawn—dew on fig leaves.

His eyes were blue, my Adam’s.

How I celebrated that color, shrouded now in shriveled eyelids—he who was never intended to have even a wrinkle!

But even as I bend to smooth his cheek, my hair has become a white waterfall upon his Eden—flesh and loins that gave life to so many.

I think for a moment that I hear the One and that he is weeping. It is the first time I have heard him in so long, and my heart cries out: He is dead! My father, my brother, my love!

I envy the earth that envelops him. I envy the dust that comes of him and my children who sow and eat of it.

This language of Adam—the word that meant merely “man” before it was his name—given him by God himself, is now mine. And this is my love song. I will craft these words into the likeness of the man before I, too, return to the earth of Adam’s bosom.

My story has been told in only the barest of terms. It is time you heard it all. It is my testament to the strength of the heart, which has such capacity for joy, such space for sorrow, like a vessel that fills and fills without bursting.

My seasons are nearly as many as a thousand. So now listen, sons, and hear me, daughters. I, Havah, fashioned by God of Adam, say this:

In the beginning, there was God . . .

But for me, there was Adam.





A whisper in my ear:

BLUE. A SEA AWASH with nothing but a drifting bit of down, flotsam on an invisible current. I closed my eyes. Light illuminated the thin tissues of my eyelids.

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