Valhalla Hott (13 page)

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Authors: Constantine De Bohon

BOOK: Valhalla Hott
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alone and Agnar‟s daughter, too.”

The meeting broke up with Hott feeling very relieved and yet

furiously angry. Ulfr had been the last one to be with Valerie, he

should have protected her. A more frightened woman would have

been raped repeatedly if they had not heard the howls of the man

she had injured. Ulfr should have told Hott when he had finished

with her. Hott had seen Ulfr go into the hut. That was the only

reason he had left her alone. He had thought she would be guarded

by his brother. Ulfr had a lot of explaining to do.

* * * *

Valerie was cooking porridge with Bera‟s help. The woman

had originally left for a few brief moments only to return a short

time later with sourdough, butter, some cheese, rye and oats. The

men had been gone for close to what seemed like an hour now.

Valerie was happy to keep busy, but she felt uneasy. The feeling

magnified when she heard Hott and Ulfr arguing outside. As their

voices rose she looked at Bera with concern. The older woman

calmly broke a piece of bread and dipped it in the porridge. She

handed it to Valerie and urged her to eat.

Valerie caught few words. The men were talking too fast, but

she heard her name mentioned often. She realized Hott was angry

with his brother. She knew it wasn‟t because he had returned for

sex, it was for something else. She cast a questioning look to Bera.

Bera shrugged. “Ulfr should be more careful with you,” she

explained. She sounded more than a bit annoyed.

“He didn‟t hurt me, not really, and I agreed,” Valerie said in

confusion and some embarrassment.

Bera smiled. “He left you alone. You might have been injured,

the men were eager.”

Now Valerie understood. Hott was mad because he felt it was

Ulfr‟s fault she‟d been attacked. She felt some annoyance at this.

The only ones at fault were the men who would have raped her.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

She rose angrily to her feet, placed her bread on the tabletop, and

strode outside. She stepped between both men. She held out her

hands, one on each of their heaving chests.

“Stop,” she commanded.

Others had gathered, including three of the men who had

been at the river. She pointed at Ulfr and told Hott it wasn‟t his

fault. She then pointed to the three men and glared. She did her

best to indicate it had been their fault and only their fault. Voundr

and the other two men now had everyone glaring at them. They

shuffled about uncomfortably and mumbled a few words to Hott

and Ulfr. Hott ran his hand over his face. He faced his brother, and

Valerie knew he was apologizing. Ulfr nodded and the men clasped

arms. Valerie breathed a sigh of relief. She grabbed Hott‟s hand

and Ulfr‟s and led them inside.

Bera was smiling widely. She hugged Valerie, leveled a finger

and hard stare on the brothers, berated them for fighting and left.

Ulfr walked over to the pot and helped himself to a generous

amount of porridge. Hott sat at the table and broke off a hunk of

bread. He was watching Valerie.

“You are not to wander alone and away from our sight. There

are rules to keep you safe from harm, little Valkyrie. You are

strong but not nearly as strong as a determined warrior. There are

other things you need to learn. Bera will teach you about our

food,” he began.

He used a few words she knew and a few she wasn‟t certain


“It is time to teach you to be a good Viking woman.”

Valerie wasn‟t certain but it sounded like he had just

threatened her!

Bera returned perhaps a half-hour later and took Valerie by

the hand. She was feeling a bit full of herself. She had after all just

kicked five warriors‟ asses—well almost. If she could manage in

the twenty-first century full of technology and everything


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

confusing and high-tech and fast-paced, she could certainly fit in

here in a primitive laid-back world that didn‟t even have watches,

annoying computers, or deadlines. What could possibly be so hard

about being a good Viking woman?

* * * *

Valerie lay face up on the pallet, she groaned unable and

unwilling to move. She was exhausted. Her entire body ached, and

she had been introduced to so many men her head was spinning.

Thanks to Bera, she knew what men to avoid at all cost, who

teased, and who was just downright annoying or dangerous. The

young warriors were the most irritating. The poor women of the

village put up with so much crap. She groaned again realizing she

was now one of the village women. Never in her life had she

expected people of the past did so much.

During the course of the day she had learned to milk an

unruly goat, a stubborn sheep, and a horse—the only three

remaining animals the men had found in their search for the

raiders. She had chased chickens and darted pecking beaks

searching for eggs. She in turn had been chased by a huge,

squawking goose that tried to peck her vulnerable butt cheeks and

threw a stick at a man named Haki who motioned she should toss

the fowl on its ass. She had gathered armloads of cut wood to stack

at the side of the hut and hauled pots of water up from the river

incline to be boiled for cleaning wool. She had helped the other

women gather reeds and bulrushes. She had washed pot after pot

for the men who needed them in their hearths, while they were

busy rebuilding the village and lifting logs so big Valerie had gaped

in open surprise.

Valerie had learned to use flour and water as a starter for

sourdough bread. And she had learned to make cheese that they

would need stored for the long winter months. So much for her

previous thoughts of, “how hard could it be?” It felt as though she

had done a month of work in just one day.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

In the evening, Valerie had partaken of eel stew, turnips,

peas, parsnips and cabbage. The stew was seasoned with pepper.

When Bera had informed her they were making
, she‟d

wondered what the older woman had meant. They had trekked to

a large lake, where Hott kept a close eye on her. Bera had caught

the eel and Valerie had shuddered.
She soon learned the word

meant stew. She had also learned she was to keep her pot on

the hearth filled with something edible at all times. Valerie had

shuddered at that. It gave a new meaning to the term “leftovers.”

Valerie had been appalled when she had seen one of the men,

Rollo, the man from the cave who had wanted her, take a piss in

the lake near where they had been fishing. She‟d told Hott they

would contaminate the water. Hott had just shrugged and said they

could boil it and what did it matter? They drank ale or mead when


She had grown even more appalled to learn children drank the

fermented beverages as well. An idea had come to her, and she had

demanded Hott and the other men build an outhouse. They had

scratched their heads at the term. With broken words and a lot of

arm flailing she had gotten her message across, but no one had

been willing to help her. The villagers preferred the woods in

winter, or trenches were dug for summer use.

Valerie had chosen a spot away from the village, but not too

far and had begun digging. When Hott had seen her determination,

and her sweet derrière show too many times when she bent over,

he and Ulfr had enlisted a few men and had one built in no time.

When it was done, Valerie had informed everyone they were to

use the new facilities. When she had seen a young man, Geirr she

thought his name was, pissing on a tree later in the day, she‟d

kicked him in the ass and told him in no uncertain terms the world

was not, in fact, a man‟s urinal. He‟d yelped, and she had

determined she didn‟t care how it sounded, but she was going to

be the poop police. She‟d be damned if she was going to end up


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

with worms, dysentery, or something equally foul because of these

barbarians leaving their disgusting landmines wherever they


Valerie groaned when Hott joined her on the pallet. He rolled

her over and began messaging her back and shoulders. She had

been given one of Bera‟s old dresses that was far too big, after Hott

had found himself trailing after her because all the other men were

hoping for a free peep show. It covered her effectively, but

dragged on the ground tripping her. She had informed Hott she

wanted pants like his, the dress was too scratchy. His eyes had

raised, but she said she was more comfortable in pants—even if

they were going to be wolf pants. Hott had agreed but told her it

would take some time. He would need to go hunting.

Hott lifted her dress and slipped the garment over her head.

She felt like a wet dishrag. Soon Hott was rubbing her ass and

thighs. It felt good, but she was so tired. She felt another pair of

hands rub her feet. She groaned when Ulfr began sucking her toes.

“You do not want to know where my feet have been today,”

she mumbled in English. In fact she didn‟t want to remember

where her feet had been.

Ulfr worked his way up her body. They turned her onto her

back. Both men were rubbing, sucking and kissing every inch of

her. Ulfr moved away for a second, when he returned he handed

her the flask and encouraged her to drink. He told her with

movements and words she could understand his monster was

starving. Valerie lazily sucked back most of the contents in the

flask. The beverage was cool and sweet, it warmed her belly the

moment it hit bottom and started to work almost immediately.

Between the fermented brew and the men working their magic

with their hands, she was starting to relax and feel better.

Both men bent over her to take her breasts into their mouths

and a groan escaped her lips. It felt strange to be suckled at the

same time. Hott reached down and began to rub at her clit. Two


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

fingers slid inside her, and she moaned. His fingers were so thick.

Ulfr began doing the same thing, and she squirmed uncomfortably.

Pushing on their hands she indicated one finger only from each.

Four was too much. Hott chuckled and said what she took to be an

apology. They were eager. She could tell that they were by the

way Ulfr still devoured her breast and his finger pumped into her.

The man was always so intense.

Hott laved at her nipple, rolling it between his lips and

grazing the tip with care as though savoring a candy. His exploring

finger dipped and retreated, testing her depths with care. Valerie

knew where each man touched. She had come to know just by the

strength and gentleness they exerted who was doing what.

With both men latched onto her breasts and fingering her, she

began feeling her anticipation build. Hott released her breast and

pulled her leg up. He pushed his finger deeply into her ass and she

bucked against him. Ulfr rose higher to straddle her chest. He

pushed his swollen penis past her lips, and she sucked him in as

deeply as she could, her hands stroked up and down him in a gentle

motion. She jumped when she felt Hott‟s mouth begin to taste her

wet heat. His tongue licked her insides, and she shuddered.

Valerie‟s knees were pushed up, and Hott replaced his tongue

with his hard cock. Inch by careful inch he pushed higher and her

legs began to shake. Hott felt so good but she was so tired. She

knew he sensed this as he rode her gently. His hips rocked against

her. He was eager, and mildly persuasive, yet not demanding, and

she was grateful he understood her needs were important as well.

Ulfr moved to the side and turned her face. His hand gripped

her hair, and he pushed his penis back into her mouth. His hand

fondled her breasts. Unlike Hott, Ulfr was demanding. It was a bit

annoying tonight because of her exhaustion, but he wasn‟t rough.

Ulfr‟s hand released her hair and began to stroke the side of her

face. His other hand was braced in the furs, gripping them and

releasing, the look in his eyes was so intense. Valerie realized he


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

was using restraint, at least what he was capable of. When she

understood this she sucked him harder wanting to give him what he


Hott lifted her legs higher until her knees rested on his

shoulders. He began pumping harder.

Valerie couldn‟t do much more than moan, her hands

dropped to her sides, and she allowed the men what they wanted.

Her own fiery heat built within her. Ulfr‟s hand was once again

wrapped in her hair, and she knew he wanted to come in her

mouth. Hott bucked harder into her. Every inch found its way

inside. She sucked harder onto Ulfr. Both men came at the same

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