Valhalla Hott (19 page)

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Authors: Constantine De Bohon

BOOK: Valhalla Hott
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thought she would die, she heard a small mewling noise, that

turned into a robust cry. She had done it!

“It‟s a boy!” Bera cried.

Valerie strained to see him. “Is he okay?” she asked, struggling

to rise higher onto her elbows.

Hott was before her. His eyes were wet. “He‟s perfect. Biorn

is perfect.”

Valerie smiled at him. He looked so happy she felt her own

eyes overflow with emotion. Bera brought the cleaned and

swaddled child to her. He rooted around until he found her breast

and began suckling.

“A lusty boy!” Bera crooned happily.

“Just like his father and uncle,” Valerie said.

When the boy fell asleep, Hott very gently picked him up into

his arms. Valerie looked at him with some surprise as he turned to

leave the room. He winked at her. Not long after she heard his

giant bellow of pride from the other room and could picture him

holding their son high when he yelled:

“My son, Biorn!”

There was a great cheer, and Hott was soon back in the

bedroom handing the babe into his mother‟s arms. Biorn had slept

through the entire thing. The bed was large enough, and Hott

crawled in to bed carefully beside Valerie. Ulfr smiled at them

before excusing himself. Again he had a look of need in his eyes,

and Valerie felt sorry for him. She realized then she wasn‟t enough.

Ulfr needed more. It was just a matter of time before he sought

what he was looking for.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

Chapter 12

During the cold winter months the Viking village enjoyed

gathering in the large cabin. Many nights the heavy snow had them

all spending the nights on various pallets, with the massive hearths

blazing to keep all within warm. The women cooked and laughed

together. The men told hunting stories. Numerous times an entire

pig or deer was cooked in one of the roaring fires. Their

devastating loss had been hard, yet their new beginning looked


Many of the women were now carrying, including the woman

thought to be barren. Alfarin had been correct. Odin had smiled on

her selfless gesture and blessed her with a child of her own. Her

husband Varr couldn‟t have been happier, thinking the child was a

great gift. Biorn was a strong babe and was soon sleeping through

the night and growing in size. His parents couldn‟t have been

happier, although his uncle was restless.

Valerie had left Biorn in the capable care of Bera, Petal, and

Hrolf. Porky was outside rooting around in the muck as Valerie

made her way to their hut. She was in need of some quiet time.

Though she loved the boisterousness of her Viking family, she had

need of solitude at times.

The hut was warm, and she was surprised to see Hott stirring

the charred wood in the hearth, bringing the fire once more to life.

He turned and without a word she was in his arms. Their kiss was

long and deep and sweet. They hadn‟t made love since Biorn‟s


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

birth. Hott latched the door, and then strode over to Valerie. He

picked her up and settled her onto the pile of furs. One by one her

pieces of clothing hit the table where he threw them.

Hott suckled from her breast and her milk soon flowed. “I just

want a taste,” he told her.

Valerie knew he would never deprive Biorn of anything, and

she let him suckle first one swollen breast, then the other. He

asked her if she was still tender.

“My breasts aren‟t as sore, and Bera gave me something to

help keep my nipples from cracking. As for down there…we could

always find out,” she replied playfully.

Hott smiled and took up the challenge. His hand dipped lower

and he cautiously explored her. She wiggled a bit under his fingers.

She felt tight, like a virgin and she felt a moment of worry. Hott

seemed to sense her distress. He stuck his fingers in a leather

pouch. When he touched her again she realized he carried grease in

the pouch. He fingered her again very gently. Round and round his

slippery fingers slid against her nub, then one delved with caution

inside. Hott was watching her face for her reaction. It wasn‟t

painful but did indeed remind her of her first time. But on her first

time she hadn‟t known what to expect; there had been fear of the

unknown. There was no fear now.

Her Viking warrior was patient and loving. She adored this

man so much. She couldn‟t stop the single tear that slid down her

cheek. She was still feeling very emotional. His thumb captured it.

She had been so lucky to find this man. He had given her

everything she had dreamed of and then some. Watching her

parents and the love they had wasn‟t like experiencing it. It was a

thousand times better living it herself.

Valerie‟s breasts had stopped leaking, and Hott lapped at the

remaining milk, but he didn‟t suckle her again. The tone of his

voice was so wonderful and caring when he asked her if she was

ready for him. She was. He eased his body over her, and Valerie


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

pulled up her knees. Hott kissed her forehead and began sliding

inside her. She moaned. It was like the first time, only better

because it was with Hott, the man she loved more than anything.

She pulled him by his arms wanting him to fill her. He obliged, but

did so with caution, testing her depths, watching for her reaction.

Want filled her eyes and she encouraged him on. Soon he was

rocking slowly within her, loving her.

Valerie carefully raked her nails across Hott‟s back. He felt so

good after the initial discomfort. It felt wonderful to have his

massive bulk blanket her again in safety. His kisses were fiery and

yet controlled. He was tender and patient with her as though it

really were her first time. She loved this side of him, and she was

feeling a bit melancholy. She cared for Ulfr, but at this time she

had no interest in his hot demanding lust. She supposed she was

feeling too maternal.

As Hott moved over her his lips lowered with each thrust to

steal sweet kisses, leaving her breathless and wanting more. Her

insides closed around him, squeezing and releasing, trying to draw

him back when he moved away, then clenching tight as though to

capture and keep him when he was deeply buried inside her.

The warmth of the furs heated her backside. She couldn‟t

imagine returning to silken sheets. Their surroundings matched her

warrior perfectly, and she wouldn‟t want to change anything in her

life. Especially the way she was feeling. Valerie moaned when the

fire in her belly built. Oh God she loved that. The heat, the flames

of desire.

Hott move faster and she knew he was going to come. She

was ready. Her legs lifted higher as he grunted. Hott kept his body

from pinning her, but closed her tightly within his embrace as he

yelled, and she cried out. He was panting heavily and Valerie

smiled up at him, knowing half his exertion came from controlling

his impulses. She loved him even more at that moment.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

“The weddings are soon,” Hott said. He rolled to his side

pulling her with him.

There were ten couples who would wed on the same day. A

huge feast was planned with games and gifts and Valerie couldn‟t

wait. She couldn‟t wait to have the sunshine warm her skin once

more, and she was looking forward to Hott taking her to the

springs as soon as the snow cleared enough to make the trip.

“When will you and the men go hunting?” she asked eagerly.

“Soon,” he replied. “A few of the children in this camp are

young boys who want to learn to hunt. Every year close to this

time a herd of elk come through the pass and it‟s an easy kill. We

are able to get many. It‟s a good day to hunt with the young who

are learning. They basically shoot an arrow and get anything they

aim for.”

“That would bolster anyone‟s esteem,” she said and chuckled.

“We won‟t be gone long, a day or two. Many men and

women are staying here for safety. You and our boys will be fine.”

“Anki and a few of his men are still out there,” Valerie said

with some apprehension.

Hott cupped her chin. “Alfarin has asked to guard you and my

sons personally. He is a powerful warrior. He hasn‟t lived this long

by being a coward—his skill is unsurpassed.”

“Even by you?” she asked and grinned. Her hand reached low

to rub his cock that jumped under her touch.

Hott rolled onto her, and she groaned. His cock found its way

inside her.

“Ulfr has found many women to keep him busy. Do you miss

him?” he asked.

“A little,” she mumbled.

Hott turned her over and she felt his hand, slick with more

grease rubbed up into her behind. She groaned. “I know, my little

Valkyrie, it‟s like the first time, but I will be very gentle with you


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

and Ulfr is anxious to have you again. None of the other women

seem to hold his attention for long.”

When his erection slipped up into her ass, she gasped. She was

on her hands and knees and her elbows buckled. Hott held her

tightly around the waist. As more of him disappeared into her,

Valerie bit her lip. She was again bombarded with the feeling of

pleasure and pain. Her hands gripped tightly into the furs beneath

her, and she tried to relax against him.

He was gentle and patient, sliding up slowly and retreating

until she felt herself back into him. His hand caressed her rump and

he whispered sweet endearments to her. She felt his fingers search

for and find her clit. His thumb rubbed back and forth over it until

his fingers pushed inside her. She was moaning and bumping harder

against him, but he remained stubbornly careful. She decided it had

been awhile and this was what she needed. She was content to let

him set the pace.

Hott removed himself and turned her over. She shook her

head with a saucy air and he grinned, then wiped at his penis with a

wet cloth and entered her vaginally once again. She knew he

wouldn‟t waste his seed the other way, but it always made her

giggle. She had turned a great warrior into a sanitary cautious man.

Her legs spread wide accepting him. He was a little rougher than

before, and she found a quick release. He smiled and called her

lusty. She laughed and said horny, but he shook his head not

understanding the word she used.

When he came he gave a roar that she was certain shook the

entire hut. Soon after, Valerie slipped back into her clothes with

some reluctance. Her engorged breasts indicated it was time to

feed her son. Both she and Hott strolled leisurely back to the main

cabin arm in arm.

* * * *

Valerie cried out in delight when Biorn rocked himself back

and forth on his chubby hands and knees. He would be crawling


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

soon, no doubt. Valerie was delighted. The baby grinned at her

with one single bottom tooth showing. Valerie thought he looked

adorable—but she knew what that single, seemingly innocent,

killer tooth could do. The little monkey had bit her a few times,

grinning all the while. Thankfully he was eating a few mushy foods

already and nursed only four times a day. She couldn‟t believe how

fast he was growing.

Another baby by another woman was due in the fall, and the

men were having bets to see if the woman was as spooky as Valerie

had been. Valerie had scowled at them, and they sniggered as they

slunk away. The men and boys had left to hunt, and Valerie and the

other women were elbow deep in feast preparations. Everywhere

Valerie went she saw Alfarin close by. The scowl he walked around

with was unnerving. Hrolf had taken to standing near the man and

had perfected the look, so too had Petal. The three of them glared

and snarled at anything or anyone that came Valerie‟s way. The

other women laughed good-naturedly about it. The men kept their


Soon enough the others returned from a successful hunt. They

had enough meat for a hearty feast and enough to last through

another winter. The boys were as well praised as the men. It was

funny to see ten and eleven-year-old boys strut with their chests

out as if they owned the world. Valerie knew soon enough they

would be men. A Viking‟s life was hard and tough, but so too were

the people.

There was much feasting after the couples joined. There was

dancing and laughter and gifts. Valerie‟s favorite had been a kitten

from Alfarin. He claimed the beasts were gifts from Freyja, the

Goddess of love. The man reminded her so much of her father. She

kissed his cheek and cuddled the ball of fluff that looked somewhat

like a lynx and asked him to name her. He had smiled and said Kis-

kis. The backs of his hand stroked Valerie‟s cheek before he gruffly

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