Valhalla Hott (18 page)

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Authors: Constantine De Bohon

BOOK: Valhalla Hott
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“Yes,” she whimpered.

Ulfr removed himself and turned her. He lifted her gently half

out of the water again. He entered her behind slowly. She could

feel the front of his thighs quiver when they touched the backs of

hers. He wrapped his arm around her waist to cushion her belly.

He remained motionless.

“I won‟t stop until I‟m finished,” he warned, his voice was

throaty and deep.

“Good,” she panted.

He removed himself and rammed up into her behind. She

cried out and bit her lip. He did it again. He pulled her up a bit,

bending her back. One hand was wrapped around her waist, the

other he placed over her mouth. She shivered in anticipation. Ulfr

began bucking into her. Valerie screamed under his hand, and it

felt so good to howl a primal need.

He turned into a crazed sex machine. Valerie had felt him get

rough with her before, but she heard him speak. He was telling her

he would make her forget any man who had touched her in the

renegade camp. She had no way of telling him no one had laid a

hand on her.

She knew what he was doing, branding her. She felt a shiver

of fear as he slammed more forcefully than he ever had before. Her

eyes squeezed shut as she felt his power. She relaxed beneath him

knowing he wanted her submission.

She gave it to him eagerly. He claimed she was his and Hott‟s,

only theirs. She knew that already and whimpered. Both brothers

were so different. Hott took her sweetly and gently, his own way


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

of branding her his. But Ulfr, the wolf, was so demanding. She was

unable to move against him, he held her too tightly. She wasn‟t

concerned for the baby. He was being rough, but not vicious.

She gave in to her desire and just felt him move. She could

feel his muscular arm bulge against her. He tensed behind her and

when he howled his release she shook, he sounded predatory. He

slowed his movement and held still. Her mouth was released.



“No one touched me at the camp.”

“I‟m happy to hear that. Anki‟s men are fools. I would have

had you the second I saw you.”

She smiled, and when he turned her around to cuddle her

against his chest she leaned into him. “I would have been happy to

have you.”


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

Chapter 11

As the days past, Valerie grew larger. Her heated sex with

both men turned into gentle lovemaking, and she was content to

have them that way. She was showing now, her belly huge and

round, and her hand loved to caress the swell of her baby‟s rump.

She moved awkwardly around their two-room hut.

She reached a hand to ruffle Hrolf‟s hair while he ate a hearty

breakfast. The boy was thankfully filling out. None of the children

looked so painfully thin, and it was a joy to hear them playing

without fear. There was a big celebration in the spring for

weddings planned. Valerie was happy and content.

She wasn‟t certain if she felt annoyed or not when she saw

Ulfr give his attention to a few of the other women. But he kept

coming back to her, only he seemed different. He seemed restless

and in need of something, Valerie was hopeful he would find what

he was looking for.

Hott on the other hand was deliriously happy. He was smitten

with his new son. He took Hrolf with him whenever he was able.

Hott said it was to give her some peace, but she knew he loved to

spend time with the boy. When Hott climbed into bed beside her

at night, he placed his hand on her belly. He would laughingly

alternate from wanting a boy to a girl.

Hrolf spun his bowl on the table. She had taught him to use a

spoon, and eventually he stopped attacking his food with his mouth

on his own when he realized he would get enough to eat. The bowl


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

spun again. It was his subtle hint he wanted more. Valerie took his

bowl and squatted as best as she could to his eye level.

“Say, more please, Mother,” she encouraged.

He had yet to speak. One of the sweetest things she had heard

was his laughter. Hott had made him laugh when he tossed him in

the air and captured him to his chest. The boy also loved to sit on a

horse before the large man and ride through the hills hunting. Hott

was teaching him a great deal. The boy learned quickly and had

already brought home a dead rabbit he had killed with his little

bow and arrow. How quickly Hrolf had become their child. It was

hard to remember a time when he wasn‟t theirs and living with

them. She loved him as her own. Both she and Hott did.

Hrolf just smiled at her. He cocked his head to the side in

imitation of her. He took the bowl and handed it to her again.

Valerie sighed. When she stood she could hear Petal‟s tail

thumping on the wooden floor. The bitch had grown very large in

a short time, and she was pleased the dog had grown to the fair size

of her littermates. Porky lay beside the dog for warmth. Both

animals had become fast friends, and they were good companions

to both Valerie and the boy.

Valerie ladled more porridge into the bowl. Hrolf loved it

best with a bit of milk, when she could get it, and some drizzled

honey. She straightened, and then dropped the bowl to the

ground. Her hand clutched her belly and she gasped in air. A pool

of water suddenly formed beneath her feet. She had taken to

wearing dresses as her pregnancy progressed because they were

more comfortable.

Her hand rested on the tabletop to steady herself. Both Petal

and Porky had jumped to their feet when the bowl clattered to the

ground. Petal whimpered. Hrolf watched her with fear. She

attempted to move to a chair, but another contraction seized her,

and she yelped in pain. Her legs buckled, and she dropped to the

floor. Petal moved close to lick her face. Hrolf was in front of her.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

His anxious little face was close to hers, his hand resting on Porky‟s


“Hrolf, my son, get your father,” she pleaded, then doubled

over in pain. “Hurry.”

Hrolf raced from the hut.

* * * *

Hott was in the cabin. The men had been discussing a hunt.

There was too much snow, some argued. Alfarin was listening

quietly to everyone‟s opinion when the cabin door slammed open,

and Hrolf came flying inside followed closely by Petal. Hott smiled

at the child until he noted the boy‟s wild frenzied look. Petal was

barking out a rapid series of high yelps, which was odd for the dog

as she was normally quiet. Hrolf raced to him and tugged at his

wrist. Petal grabbed his pants and assisted the boy.

Hott‟s concern intensified when he saw the boy wore no

warm outer clothing. Valerie would never have allowed him to

come outdoors without proper clothing. Hott pushed the dog away

and knelt before the child.

“Where is your mother?” he asked.

Hrolf‟s terrified pleading look settled onto Hott. He was

making odd sounds in the back of his throat, whimpering. Again he

yanked on Hott‟s wrist. Petal lunged forward and grabbed Hott‟s

other wrist. Her teeth were gentle yet the strength of the pup was

amazing, and Hott actually found himself pulled to his feet. The

dog and the boy then shoved his behind in the direction of the


Sultan and the other female pup began bouncing and barking.

Sultan lunged at Ulfr‟s behind. He had been standing watching the

scene with confusion near Hott. The dog‟s huge paws landed on

Ulfr‟s ass, and he spiraled forward into motion.

“Damn, man! Are you dense?” Ulfr yelled, stumbling to keep

his feet. “Would it take a toss on your ass to see something‟s

happened to Valerie?”


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

Hott raced out of the cabin followed closely by Ulfr and by

every man, woman and child who had witnessed the scene. Many

paths in the snow had been made but everyone ran single file down

the main path to Hott‟s hut. Hott reached his hut in record time.

Valerie was panting on the floor with Porky standing guard. Hott

raced to her.

“Is the baby coming?” he asked with concern.

“No I just enjoy laying down here,” she ground out through

clenched teeth.

Her hand clutched her belly, and her face contorted in pain.

She gripped Hott‟s hand tightly until his fingers actually squished


Almighty Odin, she was breaking his hand!

Valerie screamed and squeezed tighter.

“The pain is awful!” Hott yelled.

“She will be fine. Don‟t panic,” Bera soothed as she entered

the hut.

“It‟s my damned hand! I think she‟s broken it!” Hott


He pried his fingers loose and shook his hand out.

Valerie scowled at him.

“Get her up. We can take her to the cabin where the other

women can help,” Bera said calmly.

Hott scooped her up and Ulfr took Valerie‟s hand for support.

“You are brave, brother,” Hott said grimly.

Ulfr looked at him questionably until another contraction

seized Valerie.

Valerie screamed, Ulfr howled, and Hott yelped as the hand

she had slung around his neck gripped his hair and skin.

“Oh,” Ulfr gasped. “I never realized having a baby could be so

painful!” He pried his fingers from her grasp and shook his hand



Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

They reached the cabin, and Hott strode with Valerie to a

large room. She had insisted a bed be made up off the ground for

when her time came. He placed her gently onto the furs and

prepared to leave.

“Where the hell do you think you‟re going?” Valerie ground


“Well I…we were just going…” Hott muttered.

“You‟re not going anywhere!” she said between gnashed teeth,

her eyes narrowed dangerously onto him.

“She‟s a bit spooky,” Ulfr whispered to Hott.

Bera came forward and checked between Valerie‟s legs. “This

is an impatient child.”

Hott went to stand at Valerie‟s head. She reached up and

grabbed his fur vest, pulled him close and growled.

“Get me drugs.”

Her words were in her homeland language, and he didn‟t

know what she meant.

“What, Valerie? What do you need?” he asked her with

concern wondering if the pain was driving her mad.

“Booze,” she howled.

“The flask?” he leaned in closely and whispered. “I don‟t think

now is a good time for sex.” The look she leveled on him actually

made him jump in surprise!

“There now, dear,” Bera soothed. “I have something for pain

made up.”

“Well that‟s a relief, my hand is killing me,” Ulfr stated.

“Get me booze, damn it! Shake a leg!” Valerie screamed.

Both men stood awkwardly for a second, looked at one

another, shrugged, and each shook a leg in the air for her approval.

“Oh my God, I didn‟t mean jerk around. I meant move

faster,” Valerie said with a look of disgust on her face.

Ulfr raced from the room. Hrolf was standing in the doorway,

one little leg in the air, wringing his hands with concern.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

Ulfr grabbed the boy under his arm. “This is no place for an

unarmed warrior, boy.”

Ulfr practically tossed the child to Alfarin who grabbed the

boy in surprise. Ulfr raced around the cabin frantically.

“For the love of Odin! Someone find me some mead or ale.”

“Calm down, man,” said Finna‟s brother.

Ulfr stopped dead and narrowed his eyes onto the young man.

The smile died on the man‟s lips as Ulfr slowly stalked him.

“What‟s in your mug?” Ulfr snarled.

The young man gulped heavily, pinned to the spot with Ulfr‟s

wild-eyed stare. “Ale,” he squeaked.

Ulfr pounced. He snatched the drink and held it high. “I‟m

coming, little Valkyrie.”

* * * *

Valerie screamed when she pushed. Bera was between her

legs waiting to catch the babe. Hott had one hand under her knee

lifting her while she strained. Ulfr charged into the room with a

sloshing mug. Valerie‟s eyes lit up.

“Hurry, moron, I need that!” she howled.

Ulfr blinked. “Don‟t you know me, Valerie?” he gasped.

“Just give it to her,” Hott snapped.

Valerie downed the entire contents in just a few swigs.

Another contraction seized her. Ulfr held her under her other knee

as she pushed again. It felt like her pubic hair was on fire! Good

God how did women ever manage this all these centuries? She

groaned loudly as she struggled for breath and pushed again.

“Push, Valerie,” Bera encouraged.

“Push,” chanted both men.

“I am pushing!” she bellowed.

Idiot men, what did they think she was doing? Her face must

be as red as a baboon‟s butt! Now there was an attractive picture.

She pushed again until she could push no more, and just when she


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

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