Valhalla Hott (15 page)

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Authors: Constantine De Bohon

BOOK: Valhalla Hott
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clutching the piglet to her chest possessively, refusing to part with

it. It needed her, she felt it in her heart and though she knew it was

an odd feeling, she didn‟t care.

“You will cut your hand off if you‟re blinded with tears, little

Valkyrie,” Hott stated with concern.

“I want him!” she sobbed loudly. Both men looked at her

astounded, more laughter followed.

“What do you mean, you want it?” Ulfr exclaimed.

“He‟s mine and his name is Porky not „it‟,” she howled and

sobbed louder, and could have cared less that she sounded

unreasonable and petulant.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

“Give me the animal. I will make certain he feels no pain,”

Hott said kindly.

He moved forward, Valerie howled, she released the hatchet

and it clattered harmlessly to the floor. Then with one hard grasp

of his wrist, Hott went sailing out the open cabin door onto his

behind. He stormed angrily back into the cabin while the others

laughed uproariously.

“Stop tossing me on my ass,” he demanded with a hard scowl.

Valerie sobbed loudly and buried her face into the piglet,

soaking the animal with her tears. Petal sat at her feet and added

her own howls. Soon Sultan and the other pup joined the chorus.

Hott dragged his hand over his face. Finna began crying.

“Why are you crying?” her brother demanded.

“Because Hott is being mean to my friend,” Finna wailed.

Soon the other women were crying.

“Look what you started,” Alfarin snapped at Hott.

Hott‟s mouth dropped open.

“Don‟t cry, child,” Alfarin soothed. He stroked Valerie‟s back

in a fatherly gesture.

Agnar moved to put his arms around his daughter who wailed

louder. He glared daggers at Hott.

“You may keep the pig!” Hott shouted to be heard.

Valerie brightened immediately. “Really? I can keep Porky?”

“Yes,” Hott said. He hung his head looking as though he didn‟t

know whether to laugh or to be angry.

“This is a great day,” Bera said.

“Why? Because we now have a pet pig?” Ulfr asked.

“No,” Bera chided. She went over to Valerie who was drying

her tears on her sleeve. “Our little Valkyrie is with child.”

Valerie‟s eyes shot up in stunned surprise.

“Are you certain?” Hott asked with sudden excitement, his

annoyance obviously forgotten.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

“I‟ve been certain since she came here with you,” Bera said

smiling widely at Valerie.

It was impossible not to return her friend‟s smile, and Valerie

smiled back.

“Why didn‟t you say something?” Hott demanded. He looked

at both women.

“Isn‟t it obvious to you Valerie had no idea? And I said nothing

because she needed to learn to be a good Viking woman. If I had

mentioned the babe, she would have been too restricted, and there

was already so much she needed to overcome. How would she

have felt to be hand motioned to she was expecting a baby when

she couldn‟t even speak our language? It would have made any

woman fearful. Besides, I have been keeping a close eye on her,”

Bera reasoned.

Hott grasped Valerie to his chest and the piglet squealed. He

tossed the animal to the ground where it was immediately

inspected by all three pups. Ulfr came over to hug them both. A

great whoop carried through the huge cabin. A new life would

indeed be welcome.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

Chapter 9

Valerie and Finna were outside in the cool autumn air playing

with Petal and Porky. They chased the animals around the field.

Some of the villagers were a short distance away collecting wheat,

while others were farther down the field. They were harvesting

turnips and cabbage to help them through the long hard winter

ahead. Valerie had insisted she could help, after all she had only

started her second trimester and she wasn‟t even showing. Hott

demanded she rest. The only thing he wanted her doing was

cooking and warming his bed.

Both men continued to make love to her, but it was sweet and

controlled. Valerie missed their passion. She had found her sexual

lust to be in overdrive. She couldn‟t get enough. To her shame she

had begged Ulfr one day to give in to his desire for rough sex and

just screw her brains out. He had looked utterly appalled with the

idea until she explained it was just a manner of speaking and her

brains would remain safely in her skull.

He had then, more than agreeably, bent her over the table,

grabbed her wrists, covered her mouth and took her like a

wildman denied something he‟d needed for too long. It had been

bliss feeling his hard massive cock slamming into her ass. She

screamed her muffled release over and over craving more, bucking

against him until Ulfr had laughed and swatted her behind. Her ass

had ached, but it had been worth it. Ulfr told her he would have


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

her when she needed it, but once she was showing he would stop.

She hoped she wouldn‟t show until her ninth month.

Finna dragged her from her thoughts by squealing in laughter.

Porky was stuffing his nose under her dress. Valerie chuckled

remembering Ulfr howl one night when while during sex the piglet

had stuck its cold nose almost right up his ass.
Served him right!

giggled. She grabbed the piglet, which did his own squealing and

tossed him aside. His little feet flailed for a moment before righting


Valerie continued chuckling until she looked over at Finna.

The young woman who had agreed to keep her company had gone

a deathly pale. Valerie stared in the direction she was gazing.

Barreling down on them fast was a group of men on horseback.

Finna whimpered, and remained frozen in fear. Valerie screamed

for Hott. She grabbed Finna by her wrist and dragged her into a

dead run.

Hott was yelling. The other men raced towards them, but it

was too late. A man reached down and yanked Finna away from

Valerie, despite the girl‟s kicks and screams. Another man pulled

Valerie into his arms. She didn‟t know whether to beat at him or

hang on for dear life. In the end she clung to him, not wanting to

risk the life of her child by falling.

Farther and farther the men rode until Hott was just a small

speck in the distance. Soon he was gone. She could hear Finna

sobbing and begging for her life. Valerie was also wondering what

these men would do to them.

* * * *

Night had fallen, and Valerie sat quietly in a dirty hut. It had

been thrown together days earlier she learned. The other women

were quiet and moved about slowly and fearfully. The men who

had kidnapped her had been the same ones who had killed Hott‟s

wife and baby. She asked one woman why they hadn‟t just taken

them too instead of murdering them. Another woman explained in


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

a tiny tired voice that they had all been kidnapped by these men,

and their babies had been butchered. These men had no mercy for

their own offspring. If they cried too much they were considered

weak and were left behind to die on the trails they wandered

endlessly, always moving, always stealing, and killing.

They had attacked Hott‟s village for the livestock. They had

wanted the horses mostly. They didn‟t need the headache of more

women and children. In truth they had been killed because the idea

entertained the men. Valerie and Finna had been taken on a whim,

just to prove they could.

Finna rocked back and forth near where Valerie sat. She

recognized one of the men who had killed her mother. He seemed

to be the leader of the band of murderers. He was filthy and

slovenly. He was also as big as Hott and appeared just as powerful.

Each time he approached Finna, she screamed and cowered.

Valerie wrapped her arms around the girl.

“Stop your wailing or I‟ll cut your tongue out,” the man


Finna looked at him horrified. She sniffled, swallowed her

sobs, and quieted but Valerie felt her shaking.

“All of you women finish what you‟re doing, it‟s time for

bed.” The Viking gave a suggestive look at the men who smiled.

Each man moved to take a woman into their furs. The huge

Viking grabbed a young woman to his chest.

“But there are others,” she protested.

Valerie could see the woman‟s fear build as the Viking fondled

her roughly.

The man grabbed her hair and bent her back to look into her

eyes. “But you know what I like. I‟m not in the mood to teach

another right now,” he snarled.

It wasn‟t long before Valerie heard the moans and grunts of

many engaged in sex. For now she and Finna were spared from an



Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

* * * *

In the morning, Valerie and Finna were forced to cook and

clean and help the other women with daily chores. There had been

some surprise at seeing children milling about helping. Valerie

hadn‟t noticed any in the hut. Although upon reflection it had been

dark and her concern was solely dedicated to her welfare and that

of Finna‟s. She wondered where they had been, yet dismissed the

thought for a moment when another stunning realization hit. There

were no supplies for when the colder weather would set in.

“How will you eat when there is nothing stored for winter?”

Valerie whispered to a woman.

The woman looked hesitant to answer. Looking cautiously

around, and seeing no men close enough to overhear she replied,

“They steal what they want. They will bring more women to warm

their beds as soon as the snow falls.”

“Why do you stay?” Valerie asked.

“They will kill us if we leave, and it‟s not a pleasant way to

die. They beat and raped one woman to death in front of us when

she escaped and they brought her back.”

Valerie shuddered. She felt nauseous, and she knew it wasn‟t

due to her condition. She couldn‟t imagine one of them touching

her, let alone all twenty of them. She could see the men leering at

her and Finna.

“Why don‟t you fight? You outnumber the men,” she


“Fight how?” the woman asked with remorse. “One blow from

a heavy fist would kill us. They have weapons.”

“So do you,” Valerie insisted.

“What weapons do we have?” the woman asked curiously.

“Surprise,” Valerie whispered and smiled.

It took a small amount of coaxing to gain the women‟s trust.

She could see hope and desperation in the eyes of the women who

weren‟t completely broken down. During the day Valerie took


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

each woman aside, and taught her how to flip a man to the ground.

She encouraged Finna to aid her. Soon the women were taking

turns flinging each other to the forest floor. It was done good-

naturedly and a few of the women found themselves laughing and

smiling—something they hadn‟t done in a long time. Their

confidence built with some semblance of new power.

One woman asked what were they to do once the man was on

the ground. Valerie thought for a moment. She looked around

knowing they would be disarmed if they grabbed the men‟s

swords. If they scattered, a few hapless victims would be caught

and killed. What would the children do? She strolled around the

perimeter and was soon back.

“We have our own weapons,” she informed them. The

women looked at her curiously. “Grab whatever pot or pan is

closest and give them a solid whack across their murdering, raping

foul heads!”

That night Valerie watched warily as Anki, the Viking leader,

kept gazing over at Finna. There was no way Valerie was going to

let him get his hands on the vulnerable girl. The women had agreed

on a certain time they would stage their coup. Valerie told them

they just needed to bide their time; she knew Hott would come.

One of the women worriedly asked her if Hott and his men would

kill them in retaliation. Valerie assured all the women Hott and his

men didn‟t wage war on women and children. A few women

looked relieved as they pulled their youngsters closer.

Soon the children were gathered by the men and sent outside.

Valerie had learned earlier that the children slept in another hut

away from the adults, thus explaining their sudden appearance in

the morning. She hadn‟t noted the other hut in the darkness when

brought in by Anki and his men. As it was, the hut housing the

children was a ramshackle piece of work and set away from the

main lodging. Anki didn‟t want to be woken by some sniveling

brats wanting their mothers. It was also odd that all of the children


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

were close to the same age. Some were younger at five and six,

most were between the ages of eight and ten. When Valerie asked

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