Until There Was You (5 page)

Read Until There Was You Online

Authors: Stacey Harrison

Tags: #romance, #love, #pain, #abuse, #escape, #him

BOOK: Until There Was You
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I look down into beautiful blue
eyes and realize it's make or break time. I have to say this, I
have to get this out in the open.

'Please stay.......with me.
Please Lexi.' I have never begged for anything in all my life but
right now, for this girl I barely know, I would drop to my knees
and beg like it was for my last breath.

When she doesn't reply and my
heart sinks. I am so stupid, this is so stupid we are practically
strangers and I am asking her to move in with me. I bet she thinks
I am a right creep, Lord knows I am acting like one.

I am stunned when she throws
herself into my arms, kissing me with so much passion words are not
needed. This kiss says it all, she feels the same as I do. Thank
God. I wrap my arms around her thighs and lift her up, she wraps
her legs around my waist without hesitation and I carry her to my
bed. My bed, I grin internally, never breaking our kiss. I am lost,
lost in the kiss and the feeling this girl brings out in me that
are crazy, exciting and so out of control.


Chapter Eight


I lay her down on my bed and
start kissing her neck when she freezes. How stupid can I be? This
is all new to her and I am rushing her, not to mention she was
attacked last night. I shudder at the thoughts as to how I found
her flash through my mind.

'Sorry too fast, I didn't think.
I got carried away, lost in the moment. Shit! I keep messing this
up, I am so fucking stupid.' She puts her tiny, soft finger over my
lips effectively cutting of my rambling.

'You are not stupid and nothing
is messed up, I am just nervous. I really want to ..... with you.'
She whispers and blushes, she is so adorable.

'Are you sure, we can wait if
you're not 100% sure?' I swear I would wait forever if I had too.
God I hope I don't though.

'I want to.....if you want to?'
She mumbles and I can't fight the smile. I had women throw
themselves at me, so how none of that has turned me on like she

'Of course I want to, I just
can't mess this up with you. I don't want to lose you Lexi.' I
whisper the last part.

'I don't want to lose you
either, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me.' she
smiles and pecks me on the lips lightly.

'You are so beautiful.'

She pulls my lips back to hers,
our tongues mating and dancing with so much fire. I need her now
but I hold back, take my time. I run my hands down her body my own
heart skipping a beat.

I pull her up so she is sat up
on the end of my bed and kneel between her legs my grey eyes and
her blue ones. I lift the hem of my t shirt trailing my hands
against her soft skin slowly, she lifts her arms to help me. Her
cheeks flushing deeper the higher I go.

I lay her back on the bed and
remove my own shirt before I rest on top of her supporting my
weight on my elbows as our tongues mingle again. Skin on skin,
heart to heart, as my tongue plunges deeper into her mouth. I start
kissing down her neck, peppering little kisses across her collar
bone worshipping every inch of skin in my path. She moans in the
back of her throat and it drives me wild with desire.

I continue down the valley of
her breasts, down her stomach when she wriggles letting out a soft,
girly giggle. I smirk against her belly so she's ticklish. I
retrace my way back up towards her breast. Her rosy nipples
extended into tight points, she moans loudly as I take one in my
mouth and suck gently, rolling the other between my fingers. I
wonder if I could make her come this way.

'Oh God!' She moans as I
continue my sweet torture, swapping nipples biting a little and
tugging the other. She is nearly there I can tell, her moaning is
so loud. God she is sexy. Her head tilts back and her body trembles
as she reaches her peak, I want to fist pump the air when she moans
my name.

I kiss back down her body,
sliding down her sweatpants with ease, no underwear fuck that's
hot. I kiss from hip bone to hip bone and she squirms, I run my
hands up her thighs towards her sex. She is drenched and so hot she
moans loudly when my finger pushes inside her, oh god she is so
tight. She cries out when I enter the second finger.

'Hush baby, it will help don't
worry.' I say trying to pacify her, praying she doesn't make me
stop. I can't wait any longer as I roll over and reach for a
condom. Before I do this I need her to be completely sure.

'Are you sure you want to do
this baby?' My voice husky and thick with my arousal.

'You can always say no.'

'I want this......I need

'It's going to hurt at first but
it will get better.' I feel the need to warn her.

'I am not completely stupid
Liam, I still want this.' She chuckles and she looks better than I
ever imagined, hair spread all around her head, eyes bright in
excitement and her lips red from our heated kisses. A big smile on
her face making my heart melt. I need her now, I can't wait a
moment more.

I lower myself towards her
entrance, looking in her eyes one last time to be sure, she nods
shyly biting her lip. I kiss her frantically as I gently push into
her her and she whimpers. I continue and savour her hot, wet
tightness like a fist squeezing me.

God she feels amazing, I nearly
lose it then and now. I still for a second so I can compose myself
and she can adjust to the unfamiliar intrusion. Kissing away the
tears on her temples my heart squeezes painfully as I stroke the
stray hairs off her forehead.

'Are you ready babe, we can
still stop if you want?' I ask sincerely feeling gutted it's
hurting her but I really don't want to stop. She pushes her hips to
meet mine and cries out as I moan. I slowly start to move and after
a few times she thrusts her hips to meet my thrusts, our bodies
move in sync her nails rake down my back. God its never felt this
good before. We pick up speed and before long she comes apart,
screaming my name and the tightening of her walls tips me over the
edge. Holding her close to me I kiss her forehead, both our
breathing ragged but relaxed.

She falls asleep sprawled across
my chest, her soft breaths calming me, pulling me towards sleep.
Never have I ever felt this content, this at peace. I am scared by
the fact I am falling hard and fast for this amazing girl and I
couldn't care less.

I lie there holding her in my
arms, taking in everything that has happened and I can't help but
be thankful that fate gave me this beautiful girl to protect, even
maybe love. With thoughts of what the future holds for us I drift
off into a deep, peaceful much needed sleep.


Chapter Nine


I wake up because I feel warm,
too warm. I feel a weight pinning me to the bed, holding me down
and I freak out. Panic rises when I realize I can't move, I take a
second to gather my bearings and think logically before I

'Good Morning Sunshine.' A husky
voice mumbles sleepily and I immediately relax into him. Liam, the
weight moves from my body. I roll over to face him tensing at the
ache between my legs. He looks so young and carefree when he has
just wakes up, hair sticking up in different directions. I realize
I don't actually know his age, or much else for that matter.

'Good Morning.' I reply shyly. I
go to get out of the bed, the pressing urge to pee taking over but
he grabs my waist and pulls me under him.

'Are you OK Lex?' His face all
serious, eyes searching my face for any sign of dishonesty.

'I am good, a bit sore but it
was worth it.' I smile and he relaxes smiling a dazzling panty
dropping, boy next door smile that makes me swoon and my knees
weaken. Man I love that smile.

'Thanks, I love your smile too.'
He chuckles and I realize I said that out loud. I am a moron. I run
to the bathroom to hide my blush, God I am so embarrassed and he's
making it worse by laughing loudly at me.

As I re-enter the bedroom I am
greeted by an empty bed, I take a moment to think about how amazing
last night was. He was so sweet and caring , I was surprised he
fit. Even though it was painful at first it turned into immense
pleasure. I was lost in the thought of his hands and lips and how
they felt on my body that I don't hear him come behind me, jumping
out of my skin when two arms wraps around my waist and his head
nuzzles my neck.

'Do you regret it?' He whispers
in my ear, the uncertainty in his voice surprises me.

'No never, do you?' I reply
truthfully, even if this never went any further and I never saw him
again I would never regret that he was my first time. It was
everything I could of dreamed of.

'No way, it was the best night
of my life.' His voice raw. He clears his throat and kisses my
cheek sweetly as I melt into him.

'I made coffee but... I don't
know how you take it.' He seems embarrassed which makes me

'Milky, three sugars.' I tell
him and he shakes his head.

'What I like it sweet.'

'So do I babe, so do I.' He says
and my heart melts. I turn around and peck him on the lips.

'We really don't know much about
each other do we?' I mutter into his chest.

We sit at the breakfast bar
drinking our coffees, ready to play 20 questions. His bright idea.
Not mine.

'How old are you?' I ask and he
tenses, this can't be good.

'I am 24.' He gulps 'Does that
bother you?'

'Should it?' I raise an eyebrow
and shrug.

'Well ahh.....it doesn't bother
me, we are both adults but that doesn't mean you have to be okay
with it.' He mutters and I can't help but think he looks cute, so I
let him sweat a while longer.

'It doesn't matter to me
either.' I chirp happily.

'Good.' he smiles. 'So whats
your full name?'

'Alexis Anne Cross'

'Pretty.' he chuckles


'Liam Landon Coltan.'

'Pretty' I snicker playfully and
he laughs.

'Birthday?' he smiles.

'4th July.' I smile back

'7th May.' He grins 'Favourite

'Pizza, ham and pineapple.

'Any red meat with all the
trimmings.' He licks his lips.

'Favourite music?' I ask..

'Dance, Pop, Indie anything
really.' He shrugs.

'Me too.'

We soon get tired of the game
and my belly hurts from laughing so much.

'So what do you want to do
today?' He muses.

'I need to go home..' I don't
get to finish my sentence before he cuts me off and boy does he
look pissed.

'What? Your not serious? Over my
dead body are you going back there! How can you even want to? I
thought you enjoyed last night, hell you even said our age doesn't
matter not half an hour ago and now you want to leave me? Why
Alexis?' He snarls and god does he look scary, I don't even
recognize the man before me.

'I just wanted my clothes.' I
whisper afraid what he will do next.

'Oh Shit, I thought you
meant.....Hell Lexi, I am sorry......I panicked your not safe there
and I couldn't.......I thought... Fuck! Lexi I am so, so sorry.' He
pleads, his face guilt ridden but I just want to run and hide.

'Lexi.' He breaths out.

'It's fine.' I try to hold back
my tears and stop my whole body trembling but just give up and run
to the bathroom. I lock the door as tears stream down my face, I
can't get my head round the fact one minute he was laughing and the
next he was screaming in my face. He didn't even let me explain, I
only wanted my clothes. I understand I can never go back there, if
that creep didn't tell me that, I am completely stupid.

'Lexi.' There is a soft knock at
the door, he sounds so broken and awful but I am just not ready to
face him yet.

I am scared.

"Lexi, Baby.... Please. I'm


Chapter Ten


God what have I done? I am such
a dickhead! When she said she wanted to go home my mind jumped to
the conclusion she wanted to leave me, to go back to him and I
flipped. Fuck I didn't even let her explain, she looked so scared
of me, she must know I would never hurt her. I mean I understand we
haven't known each other long but for fucks sake, we made love a
few hours ago.

I have to talk to her,
apologize. Hell I will beg if I need to, I can't believe I have
screwed up already. It's like I can never get it right with

'Lexi' I say as I tap on the
bathroom door. I can hear her crying through the door and I have
never hated myself as much as I do now.

"Lexi, Baby. Please...I'm
sorry..." Still nothing but soft whimpers from the other side.

'Lexi please, come out so I can
explain.' Yeah like you let her my mind sneers at me. I was about
to knock again when my Mothers voice shatters my ear drums. I do
not need this right now!

'Liam Landon Coltan I need to
speak with you now!' Oh great my full name this can't be good. What
have I done now?

'Now is not a good time Mother.'
The irritation clear in my tone.

'Boy I am your Mother, what on
gods green earth could be more important?' She snaps arms folded
all 5 foot 1 of her trying to appear intimidating. It works,
normally nobody can manage to unnerve me. However the formidable
Rose Coltan manages every time. However right now Lexi is slipping
through my fingers and that thought was more scary.

'Mother please, whatever it is
it can wait right now.' I respond praying that she will just leave,
but I should of known better. It's like poking a bear.

'I had poor Mellissa on the
phone crying her heart out, telling me how my only son cheated on
her and had the damn cheek to bad mouth the woman who gave him
life.' Her voice rising at the end.

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