Until There Was You (3 page)

Read Until There Was You Online

Authors: Stacey Harrison

Tags: #romance, #love, #pain, #abuse, #escape, #him

BOOK: Until There Was You
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Chapter Four


'Lexi, Lexi! Sweetheart look at
me...' He pleads softly but I can't move, I can't bare him hurting
me. I don't understand why but being here with Liam is the safest I
have felt in a long while, I knew it was too good to be true.

'Lexi, please.' I want to, I
really do, but I can't bare to see anger contorting his beautiful
face. I don't want my memory of being here, being with him to be
tainted by fear like all my others. I am torn from my thoughts when
two warm, soft hands touch my cheeks gently yet I flinch. I cant
help it, its my natural reaction when anybody touches me. I hate
that it happens with him though.

It's then I realize he is on his
knees at my feet and his hands haven't moved, I gulp and look up to
from my feet to stare back into his stormy grey eyes and they
consume me, I feel so lost. Yet found. So out of my depth but so

The intensity of his gaze makes
me drop mine and my eyes fall to his gorgeous full lips and I am
taken off guard by feelings so strange I can't place them. My blood
is rushing through my veins, my heart is pounding out of my chest
yet it is not from fear, it is from need, desire for him. Every
part of my being is screaming for him to kiss me. Just kiss me

'I promise I won't hurt you, I
was just angry but not at you and I was... shocked. I am truly
sorry if I frightened you.' He says with such intensity in his
eyes. I honestly believe him, more than I should, I can't help it.
Almost like he remembers himself he moves away from me, almost like
I burn to the touch and leaves the room. I sit there frozen in
time, trying to get my brain to function rationally again, trying
to figure out what just happened. I sit there confused until he
returns with a wet cloth and a dust pan and brush.

'Do you have any white wine?' I
ask and he looks up at me with a strange look on his face. 'It will
prevent the staining' I explain quickly with a small smile and am
pleased when he smiles back. He looks so young when he smiles, it
suits him.

'Beautiful and Smart.' He says
with a full on smile, I try to hide my blush but fail miserably. He
thinks I am beautiful, I blow out a big breath I didn't realize I
was holding and attempt to calm my fragile nerves. Why am i feeling
like this? I glance at the clock on the white marble fireplace and
feel my anxiety come back in full force when I notice its already 1
am, only 9 hours till I have to go back to Mike. Back to being
scared and alone. I wonder if the next man will be as nice as Liam?
Somehow I doubt it.

'Penny for your thoughts?' His
voice floats through my ears and i realize he's back with a fresh
glass of wine and he has topped mine up.

'Nothing important.' I shrug not
wanting to burden him.

'It can't be nothing, if it has
you so sad.' I smile the best I can in the hope he will drop it but
he just continues to stare at me expectantly.

'I was just thinking how in 9
hours I have to go to my house, back to Mike and back to reality.'
I don't say home because it hasn't been that since my mum ripped it
apart, it's not my home anymore. It's the hell I am trapped in,
with him.

'You're going back to him?' He
spits in outrage and I pale.

'I don't have a choice.' I
reply, insulted that he would think I wanted too. God I would
rather be anywhere else but I have nothing or no one. Plus I still
remember the last time I tried to run, he hit me so hard I was out
cold for at least two days I know of. The memory of the beating I
got that night makes my skin crawl and I shudder.

He starts pacing the great room,
his jaw tight and his whole body rigid with tension. He looks livid
but deep in thought about something as he runs his hands through
his hair and I can't help think how I would love to do that. Is it
as soft as it looks?

'You can't go back to him.' He
demands and I just stare blankly back at him.

'I don't have a choice.' I
repeat, why isn't he getting it? Is it a hard concept to

'Everybody has a choice!' He
yells 'What the fuck are you going to do the next time he pimps you
out, because he will Lexi and you know it!' He is glaring at me,
waiting for my answer.

'You live in a dream world not
everyone has choices, or money. Not everyone can do as they please,
some of us are trapped. THAT'S JUST LIFE!' I am screaming at him by
the end, tears threatening to fall as i admit to him and mostly
myself the reality of my life out loud for the first time.

'Oh my money was good enough
when it saved your arse from being raped by that sleazebag with the
car.' He snarls back and I can't contain my tears anymore. That hit
home, seeing my tears, guilt and pity flood his eyes but I am too
hurt, to broken to care. Hearing him say it, for the first time
tonight it really sunk in what could of happened to me, what could
still be happening to me. I feel sick and ashamed. I have to leave,
I have to get away from it all. Away from him and the dream of

'I am so sorry... I will leave
now.' I force past the lump - getting bigger and bigger - in my

'Like hell you will!'

I just look at him confused and
worn out taking him in, even angry he is beautiful. I shake off my
thought and head in the direction I came in, towards the front

'I paid till 10am, right?' He
states knowing he is right.

I don't know how to reply, I
don't need to his tone told me that. When I feel him behind me, his
breath on my neck and I tense. Butterflies are going crazy in my

'Please Alexis just stay, I can
help you.......just stay please.' His pained voice is my

Two strong arms wrap around my
middle comforting me, I know I should be scared but I can't find it
in myself. He calms me somehow, yet my heart is beating wildly
against my chest.

'I just want to hold you, I need
to hold you..' His hushed breath tickles my ear sending shivers
down my spine and I realize something, I need this too. I turn
around and bury my head into his chest and inhale his masculine
scent, aftershave and soap, I can't help but relax as my body molds
perfectly to his. After a couple of minutes I look up and lock eyes
with the most beautiful and confusing man I have ever laid eyes

My heart stops as his lips move
slowing to mine, covering them. It takes me a minute to regain my
breath as I return his kiss with equal amounts of passion,
mimicking his movements. His arms tighten around me and one snakes
up to my hair as his tongue strokes mine so passionately. I have
never been kissed like this in my life. He pushes me against the
wall and I jump when the cold marble touches my naked, red hot skin
on my back. His hand travels up my body slowly leaving tingles in
their wake. I finally get my wish and run my fingers through his
hair, fisting it passionately.

I can't stop the moan that
escapes me and it only seems to spur him on more as he pulls our
bodies even closer so we are flushed against each other, not an
inch of distance between us. I jump in surprise when I feel his
erection against my belly, it feels huge and my anxiety kicks in
will full force. I unwilling tense and he notices my hesitation
immediately and pulls away. Reality comes back like a cold shower
and once again he jumps back like I have burnt him, apologizing
over and over again. His hands returning to his hair and he runs
his hands through it, tugging almost violently.

'Lexi, God I am so sorry. I
don't know what came over me.' He looks awful and I feel it.

'No I wanted.......I mean I
enjoyed it.' I blush scarlet. Why am I so embarrassed.

'Really I just thought that...'
He swallows loudly. 'I thought when you tensed that maybe I had
pushed my luck... Gone too far. I didn't want you to feel forced
into it.'

'Well you see..........God this
is embarrassing. How do I say this?' I mutter trying to find the
right words.

'Whatever it is you can tell
me.' He strokes my hair off my face, brushing it behind my ear
affectionately. 'I won't judge you, just say it.'

'I have never done this
before...' I whisper ashamed without meeting his eyes, I can't.

'I don't understand?' He looks
so confused, its adorable. 'If this is about the money, it doesn't
matter to me, I don't care about.....'

'I am a virgin!' I blurt out
before I lose my nerve and also to cut off his rambling. His face
visibly drops and pales. His jaw hits the floor and he just keeps
blinking at me.

'Say something.....please.' I
prompt when he doesn't speak for what feels like ages.

'I.....erm, I...........Oh
fuck!' His shock transforms into rage and he punches the wall
behind him. He storms off into the living room, cursing loudly.

Well that's not what I expected!
So much for 'I won't judge you'.


Chapter Five


I lost it... I completely lost
it. Never in my life did I expect her to say that. I expected, I
have never had a one night stand or I have never had sex for money,
not that we would have been but still. Oh shit, what sort of sick
bastard sells a virgin for sex! What kind of sick fucking monster
would do that?!

My mind is reeling. That sick
bastard was selling her virginity, he had to have known he's her
Step-Father for fucks sake! Who would leave there child with him?
Where the hell is her mother? Is she in on this with him? I can't
let her go back there to him, shit! What am i going to do? Hell if
I send her back there I am letting it happen and some scumbag is
going to come along and for the 'right' price destroy her trust in
men, hell even her life. Oh God, I feel sick at the thought of what
that would do to her.

The throbbing in my hand brings
me back to the now. Where is she? It occurs to me how empty the
room feels without her, I quickly check the hallway and notice the
front door ajar. She is gone, I scared her away.

I grab my shoes and run down the
driveway frantic, searching for any sign of the beautiful blonde I
have probably terrified out of her mind. Where the hell is she? She
couldn't have gotten far. I search for about half an hour, it's
freezing and she is barely dressed but this is pointless. Where the
hell is Dem does he not understand the meaning of Stand By

Just after i arrive back at the
house so does my trusty driver.

'She arrived safely, Sir.' He
nods in respect.

'You took her home?' I accuse,
shaking with anger.

'Yes Sir, I didn't think you
would want her to walk as it's late and not to mention cold.'

I check my watch 3.14am, shit I
have a early morning meeting but I can't leave her there. God only
knows whats happening to her, my stomach churns at the thought and
my minds made up.

'Dem take me there as fast as
you can.' I order rushing to the Bentley.

'Sir.' He responds looking
confused but doesn't comment.

We have been driving for what
feels like hours but in actual fact its been about 20 minutes and I
am a mess by the time we stop. I can barely hold it together as I
take in the house before me.

I am standing in front of a run
down house with discoloured newspapers on the window and an
overgrown garden with rubbish littered everywhere. She live here in
this shit hole, I look at Dem who just grimaces thinking the same
as me, no doubt.

I dart up the path, bang on the
front door and notice Dem is stood behind me. I give him a grateful
smile although the way I am feeling I won't need back up. I open my
mouth to speak to him when the front door swings open and that
prick stands before me. His eyes widen in shock when he sees me but
he quickly recovers smirking and leaning against the doorframe for
support, he is wasted. Its good to see he spent my money on
important things.

'Where is she?' I say through
gritted teeth, it's taking all my self control not to just kill him
with my bare hands.

'She's busy right now, the
gentleman from before needs his turn too, ya know.' He slurs
looking pleased with himself.

Is he shitting me! I see red and
smash my fist to his nose feeling satisfied, if only a little when
it crunches under my fist. He stumbles backwards and falls on his

'Keep your eye on him.' I say to
Dem as I take off up the uncarpeted stairs.

I hear soft crying and kick the
door open to find my sweet little Lexi crying, huddled in the
corner of a dingy, disgusting room with that arsehole stood over
her. When I notice the handcuffs in his hand, I can't hold myself
back from launching myself at him knocking us both to the ground
with me on top of him. I hit him in the face over and over again,
there is blood all over his face and he is no longer struggling
against me but I can't stop. I want to kill him.

Soft cries distract me from my
blood lust and I stop, cuffing him to the bed and leaving him
there. See how he fucking likes it. He is lucky Lexi needs me or
else I wouldn't have stopped. I look at Lexi and bile rises in my
throat at her shaking form, her dress all ripped and her body
forming new bruises already. God if I was five minutes

'Lexi baby are you okay?'

'Lexi it's me, Liam I am going
to get you out of here. I am going to take you away baby.'

She doesn't answer so I wrap her
in the dirty bed sheet and carry her close to my chest down the
stairs as she shakes uncontrollably. I whisper calming words into
her ears as sobs rack her tiny body. My heart is breaking to see
her this, this broken.

Her Step-Father looks worse now
than when I left him, he's out for the count and Dem just shrugs
unapologetically as I raise my eyebrow. He closes the door behind
us following me down the path, glancing at the broken girl in my
arms his face blank, as usual.

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