Until There Was You (4 page)

Read Until There Was You Online

Authors: Stacey Harrison

Tags: #romance, #love, #pain, #abuse, #escape, #him

BOOK: Until There Was You
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In the car I still don't put her
down, I can't my arms don't want to let her go yet. Man I am in
trouble with this girl, I frown internally.

She is in a deep sleep when we
arrive back at my house, so I take her to the guest bedroom and
place her gently on the bed. I wish more than anything i could put
her in my bed with me but somehow after everything it feels wrong.
I remove the dirty sheet and look down at her torn dress that
covers nothing, not that it did much before. I decide she would be
more comfortable in a t shirt so i go and fetch one from my bedroom
not wanting her to wake up in that thing and see herself, its hard
enough for me. I try not to look as I change her, but hell I am
only a man, and at this moment in time I have never been more aware
of that fact.

Cold shower for me I think
taking one last lingering glance at the beautiful, broken angel
sleeping in the bed.


Chapter Six


I am warm and comfy..... My eyes
fly open, my bed isn't comfy and it's never warm. Where the hell am
I? Last night comes flooding back to me, running from Liam, Creepy
Dude dragging me to my room by my hair as Mike laughs, Liam......Oh
my god! Liam... Liam came back for me!

I scan the cream and sky blue
room in awe. Its the most stunning room I have ever seen. Blue silk
curtains cover a floor to ceiling window letting the sun almost
dance through them majestically. This bed could sleep five of me,
dressed in creams and blues, soft cotton and silk, it's amazing. I
sit up and notice I am in a black t shirt that is so big it hangs
off one shoulder, it must be Liams...... he changed me? I exhale a
big cleansing breath, flopping backwards on top the pillows again
and a piece of paper flutters up into the air. Strangely I feel
giddy at the thought of a note from Liam.


Good Morning I hope you slept
well. I am sorry I couldn't be there when you woke but I have a
really important breakfast meeting. Help yourself to a shower. I
have left some more clothes for you on the chair in the corner.
Please eat, the kitchen is well stocked. I will be back by 1.30 at
the latest. Make yourself at home we will talk when I return.

Liam x

I check the time, it's already
11.45 I can't believe I slept so late. I rush to the bathroom my
body protesting at my fast movements. The bathroom is just as
incredible as the rest of this place. The marble free standing bath
with gold claw feet catches my attention, I wonder if they are real
gold? I wouldn't doubt it, the shower is behind the most intricate
frosted glass enclosure and I press the button on the wall to start
up all six jets. WOW!

As I strip off the t shirt and
my underwear I take a look at my injuries in the full length mirror
that covers one whole wall. My head looks awful, I have a gash
about 2cm long with bruising down the left side of my face. My arms
are marred with purple and black hand prints and my left elbow is
grazed from the pavement the same as my left knee. I look a mess, I
can't stand to see myself anymore so I turn away and get in the

After the most amazing shower I
feel so much better, I feel clean. I get dressed into the clothes
Liam left for me. Liam... Even the thought of him makes me smile. I
head into the massive kitchen and make myself a coffee and a piece
of toast, I don't each much - if anything at all - so this is

I hear the door and a smile
immediately takes over my face as I bounce into the living room a
little nervous but still excited, my smile quickly fades when a
tall, slim, stunning blonde in a immaculate light pink suit with
matching heels stops in her place by the piano eyeing me with
disgust. I soon remember myself and the fact I am stood before the
gorgeous woman in clothes that are way too big to be mine, the
sweatpants are rolled at both the waist and the ankles. My hair
still damp and unbrushed in a messy bun careless dumped on top of
my head.

'Who are you?' She snaps at

'Erm... I am Lexi and you are?'
I stutter nervously, she really doesn't look like she cares for
politeness though.

'Why are you here?' She ignores
my question and places her hands on her perfectly sized hips.

I want to say I really don't
know, but somehow that doesn't sound believable even to me.

'Did you fuck him?' Her
crudeness takes me off guard, my jaw hits the floor and my eyes
widen. I go to deny it but she speaks before I can string together
a coherent sentence.

'Get out of my house, leave now.
Preferably in your own clothes but I don't really care.' She sneers
and I am too stunned to move, let alone speak. Her house?!

'Do you have any idea who I am?'
She is seething from my lack of response to her question but words
evade me, I can't get the fact she said 'her house' off my brain. I
am pleased with myself that I manage to shake my head as a

'I am Melissa Reddington Heiress
to the entire Reddington Estate, but more importantly to you I am
Liam Coltans fiancee' she says the last word slowly and clearly to
make her point but she needn't have bothered my mind was already
free falling faster than i could comprehend. Liam has a fiance, he
is engaged to be married, to her.

The sound of her clicking her
fingers brings me back to earth with a crash. Wow the man that paid
£500 to help me, the man that kissed me like I was the only girl in
the world, the man that came after me and saved me from being raped
in my own home is the same man that neglected to mention his super
model fiancee. My Liam didn't tell me. Oh get a grip he was never
your Liam, you barely know him. He's her Liam.

'I should leave......yeah I'm
just going to erm yeah...' I mutter trying to collect my thoughts
as I walk blindly to the front door, my mind too over loaded to
concentrate on the simple task of one foot in front of the other. I
can't believe it. How could he? I mean yes, we don't know each
other but really should a married man or nearly married at least,
be kissing unknown girls, lost in my thoughts I walked into a wall.
Funny I don't remember a wall being there, I look up to meet the
shining grey eyes of the man that saved me....... the engaged man I
remind myself bitterly.

'Going somewhere?' He asks
amused. How he has the nerve is beyond me.

'Your fiancee asked me to
leave.' I shoot back at him not even caring to be nice, I am hurt.
He lied to me and now he has the audacity to look shocked and
confused. Probably at being caught out well screw him, he is her
problem not mine.


Chapter Seven


'Okay, email me the details when
it's complete and email a copy to Mr Yumi please Abi.' I instruct
my PA as I drive through my black cast iron gates. I feel like a
love sick teenager girl, all love struck and mushy over Lexi. I can
hardly contain my excitement over seeing her. She looked so cute
this morning when I checked on her before I left. God, how I wished
I could of crawled in beside her and wrapped her in my arms and
shut out the world. Oh Dear God, I'm turning into a chick.

As I walk through the door
butterflies - fucking butterflies - erupt in my belly as I take her
in, she looks even more beautiful in the sunlight. In my clothes
she looks so fragile, so tiny. I am overcome with a strong urge to
protect this girl, from the world, from life, hell even from
myself. Whoa were did that come from?!

'Going somewhere?' I tease,
amused at her shocked face.

'Your Fiancee asked me to
leave.' My what? It's my turn to be confused and shocked. I mean, I
am pretty sure, scrap that I am positive I would remember proposing
to someone.

'What? Who? Excuse me, what did
you say?' I can't even string together a sentence.

'Liam honey, your little
'friend' was just leaving...... you and I need to talk, don't you
agree?' A squeaky, high pitch voice pierces through the air
answering my question. I look at Lexi, my eyes pleading for her to
let me explain but she just shakes her head. The hurt in her eyes
hits me hard, shit! Please don't let her leave me I offer as a
silent prayer.

'Wait here.....Please.' I beg
and she looks reluctant but nods. I go in search of my 'Fiancee'
it's a good job I don't hit women or this bitch would be top of my

'What or should I say how are
you here?' I demand, anger laced in my words but she doesn't seem
fazed. She sits there on my sofa legs crossed looking very much at
home and my mind boggles.

'I came to surprise you but it
appears I was the one who got the surprise. Has your little
'friend' gone now? Really Liam I will not tolerate this behaviour
when we are married.' The disgust in words mirrors her

'Have you lost your damn mind?
When did I ever say I wanted to marry you?' I try to keep calm,
honestly I do. 'When I have I ever gave you the impression I wanted
you, period?'

'Your Mother and I were talking
after we had lunch yesterday and she said it would be any day now.'
My fucking Mother, I should of known.

'My Mother also swears she has
never had Botox, I mean honestly.' I scoff.

'Rose is an amazing woman, you
should be ashamed of yourself talking about your own Mother that

'The woman is all kinds of crazy
if she thinks I want to marry you.'

She looks insulted as she stands
up and brushes the creases out of her hideous pink suit.

'Be careful Mellissa it seems
catching.' I sneer maliciously.

'I am going to leave now and we
can discuss this like adults when you have calmed down.' She states
calmly 'For heaven's sake Liam get yourself tested, I don't want to
catch anything on our wedding night.' I am lost for words as she
storms out, I have more chance of catching god only knows what off
her and there will never be a wedding night.

I am pacing the room dragging my
hands through my hair. My own Mother, how the hell could she? I am
24 years old for crying out loud. I was snapped out of my thoughts
and the plotting of my Mother's demise when I notice the presence
by the doorway.

'Jesus Lexi, I am so so sorry
you had to endure that.'

'So she is not you Fiancee?' she
asks timidly and if I am not mistaken hopefully.

'Hell no, she's my Mother's
pet..' I laugh. 'I would of told you if I was involved with anybody
and I certainly wouldn't of kissed you.'

'I was just coming to say
goodbye and thank you for everything you have done, saving me and
all that.' She mumbles, eyes staring down at the floor.

'And where the hell are you
going to go?' My tone was a lot harsher than I intend but I don't
want her to leave me. Thought scares me.

'Look Liam, it seems like you
have enough problems to deal with of your own, if you don't mind me
saying. I don't want to burden you with all mine as well.' She
still won't meet my eyes.

'Is that not my choice?'

'Well....Yes i suppose it is

'No buts... I want you to stay
here. You have no where to go and I enjoy the company, problem
solved. Have you eaten?' I ask trying to change the topic, her
leaving me isn't an option so why drag it out.

'I had a piece of toast
earlier.' She answers, a smile on her beautiful face. I notice the
bruising but don't comment.

'We can do better than that.' I
grin back, bad mood lifted the instant she smiled. Wow the way this
girl makes me feel.

'Do you like Thai food?' I
enquire to which she just shrugs and blushes. She really doesn't
realize how beautiful she is.

'Is that a yes or no?' I tease
just to see her smile shyly.

'I don't know, I have never
tried it.' She mumbles embarrassed again and I don't have the heart
to tease her.

'Well would you like to try it?'
I am filled with delight at how pleased and excited she looks,
bobbing her head up and down. Her eyes are lit up like a child at
Christmas, she truly is perfect.

We chat the rest of the day away
into the late evening, nothing to deep but I am amazed how much I
enjoy her company. I could to talk to her and hear her opinions
forever, her laugh sounds like a beautiful melody to my ears and I
find myself trying my best to make her laugh, I can never get
enough. By the time I check the clock it is 10.12pm and she looks
beat. Her yawns remind me of a little kitten, I just want to take
her in my arms and feel her body against mine. Maybe fall asleep in
each others arms. Jeez chick thoughts again, careful Liam you will
need a tampon soon, I scold myself.

'Should we call it a night
soon?' I don't want to but after everything that has happened in
the last 24 hours, I for one could use some rest.

'Thank you, I swear I will be
out of your hair by tomorrow.' She promises and it crushes me. Is
she not feeling what I am? Am I in this alone? I have to stop my
train of thought, it was to much to stand and confused the hell out
of me.

'Do you not like it here?' I am
angry now, why is she determined to run from me?

'Yes its amazing here, thank you
again and I apologize if I gave you any other impression. I have
not felt this safe or slept so well in so long.' She has tears in
her eyes, well done you idiot you made her cry.

'Why do you want to run from me
then?' I can't hide the hurt in my voice.

'I don't understand.'

'Don't you feel this?' I gesture
between us with both hands. 'Can you not feel whatever this is
between us?' I rush out, my heart beating so loudly I swear she can
hear it.

'What about now?' I say as I
grab her by the waist, pushing our bodies flush against each other
as I lean down and mould my lips to hers. I sigh in contentment,
letting out a big breath I didn't know I was holding in when she
returns my kiss. It is the best kiss I have ever had as we pour all
of our feelings into it. I pull away not because I want to, but for
fear of running out of air. At this very moment I know. I know that
I never want her to leave.

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