Unraveling of Avery Snow, The (5 page)

BOOK: Unraveling of Avery Snow, The
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“I know what you need to do for work now
, Ianni!”


“You should study fashion design.” She put her hand on her hip and gave me a dubious look. “I am serious
! You would be fabulous at it.”

, but I need a job now. I can look into school though.”

We left and drove down the coast to the Walnut
Inn, a high-class place directly on the water. A lot of the locals knew this was where you went for a fancy meal. We met Kerri and Justin outside while they waited for their guests. A nice BMW pulled up and Kerri fidgeted; it was her mom.

She got out of he
r car and headed towards us, looking radiant in a silk shirt and pressed capris. Her blonde hair was pulled up in a chignon and her tan, exotic skin resembled Kerri’s.

, honey,” she said as she kissed Kerri’s cheeks. I thought it was a bit over the top, but that is how Darcy Louse was. Over the top and filthy rich.

, you remember Avery and Ianni, right?” We had lunch with her in the winter after Christmas. Ianni had the pleasure of listening to Darcy talk about her new home decorating.

. Hello, dears.”

, Mrs. Louse,” I said as I shook her hand delicately. Ianni did the same.

A moment later another car pulled into the parking lot and a blonde woman emerged. I knew instantly that this was Justin’s mom, Sue White. She was dressed more casual
, but still lovely. Something about her gave me a very calming feeling.

“Justin,” she called and Justin greeted her with a hug and kiss. Much more affectionate and what a mother should do in my opinion. His mom kissed Kerri and then shook
Ianni’s hand, but once she touched mine her green eyes went wide.

“You, oh you are an old soul. You must be Avery.”

“Yes I am, and it’s a pleasure to meet you, Sue.” I pulled my hand away as she gripped it just a tad too tight. We filed into the Inn and I watched as Kerri’s mom eyed Sue up and down. It made me feel uncomfortable. She was trying to size her up and look for some sort of fault.

The food and wine flowed, but
conversation was stale. If not for the wine I would have left an hour ago. Ianni was quiet and only really talked to Kerri or me. Everyone else ate and avoided eye contact. It was the oddest luncheon I had ever been to. Until Sue spoke up, breaking the ice finally, “So, Avery, what do you think of Kerri’s dress?” I almost spilled my drink all over myself. She actually brought up the elephant in the room and laid him right out on the table.

, I think that it’s the perfect dress for Kerri and her big day.” I smiled and Kerri beamed at me across from the table. It was her silent thank you. I didn’t have my mother around for moments like this. I didn’t know why Darcy insisted on making things such a competition. I am sure if my mom was here she would have said the exact thing I said.

“I guess that will remain to be seen then,” Darcy spat. “Since you and
Ianni were the only two to see it.” I couldn’t hold it in any longer. We had sat here in silence too long and no one wanted to stand up to Darcy Louse, ever. I had heard too many stories from Kerri about this pettiness and I decided it would end now.

I stood and dropped my napkin on my plate, catching everyone’s attention.

“I have to say something,” I started, my nerves quivering through me. “Mrs. Louse, with all due respect, you are not being very fair to Kerri. This is her day, not yours. You should not walk around and act like this wedding is about you. Because it isn’t, it’s about her and Justin. Her dress is what she wants, and it doesn’t matter what you think anyway.”

“I beg your pardon—
” Darcy started.

“You shouldn’t be begging my
pardon; you should be begging Kerri’s forgiveness for your pettiness and cold shoulder during this lunch. I don’t have a mom to spend times like this with. Don’t ruin the wedding of your only daughter.” I grabbed my purse and walked out.

On the way to my car I forgot
Ianni was in the restaurant still. “Crap,” I said to no one and turned to decide what to do. I couldn’t go back in there, not after my huge fit. I saw the door to the Inn open and out walked Sue. She came over with a very serious face. Once she reached me her face turned lighter and a smile grew.

“Very brave of you to do that
, Avery. Very brave indeed.”

, I guess. But someone had to.”

“I would have liked to say something myself about the situation
, but being a mother-in-law to be, I had to stay mum,” she patted my shoulder. “Anyway, it had to be you.”

Why is that?” I asked, now regretting making a huge scene.

, I do not know much about you, but what I do know is you need to start coming out of your shell. You have been hiding for so long and letting your fear hold you down. That is no way to live a happy life,” she admitted. “You are not only a haunted soul, but a timid one at that. It’s time for you to stick up for yourself and to voice opinions.”

hat if those opinions get me into trouble?” I asked, feeling my cheeks redden.

“It’s the small leaps we make in life that create our future. In making that small leap in there,
” she said as she pointed to the Inn, “you earned respect from a woman you never had a chance of getting it from before. And you told her something her own daughter never would.”
She sounded very wise and so sure of herself. Maybe what I did was a good thing. I had always been so quiet until recently. Now it might be my time to decide things for myself, and stop being the ‘yes’ girl all the time. I stood straighter and felt confident with Sue’s advice.

“Thank you, Sue.”

“You are very welcome. Oh …” She broke off and grabbed her head.

“Are you al
l right?” I asked as I gently touched her shoulder, afraid to hurt her.

“I am
getting a reading off of you.”

, a what?”

“Justin didn’t tell you
, did he? I am a psychic as well, but I get more of a vision rather than reading palms or thoughts,” she said it like it was light afternoon conversation.

“He did mention it I believe.” At some point we had discussed his mom and her talents. She didn’t read minds like he did, but he assured me her strengths were not to be denied.

“You’re in danger, my dear, not something you can control. This danger is coming for you and you can’t stop it. She will take someone you love,” she said as she still held her head. It was like she was watching it all unfold in her brain. “She is a force to be reckoned with, she is strong. She is cunning. Be careful, Avery, she is hiding right under your nose.”

“Who is she?” I asked,
feeling breathless.

“A dark being, darker than those that came before her.
I cannot tell you her name, as all I can see is her dark hair, dark skin, and blue eyes that pierce the soul.”

I stepped back from her and ran my fingers through my hair. I felt suffocated now with all of this news
. I knew whom she spoke of—Sarafe. I looked up to see Ianni and Kerri walking towards me giggling. I had to try to put on a smile and drop this subject.

rri I am so sorry if I offended—” I started.

, don’t say sorry. I am so happy you said what you said.” Kerri hugged me and I noticed Sue walking into the Inn, away from us and away from me. She probably saw me as a black cloud that now would put everyone in danger.














Chapter Six

Live For T


I didn’t tell Kerri about Sue’s warning, but I did tell Ianni. She remained silent for the whole drive to Dallas’ house. I began to get worried about her silence once we rounded the corner of his street, but finally she spoke.

“I can’t seem to find John and it’s unnerving. Before Christmas he came to me and told me about this girl. Now it’s like he doesn’t want to talk to me,” she
said, sounding upset. “He assured me he would watch you and I haven’t lost faith in that. I think that I have lost all of my contact with him and Lillith because I am becoming more and more accustomed to being human.”

. I often wondered about her as well. She had to still be guiding Landon. Whether we saw her do it or not, she was there still. There was no way she would leave him alone.

“We can’t let this drag us down
, Ianni. Let’s have a nice afternoon with Dallas.”

It was the only thing I could offer to her. I had no idea what else to say to her at this point. We had survived Dark Guides before
, so we could do it again, right?

By the evening
Ianni had secured a job working at Evolve with Dallas as a host. She ended up swimming while Dallas and I sat on the deck talking about my afternoon. He was proud and shocked that I had voiced my concern on behalf of Kerri. While we stargazed I briefly wanted to tell him about Sarafe, the Dark Guide, but changed my mind. I didn’t want to ruin this night with him. Landon came out and jumped into the pool with Ianni. I couldn’t help but watch them in the water together. They splashed each other and I noticed Landon flirting with her! Jealousy coursed through me as I bit my lip, trying hard not to frown.

What’s wrong?” Dallas asked. He could tell I was upset. I hated that my feelings showed through.

“I’m cold,” I mumbled.

“I can keep you warm. Come on inside.” He scooped me up and carried me into the house. Laying me down on his bed, he hovered over me. He was so beautiful, and he was mine. I couldn’t let my feelings for Landon ruin our future together. Reaching up, I pulled him down next to me. We kissed gently until it became more heated. He began to caress my back, but then dug his fingers in to hold me closer. I wanted him. All of him. He was right here with me, but I felt like I couldn’t keep him close enough. I rolled him over and straddled him. He looked up at me hungrily; he wanted me, too. I was happy to spend these moments with him, so I got lost in his arms. I needed to live for tonight and not worry about anything else.

The next day I hardly thought about any danger that lurked in the shadows. I only thought about Dallas. I was high on my love for him and it
was grossing Ianni out. She said I walked around like a lovesick puppy and I thanked her for that. I was never in love in this lifetime and it felt good.

“I am just
ecstatic to see you happy, that’s all,” she said as she threw a pillow at me.

“Well good. Oh
, and by the way, were you flirting with Landon last night?” There was no good way to ask this question so I just did it fast.

e wasn’t trying to get my attention, trust me. Once you left he got very quiet. It’s so obvious the man is into you, my friend.”

“What!” It couldn’t be true. He forgot me, he was forced to forget.

“How do you make sense of the card he bought for you, huh?
Or how about how he stares at you all the time. It’s like you are a fine piece of art to him,” Ianni remarked with a hint of attitude. I had no idea how she saw, or that she felt that way. My head spun for a second. I had not expected to hear this; I thought we were over this. Unfortunately here it was again; Landon and me.

“He doesn’t like me like that
, Ianni. He is just a friend. I mean, he talked to me about relationships,” I admitted. I hadn’t told her about our dinner at Denny’s. I decided it would sound too weird to bring it up, but now I wish I had. Maybe she would see that he didn’t want me, he wanted a girlfriend. He knew I was with Dallas and he wouldn’t jeopardize that. Ianni laughed and rolled her eyes.

“Okay, let me ask you this. Do you love him still?” I was stunned. We talked about Dallas all the time. She was one of my best friends, we shared everything. But I never really brought up my feelings for Landon.

With a deep breath I answered, “No …” I paused. “I don’t love him.”

“It’s okay to admit you do
, Avery. People can love more than one person. Plus, your soul knows him so well it would be completely normal to love him.” I grabbed May and took her downstairs, leaving Ianni alone with her questions. I wasn’t in the mood for twenty questions about Landon. Once I got downstairs I took a fresh breath of air and felt immediately bad for how I was towards her. She was, after all, just getting used to being human still and it was okay for her to ask questions. I let May walk a little ways down the road and we ended up in the park. I watched the kids play on the swings and thought about how easy it was as a child. No worries in the world, just play time. With the sun shining on my face, I closed my eyes to feel the warmth. May started to bark and it ripped me from my moment. I opened my eyes to be faced with a little girl trying to pet May.

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