Under a Thunder Moon (9 page)

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Authors: Jack Batcher

BOOK: Under a Thunder Moon
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“I wonder what Jim is up to? Why would he want me to come to the Boat House? I am sure it’s to torture the shit out of me with one of his fucked up mind games. Well I dug my own grave with this one. I suppose its time to face the music.”


              With his head hung low Paul dragged his feet heading back out to his truck. Climbing in behind the wheel, he cranked the engine, and
Burn in Hell
by Twisted Sister blared from the speakers. Paul rolled out of the driveway and drove to the Boat House.












Alyssa shook with terror
as the cabin door creaked open. The sudden burst of light from behind the silhouetted figure in the doorway forced her to squint to see who it was, but she couldn’t see. It must be Jim she thought. She hoped he had come to his senses and was going to let her go. The shadowy figure then closed the door.  They were both swallowed by the darkness.


              Alyssa’s whole body clenched as she felt a firm hand move from her ankle, past her knee, then her thigh, and finally to the soft spot between her legs. He let out a small groan, as he began to massage her there for a little while. Alyssa wanted to scream, but knew she couldn’t.


              Alyssa didn’t know if it was Jim touching her. If it was Jim, it was creepy, but he has touched her like this before, but she didn’t know. The firm hand moved up towards her waist, and Alyssa was able to breathe for a moment until…               He started lifting up her shirt. The firm hand with rough skin, glided up her stomach, which was tied in knots inside of her. He began caressing her left breast. Then he stopped. Alyssa wept under the strain and her body went limp.


              Alyssa tried to scream through the duct tape over her mouth when she felt something like cold steel lay flat on her stomach. She then felt the point push against her belly. She knew it was a knife. Then the light in the cabin was turned on. Alyssa saw that it was Mike standing over her… with a knife.


              Alyssa trembled under the blade as Mike dragged the knife slowly, without cutting across her skin towards her chest. He slipped the knife under her bra between her tits. Mike quickly jerked the knife cutting the bra, and exposing Alyssa. Tears streamed down her cheeks.




              “Why all the tears Alyssa?” Mike said, “We’re just having a little fun.”


              Mike leaned down close to Alyssa’s ear. She could feel his hot breathe on her neck; it reeked of rum and cigarettes. Mike’s hand reached down and grabbed her left breast again.


              “You know Alyssa,” Mike said in a raspy whisper. “I always thought you had great tits. I always wanted to see them, feel them, and taste them.”


              Mike leaned down and started licking Alyssa’s nipple, sucking it a little, and kissing it some more. Alyssa shook from this violation. She was terrified as to where Mike was going to take this next.






              Alyssa felt a sharp pinch on her nipple. The pain increased as Mike bit down harder and harder. Alyssa squirmed and twisted, while screaming into the duct tape, struggling to get him off of her, but she was tied to the table, and he was holding her down. Alyssa thought she would pass out from the white hot pain. Then she felt a tear from her breast. Mike lifted his head and stepped back, grinning through a mouthful of blood. He then spit out her nipple onto the cabin floor.


              Alyssa screamed and screamed, but couldn’t be heard. Mike’s sinister laugh terrified the hell out of her. He turned quickly, and stomped over to the other side of the cabin. Alyssa attempted to calm herself until… She saw Mike coming towards her with a hypodermic needle!





Alyssa watched Mike as he rocked with the boat, slowly approaching her. He was letting her get a good look at the hypodermic needle. Mike was letting her imagination run wild with fear. He stood over Alyssa with the needle, and then grabbed her right arm tightly. He stabbed the needle into Alyssa’s arm, and began to draw blood out of her arm.


              “Don’t worry Alyssa,” Mike said, “I am just taking a little bit of blood from you for later. Trust me, this is nothing compared to the blood you’ll be losing when Jim gets back.”


              Mike yanked the needle out of Alyssa’s arm. He stored her blood and the needle away in the bag. He wiped the blood away from his mouth. Alyssa watched Mike’s every move wondering what this psycho-bastard was going to do to her next. What did he mean, she thought, about “the blood I’ll be losing when Jim gets back”?


              Outside the boats cabin Alyssa heard the low rumble of motorcycles.


              “Hey that must be Jim and Tyler,” Mike said, covering Alyssa’s bitten breast with her tee-shirt. “Now we are just waiting for Trailer Park to get here. What the fuck were you thinking Alyssa? Really… what were you thinking? Of all the people you could have gone for… you went for that dirtbag? Well I suppose it’s like Jim always says ‘when things end they end badly. Otherwise, why would they end?’ Things are really going to end badly for you and Trailer Park tonight.”


              Then Mike thrust his right hand down the front of her pants and jammed his fingers inside of her. He quickly pulled his hand back out and sniffed his fingers, and gave them a lick.


              “Too bad,” Mike said to Alyssa as he was leaving the cabin. “Too bad we didn’t have just a little more time together.”


              Mike turned off the light, while shutting the door behind him. Leaving Alyssa alone and bleeding in the dark.















Paul pulled up to the Boat House
and cut the engine to his pick-up truck. He looked around to see if anybody was waiting for him. He didn’t see Jim or The Howlers. Maybe they are not here yet, Paul thought to himself. Then he noticed Alyssa’s car. Alright maybe they are here, but don’t know I am here. Maybe I can sneak Alyssa out of here with out them knowing. Yeah dream on, Paul thought, and decided that there probably is not a chance in hell of that happening.


              Paul lit a cigarette, and looked around the Boat yard for signs of life. The air was thick with suffocating humidity, and a low tide stench of dead fish mixed with the smell of charged ozone, which meant that a storm was brewing. The setting Sun reflected off the approaching storm clouds. It created a grayish purple haze that was streaked with an eerie orange glow.


              The full Moon faintly showed itself on a completely opposite pale blue sky. Paul carefully made his way through the Boat yard towards the dock. What is going on here, Paul thought to himself. Where are Jim and The Howlers? Where the hell are they keeping Alyssa?


              Paul was standing by
The Sea Howler
. He took a hard drag off of his cigarette and let the smoke out slowly, while looking out over the Great South Bay. Strobe-light flashes of lightning pulsated within the thickening dark clouds. That storm is going to break soon, Paul thought to himself. He noticed the name of the boat next to
The Sea Howler
. That’s just great he thought as he read the name…
The Bitter End
. “I guess I will see if they are in the Boat House,” Paul said to himself, as he headed back through the boat yard.





A super sonic thunder-clap exploded in the sky. At the same moment Mike slipped out from behind a boat with his stun-gun, and zapped Trailer Park in the neck with 200,000 volts. Paul let out a guttural scream and then hit the ground like a dropped sack of shit. He shook and twitched on the ground. Mike stood over him and watched Paul until he stopped shaking.


              “Hey Trailer Park,” Mike said grinning sadistically, “It’s like Jerry Garcia said...
‘If the thunder don’t get you, then the lightning will.’

Oh and t
hanks a lot, ya filthy cock-sucker. I just lost a bet. Now I’ve got to give Jim twenty bucks. Well I might as well get my money’s worth.”


              Mike hit Trailer Park with the stun-gun again. Paul flopped on the ground grunting unintelligible groans of pain. Then came the boots. Paul tried to cover himself from the kicks, but was paralyzed by the shocks to his nervous system. Paul got kicked in the head, stomach, back, and the balls. There wasn’t any place that The Howlers didn’t stomp on Trailer Park.


              “Hey Trailer Park,” Jim said, while kicking Paul in the stomach. “Thanks for showing up. I just won me a Jackson. Hey Mike, pay up bitch.”

“Alright here you go Jim,” Mike said, handing over the money and kicking Trailer Park in the ribs.


              “Yeah Mike,” Tyler said, “I didn’t think this punk ass would show either. Trailer Park you are one stupid mother-fucker.”


              “Well now everybody is here,” Jim said, “Hey Trailer Park, do you want to take a boat ride?”

Paul just groaned.

“I’ll take that as a yes Trailer Park,” Jim said. “Yeah, like you’ve even got a fuckin’ choice asshole.” Then Jim kicked Trailer Park in the back, and headed for the boat.


              “Mike,” Jim said, “You and Tyler load that mother-fucker on the boat. I want to tell Alyssa the news.”

“Yeah Jim, we’ll bring this piece o’ shit aboard.”


              Tyler began to pick up Trailer Park by his feet.

“Wait a minute Tyler” Mike said, “I just got to zap this buzzard one more time.”


              Mike zapped Trailer Park with the stun-gun again. Paul let out a scream and rolled around on the ground.


              “Damn!” Mike said, “Tyler I could fuckin’ do this all day. Will you look at that fuckin’ bitch twitch!”

“You’re whacked Mike,” Tyler said, “Come on and let’s get this piece o’ shit on the boat.”


              When Trailer Park stopped twitching, Mike and Tyler picked him up and dropped him aboard
The Bitter End












Alyssa heard the footsteps
outside the cabin and wondered what was going on. Suddenly the door swung open violently and the light was turned on. It was Jim. Alyssa didn’t know whether to be relieved or terrified. She watched Jim as he came toward her. He had a madness about his eyes that she had never seen. Jim stood over her now.


              “Alyssa,” Jim said, “I see Mike was keeping you uncomfortable while I was gone. He can be a sick little monkey sometimes.”


              Jim lifted up Alyssa’s shirt to see where the blood was oozing from. With a cruel chuckle he pulled her shirt down to cover the bitten breast of his soon to be ex-girlfriend. Outside the cabin Alyssa heard a loud thud hit the deck, which was followed by more footsteps.



“Good news Alyssa,” Jim said, “Trailer Park is here. I thought you would like to know that he was stupid enough to show up. I don’t think either one of you has a fuckin’ clue about the graveness of the situation you’re in, but you’re beginning to realize it now aren’t you baby?”


              Jim went over to the same counter that Mike had gone to before. Alyssa’s eyes grew wide, and her heart began to pound when Jim turned around holding a knife. It was a long curved serrated blade. Alyssa struggled against the ropes as Jim headed towards her.

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