Under a Thunder Moon (12 page)

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Authors: Jack Batcher

BOOK: Under a Thunder Moon
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              Paul knew he was fucked and there was no way of getting out of this. Shit! Jim just killed Alyssa! Now he is going to kill me! Fear took Paul over to the point of tears and he pissed himself.  Then wham! A surge of pain came up his right arm from his hand. Jim had just smashed his hand with the hammer. Paul felt his bones crack. Wham! Jim slammed the hammer down on Paul’s forearm shattering both bones.





Mike then took the hammer. Wham! Mike slammed the hammer into Paul’s left collar bone. Paul shrieked, cried and begged for them to stop, as he watched Mike pass the hammer to Tyler. Wham! Tyler slammed the hammer into Paul’s left knee cap. Paul twisted and tried to move, but it caused him more pain. Then again the hammer slammed into his left knee cap. Paul felt it shatter. Wham! Wham! Tyler slammed the hammer into Paul’s right knee cap. Paul screamed, but it was drowned out by the thunder.


              Jim took the hammer from Tyler and said, “This is like a fucked up game of whack-a-mole.” Mike and Tyler laughed as Jim swung the hammer haphazardly into different areas of Trailer Park’s body. With each hammer blast Paul let out a scream. Wham! In the left side of Paul’s rib cage. Wham! Into Paul’s right hip. Thud! Into Paul’s stomach. Thud! Into Paul’s ball sack. Thud! Again into Paul’s ball sack.



“Forget the whack-a-mole,” Jim said, “he is more like a crazy xylophone.”

Mike and Tyler laughed in sinister unison.

“What’s next Jim,” Mike asked.

“I’m not sure any ideas?”

              “Yeah I got an idea,” Mike said, picking up his knife.

“I think I know where you are going with this,” Jim said, as he picked up his machete.


              “Tyler go and get a bucket of water ready,” Mike said, and then he cut Trailer Park deeply across the chest.


              “Just kill me now and get it over with,” Paul sobbed.


              “Soon enough Trailer Park,” Jim said. “Now was I lying when I told you that you would be begging me to shoot you?”




              Jim swung the machete, hacking a deep gash into Trailer Park’s right thigh. Then Jim did the same to Trailer Park’s left thigh. Mike was carving into Trailer Park’s chest and arms. Paul shouted and cursed as the pain of each cut possessed his body like mad demons coursing through his veins. Each slice across the chest or hack to his leg made him pull against the nails that were hammered into his wrist and ankles. Paul’s heart was thumping so hard with adrenalin blood gushed out every wound.


              “Alright Tyler,” Mike said, “let me have that bucket of water…”











Tyler handed the bucket
of ocean water to Mike. Jim took out a cigarette and lit it.  He took another drink of rum. Jim grinned with a sadistic satisfaction while getting ready to watch what was going to happen to Trailer Park. Mike stood over Trailer Park, and slowly let the salty water drip from the chum bucket into the fresh cut flesh on Paul’s chest.


              “No no no!” Paul cried in agony, “Stop it! Mike Stop!”


              Mike continued to slowly let the water drizzle out of the bucket. Paul felt the salt begin to sizzle like acid in his cuts. The burning was worse then when they sliced him. Mike let the salty water begin to fall on the deeper cuts on Paul’s legs. Paul tried to kick away from the burning in his thighs, but his ankles were nailed to the deck.


              Jim watched Trailer Park attempt to flop on the deck as he twitched and twisted his body to avoid the pain. He felt satisfied that he was making Trailer Park pay for betraying him. Mike poured the last of the salt water onto Trailer Park. Jim looked at Mike torturing Trailer Park and thought that Mike had missed his calling as a serial killer. Maybe there is time for Mike to change careers?


              “Hey Jim,” Tyler said, “That storm is really getting on us we should finish this shit up and head back.”


              Thunder boomed and lightning flashed with the howling wind.


              “You’re right Tyler,” Jim said, picking up the machete. “Start cleaning yourself up Tyler, and get on
The Sea Howler
. This shit ends now…”




Jim stood over Trailer Park
, and flicked his cigarette butt into his face. The glowing head of the cigarette burned Paul’s face. Then Jim raised the machete high above his head. Lightning flashed to show Trailer Park his blood dripping off the blade.


              “Hey Mike,” Jim said, “What was it that Anthony Hopkins said in that movie
The Red
? Oh yeah… ‘Bowels in… or bowels out?”

“Bowels out!” Mike shouted over the thunder.

“Bowels out it is!”


              Jim swung the machete down hard slicing Paul across his gut. Paul was cut deeply, and tried to move his hands to protect himself, but couldn’t. Jim swung the blade down again in the same spot. This time Paul’s intestines burst out of him like a cannibal’s piñata. Paul howled hoarsely coughing up blood.

“Mike lets start pouring the gas,” Jim said. Then Jim hacked off Trailer Park’s right hand. Mike went down in the cabin to get the gas can to burn
The Bitter End
. Jim hacked off Trailer Park’s left hand. Mike opened up the container and splashed gas around the inside of the cabin, and made a trail heading up the steps to the deck. Jim hacked off Trailer Park’s left foot. Mike splashed gas on the bow of the boat. Jim hacked off Trailer Park’s right foot.


              Mike stood next to Jim and looked down on Trailer Park. Mike poured gasoline over Trailer Park’s exposed innards. The gas burned, but Paul had lost all capacity to fight or move.


              Jim knelt down next to Paul’s head. He leaned on the machete and just stared at him.


              “Here it is you cock-sucking meathead… the end,” Jim said, “now let this be a lesson to you.”

Jim stood quickly raising the machete. He swung it down hard like a guillotine, chopping off Trailer Park’s head. 





















Jim picked up Trailer Park’s severed head
by the hair and flung it as far as he could out into the ocean. Then he picked up Alyssa’s severed head and said, “I told you baby… this is the only way I’d be satisfied.” Then he threw her head as far as he could in the opposite direction of Paul’s severed head. Then he chucked the machete into the water.


              “Let’s burn this fucker!” Jim shouted above the thunder.

“It’s ready to go,” Mike said.


              Jim and Mike went to get on
The Sea


              “Wait a minute,” Tyler said, “You guys look like a couple of used up Maxi-pads. Clean yourselves up before getting their blood all over this boat.”


              “Good thinking Tyler,” Jim said, and they stripped out of his bloody clothes.


              Tyler threw buckets of water at Jim and Mike to wash off as much blood as they could. Then they used towels to clean off and threw them onto
The Bitter End
to burn. Jim and Mike boarded
The Sea Howler
. Tyler had gone to the cabin to get a change of clothes. They quickly got dressed.


              Mike said to Jim in his pirate voice, “Are ye ready for the final act Capt’n Jim?”

“Arragh! I certainly am matey burn the fucker down to Davey Jones Locker”


              Mike lit a rag with his
lighter and tossed it onto
The Bitter
. The gas vapors sucked on the flame and the deck of the boat caught fire.


              “Better get us out of here Tyler before the damn thing blows,” Mike said.

“What do you mean before it blows Mike?”

“I put a stick of dynamite in the cabin Jim.”

“Well I suppose that will do the trick to cover our tracks. That was a good idea, ya crazy fucker.”


              Tyler started up
The Sea Howler
and put as much distance between them and
The Bitter
as he could. Jim watched the boat burn from the back of the boat. Mike waited anxiously for the explosion.  The flames on
The Bitter End
grew higher, glowing with an eerie orange against the blackness of the stormy night.


              “You see that Mike,” Jim said, “All our problems are eventually left behind us in the wake as we move forward.”












“That’s with you dead and gone… That’s the only way I’ll be satisfied…”







The signature low grumble
of approaching Harley Davidsons got louder and louder until The Howlers were outside Jim’s apartment.


              “Finally they are back,” April said.

“Don’t be a bitch April,” Katrina said.


              Katrina opened the door to find Jim standing there and kissed him with out hesitation. Thunder cracked as the rain began to fall hard. Mike and Tyler pushed their way passed Jim and Katrina. Tyler was jumped by Jenny, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. They flopped down on the couch, kissing. April grabbed a hold of Mike, and they faded into the darkness of the back bedroom.





Riders of the Storm
by The Doors
played loudly on the stereo. Jim led Katrina down the hallway to his bedroom. Jim lit a candle which illuminated the dark room in a soft yellow light. Lightning flashed outside the window. Jim pulled Katrina close to him. She playfully resisted then gave in. Jim leaned in close to her neck. She could feel the heat of his breath on her skin.


              Softly he kissed her neck. Katrina felt chills as Jim bit into her neck, increasing the pressure until she let out a light groan. Then he released her. In one swift lustfully aggressive motion Jim moved Katrina onto the bed.


              Katrina pulled off Jim’s black t-shirt. Jim opened up her black jeans and began to pull them off of her. He slid her left leg out of her pants. He dropped them on the floor. He knelt in front of her on the bed and took her by the hand and pulled her up towards him. Jim grabbed the bottom of Katrina’s pink tube top and pulled it off.

Katrina brushed gentle kisses on Jim’s stomach while unbuttoning his denim jeans, and pulling them down. The fingers of Jim’s right hand wove into Katrina’s long black hair as she kissed and licked his hard cock. Katrina looked up at Jim and said, “I want you Jim.” Then she laid down pulling him with her.

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