Under a Thunder Moon (7 page)

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Authors: Jack Batcher

BOOK: Under a Thunder Moon
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“Well this certainly is an interesting situation,” Jim said. “I think we can really have some fun with this. Mike, get me some rope”


              “I am already ahead of you on that one,” Mike said, pulling out some rope. “How would you like your ex-bitch bound and gagged this morning sir?” Mike said in a mock Pirate voice.




              Jim cleared his throat and said, “Bind this filthy wench about her wrists and ankles. Then hang her from the rafters matey, and let’s be quick about it before this wretched wench regains her consciousness.”


              “That is a very good call Capt’n,” Mike said, as he looped the rope around the wrist that Jim was holding.


              Jim and Mike finished tying Alyssa up. They bound her hands together at the wrists, while tying her legs together at her ankles. Mike brought a pulley over that hung from the ceiling. It is normally used to lift boats, but this morning it will raise the cheating bitch Alyssa.


              Alyssa dangled from the ceiling just about a foot off the ground. Jim walked around her. Looking her over and checking that the rope was secure. Then he took a piece of duct tape and stuck it hard across her lips. He put another piece over that one so that they formed an X over her mouth.

Jim bitch-slapped Alyssa across her right cheek, and as she swung back towards Jim, he slapped her hard again. That one woke her up.


              “Good Morning Alyssa,” Jim said. 

Alyssa attempted to scream through the duct tape.


“Don’t waste your breath Alyssa, and the more you struggle the tighter those knots are going to get.  Now let’s get a picture of you for your new boyfriend Trailer Park.”


              Jim took the picture with Alyssa’s cell phone.


              “Trailer Park is going to shit his pants when he sees this one,” Jim said.

“So what is the plan now Jim?”

“Well Mike I had thought this through one way, and I really didn’t see this happening at all, but it was some quick thinking on your part to take advantage of the situation.”

“Thanks Jim, so what do you want to do with Alyssa?”

“Hoist her away! Let the skank sweat it out up there for a little while, and later we will see just how much Trailer Park really wants her.”              

Then Mike lifted Alyssa to the ceiling. She squirmed and kicked out her legs as she rose towards the rafters. Mike tied off the rope that now dangled Alyssa.


              Jim pulled out a cigarette and then offered one to Mike. They both lit their smokes and looked up at Alyssa.


              “Aye this is going to get bloody isn’t it Capt’n?”

“Aye very bloody Mike,” Jim said, “Let us prepare to sail by the light of the Thunder Moon.”

“Aye Capt’n.”

“Oh and Mike…”

“Aye Capt’n.”

“Don’t forget the rum.”

They both laughed and left Alyssa hanging from the rafters as they went to prepare the boats.












It was just past the crack of noon
when Paul finally rolled his lazy ass off the couch. He stumbled into the kitchen to scrounge up some grub, and get a drink of water. He had a raging case of cotton mouth from drinking too many beers. He opened up the fridge to find it a barren wasteland except for condiments. He had plenty of ketchup, mayonnaise, and mustard.


              “I suppose I could make me a Wish Sandwich,” Paul said to himself.


              Paul took out the ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, and carried them over to the counter. Realizing he hadn’t any clean dishes he tore off a piece of paper towel to use for a plate. He took out two pieces of white bread and laid them next to each other. Paul first used his index finger to glob the mayonnaise on to one slice of bread. He had to use his finger because he hadn’t any clean utensils.

Paul didn’t really have a clean anything in his trailer. The whole place looked like a condemned pig pen. Then he squeezed some ketchup on the mayonnaise. He used his finger to gob some mustard onto the other slice of bread. Paul took the two condiment filled slices of bread and smooshed them together.


              “That’s what I call a Wish Sandwich Supreme. Three different condiments and still wishing for some meat,” Paul said to himself. He took a bite of his sandwich. Some of the contents oozed out, and dripped on the floor.


              “Damn my head is pounding,” Paul said to himself, as he flopped back onto the couch.

“I can’t believe the crazy night I had. I am surprised that chick Katrina didn’t spill anything about seeing me with Alyssa.”





              “I wonder if Alyssa had called.” Paul checked his cell phone. “Nothing yet. I wonder if she is going to come over today.” Paul continued to chomp on his sandwich, while staring blankly in thought, at his reflection on the TV screen.


              What am I doing with Alyssa? This whole thing shouldn’t have happened. It was just a freak thing that we happened to run into each other at Billy’s Bar. It is even freakier that I would have hooked up with Alyssa? I always thought she was hot and I wanted to be with her, but I never thought I would have had the chance. I guess it was just the right amount of alcohol and loneliness.  I wouldn’t have thought we would still be messing around. Well she still has a thing for Jim. Maybe we will talk it out today and this will be the end.


              Paul’s cell phone buzzed. It was a text message from Alyssa. “Hey lover meet me at Billy’s Bar 4 dinner @ 6”


              Paul texted her back – “I’ll be there.”

“Hey lover?” Paul thought well maybe she decided to leave Jim. It is a damn shitty thing to do to a good friend. Stealin’ his woman and all, but he was out screwing around himself last night now wasn’t he?


              Should I tell Alyssa about that? I will… only if it helps seal the deal for me with Alyssa. Otherwise I won’t say a thing. Paul checked the time; it was pushing on one o’clock. “Let me clean this joint up some,” Paul said to himself, “and get my act together to go and meet Alyssa at the bar.”












“Dumb-ass took the bait!”
Jim said. “That scumbag is so fuckin’ dead! Mike can you believe this rat bastard? I sent him a text from Alyssa’s phone inviting that fuck to dinner, and he said he would go.”


              “Trailer Park has no clue about the heaping pile of shit he’s stepping into.”

“You got that right Mike.”


              Jim’s outburst reverberated up to the rafters. Alyssa trembled as she watched Jim. He paced back and forth below like an angry Lion in a cage, who was about to break through the bars, and eat someone. She had never seen him so enraged. Now he is laughing? Why is Jim laughing? He has totally snapped! That’s it Alyssa thought to herself, he really is going to kill me and Paul. I know it. Alyssa listened to see if she could hear what Jim was planning, and figure a way out.


              “So we got everything ready for tonight?”

“Hell yeah Jim, we are set.”

“Did you remember the Rum?”

“Yes Jim, I remembered the Rum, but how are you going to get Trailer Park here?”


              “I got a plan that will get him here and also make that asshole sweat too. I figure we could get a little help from our new friends, who will also make a decent alibi.”


              “Good thinking Jim.” Mike’s cell phone rang. “It’s Tyler.”

“Cool… Mike you fill Tyler in on what’s going down while I call Katrina.”

“Alright Jim I will… Hey Tyler we got this situation.” Mike walked off to the Boat House office.


              Jim made his call to Katrina. She answered it right away.

“Hi Jim.”

“Hey Katrina,” Jim said, “Are you busy tonight?”

“I am never too busy when it comes to you Jim, what do you have in mind?”

“I wanted you and your friends to meet us up at Billy’s Bar.”

“Yeah Jim, I know I can be there, but I am not sure about April and Jenny. I will ask them.”


              “That will be great Katrina, but I also want to ask you to do me a favor.”

“Whatever you want me to do for you Jim, I will do it.”

“I need y’all to be at the bar by at least five o’clock.”

“Ok Jim.”


              “Hold on there is more,” Jim said, “when you see Trailer Park there say hello to him, and let him know that you are going to meet me there. If Trailer Park asks you if you told me anything about what you saw last night, tell him that you didn’t think there was anything to tell. Can you do that for me Katrina?”



“Yes, but can I ask what is going on?”

“The less you know the better, but things with Trailer Park and Alyssa are going to be settled tonight.”

“Does this mean you’ll be looking for a new girlfriend Jim?”

“You know what… I hadn’t thought about it, but now that you mention it Katrina, there is this cute red-head at the bank I go to …”


              “What?!” Katrina interrupted, as Jim laughed.

“Relax,” Jim said, “We will talk about that later.”

“So will I see you tonight Jim?”

“Yes I will pick you up after Trailer Park leaves.”

“Why would he leave?”

“Don’t ask too many questions Katrina. I will see you later. Oh and wear something motorcycle friendly.”

“Ok Jim I will. I can’t wait honey, bye.” 


              Jim hung up the phone. He then looked up at Alyssa dangling from the rafter.

“Hey Mike!”  Jim called out, “Let’s get this cunt on the boat and finish getting ready.”


              Mike came out of the front office. He then untied the knot that kept Alyssa suspended 100 ft in the air. Mike let go of the rope and let Alyssa plummet towards the grey cement floor. Mike caught the rope and stopped Alyssa’s free fall just before she hit the ground. Alyssa’s crying was muffled by the duct tape over her mouth. Jim and Mike laughed.


              “You sick bastard,” Jim said, “You are enjoying this aren’t you?”

“Well Jim, if you are going to do something like this… you can’t just do it a little bit. It is all in or nothing.”

“I agree Mike.”




              When Alyssa touched the ground she began to twist to get away. Jim went to grab Alyssa and pick her up, but she flopped about like a flounder out of water.


              “Jim, might I suggest this.” Then Mike held up a stun-gun and let it spark.

“Yeah that will do the trick,” Jim said, and then he took the stun-gun from Mike.


              Alyssa tried to fight it. Jim touched her on her lower back with the stun-gun, which sent a shock-wave through her body. Alyssa twitched like an epileptic on the floor of the Boat House.


              “That was fuckin’ cool!” They both shouted.

“Dude, I totally want to hit Trailer Park with that later.

“You got it Mike. Now let’s wrap her up in that blue tarp, and carry her out to the boat.” 


              “Hey Alyssa,” Jim said looking down on her, “don’t fuck with me bitch or I will hit you with another 200,000 Volts.”


              Mike laughed as he covered Alyssa with the blue tarp. Jim helped Mike wrap Alyssa in the tarp. Then they carried her out to the dock, and dropped her on to the boat.


              “That’s a trip Mike.”

“What’s that?”

“The name of the boat we are using tonight,” Jim said, “
The Bitter End.”

“It seems to fit,” Mike said.             


              They laughed as they dragged Alyssa down below deck into the cabin and tied her down to the table.


              “Don’t worry Alyssa,” Jim sang softly into her right ear,
“It will all be over soon.”


              Then Mike and Jim left Alyssa alone in the dark cabin. Alyssa began to cry as she heard Jim singing his song again…


“You done me wrong… Now there is only one way to put things right

You done me wrong
little girl… Now there is only one way to put things right

That’s with you dead and gone… That’s the only way I’ll be satisfied.”














It was a little before Six p.m.
Hey Joe
by Jimi Hendrix and The Experience blasted out of the juke-box at Billy’s Bar & Grill. Paul entered the bar and slid onto a barstool by the door, while he waited for Alyssa. Paul ordered a Budweiser from Betty Ann, the barmaid. Paul watched Betty shake her cute little ass as she went to get him a beer, and then took a look around Billy’s Bar to see if Alyssa might already be there.


              Paul thought it was pretty slow, which makes sense for a Sunday night in July. He took a drink of his beer. Then Paul spotted three chicks shooting pool in the back of the bar.


              “Damn look at that,” Paul said to himself. “Those chicks back there are hot. If I wasn’t meeting Alyssa I would be into playing a game with them. Wait a minute… that isn’t… no fucking way!

It is those chicks from the show last night. Fuck! I
hope they aren’t meeting The Howlers here.”


              Paul nervously chugged his beer, and ordered another.


              “What’s up Trailer Park?” Betty Ann said, “Are you meeting Jim and the band here? How is Jim anyway?”

“Who? What? Oh, no I am supposed to meet someone else here Betty, and Jim is good.”

“Well you tell that sexy bastard to come visit me when you see him Trailer Park. You can tell him I got a lot more of what I gave him the last time he was in here, alright Trailer Park?”

“Yeah sure Betty I will tell him.”


              Betty left Paul to tend to another customer at the other end of the bar. Paul watched her shake her ass again and nearly jumped through the ceiling when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

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