Undeniable Love - Journey of Love Book 2 (5 page)

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Authors: Kelly Elliott

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BOOK: Undeniable Love - Journey of Love Book 2
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Gathering my wits about me, I realized I had no right to be feeling this way. Dodge had fucked me not more than two hours ago and here I was mad because I saw Tristan kissing another woman. At least I knew for sure he was not with Liberty. Sure didn’t take him long to move on.


“Hey there . . . um . . . Sierra.” Looking at Sierra, I smiled sweetly. Then I turned to Tristan, who was looking directly at Dodge. Reaching his hand out, I held my breath.

“Tristan Williams.”

Dodge shook Tristan’s hand. “Dodge Walker.”

I couldn’t help but notice the veins in Tristan’s neck jump out as he clenched his jaw together. He was pissed. I knew him well enough to know that happens when he is mad and attempting to hold it in. For some reason, knowing that Tristan was pissed about Dodge made my stomach flip.

“You two know each other?” I asked, looking between Tristan and Sierra.

Tristan smiled that damn panty-melting smile of his. “Yeah. Sierra was a couple years ahead of me at UT.”

Sierra raised her eyebrows and smiled. Then she turned and looked at Dodge. Her mouth parted open slightly before she quickly shut it. Dodge had that kind of effect on women, but I didn’t think he held a candle to Tristan by any means. Tristan was slightly taller but their builds were the same. They were both breathtakingly handsome. If you put them side-by-side and told any woman to pick, they wouldn’t be able to. But Tristan’s smile won out every single time. As did his laugh. Tristan’s smile and eyes, when he made love to me, were like nothing I’d ever seen before. Especially during the time we spent at his parents’ last Christmas. That’s when everything between us changed.

Sex between Tristan and I was never
bad. Or boring. But that one night was all it took to tip the balance of our relationship.

Tristan had taken me for a drive in the Jeep to get away from everyone. His father had asked to speak with both Lark and Tristan. Tristan left his father’s office and was clearly shaken. Taking my hand, he said, “Let’s go for a drive.”

We came upon a trail. “Where does that go?” I asked as I glanced at Tristan.

Stopping the Jeep, he smiled. “One of our hunting cabins. Want to see it?”

Shrugging my shoulders, I shivered.

“Shit, Ryn, baby, are you cold?”

“A little, but it’s really okay. We can keep going.”

Seconds later I was in Tristan’s arms as he carried me down the path. Using his key, he opened the door and set me down inside.

Picking up wood from the rack that sat next to the fireplace, Tristan began building a fire. After he got it good and going, he reached over and pulled the quilt off of the bed and placed it on the floor.

Motioning for me to sit down, I made my way over and sat in front of the fire. The warmth hit my face and immediately began warming up my body.

“Mmm . . . that feels so much better.”

Glancing over to Tristan, I couldn’t help but notice he was staring at me. He had been doing that a lot the last two days. Clearing his throat, he looked at the fire. “Are you having fun here, Ryn?”

Grinning, I nodded my head and said, “Oh, yes. I adore Azurdee. She is so sweet. Your mother really is so nice.”

Nodding his head, he continued to stare into the fire. “Yeah, Mom’s great. Lark picked out a good one I think with Azurdee. She seems to have settled his wild ways.”

Letting out a laugh, I said, “They are cute together. He seems to really love her.”

Tristan’s head snapped over to me. I choose not to acknowledge his action as I focused on the fire.

“Are you warming up?” Tristan asked as he moved the back of his hand down the side of my face. The sweet gesture caused me to lean into his hand.

“Almost,” I whispered.

Tristan stood and quickly lifted me up into a standing position. “What’s wrong?” I asked as my eyes searched his face. I wasn’t sure how to read the look in his eyes. Slowly shaking his head, he reached for my shirt and began to lift it over my head. Closing my eyes, I inhaled the smell of the burning wood. It felt as if my heart was on fire as Tristan reached behind my back and skillfully had my bra undone in less than two seconds. Dropping both my shirt and bra to the floor, he moved to my jeans. It wasn’t long before I stood before him, in front of the romantic fire, completely naked. Tristan’s eyes moved across my body as if he was memorizing every inch of me. I’d never had a man look at me like he couldn’t get enough. Placing my hand on my stomach, I attempted to calm the butterflies.

Taking my hands, he led me to the bed. “Lay down, Ryn.”

Moving onto the bed, I was flat in record time. Watching Tristan undress was like watching a Broadway show. So, so good, and you just didn’t want it to end. Rubbing my legs together, I counted down the seconds until he would be inside me.

Reaching back into his jeans, he pulled out a condom. Smiling, he crawled onto the bed. Rolling the condom on, he made his way between my legs. He had most of his whole body weight on me as he cupped my face and stared into my eyes. I could see the light from the fire dancing off his eyes.

Tristan had never moved so slowly. He began kissing along my neck as he whispered how beautiful I was.

“I’ve never seen anyone as beautiful as you, Ryn.”

My heart soared and I slowly began to let down the wall I had built up to protect myself. I was starting to picture a future with this man.

Whispering his name was all I could manage to do. He had my stomach in ultimate flutter mode.


Slowly pushing inside of me, we both let out a moan. This had been the first time in our relationship that we had truly had slow, passionate, meaningful sex. Tristan was making love to me. In the most romantic way imaginable.

As the buildup began, Tristan began to move faster. Gripping onto his arms, I felt my orgasm about to explode. Arching my back, I softly called out his name. Once my orgasm was over, Tristan moved closer to me, dropping his face into my neck as he moved his lips to my ear. I could feel him growing bigger inside of me. He was about to come.

“I’m falling in love with you, baby.”

One deep thrust and Tristan let out a soft moan as he whispered, “Ryn . . .”

Oh my. I whispered my feelings back to him. “Tristan, I’m falling in love with you.”

Wrapping my arms around him, Tristan held me for the longest time before he pulled out. Rolling over, he stared up at the ceiling with a confused look on his face. I wasn’t sure what to do. Tristan finally turned and kissed me. The kiss was long and passionate. It almost felt as if he was saying good-bye. Whispering my name against my lips, he got up and got dressed.

Those whispered words changed our relationship. Unfortunately, it was changed in a different way for each of us.

I’m falling in love with you, baby.

From that moment on, he acted as if I no longer existed.

Dodge squeezed me, pulling me out of my memory.

Clearing my throat, I said, “I see. Well, it looks like you both knew each other fairly well, and still do.”

Oh shit. I sound like I’m jealous. Wait . . . I am jealous. No I’m not. Get it together, Ryn. Get. It. Together.

Tristan smirked, while Sierra’s face looked sad. Closing my eyes, I shook my head. “I’m sorry, that sounded bitchy.”

Sierra smiled warmly. “I ran into Tristan. We had breakfast together and . . .” Sierra looked up at Tristan. “Some old sparks might have flared up. We’re just having fun, isn’t that right?”

Looking down at her, Tristan winked. “Right.” Looking at Dodge and me, Tristan nodded his head. “I’ve got to get going.”

Attempting to not show Tristan kissing Sierra had rocked my world, I smiled. Or attempted to anyway. I was afraid it came across as more of a toothy grin. Stepping out of the way, Tristan and Sierra walked out of the restaurant. Looking over my shoulder I watched them as we waited to be seated. Tristan placed his hand on the side of Sierra’s face. My heart dropped at the tender notion. Leaning down, he brushed his lips against hers as he smiled. Sierra grinned back and they both went their separate ways.


Tristan and Sierra? Shaking my head, I fought to hold back my tears. I wasn’t sure if I was in shock that Tristan and Sierra knew each other, or if it was because I’d seen them kiss each other in the last five minutes.

Feeling Dodge place his hand on the small of my back, I jumped. “Ryn, baby, are you all right?”

“Yeah. Um . . . yep, I’m totally fine.” I faced Dodge and gave him a big grin. “I’m starved. I worked up a pretty big appetite between last night and this morning.”

“My girl calls and I come running, willing and eager to please her.”

My smile faded briefly. Oh God. Is that what this is? Ten months later and I’m still using Dodge to hide my feelings for Tristan. Giving a weak smile to Dodge, I followed the waitress to our table. The entire time we ate breakfast I tried to keep their kiss from replaying over in my mind. Dodge talked about going out dancing tonight. Nodding, I agreed it sounded like fun.

“Shall we go hit up some stores?”

I loved how Dodge was willing to do whatever I wanted. If I told him I wanted to go to a quilt show, he’d go, no questions asked. And he would smile and act like he was having the time of his life.

Strolling along a small street lined with mostly beach bum stores, Dodge held my hand. We walked in silence for a bit before Dodge guided us to an ice cream store. After getting one
of my favorite ice cream, Rocky Road, Dodge and I sat down on a bench. I ate my ice cream as I people watched.

Clearing his throat, Dodge began to talk. “Ryn, I need to ask you something.”

Turning to face him, I scrunched up my nose. “Sure! Dodge, you can ask me anything, anytime. You know that.”

Giving me a weak smile, he asked, “Where do you see our relationship going?”

Fuck. Me. That was the one thing he couldn’t ask. No. He shouldn’t ask it. We don’t have a relationship. Do we?

“Um . . . do you see this as a relationship?” I asked as I kept licking my ice cream, turning my eyes away from him.

He let out a gruff laugh. “Well, maybe. I mean it could be, if you let it, Ryn. I don’t see anyone else. You don’t see anyone else. I enjoy being with you and when I say being with you, I don’t just mean fucking you so you can attempt to push another guy from your heart.”

Snapping my head, I glared at him. “Do you think that’s what I use you for?”

Tilting his head, he looked at me like I’d just grown another head. “Seriously? You’re asking me that, Ryn? You call, I come running. You see him in Starbucks, you call me and I come fuck you. You see him at a UT football game and then call me. I spend the next twenty-four hours having sex with you until you can’t even walk. You see him at a wedding. You call and I drive six hours to be with you.”

I felt sick to my stomach. Dodge and I had a really fucked up . . . relationship.

“Have you ever called me to come to you when you haven’t seen Tristan?”

I closed my eyes and thought about it. Had I? Yes! Of course I had. I got up and walked over to a trash bin and tossed my ice cream out. I was pissed. Pissed that I had been pretending that there was nothing wrong with this arrangement I had with Dodge. Pissed that Dodge thought he saw this as a potential relationship, and pissed that I was beginning to feel like a tramp because I didn’t see this going any further than what it was. Turning, I marched back over to Dodge. “The RV show. I didn’t see Tristan. I went and all I could think about was you. I called and you showed up. If my memory serves me right, it was your idea to sneak into a RV and have sex, which by the way ranks up there with the hottest public sex yet.”

Dodge smiled.

I continued to talk as I attempted to drown out the fact that I had mostly just used Dodge for sex. Sex to forget about Tristan. Sex to just forget everything. “Then there was the home and garden show two weeks later. I called and asked if you wanted to go with me. I hadn’t seen Tristan then. Fourth of July, I invited you to my house because I wanted you there, Dodge. I wanted to be with you.”

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