Undeniable Love - Journey of Love Book 2 (10 page)

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Authors: Kelly Elliott

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BOOK: Undeniable Love - Journey of Love Book 2
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“Oh my goodness. I can’t believe I found the perfect mirror. I’m just so overjoyed.”

Tristan turned and looked at me. He smiled at first, until he saw the mirror in my hands. The older gentleman who had been helping Tristan stood there stunned.

Men. I swear.

“My mother is going to love this.” Looking at the lady behind the counter, I turned my smile to a somber look. “She’s so sick and this will just make her feel so much better.” Acting as if I was going to start crying, I said, “We’re not even sure she will make it through . . . the holidays.” I dropped my head and acted as if I was crying.

The young sales lady placed her hand on my shoulder. “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry.”

Peeking up, I stole a look at Tristan. His mouth was gaped open and he looked shocked as hell. Wiping away my fake tears, I smiled at the girl behind the counter.

“Thank you so much. Anywho, I’ll take the mirror and send her a picture. She’ll be so happy. Especially knowing it was made by a local artist here in her beloved South Padre.

“Oh. My. God.”

I looked at Tristan. “Tristan? What are you doing here?”

Narrowing his eyes at me, he looked at the mirror. “Buying a mirror.”

The gentleman helping Tristan cleared his throat. “Ma’am, I’m afraid that mirror . . .”

I interrupted him. “Is perfect!” Looking at the girl standing there, I lifted my shoulders and smiled bigger. “Isn’t it? Momma is going to be so happy.” I attempted to hold back my fake sob. “Here’s my credit card.”

Handing her my credit card, she just stared at me. I jerked my hand toward her again, as if she hadn’t noticed me holding my card out to her.

“Ryn, your damn mother isn’t sick. You can’t even stand your mother. When was the last time you talked to her?”

Ignore him, Ryn.

“You don’t have to wrap it up, sweetheart. I’ll take it just like that.” The poor girl at the counter snapped her eyes to the gentleman who was helping Tristan.

“And, you’re mother has never even been to fucking South Padre!”

Pulling my head back, I gasped. “Oh my, is it necessary to use such language?”

Placing my hand up to the side of my mouth, I leaned closer to the girl. “He doesn’t like me very much and does anything he can to give me trouble. Can we speed this up a bit please?”

Pointing to the girl, Tristan shouted, “No! That is my mirror. I saw it first, and Bill here was just about to ring me up.”

I placed my hands on my hips. “I don’t see your name written on it. If it had been sold there should have been a sold sticker on it. As far as I’m concerned it was hanging on the wall, ready to be bought by someone who has far better taste than you.”

“Ryn, watch it.”

“You don’t scare me. Man whore!”

Stepping around the counter, the gentleman put his hand up to me. “Ma’am, the gentleman is right. I’m in the middle of his transaction. The mirror is not for sale.”

Turning, I looked down at Bill’s nametag. Shit. He was the manager.

Lifting my shoulders, I looked back at Tristan. “Fine. Hang it somewhere you’ll be able to see all the bitches you bring home to screw.”

Hurt flashed across Tristan’s eyes, but I didn’t care. Turning on my heels, I headed to the door.

Ugh. I
him. He even gets the stupid mirror I wanted but didn’t really want because it was too expensive. I just wanted to keep Tristan from buying it.
Ohmygod. How pathetic am I?

Walking up to my car, I was about to get in when someone grabbed my arm. Tingles immediately moved down my arm.


Turning me around, he pushed me against my car. “Are you fucking kidding me? What in the hell was all that about?”

The image of Tristan and Sierra at the nightclub flooded my mind. My eyes filled with tears and I hated myself for letting him upset me again. “Let me go.”

“No. What was with all the man whore shit back there, Ryn?”

Swallowing hard, I asked, “Did you fuck her?”

He pulled his head back and looked at me. “Who?”

My lower lip trembled. “Sierra. I saw you together this morning, on your deck.”

Tristan dropped his grip from my arm. Closing his eyes, he whispered, “Sierra and I are just friends.”

My heart was beating so loudly in my chest I was sure Tristan heard it. I wasn’t sure why I had to know, but I did. Taking control of my emotions, I said, “That’s not what I asked you.”

Opening his eyes, he whispered, “Yes.”

I couldn’t stop the tear if I wanted to. Tristan reached up and wiped it away. “It didn’t mean anything, Ryn.”

Slowly nodding my head, I whispered, “It never does where you’re concerned.”

Tristan looked like I just slapped him in the face. “Enjoy the mirror, Tristan.” Turning, I opened the door to my car and got in. Starting my car, I quickly began backing up without looking at Tristan. The moment I was far enough away, I pulled over and let out a frustrated scream.

How can you hate someone you love so much?

since I saw Ryn. Sierra had sent me a text message asking if Ryn and I had talked yet. My response was the same as it was yesterday when she asked. No.

Stepping through the door of Dirty Al’s, I headed to the bar. The bartender flashed me a toothy smile. “What will it be, handsome?”

“Bud Light, please.”

I sat at the bar for a few minutes before the hair on my arms stood up. I quickly looked around and saw Ryn. She was sitting at a table with some asshole guy who was sitting way too close. She was laughing as she finished up what looked like a margarita. Turning back to the bartender, I asked, “Excuse me, the brunette over there. How long as she been here?”

The bartender glanced over to Ryn. “About four hours. That douche has been feeding her shots in between the margaritas. I’ve been keeping my eye on her. Do you know her, because I was getting ready to call her a cab. No way I’m letting her leave with him.”

Nodding my head, I looked back at Ryn. “Yeah, I know her. We used to date. I’ll take care of getting her home.”

“Awesome. Do you want to settle up her tab as well?”

Reaching into my wallet, I pulled out some money and tossed it on the bar. Standing, I headed over toward Ryn. Stopping at the table, I cleared my throat. Ryn looked up and smiled that beautiful smile of hers. “Tristan. If you came here to buy a mirror, I’m sorry, we are fresh out.”

The dick sitting next to her laughed. Glancing at him, I said, “Beat it, buddy.”

He stopped laughing and stood. “Excuse me, asshole? I was with her first, so you can just go take a flying hike.”

Grabbing him by the shirt, I gave him one good push, causing him to stumble back and fall to the ground. Ryn jumped up and let out a scream. “Tristan! He was just talking to me.”

Grabbing her hand, I pulled her to me. “Bullshit, Ryn. He wanted to do a lot more than talk.”

Leading her out the door, she protested the entire way. “Tristan Williams, you let go of me right now. I’m not that drunk. I knew what he wanted and I wasn’t going there. I was about to ask the bartender to call me a cab.”

“Where’s your car, Ryn?”

She stopped walking and jerked her hand from mine. “I took a cab here. I wanted to get drunk and I knew I wouldn’t be driving.”

Walking up to her, I looked down into her eyes. She looked so sad and I knew I was the reason why. “I’m taking you home, Ryn.”

Swallowing hard, she nodded her head. “Okay.”

Helping Ryn into my truck, we drove along in silence. Every time I glanced over to her, she was staring out the window as she fidgeted with her purse strap.

Fifteen minutes later we were walking into Ryn’s place. One quick look around, I noticed the place was a lot smaller than my family’s beach house.

“Kitchen?” I asked. Ryn pointed to her left and I walked away. The moment I saw the kitchen island I felt sick. Pushing any thoughts of Ryn and Dodge out of my mind, I headed over to the coffee maker.

Ryn called out, “I’m going to get out of these clothes.”

My dick jumped and I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep myself from doing what I wanted to do.

Filling up the glass container, I poured it into the coffee maker. Four cups should be plenty. Hearing a loud crash, I turned and ran toward the sound.

Ryn was sitting at the bottom of the stairs holding her ankle. “Ryn! What happened?”

Running to her, I dropped to my knees. Ryn’s ankle was swelling already. Looking up, my heart dropped and I wanted to hit something. Ryn was crying. “I think . . . I broke it.”

Lifting her up, I carried her to the couch. Ryn’s cries echoed through my brain as I gently placed her down. “Baby, let me go get some ice.”

Slowly nodding her head, she whispered, “Okay.” I turned and headed into the kitchen. Finding a hand towel, I took some ice cubes out of the freezer and wrapped the towel around them. I quickly unplugged the coffee pot and headed back to the living room. Setting the ice down on her ankle, Ryn whimpered. “Oh God. Tristan, it hurts so bad.”

“Shit, Ryn. I think we need to go to the ER.”

Leaning her head back, she moaned. “Double damn it! I never was a good drunk!”

Stifling my laughter, I reached down and scooped her up into my arms and headed back out to my truck. “Tristan, it hurts so bad.” Ryn buried her face into my shoulder and cried. I hated that she was in pain. I’d give anything to take it away.

Opening the passenger side door, I gently placed her down in the seat of my truck. “Baby, please don’t cry. Please, please, don’t cry.”

“Hurts so bad.” Ryn whimpered. Leaning down, I kissed her forehead then wiped her tears away.

“I’m going to fix it, baby.”

Grabbing onto my shirt, Ryn looked into my eyes. “Tristan, please don’t leave me.”

Swallowing hard, I whispered, “Never, Ryn. Never.”

The nurse was pushing Ryn out of the hospital in a wheelchair as I pushed off my truck and walked over to them. “She’s more than ready to leave. I’m afraid she is a bit loopy from the pain pills and the alcohol that was in her system. She can’t be left alone tonight.”

Nodding my head, I leaned down and picked up Ryn. She wrapped her arms around my neck and whispered against my chest. “It hurts, Tristan. I’m such a baby.”

Laughing, I said, “No, baby. You have a grade-two sprained ankle and a zero pain tolerance.”

Ryn started crying. “I know. I’m never drinking again!”

The nurse opened the door to my truck and waited as I put Ryn in. I buckled her in and looked into her eyes. “I’m so sorry, baby.”

Ryn stared at me with a dazed look. “Why are you sorry, Tristan? You weren’t the one who got drunk.”

Hunching my shoulders, I said, “I’m pretty sure I’m the reason you got drunk though.”

Glancing back up, Ryn was staring at me. Tears began to fill her eyes as she started chewing on her bottom lip. “Yeah. Yeah you were.”

The nurse behind me giggled.

The ache in my chest grew more as I stared into her eyes. “I promise to make it up to you, baby.” Giving Ryn a small smile, I kissed her quickly on the lips, stepped away and shut the door.

“You understood all the discharge instructions?”

I nodded. “Yes, ma’am. I’ll make sure she follows through with all of it.”

Giving me a wink, she said, “Good luck. We all got an earful about you from Ryn.”

Rolling my eyes, I turned and headed to the driver’s side of my truck. My heart was breaking for Ryn, but at the same time, I was overjoyed that I would get to take care of her for a few days and there was nothing she could do about it. If there was one thing I knew about Ryn, she didn’t do well with pain. Any kind of pain.

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