Undeniable Love - Journey of Love Book 2 (9 page)

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Authors: Kelly Elliott

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Pulling her in closer, I took in a deep breath as I inhaled her smell. “I’ve grown to really enjoy your company and if we hadn’t done it now, we would have sooner or later, Sierra.”

“You weren’t lying when you said you were good in bed. Holy shit, I’ve never been so thoroughly fucked. And how in the hell do you manage to give a girl three . . . no wait, I’m pretty sure I tipped four, orgasms?”

Laughing, I eased up on my hold of her. “I can’t imagine what you’d be like making love to someone you truly loved, Tristan.”

The image of Ryn and me in the hunters cabin popped into my head. Closing my eyes, for the first time in my life, I fought to hold back my tears.

Smiling, I kissed the back of her head. “Do you want me to make love to you, Sierra?”

Turning in my arms, she looked at me for a good twenty seconds or so. Shaking her head she whispered, “No. The next time you make love to a woman, Tristan, it should be with the woman you love with all your heart.”

Swallowing hard, I nodded. Leaning down, I brushed my lips against Sierra’s. Her hand moved up and through my hair where she tugged on it slightly. “I need to go and help my father finish up painting.”

“Are you leaving after that?” I asked as I searched her eyes. The hurt was gone, but I couldn’t tell what replaced it. Was she really okay with all of this?

Smiling, she nodded. “Yeah. Thank you, Tristan. Thank you for everything.”

There was a glow about Sierra’s face as she thanked me. In a way, Sierra taught me something about myself as well. I was bound and determined to make up for the mistake I made ten months ago. “Thank you, Sierra.”

Sierra moved and stood. She began pulling her bra over her magnificent tits. I watched as she got dressed. I was surprised my attraction for her hadn’t changed. One thing I knew for sure, the sexual tension between us was definitely sedated.

Reaching over, I grabbed my shorts and pulled them back on. Sierra handed me my T-shirt and I slipped it over my head. She began walking over to her purse, but I reached for her hand and pulled her back to me.


Giving me a big ole grin, she nodded her head. “Yes, friends for sure. I already programmed my cell and work number in your phone and put BFF next to my name.”

Laughing, I shook my head as I followed her to the front door. Before opening the door, she turned and looked at me. “I am faced with two serious problems now though.”

My smile faded. “What?”

She took in a deep breath and quickly exhaled. “My vibrator will
be able to compete with those orgasms. And, I’m pretty sure my next boyfriend’s performance in bed will be measured up to the amazing fucking I just got.”

Laughing, I pulled her into my chest and hugged her. “Go paint, crazy girl.”

Stepping back, Sierra threw me a wink and held up her hand as she walked out and yelled over her shoulder, “Later, Tom!”

I realized I was near Tristan’s family’s beach house. Glancing over, I saw Tristan and Sierra on the deck.

Placing my hand on my stomach, I felt sick as I watched Tristan take Sierra into the house. Was he taking her in to make love to her? How serious was their relationship? Sierra had said they were just having fun.
didn’t look like having fun. Pulling my eyes from the house, I ran as fast as I could two houses down. Sierra’s dad was painting the back of the house that faced out over the Gulf of Mexico. Lifting his hand, he shouted a hello.

I couldn’t find my voice. I lifted my hand and smiled weakly before slipping in through the back sliding glass door. Walking into the kitchen, I grabbed the counter and began trying to get my breathing under control. That was twice I’d seen Tristan and Sierra in an intimate moment.

I was slowly beginning to dislike Sierra. Closing my eyes, Dodge fucking me against the very counter I held on to caused me to open my eyes and take a few steps back.

Placing my hands up over my mouth, I slowly shook my head. I dropped my hands. “What is wrong with me?” I shouted. Here I had been letting Dodge fuck me the last few days and I was upset that Tristan was with someone else. I pushed my fingers against my temples and began massaging them.

“Shit! Shit! Shit! I hate you, Tristan Williams!” Dropping to the floor, I pulled my legs into my chest. Resting my chin on my knees, I let my tears fall as I whispered, “I hate you, Tristan.”

I quickly sat up and looked around. The doorbell had rung and woke me from a dead sleep. Hearing it ring again, I jumped up and headed over to it. Peeking through the peephole I saw Sierra.


Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and slowly let it out as I plastered a fake smile on my face. Opening the door quickly, I scared Sierra by practically shouting, “Hey, Sierra!”

Smiling, she looked me up and down. “Are you okay?”

Making a face like I had no idea why she would ask me that, I replied, “Yeah. I’m doing . . . great. How are you? Been a good day?”

I rolled my eyes inward
. Jesus what’s wrong with me?

Sierra tilted her head and paused for a moment. Something about her was different, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. “The painting is all done so you can enjoy the rest of your vacation in total privacy.”

My mouth opened slightly. “Oh, does that mean you’re leaving? I mean, um, are you headed back to Austin or . . .”

Sierra smiled sweetly. “I’m headed back to Austin. I only took a few days off to work on this and visit with my father. Maybe when you get back we can grab dinner and catch a movie?”

Is she for real?
She’s fucking my ex-boyfriend and she wants to go to a movie?

Attempting to smile, I nodded. “Yeah. Sure, maybe we could.”

Sierra looked into my eyes and I was instantly taken by the tenderness in her blue eyes. “I hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation, Ryn.”

Smiling weakly, I nodded my head and watched as Sierra turned to walk away. “Sierra?”

Stopping, she turned and looked at me. “I . . . um . . . I know I have no right asking this and it is not any of my business, but are you and Tristan . . . um . . . dating?”

Something flashed across her face quickly before she smiled and shook her head. “No, Ryn. He’s just a friend, that’s all.”

Chewing on my bottom lip, I decided to just ask about what I saw instead of letting it eat me alive. “I saw the two of you earlier, kissing, and Tristan carried you into the house.”

Sierra walked up to me and took my hands in hers. “I think we were just trying to see if there was anything at all there.”

I fought to hold my tears back. My voice cracked as I went to ask her what they found out. I hated how weak my voice sounded. “Was there?”

Lifting the corner of her mouth, she said, “No, honey. Tristan and I are just meant to be friends.”

I instantly felt my body relax. I knew this was so unfair of me, especially knowing that Sierra had heard Dodge and I having sex. “I can’t imagine what you think of me, Sierra. Here I’m asking about Tristan’s love life and I’ve been . . . I’ve been with Dodge and . . .”

Squeezing my hand, Sierra looked into my eyes. “Talk to him, Ryn. I know he hates how things ended with the two of you. Talk. To. Him.”

Nodding my head slowly, I said, “I’ll think about it.”

Sierra’s smile faded some as she nodded her head. Giving me a wink, she turned and headed to her car.

Shutting the door, I leaned against it. My heart ached knowing that Tristan and Sierra slept together. It wasn’t fair of me to feel angry but I did. Closing my eyes, I knew the real reason I was upset. I was jealous of Sierra and the relationship she had with Tristan. I needed to get out for a while. Walking to the kitchen to grab my keys and phone, I decided I would not think about Dodge or Tristan. I needed to clear my head. As much as I adored Dodge, I knew I didn’t want the same thing he wanted.

Checking my phone, I saw I had two text messages. Opening them up, one was from a client who couldn’t seem to understand I was on vacation, and the other was from Dodge.

Missing you, baby. I’m not sure I’m going to be able to get back down there. Sorry. Things are crazy here at the club.

Hitting reply, I typed out my response.

No worries, Dodge. I think I need some time alone to think things through. Take care of the club. I’ll call you when I get back.

Dodge responded immediately.

I hope that means you’re thinking about us and our relationship.

Ugh. There he goes using the words
I backed out of my text messages and dropped my phone into my purse. I’d deal with Dodge when I got back to Austin. Right now, I needed some shopping therapy.

South Padre had some pretty awesome shops that were tucked away on the side streets. Sierra had told me to check them out. Stepping into Sisters Interior, I smiled. Oh, yea. This was my kind of store. Sierra just moved up a little bit more onto my good side with this place.

Walking around the store, I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. I loved buying things for my house back in Austin. It was my place and I could do whatever I wanted with it. No overbearing mother to try and control how I decorated it. I cringed thinking back to the day I set up my dorm room. She did it exactly how she wanted. The moment she walked out the door, I spent the rest of the day re-arranging it to how I wanted it.

I let out a small gasp when I saw a mirror hanging on the wall. It was beautiful. The mirror was framed in a brushed-silver finish, but the inside frame had the most unusual pastel pattern design. I walked up and admired it. Turning, I looked for an employee. A young girl with dark-red hair began walking up to me.

“May I help you?”

Grinning like a fool, I pointed to the mirror. “How much is this mirror?”

“It’s eleven hundred dollars.”

I was pretty sure my eyes about popped out of my head. “Come again?”

The sales lady giggled. “I know, it’s a bit of sticker shock. But it’s one of kind and the artist lives here in South Padre.”

Turning back to the mirror, I debated if I wanted to spend that kind of money.

No. I didn’t. Not for a damn mirror. I began gnawing on my lower lip as I thought about it. I wasn’t sure why I was even entertaining the thought. There was no way I would ever pay that much for a stupid mirror. No matter how beautiful it was.

“Let me put you out of the internal struggle. That gentleman over there has already stated he wanted to buy it.”

Turning and looking over my shoulder, I saw him. “Motherfucker,” I whispered as my eyes landed on Tristan.

“Um . . .”

Looking back at the young saleslady, I covered my mouth. “I’m so sorry; I didn’t mean to say that.”

Chuckling, she held up her hands. “No problem, but I’m going to guess you know him? Or you really wanted that mirror.”

Laughing, I said, “Both.” Reaching up, I took the mirror off the wall. The saleslady’s eyes grew bigger. “Go with me on this.”

Not even giving her time to answer me, I began walking up to the register with the mirror as the poor girl walking briskly behind me said, “Um, ma’am. Ma’am, you can’t have it.”

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