Read Unable to Resist Online

Authors: Cassie Graham

Tags: #New Adult

Unable to Resist (48 page)

BOOK: Unable to Resist
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I raise up on my elbows and quirk an eyebrow in question. “Your turn for what?”

With lust-filled eyes, he replies, “to explore.” His gaze burns a hole in my heart and I comply. I’m his; he can do whatever he wants.

From the tips of her toes, to the top of her head, there isn’t an inch of skin untouched by my lips.

As I kiss the heel of her foot, I look up at Ann and say with a heady voice, “Alright, that’s enough exploring. I need to be inside you. Now.”

Ann nods as I crawl up her body to situate myself in between her legs. The heat coming from her core is intoxicating. I press myself against her and close my eyes. She wiggles her hips in order to create friction. I’m millimeters from slipping into her soft, wet pussy when I stop.

“Shit. Fuck,” I curse. “Condoms. Where are the fucking condoms?” I hover over her to dig into my nightstand drawer. Nothing. Of all that is fucking holy, I did not just now
remember condoms. I’m a fucker. A cold-blooded-fucker.

Ann laughs and smooth’s her hands down my chest. My eyes close tight at the touch. I can’t believe I did this.

“Cowboy…” she urges.

I’m too pissed to bring myself to look at her. Her shoulders quake and, despite the fact that I feel like a complete asshole, I can’t deny her. Slowly, I open my eyes to look at her.

“Baby, I’m on the pill,” she states. “It’s okay.”

Relief washes over me. “Really?”

Thankfully, Ann nods and quips, “Of course.”

“Red, I’ve never had sex without a condom,” I admit.

She gives me a playful look. “Me either.”

I smirk as I lower myself into her.

“Holy shit, baby. I don’t know if I can handle this. Your skin on my skin might drive me crazy before I can even get fully in.”

With a determined look, she takes hold of me. “Let’s find out,” she urges.

Guiding me to her entrance, the tip of my cock twitches in her hand. Leaving me to do the rest, I sink into her. “Dammit, Red, you’re so tight. Are you okay? Do you need me to stop?” I still myself in her to give her some time to accommodate my size, remember she hasn’t had sex in seven years.

Ann shakes her head and brings her hips to meet mine. That’s all the incentive I need. I begin to pump in and out of her in a slow, fluid motion that speaks volumes of my love for her.

Ann skims her fingers up and down my arms, as I pull her leg behind her knee to bend it close to my body. Her eyes shut, and she turns her head, mouth falling open in pleasure.

I growl and place my head in the crook of her neck.

“I love you,” I say between hot, slick thrusts.

She pants, her hips meeting with mine, “I—fuck, I love you, Cowboy.”

Using my hands to hold my weight, I lift up and look at her desire-ridden face. “Look at me,” I demand. I need to see her eyes; I can feel her getting close. There’s no way she’s going to do this with her eyes closed.

A couple more pushes into her and she cracks her baby blue eyes open, clear and sex-hazed all at the same time.

I grin as sweat begins to break out on my back. “Hi.”

Oh, fuck, this is phenomenal. I’ve always loved sex. What man doesn’t? But, there’s a massive possibility Ann has ruined me. I’m done for.

She licks her bottom lip, and grabs onto my forearm, plunging me deeper into her.

“Hi,” she responds quietly, having a hard time finding her voice.

Sliding my hand down the back of her thigh, to the round of her ass, I lift her up, bringing us together as close as two people can possibly get.

“I’m—I’m so—close, Duane. I don’t want to do it alone,” Ann softly says in between intoxicating moans.

“You won’t be alone. Come, baby.”

She brings her legs up and wraps them around my hips, pushing me over the edge. Her inner muscles pulse around me, driving me toward my own orgasmic eruption. As she scrapes her nails down my back, I whisper my love for her and explode, spilling myself into her as she screams my name, chasing her own orgasm.

Sweaty and satisfied, I push Ann’s damp hair from her face, putting my head back in the crook of her neck.

Stroking my back with her tiny fingers, she sighs. “Wow. That was—whoa.”

I’ve got to agree. “Yeah, it was,” I say with a chuckle.

“I love you, Red. Forever.”

Her skin glistens in the moonlight, and she smiles a lazy, radiant, satisfied smile. “Always, Cowboy. I’ll love you, always.”

“You’re such an ass. Come on. Let’s get up. I need to pee, and you stink,” Ann says as she pushes up out of the bed, bare-ass naked, heading to the bathroom.

I could get used to this.

I had to get up early this morning to feed the animals. I try to give the guys Saturdays off, letting them sleep off their more-than-likely hangovers. Ann cheerfully slept through it. I could have sworn I heard her pleasantly sigh when I opened the door to leave.

I didn’t want to get out of bed. Who could blame me when I have a woman like Ann sleeping in it? But, hearing Belle outside whinnying for food forced me into action. After I was finished feeding, I eagerly climbed back in bed, pulled Ann to me and went back to sleep.

Apparently my smell is what wakes her an hour later.

“Hey!” I yell to the open bathroom. “I do not stink. That’s called victory smell, and I like it.”

Ann storms out of the bathroom with a smile on her face. She hops on the bed to straddle my hips. Deeply, she kisses me. Her tongue caressing mine, biting and nibbling on my lips.

“I love it, too, and you know it. Now get up, lazy.” She wiggles her eyebrows and hops off my lap. “Take a shower, or,” she studies me with hungry eyes, “better yet, don’t. I kinda like you dirty.”

Letting the sheet fall from my waist, I get up and grab her still-naked body. “We could shower together,” I suggest.

Ann steps away, giving me a fake stern look. She’s adorable.

“No, Cowboy. I need to feed you. Who knows how long it’s been since you’ve been fed a proper meal.” She heads to the bathroom once again peeking out. “By the way, how did you get a bag full of my stuff here?”

I shrug a shoulder. “Liv might have helped.”

She rolls her eyes. “Figures. You two are sneaky.”

I advance on her and she points to my chest with a wiggling finger.

“Uh-uh. I’m going to shower alone, Cowboy. Get dressed,” she toys.

I slump my shoulders for effect. “Bossy-ass.”

She smiles over her shoulder and shines. “I love you, Cowboy.”

“Always and forever, Red. I’ll love you longer than that if I can.”

Twenty minutes later, Ann is showered, dressed and clean. She is the first woman I’ve ever known to get ready that fast and look
magnificent. She’s only wearing khaki shorts and a pink tank top, but damn if it’s not incredibly sexy on her. My woman is flawless.

As she walks into my walk-in closet, bag in hand, I put the book I was reading down, and get out of bed. Just inside, Ann is sitting down on an ottoman putting her Converse on. I bend down and kiss the top of her head before I grab my clothes. As I’m pulling on my jeans, Ann clears her throat. I turn around to look at her, but, she quickly looks down and I see a hint of flush on her face.


A couple of beats later, Ann looks up at me, face composed, and says with a smile, “It really is a shame you have to put clothes on at all, Duane. It’s a damn shame.”

I shake my head and slip my shirt over my head. “I could say the same for you, but you’re mine and I don’t share. I’ll just have to enjoy your glorious body in private. And, you do look beautiful in those clothes.”

Ann chuckles. “Duane, I’m fashion stupid. I wear minimal sexy clothes, if at all. Look at me.” She gestures up and down her body.

I get a good look at her, which earns me another bit of red flush. She looks great. What’s the issue here?

“You look incredible, Ann. I wouldn’t have you any other way.” I stop, forming the correct words. “Have some confidence. You’re stunning.”

She scoots over, letting me sit on the ottoman to put my boots on.

“Mia says that to me too, and I do. Have confidence, I mean. I just don’t feel like I’m a glam-azon, you know? That’s not who I am. I’ve accepted the fact most guys want this girly, Barbie kind-of-girl. I’m—just not her.”

“Well, I’m glad you aren’t some plastic woman that has to hide behind overly-tight, over-the-top clothes and caked-on makeup. I love you how you are. You’re perfect.”

Ann laughs and puts her hand on my back to rub. “You’re amazing, you know that? You’re the only person who makes me feel beautiful for being just me. I can be
around you. That’s kind of remarkable.”

She kisses the side of my neck and stands up.

Clasping our hands together, we move to the living room. “What are you hungry for, Cowboy?” Ann asks when she crosses the threshold into the kitchen.

“You,” I mutter to myself, but she hears me.

“Food, Rynard. What food are you hungry for?” She laughs, eyes dancing.

Sitting at the dining room, I clasp my hands together behind my head. “Anything you make will be amazing, I’m sure. Surprise me.”

Her face lights up, and she spins on her heel, walking toward the fridge. Within seconds, she’s got bacon sizzling, eggs scrambling and biscuits baking in the oven. I watch her in awe, never missing a beat in a kitchen she’s never seen before. She belongs here.

Our plates are soon piled high with steaming food and I suggest, “Let’s eat on the porch, yeah?”

She nods her head enthusiastically and follows me outside. Taking her plate, I lead her to the porch swing. The paint hasn’t chipped in all the years it’s hung here, and the pillows still have life, so I gesture for her to sit. When she does, I hand her the plate and settle myself next to her. Breathing lightly, she sets her head on my shoulder and swings us back and forth.

Content, I grin and finish my food.

She turns to kiss my neck. “We’ve had a busy couple of days, Cowboy. Love, moving in and sex, it couldn’t get much better than this.”

Before I can stop the words from leaving my mouth, I blurt, “Marry me.”

Her feet stop us from swinging and she lifts her head to look at me, eyes wide. My mouth goes dry and I close my eyes. I’ve had my grandmother’s ring in my pocket since we came home from Arizona. I knew then I wanted to marry this girl.

“Shit, I’m sorry Red. I shouldn’t have sprung that on you so fast. You’re just getting used to the fact that we’re going to move in together. It’s just,” I trail off, “seeing you here makes my feelings heightened—and fuck, you deserve a huge gesture, not just me blurting—”

“Yes,” she replies, stopping me mid-rant.

I sputter, eyes bulging, “Wh—what? What did you just say?”

Tears start to fall from her eyes and she beams. “Yes, Duane. Of course, yes, I’ll marry you.”

I bring her in for a kiss. Knowing this woman is going to be mine forever makes the shitty card life handed me as a kid with Dad, worth every agonizingly painful minute.

“I’m going to love you forever, Red.”

She smiles and wipes her face. “Always.”

I feel for my pocket. “Wait,” I say.

BOOK: Unable to Resist
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