Unable to Resist (47 page)

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Authors: Cassie Graham

Tags: #New Adult

BOOK: Unable to Resist
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Opening the door, Eddie tips his hat. “Have a good evening, sir,” he says. His eyes shift to me and twinkle. “You too, ma’am.”

“Good night, Eddie,” I say, “and thank you.”

His eyes warm, “Anytime.”

Duane shakes Eddie’s hand and then leads me to the front door. Inserting the key into the lock, that magical red door opens to a house that looks even more amazing than the outside.

The living room is homey and inviting. A dark grey couch sits on the wall, in front of a wide window. Pictures hang from every inch of the walls.

“Is this your dad?” I ask, pointing. He’s incredibly handsome. An older, mashed up version of Aiden and Duane, smiling for the camera.

Duane looks at the picture and his eyes storm a bit. “Yeah. That’s him.”

Not wanting to ruin the beautiful moment by pushing, I point to another picture. “And your mom?” Tall, like Duane, with long brown hair and bright green eyes, she’s downright striking.

Duane’s radiant smile breaks through the tension that had plagued his features moments before and he nods. “May Rynard was one hell of a woman.”

“She made you. I’m guessing she’s pretty amazing.”

Duane wraps his arms around my shoulders. “Yeah, well Cal Rynard was an asshole.”

“What happened?” I ask. The tension is back in Duane’s body, and I’m desperate to know why.

“He was just a son-of-a-bitch Dad. He didn’t really believe in showing love. He slapped me and Aiden around on a daily basis.”

I place my hand on his. “I’m sorry, love. No one deserves that.”

He swipes at his face. “No they don’t,” he exhales. “It’s awful that I felt relief when he died. I was heartbroken when I found out Mom was in the car with him. I felt like he took her from me.”

“Oh, Cowboy.” I shudder and reach up to a tiny scar on his lip. “Is he how you got this?”

Eyes sad, he nods. “But, it was a long time ago, Red. I’m alright.”

Feeling awful for their family and, to be honest, blindly pissed, I do the only thing I can do. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I pull him close and attempt to push all of my love into our embrace. Bringing his arms around my body, he breathes me in. Deep and slow.

“Jesus, you smell amazing, Red.”

I giggle into his chest. “Thanks, I took a shower a few months ago.”

Instinctually running his hands up and down my back, we begin to sway to our own music.

“You are my favorite smell,” he continues, “so feminine, and sexy as hell. I wish I could describe it. What perfume do you wear?” He wonders out loud.

I take a whiff of my arm, I don’t smell anything. “I’m sure the perfume has worn off by now, but I put lotion on this morning. It’s sugared pomegranates and wild berries—I think. I’ve been wearing it forever.”

He mumbles. “It’s fucking fantastic.”

“Thank you, Cowboy,” I snicker. It’s odd to think we are standing here, dancing to noiseless music, talking about my smell.

Squeezing me tenderly, Duane takes a deep breath. Lifting my head from his chest, I set my chin on his muscular upper torso.

“What are you thinking?” I ask, bluntly. There are countless emotions running across his face. I see them all, but he can’t seem to settle on one.

When he looks down at me, all vanish but two, and they’re emotions I know well.

First, I see the love. Instantly, the moment his eyes land on mine, his face morphs from anguish to happiness. I’m so thankful I can put it there. But, second is anxiety. That one scares me.

My eyebrows crinkle. “What is it, baby?”

He huffs. “It’s just—dammit, I don’t know…”

He lets go of me to pace. We are obviously spending a lot of time together—I’ve rubbed off on him.

“You thought you were the broken one, Red. It never occurred to me that I might be broken, too,” he finally says.

I tilt my head in wonder. “What do you mean?”

He scrubs down his face, a sure-tell sign he’s having a hard time forming words. “Having you here, in my home, makes me realize I didn’t have the greatest time here. I want to burn this place to the ground and make new memories. With you.”

My feet move before my brain can catch up. Pulling his face to mine, he melts into my rough embrace and kisses me with a love so intense I know I’ll never be able to recover if he takes it all away.

When we break apart, I look up at his face. “You’re serious?”

He looks hopeful.

“Hell yes, I’m serious,” he exclaims, “I have the money. I wouldn’t
burn the place down. Aiden could have this house. What do you say, Red? Let’s build a house. Together.”

I look at his face, assessing his seriousness. He looks fucking serious. And sincere. The few walls I had still built up are crumbling by the second. The look on his face, so genuine and hopeful, makes me seriously consider his offer. I know we’ve been together only a short amount of time, and I’m not crazy enough to overlook the fact I don’t know all of his issues. But, I do know I’m ready to help him through them. I want to be his rock. I want to be his forever. I know he’s my future.

We fell fast, and we fell hard. I can’t take back how quick the fall was—how fast we’re still falling. Some are going to reason we are entirely crazy for thinking this is the real thing. But, I can’t silent my heart. I can’t stop it from shouting at me. It wants to give Duane a chance. It wants to give us a chance. Loving him is as easy as blinking. It’s not premeditated. The moment my eyes landed on this man—my man, with his unwavering support, and generous heart, I couldn’t stop myself from feeling for him. He makes it difficult to do anything but. How can I fight with my heart when my head, which, let’s not beat around the bush, is the less foolish one, is telling me to just jump in? Dive straight into the deep end and never come up for a breath.

“You—you want to move in together?” I need specification.

He grabs my hands. “It’ll take a while to build a house. You don’t have to move in until it’s done. We don’t need to rush, we can make it ours.”

He says earth-shattering words so easily, like they aren’t some of the most important ones I’ve ever heard. Like they aren’t changing all the lonely hermit plans I had put into place before him.

“Are you sure you want to build a house
with me
? This is a big, Duane.” Why am I talking to him like he’s a child?

Maybe because you’re afraid if you don’t talk it out, you’ll make a rash decision and tell him no. Even though, deep down you’d move in with him now. Or yesterday for that matter.

“I’m a mess, still. I’m moody and bitchy. I hog the covers, I’m insanely hot-tempered. I can’t make my mind up about most things. I drive too slow, and to make things worse, I can’t shut up. Like right now. God, shut up, Ann!” I yell to myself.

Duane lamely tries to hide his laugh, and I lightly punch him in the arm. “Shut up.”

He shakes his head. “Come here, crazy.”

Opening his arms, I gladly lunge into them.

“Are you trying to talk me or yourself out of moving in together? Either decision you make is okay. Sure, I’d rather you agree and move in, but I wouldn’t dream of pushing you into something you aren’t comfortable with.” He levels his eyes to mine. “For the record, all of those reasons you just randomly listed are reasons why I love you.”

I roll my eyes. “Yeah, right.”

He pinches my ass. “You’re feisty, I love that. You keep me on my toes, daily. Hell, hourly.” He waggles his eyebrows. “You hog the covers? I’ll just cuddle you more to stay warm. Red, baby, I’m here to help you make decisions. All of those things make you who you are. I love every part of you. All of it.”

His words strike a chord. That last brick wall crumbles to the ground, and I wipe my damn leaking eyes. “Okay,” I whisper.

Duane’s heart pounds underneath my ears. “Okay—what?”

“Let’s do it. Let’s build a house.”


I nod my head eagerly. The more I turn the idea around in my head, the more it makes sense.

Duane hoists me up into his arms, and I laugh to myself. His strides are effortless up the stairs. I don’t know or care where we’re going. Opening a door, the room is dark, and he sets me on his big king size bed. The sheets are soft and clean under my already-heated skin. The bright white shines in the moonlight, making his bed look like a giant cloud.

He leaves me on the bed and, now that my eyes have adjusted, I can see him easily. He stalks around the room as it shrinks under his presence.

“What are you doing, Cowboy?” I question.

He stops his stalking to look at me and shakes his head, his body visibly vibrating. “I’m so worked up, Red.”

Slipping Liv’s heels off, I get on my knees, and wave him over. “Come here.”

He comes keenly, putting his head on my breasts.

Lazily combing my hands through his hair, I say, “Talk to me.”

He sighs and rubs his face further into my chest. “I love you, so fucking much.”

I close my eyes, and fight the urge to happy cry. “I love you, too.”

Eyes glossy, Duane looks up at me. “Good.”

Letting me go, he gets up from the bed and beckons me to get up with him. Grabbing my waist, he pulls me close and I lay my head on his chest, mindlessly stroking his muscles. He moans and pulls at my chin, forcing me to look up. The need in me grows, and I grab both sides of his face and bring his lips to mine.

When we break away, Duane smiles, “What was that for?”

I kiss him more.

“I can’t imagine doing this without you.” I suck on his neck. “Because you’ve suddenly become everything to me. Because,” I pause looking him square in the eyes, “you’ve chosen me.”

He shakes his head, like what I’ve spoken is silly. “Ann, you’re everything I’ve searched for. You are it for me, there is no one else.”

I slam my mouth to his and get up to straddle his hips. Feeling his erection against my core, I cry out.

Duane murmurs against my mouth, begging, “I want to make love to you, Ann. Please say yes.”

He always asks me for permission. I’ll need to break him of that habit. I’m not going to brake anymore.

He licks up my neck and my eyes fall back. I grab onto his shoulders. “Yes—oh my God, yes.”

Duane sets me on my feet and pulls my mouth to his, eager to pull off my shirt. Ready to feel his skin, I quickly slip my jeans off and pull at his shirt. Next goes my bra with a snap of his fingers. Eagerly, I pull at his boxer briefs, exposing his smooth, hard cock. Soon there is a pile of clothes on the floor, and all that’s left are Duane and I, staring at each other’s naked bodies.

I study his toned body, starting at his un-kept sandy brown hair that’s fallen around his eyes.

Oh God, those eyes.

They speak to me.

I eye downward to see his round pecks and tight flat stomach. He doesn’t have abs, but his body is tough as steel. His stomach pours into his deep, sexy V that points to a smooth, thick shaft.

I bring my mouth to his chest and kiss along the contours of his body. Slowly stopping just above his pant line. Grazing my teeth along the edge of his skin, I hear Duane hiss. I lift my head looking into his eyes. He returns my coy smile, but this time the smile reaches far beyond his eyes.

Putting his hand on my chest, between both breasts, he pushes me gently toward the bed. Once the back of my legs hit the soft blanket, I sit down, opening myself up to him.

Standing between my legs, he combs a hand through my hair, relishing in my kneading hands. Grabbing his ass, I pull him to me. Kissing and sucking my way up his body. His skin twitches under my touch, letting me explore. Smoothing my hands up and down the back of his thighs, I rock his shaft against the mounds of my breasts.

“Holy fuck, Red,” he says as his head falls back, savoring the sensation.

Kissing my way down his body, I stop just before the motherland and look up to see Duane watching me with rapt attention. He watches every move of my lips, every lick and breath. Kissing at the base of his cock, I look up to him, asking for permission.

I’ve never done this before. I’m not even sure I know what I’m doing, but I’ll sure as hell try with Duane.

He gives me a pained nod, so I lick my way up his silky skin. Grasping the base in my hand, I greedily bring him to my mouth, sucking. Letting it hit the back of my throat, I gently graze my teeth, receiving a groan from Duane.

Hands twisted in my hair, Duane pumps in and out of my mouth with easy thrusts. His body begins to shake and he pulls out of my mouth with a pop.

I look to him, confused. “Was—did I do something wrong?”

Good ol’ Rookie Ann.

Duane shakes his head, pushing me further into the bed. Crawling to the headboard, he follows me with a predatory gaze. “If I didn’t get my dick out of that sweet mouth of yours, I would have come a lot sooner than I’d like to admit.”

I tease him with my eyes a bit, producing a nipple twist from Duane. The slight pain causes me to whimper in sexual need.

Duane digs his hands into my hips, propping my legs up and gazes at me. “My turn.”

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