Un-Break my Heart: Book 2 (The Heart Trilogy) (37 page)

BOOK: Un-Break my Heart: Book 2 (The Heart Trilogy)
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With guys straining to get just that bit too close Charlie was glad of the security guards as they escorted her, Shelley and Kyle back to the changing rooms.

“I’ll be out in a bit” Shell said, leaving a still shocked Kyle waiting by the door. Inside she turned to Charlie

“We did it, what a fucking buzz”

Dropping her bundle of clothes she pulled Charlie closer and the distance between them vanished. The dressing gowns the bouncers had produced hung open letting their almost naked bodies touch once more. Finding Shelley’s mouth Charlie licked her lips and whispered huskily

“I kissed a girl and I liked it” the words from the song they had just danced too.


Shelley needed no further encouragement and placed her partly opened lips onto Charlie’s in a breathtaking moment. Feeling her legs shaking Charlie pulled back slightly as she noticed a small couch at the far end of the dressing room. With Shelley’s hand in hers they walked the short distance and sank down into the slightly shabby cushions. Charlie wound her hand into one of Shelley’s pig tails and pulled her mouth back to hers. Their tongues danced as pent up desire shot through Charlie like a drug from a needle, filling her veins with passion. Her hands travelled down and removed the hearts from Shelley’s nipples and then her mouth left a trail down the soft skin of her neck to take a taste of the hot salty skin.


Shelley arched back against the cushions and let her hands rest on Charlie’s shoulders as she enjoyed the feel of the tentative kisses that were trailing a path way down her belly. Charlie hesitated and looked up.

“Hope this will feel ok, I’ve never done it before” she whispered. Shelley reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze.

“So long as you enjoy it I’ll enjoy it” Shelley said, before closing her eyes and letting go o
Charlotte’s hand. Gentl
eased down her friends g-string and took in the smooth mound beneath. She let her finger softly move to part the delicate skin of her lips. Shelley sighed and wiggled beneath her touch opening her legs slightly wider and waiting with expectation.


Trailing her finger through the wetness Charlie took a brief swallow, trying to cover her nerves at what she was about to do. However the soft moans of Shelley beneath her touch was enough incentive to keep going. Licking her lips she placed a couple of kisses on the smooth skin above before letting the tip of her tongue move lower into the folds. Charlie felt Shelley tense beneath her but when she tried to pull back a hand touched her head and held her there.

“Keep going” Shelley whispered, her voice urgent.

Charlie tried to remember what she liked the most when Mitchell went down on her so she started to circle her tongue around interspersed with small licks. At the same time she moved a finger into the wetness and delved in and out.


Shelley was enjoying the sensations as she writhed beneath Charlie’s touch, for a beginner she was good. Shelley guessed that she was just replicating what Mitchell normally did to her and it was definitely working. Charlie could hear the moans getting louder and she worked faster until she thought her tongue was going to go numb from the exertions. She felt a tightness grip her finger and then wetness sliding down as Shelley shuddered on her tongue. She looked up to see the pink flush that covered Shelley’s skin and lightly covered her own. Opening her eyes Shelley smiled at Charlie who reciprocated as she moved in and they held each other close.


Their cooling skin was now clammy from the drying sweat. Shelley reached and kissed Charlie on the lips.

“I kissed a girl and I liked it” she giggled.

“Mmmh think we ought to take a shower” Charlie said.

“You go first then I think I ought to let Kyle in”

Grabbing her clothes and a towel Charlie headed into the small bathroom and pulled the door shut. With the shower running she stepped under the stream and sighed. She knew that she had to scratch her own sexual itch and with a couple of strokes with the shower head she came. In her head she saw both Mitchell and Shelley as she wondered whether it was wrong to love Mitchell but still like Shelley and their time together.


Chapter 48.


Drying off she pulled on her black trousers and sparkly gold vest top before starting on her make-up. She could just make out noises from the main dressing room as she surmised that Kyle was now having his turn with Shelley. The thought made her sad with longing as she pulled out her phone and gazed at her naked Mitchell screen saver. A knock roused her from her revere as she heard Shelley.

“Are you finished, I really need a shower now” she giggled. Opening the door Shelley and a semi naked Kyle appeared in view and she moved out of the way to let them both through into the shower.


As she pulled on her shoes she heard a knock on the main door.

“Can I come in” Zack asked.

“Sure” Charlie replied. Zack appeared carrying a tray with a bottle of champagne and some glasses.

“I said I’d come and toast your success and you were sensational out there” he said, placing the tray down and advancing a little too quickly towards her. Charlie let him wrap his arms around her as his lips grazed her cheek before he stepped back.

“Where’s Shelley”

“Just showering and to be honest I feel a bit like a gooseberry with Kyle here” Charlie said, her eyes motioning to the door beyond.

“Well I’ll stick around and make up the numbers then” Zack remarked. He popped the cork on the bottle and filled a couple of glasses, handing one to Charlie.


Beyond the door the music boomed in the background as Charlie took a sip of the champagne.

“I’d better be careful not to drink too much as I’ve hardly eaten” she blushed under the scrutiny of Zack’s dark brown eyes.

“I don’t know why you get nervous you’re the best dancer I’ve seen in a long time. You even put Claire in the shade in my opinion” he complimented, clinking his glass against hers before taking a long swallow. Just then Shelley and Kyle appeared from the bathroom and looked shocked to see Zack standing there. Kyle quickly retrieved his shirt and shrugged it back over his shoulders. Shelley looked stunning in a small red dress that hugged her body.


Zack poured them both a glass of champagne and then held his own glass aloft.

“Here’s to a few more evenings like this if you both want the work it’s yours” Zack said. Shelley beamed and clinked his glass with hers and then with Charlie’s and finally Kyle.

“We’ll definitely consider it” she replied, cautiously. Charlie smiled but hesitantly. How much longer could she continue to do this without Mitchell knowing or finding out?

“Don’t keep me waiting too long I’m going to be running these nights once a month and the crowd adored your routine”

“Charlie did all the choreography” Shelley said “She’s the real talent here”


blushed at the compliment especially when Zach edged closer and tapped her glass with his once more. In doing so his arm brushed against hers and she shivered as an image of Mitchell filled her mind.

“I’ll think about it, but I may be away for your next date anyway” she replied “I’m off to see Mitchell i
for his last week of the tour and his birthday”

“I’m free though, and I think Charlie could help me come up with a routine” Shelley replied, her eyes pleading with Charlie to say yes.

“Cool, I’ll send you the date Shelley and Charlotte I’ll miss you but do consider the following dates for me” his voice lowered at the word me, his dark eyes seeking hers. Charlie nodded and took another drink of her champagne.


“Shall we stay for another?” Shelley asked.

“Drinks are on me” Zack finished “If you pop to the office before you leave I’ll have your money sorted out”

“Thanks” Kyle said as they left the privacy of the dressing room for the heaving club. Zack ushered them through the crowds to a small table in the corner, but even here Charlie could see the eyes of interested guys looking her up and down once more. She almost felt more naked now than when she had danced but when she looked across at Shelley she was eagerly lapping up all the attention from Kyle. A few of his friends came over and after some introductions and Charlie telling all of them that she was not single the mood lightened.


Zack sent over another bottle of champagne and then disappeared into his office. Settling down in his chair he tapped into his computer and found the camera files. Once more he watched their hypnotic dance routine, pressing pause to freeze the screen occasionally and get a better look a
Charlotte’s stunning body. Shelley was an attractive girl, but he could have a blond like her at the click of his fingers any night of the week
belonged to another and that made her a harder conquest. Coupled with her innocent charm he knew she hid the sexiness beneath the surface. She intrigued him like no other woman had before and for Zack that was a first.


Shifting from the dance floor camera files he clicked on the dressing room file instead, watching intently as they entered after their routine. Fuck he breathed, when he finally stopped the film from playing. He never realised she liked to play with girls too as he rewound the film file and watched it for a second time. Normally he deleted all his recordings but this one he had to save; this could be leverage if his charm alone didn’t work. Just then he heard a knock at the door. He walked over and unlocked the door to find Sherrie there.

“Come in” he purred “You’re just what I need right now” As the images replayed in his mind Zach locked the door and then ordered Sherrie to bend over his desk. Lifting her skirt he pulled her knickers aside and ran his finger through her wetness.


She whimpered with desire as he knelt down and tasted her, in his mind it wa
here instead. Then without much more foreplay he plunged inside her and came within a few hard strokes. They were just straightening up when another knock sounded on the door.

“I’ll get it” Sherrie said, walking over and trying to tidy her hair up at the same time. Charlie and Shelley were shocked when the girl from the bar opened the door. Looking just over her shoulder Charlie spotted Zack trying to compose himself but she could tell something had taken place. Sherrie lingered and looked back at Zack.

“I’ll start shutting the bar down now” she said. Zack nodded and then reached for a couple of envelopes on his desk before walking over.

“Thanks again” he said “I’ll wait to hear from you both soon” his business man persona firmly in place.

“Thanks” Shelley and Charlie responded before they turned to go. He caught Charlie’s gaze and held it for longer than necessary before she looked away and the spell was broken.


He watched them leave and then wandered down to the bar to help remove the final revellers from the bar. Keith had been lurking in the shadows and seeing his chance he edged into the office and noticed that Zack had left his computer on. Quickly he plugged in his memory stick and clicked on the first file of the girls dancing. He watched the door as it loaded and he was about to go when he spotted the second file that Zack had been looking at. Without time he decided to download that one aswell before he slipped back into the dark shadows of the club. On his way out he spotted Zack and waved casually before leaving with his next pay check firmly sorted out.


Kyle ordered a taxi for them and while they waited Charlie and Shelley headed into the chip shop and returned with a cone of chips each.

“I need this” Charlie said, relishing the taste.

“Yeah, so will you do a routine for me” Shelley asked “I really want to continue with this, if it’s ok with you”

“So long as I can come each time I don’t mind” Kyle said, the words loaded with innuendo.

“Of course” Shelley replied, popping a chip into his open mouth.

“I’ll do a routine for you, any idea on a song” Charlie asked.

“Not yet but I’m sure I can come up with something over the next couple of days” she replied.


The taxi ride back to their place was quick and after a final glass of water Charlie headed for her pull out bed in the lounge. Shelley and Kyle disappeared to their room but in the middle of the night she woke to Shelley’s whisper.

“Kyle’s snoring is driving me mad, can I pop in with you” Pulling the covers away she slid in next to Charlie “Beside’s I have to repay you for that stunning orgasm you gave me earlier and you don’t have Mitchell here to do the honours”

Despite feeling tired Charlie’s body responded to Shelley’s soft touch and tender kisses. Then cuddling up to her they both fell asleep together.


Waking late Charlie realised that Shelley must have snuck back into her room and getting up she headed for the kitchen to put the kettle on. Kyle joined her and she made them all a coffee and he took one back into their room for Shelley. They decided to skip college and after heading to the small café on the corner for breakfast Kyle gav
a lift home.

“I’ll see you by the lockers tomorrow morning” Shelley said, grinning.

“See you tomorrow” Charlie replied. Walking up the drive she stifled another yawn and then unlocked the door.


The smell of more coffee brewing and the sound of the radio pulled her towards the kitchen.

“Mum” she squealed, dropping her bag and heading into my embrace.

“Charlotte, it’s so good to see you” I said, pulling back to gaze at her.

“No college then” I asked.

“Teacher training day

lied “That’s why I was over at Shelley’s last night”

Footsteps sounded on the stairs and James appeared in the kitchen doorway.

“Good to see you Charlotte” he said, before heading to the counter to pour the coffee “Want a cup” Charlie nodded.

“I’m just going to pop for a shower and then I’ll be back down to hear about your holiday”


As she disappeared upstairs James walked over and dropped a kiss on my cheek.

“Back to normality then, no more naked coffee on the beach in the morning”

“No, what a shame…but don’t forget the hot tub is arriving today” I replied. Removing his coffee cup from his hand I pulled him closer and my lips found his for a lingering kiss. Upstairs Charlie found her phone and a sweet message from Mitchell to let her know that he would skype with her this afternoon, it even included specific underwear for her to have on. Grinning she replied and then headed for the shower.


Keith rolled over in bed and spotted that his wife had left him a cup of tea on the bedside table. The bedside clock showed 10am already and as he touched the side of his mug he realised it was cold. He was getting too old for all this late night investigating and hoped that the memory stick would bring a well needed boost to his finances. Getting up he grabbed his mobile phone and the memory stick and headed downstairs to get a fresh cup of tea and fire up his pc. He watched again with interest the dance routine and enjoyed the sight of their nubile young bodies but it was the other file that he really wanted to view.


Clicking it open he found the two girls entering the dressing room at the end of their routine. When they started to kiss and caress each other he was held transfixed by the sight. Obscuring his view slightly were the pound signs that started to flicker in his active brain. Felicity was going to pay well for this, very well indeed he thought. His conscience pricked him slightly but he pushed the thoughts away and quickly made a copy of the files onto his hard drive. Sitting back he sipped his tea with leisure before reaching for his mobile phone and making the call.


Felicity was just finishing her morning beauty routine when her private number buzzed into life. Taking the call she lounged back onto the bed.

“So Keith what do you have for me this week” she purred.

“Quite a bit really so I wondered if we could meet somewhere discreet as I have something to show you” he replied.

“Hopefully not photographs of Stephanie and James on holiday looking all loved up” she snarled.

“Way better than that but I’d prefer to discuss it in person rather than over the phone” Keith responded.

“I’ll send Daniel out to get me some very particular shopping so head over for 12noon” Felicity replied. Then without a further comment she pressed end and wandered to the kitchen.


Daniel heard her footsteps on the tiles and quickly pressed the switch on the juicer before reaching for the coffee jug.

“Morning sweetie” she said, reaching over to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. He tried to turn and reach her lips but she quickly withdrew, enjoying the power she had over him. Her dressing gown was loosely tied so that Daniel could see the black lace underwear that she wore beneath it.

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