Un-Break my Heart: Book 2 (The Heart Trilogy) (33 page)

BOOK: Un-Break my Heart: Book 2 (The Heart Trilogy)
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Coming up to the surface I laughed too and then said

“Race you to the falls” as I swam quickly towards the cascade ahead of me. I had the advantage or so I thought until he dived in behind me and started to catch me up. His hand grabbed my foot and he tried to pull me back but I struggled free until I was standing beneath the waterfall itself. The cool water bounced over my head and shoulders, it trickled down the curves of my body. James popped up beside me and ran his hands up over my body as the water ran over his fingers. I moved my hand to sweep my hair from my eyes and focused as James’ lips touched mine.

“I’d rather have you than Tom any day” I whispered as my lips brushed his cheek and his ear lobe.


After a final swim we headed back to pack up our things and return to the resort. My skin was glowing from the sun and my heart was burning for James. This whole holiday had been magical so far and we still had a few days left to share. I briefly wondered ho
was getting on back at home, alone with just Jester and James’ parents to keep an eye on her. But the thought only lasted a few moments as James pulled me back into our present as we enjoyed the usual view of the sun sinking below the waves as it kissed the horizon.


Chapter 44


woke to the sound of Jester barking downstairs and it took her a few minutes before she remembered that she was alone in the house. Pulling on her dressing gown and slippers she wandered downstairs and was greeted by a wet nose in her hand.

“Come on Jester, let me open the door to the garden” Charlie said, stroking the soft, warm fur and yawning again as she tried to wake up. Jester bounded down to the bottom of the garden and found Peter already at work on the vegetable plot. He looked around as Jester nudged him and spotte
Charlotte, so he waved. Securing the tie at her waist she stepped into the garden and wandered down to meet him.


Charlotte, are you ok on your own in the house”

“Yeah, it’s a bit strange but my friend is coming up for the weekend today” Charlie replied. She noticed Pam heading out with two mugs of tea

“Morning dear, I thought you might like a cuppa, I’m doing bacon sandwiches for breakfast if you want one” Pam said.

“That sounds great; I’ll pop in and get dressed then”

“No need for that” she beckoned. Jester quickly bounded ahead as if sure that he would be getting some sort of treat for breakfast. Charlie followed suit, glad of some company.


Over food Peter agreed to take Charlie down to the railway station to pick up Julia and then drop them both off in town. Back in her room Charlie got dressed and sent Julia a text.

“Hi Ju, what time’s your train getting in”

“About ten thirty, can’t wait to see you”

“Ok, I’ll meet you there, see you soon x”

Then grabbing Jester’s collar and lead she took him for his usual walk in the park. Just doing that was enough to bring back memories of Mitchell. So while Jester ran around she sat on a bench and sent a text to Mitch along with a selfie as she sat in the murky, grey daylight. She knew she probably wouldn’t get a reply for a while if he was practising but at least he would know that she was thinking of him.


Getting back to the house she let Jester follow her back down to Peter and Pam’s bungalow.

“Are you ready to go” Peter asked, folding his newspaper.


“Would you like some tea later or do you have plans” Pam asked.

“Thanks Pam, but we’re meeting Shelley and Kyle for pizza and then going to the new nightclub so we’ll be ok” Charlie replied.

“We’ll look after Jester tonight then” Pam said “Now off you go and have a good day” Charlie watched as Peter gave his wife a quick kiss on the lips before he grabbed his car keys. In her mind Charlie wondered what it took to still be in love after all those years?


Peter took Julia’s bag back to the house after he had dropped the two giggling teenagers in the centre of town.

“OMG this place is so cool” Julia said, as they wandered down the street and headed for a coffee and muffin.

“It’s so much better than boring old Ross, since you left they’ve closed the best café and also Dorothy Perkins” Julia moaned.

“What about Madame Butterfly” Charlie asked, remembering her favourite shop.

“That’s still open, the only decent place left to shop. I got my dress from there for going out in tonight” Julia said, looking hopefully at Charlie.

“I did tell Simon where we were going so you never know he might turn up” Charlie grinned at her friend and tried not to think about the space Mitchell was leaving in her life.


After wandering around the shop they had a manicure and pedicure done in the local salon before catching the bus back to the house. As Julia hit the shower her phone rang and she realised it was Mitchell

“Hey, baby” he breathed. Just the sound of his deep voice sent shivers of desire down her spine.

“Hi honey, missing you” she replied “But Julia’s staying tonight so we’re just getting ready to go out for the evening”


“I wish I was there too, my muscles are aching for your soothing touch and my brain is going to explode trying to remember everything for the first live show” he replied.

“That’s tomorrow isn’t it” Charlie asked.

“Yeah, so send me good luck thoughts oh and a nice picture”

“Only a nice picture” she purred.

“Well you know what I mean” he said

, already his mind had wandered to their last skype session.


Charlie could hear his breathing quicken at her last sentence and grinned

“As long as you send me one after the concert, you know when you’re towelling yourself down” she breathed. Hearing the sound of the shower finish she quickly turned off the mental picture she had conjured up in her mind. She would save that for her shower in a little while.

“Well, I’ve got to go now” Charlie said reluctantly.

“Ok baby, I love you and just don’t go chatting to any strange men tonight” he said. In his mind he thought of all the awful possibilities.

“Don’t worry we’re meeting Shelley and Kyle for pizza and then we’re going to that new club” Charlie replied. She could feel the heat burning her cheeks as she thought about the secret she was keeping from him.

“Oh and Simon said he might come as I’m trying to fix him up with Julia” she laughed.


On his end of the line Mitchell laughed too, but he felt even more worried about Zach the owner and the way he had looked at Charlie.

“Well, drop me a text when you get in later”

“I love you Mitchell” Charlie said, hearing the bathroom door open.

“I love you so muc
Charlotte, I miss you so much” he whispered, his voice so full of emotion.

“Me too” Charlie said, her heart breaking at the distance between them. All she wanted at this moment in time was to curl her body around his and never let him go.


Putting down her phone Charlie wiped a single tear away and looked up as Julie appeared wrapped in a dressing gown.

“Are you ok” she asked.

“Yeah, just been talking to Mitchell, I really miss him”

“Don’t you worry about him being that far away, you know perhaps being tempted” Julia asked.

“A bit” Charlie admitted “It will be worse when he starts the live shows tomorrow. I can just imagine all the screaming girls there” she groaned and slumped onto the bed.

“Don’t worry, I see the way he looks at you when you dance together” she said “It’s like pure love, you guys are perfect together”


Standing up Charlie grabbed Mitchell’s dressing gown and headed for the shower.

“I’ll be ok once I’ve had a shower” she said “Stick some music on and I’ll be back in a bit”

As the warm water slid down her body Charlie thought of Mitchell and felt the desire bubbling up between her thighs as usual. It didn’t take long with the shower head jet to make her glow and then enjoy the aftermath. With a feeling of calm contentment she wandered back to the bedroom to hear her favourite Beyonce album on the stereo. Julia was already slipping into her new dress as she hande
her phone.

“A text for you” she said.


Charlie looked at the screen and saw that it was from Shelley.

“Going to be a girl’s night as Kyle is heading out for a curry and pint with his mates, but he said he would meet us at the club later”

“Ok, we’ll see you soon Shell” Charlie texted back as she headed towards the chest of drawers.

“Great dress” she said, as Julia stood and looked in the mirror.

“Hair up or down” she asked.

“Definitely down

replied “I’m just going to find something to wear, most of my clothes are in the spare room wardrobe” she said, suddenly shy in front of her best friend.


Standing in front of the wardrobe Charlie let the dressing gown fall from her shoulders and cast a critical glance in the mirror. It felt strange with Julia now, they had been close before but there was distance there, especially in comparison with how she was with Shelley. It was going to be strange tonight with the three of them together. Pulling out her favourite silver dress and shoes she put it on and struck a pose, she smiled but there was a faint sign of loneliness there. She wandered back to her room and Julie whistled.

“You look hot” she said, giggling.

“Perhaps I’d better change then, I don’t need to attract any attention” Charlie replied.

“You’d look good in a sack”

“Hey, you’re looking gorgeous in that dress” Charlie said, noticing the way the red material clung to her mates curves “Simon will definitely notice you in that”

“Yeah, if he comes” Julia said.


With their make up and hair done they grabbed their coats and bags and headed into town, luckily it was not a long walk in their heels. Shelley was already waiting for them outside as she launched into Charlie’s arms and left a bright pink lipstick mark on her cheek.

“Shelley this is Julia, Julia this is Shelley” she watched as they exchanged looks and smiles before they entered the warmth of the Pizza place. Sitting in the corner it immediately reminded Charlie of her last meal out with Mitchell and she blushed at the memory. Once the wine had arrived and the waiter had taken their order and been flirted with by Shelley they all started talking.


“Have you sorted out our routine yet” Shelley asked Charlie.

“I think so, are you free tomorrow night for a practice” Charlie replied.

“Sure, I think I’ve found our costumes too”

“Is this for college” Julia butted in.

“No we’ve got a job dancing at the club we’re going to later” Shelley said. Charlie aimed a small kick at her shin and she flinched and smiled as if to say she knew not to outline the whole of the dance routine.

“That’s brilliant, our group is not the same without you” Julia said to Charlie.

“Yes, I miss that. What are you working on” she asked.

With food and drink they all talked dance and music before it was time to head to the club.


Inside the dark red atmosphere the pumping beats filled their bodies as they pushed through the throng at the bar and ordered a jug of mojito before they found a booth to sit at. Shelley knew loads of people so she left Charlie and Julia to soak in the vibes as she did the rounds.

is that you” a deep voice said, and they both looked up to see Zack. He slid in beside her and aimed an air kiss in her direction.

“Hi Zack, this is my friend Julia and Shelley is around somewhere” Charlie said, feeling flustered.

“Hi Zack” Shelley said, squeezing in beside him “We’re having our first practice tomorrow night and I’ve got the costumes sorted” she said.

“Excellent, can I ask what song you’ll be dancing too”

“That’s a surprise” Shelley replied “But I think you’ll love it”


Looking around Shelley saw Kyle and raced off to bring him over. Zack took this moment to slide back out, he paused and smiled a
Charlotte. At the same time she could feel his eyes drinking in the curves of her body beneath the silver sliver of material she wore

“I love that dress” he said.

“Wow, he’s gorgeous” Julia said, watching Zack stroll away, the throngs of people seemed to sense his importance as they parted the way for him.

“I guess


“I wished I lived up here” Julia replied “I’d be making a real play for him”

“You and all the rest of the single women in here” Charlie said, as they both watched him linger with another group of giggling girls.

“Come on let’s go and dance” grabbing her friends hand and pulling her up “Shelley will look after our table and drinks” she said, noticing she was on her way back with Kyle in tow.


Finding a gap on the crowded dance floor Charlie let the beat of the music fill her body. As they both moved Charlie felt a hand on her waist and opened her eyes to find Shelley pressed up against her.

“I left Kyle with our drinks” she yelled above the crescendo of noise around them. Charlie turned to notice that Simon had somehow appeared next to Julia and she smiled at Charlie before turning back to her dance partner. Then “Crazy in Love” boomed out of the surrounding speakers and Shelley needed no encouragement in grabbin
Charlotte’s hand and dragging her onto the stage again.


As the two of them danced together the crowd paused to watch and started to clap, especially when they both replicated the infamous shimmy. From his hidden office Zach spotted them and smiled, he knew he’s made the right decision in employing them for his Monday nights. They were electric as they held the audience in thrall for the entirety of the song. Jumping down off the stage and ignoring the crowds shouting for more they wandered back to the booth.

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