Twisted Oak: A Sexual Odyssey (44 page)

BOOK: Twisted Oak: A Sexual Odyssey
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Greg watched impassively, but I knew he remembered being in Boy’s position. He looked somewhat impressed when Boy reared up on his knees, tearful eyes meeting his. Boy was breathing hard and sweat appeared on his brow as he worked to hold this pose for his host. Greg’s expression softened and his hand moved slightly toward Boy, but he did not touch. Boy bent again with a slight groan, placed his forehead on each of Greg’s feet, and slowly backed away. He was crawling away as Brandie approached with Ms. Banning’s wine. Ms. Banning took the wine without acknowledging Brandie and pushed Boy along using the dildo as a handle. I heard a sob escape Boy’s gagged mouth.

“Danny,” Mr. Delacroix said, “come, please.” Danny was startled at the request. His cocky attitude from the brunch had been swiftly knocked out of him at the sight of Boy’s suffering.

“Yes sir,” Danny said, still looking at his feet.

“On your knees, son!” Mr. Delacroix said and I watched as Danny immediately fell and placed his forehead on the floor next to me.

“I know everything that goes on in my house, do you understand?”

“Yes, sir.” Danny’s voice was muffled against the wooden floor.

“Your attitude today at brunch calls me to question your behavior.”

“Sir?” Danny asked, turning his head slightly toward me, but Gregory kicked him.

“Don’t look at Miss Nez. This has nothing to do with her, Danny. I see and know everything that happens here at Twisted Oak.”

“Yes, sir.”

“I will be watching you closely today, son. I demand respectful behavior. In my house, we do not disparage one another. Do I make myself clear, young one?”

“Yes, sir.”

“You watch and learn vicariously through your friend over there and don’t give me anything else to speak with Ms. Banning about. Don’t you forget, son, that according to your contract, I can punish you when you are in my house. Do you hear me?”

“Loud and clear, sir.”

“Very good, Danny. Now get down off here and stand up next to Eric.”

The others had entered quietly during Gregory’s reprimand. Surely they could hear it as they ascended the stairs. Ms. Portiere, dressed in summery white cotton gauze, snapped her fingers and Eric went to her and offered her his arm. Danny looked awkward standing alone. Mr. LeGeneret, dressed in slacks and a button-down shirt, stood arm and arm with Ms. Lang, who wore an orange chiffon shift that looked odd under the red light. Her light brown hair almost matched its color. Sunny was beautifully dressed in dark silk pants, his hair pulled back in a ponytail. Ty obediently stood at his side and a little behind, adorned with white leather cuffs and straps. The rest of the doms, Horne, Labelle, Walters, Meadows, and Starr, all stood and drank in silence until Gregory was through with Danny.

Silence ensued, except for the low music and a slight audible cry from Boy. I could not see where he was from my vantage point. Ty looked around in vain.

“Well, that isn’t how I planned this moment, but I had a very good teacher once who told me that punishment is only effective and meaningful if it is given swiftly and harshly. One should never wait until later to punish their subjects.”

Ms. Banning approached and raised her glass. “Good boy, Gregory. You remember well.”

“With fondness, Ms. Banning.” He sipped his water. “And so now you all see that I am nothing like Mr. Scott. While our little twisted traditions continue, there will be a tightening of some rules. Above all else, it is required to show one another respect. Ask permission before you touch someone else’s property—this goes for the doms, too. And you subordinates, I know you’re trained well by your masters to be submissive in every way, but that belongs to them and no one else. If you encounter a problem, talk to your master, and if that does not work, come to me, please. I simply cannot tolerate hurt feelings, petty gossip, and disrespectful behavior getting in the way of fun.”

The group did not move, but there were nods of agreement. Gregory scanned the crowd and was pleased to see Danny chastened and alone.

Ms. Banning ordered Danny to get on his knees. Mr. Labelle took his pants off and tossed them onto a nearby chair. He took Danny by the hair and guided his erect penis down Danny’s throat. Mr. Ladnier told Mr. Ainslie to take the reins with the girls for a bit, and Mr. Ainslie strolled across the room to the sitting area with a girl on each arm. Ty and Sunny followed them. Mr. Algrant pulled Air by her leash to the oversized mattress. As I followed their pace, I noticed poor Boy in the stockade, his ass pointing high for any dom to twist and push the straps and dildo. Mr. Algrant was the first.

Ms. Portiere said, “Eric, my dear, let’s have a look and see what Mr. Delacroix and his princess are up to.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He took her arm and they approached me and Gregory.

“Nezzie, come, get on all fours in front of me and give me head,” Gregory said, “but don’t make me come. Just shove it down your throat like you do so well. Make sure you spread your legs and present your pussy to Mr. Ladnier. He called first crack, my love.”

“Yes, my lord.” I did as told. Gregory was not fully erect, so his penis rested nicely in my throat. I sucked gently.

“I’m honored, Gregory.” Mr. Ladnier’s voice was directly behind me now. His hands clenched my hips. “She is quite prepared, my dear. You have done so well.”

“I am pleased to share, Charles. Proceed at your leisure.”

Mr. Ladnier’s manhood entered slowly. The pronounced head passed my opening. His thick shaft pressed and pushed into me. With every inch pushed into my vagina, Gregory’s erection grew into my throat. I let out a moan. Gregory gently stroked my hair and grabbed a handful to guide me gently up and down his hardened shaft. He let out a contented sigh.

Mr. Ladnier pulled out of me as slowly as he had entered and then back again. The slow cadence of Gregory and Mr. Ladnier was amazingly sensual.
Let your body be your guide.
My dear master was correct. He knew what I liked.

In and out both ends of my body, I let the sensation guide my mind. I was for this, for him. My breath was long and easy, accented with uncontrollable moans. The two men were capable of keeping me on the cusp of orgasm, that poignant existence before the free fall into the depths of carnal madness. I was aware of every sensation, every movement, muscle, every sound. Mr. Ladnier began breathing faster, but was disciplined in his movements, keeping the steady, slow pace. He reached down and tickled the outside of my vagina with his fingers. I fought the orgasmic wave that was beginning to churn in my center and I let out a moan.

“Steady now, precious. Steady yourself,” Mr. Ladnier said. “Steady girl.” He rubbed my rear end with his hands and spread my checks wide. His wet thumb slid into my anus slowly as he pulled his penis out of my vagina. “Steady now.” He pulled his thumb out slowly as he pushed his penis in slow, long, and hard. No pain, just pure, unadulterated pleasure.

Gregory kept the rhythm in my throat, gently tugging my hair. Mr. Ladnier’s voice was soothing and helped keep my breath even with the movement of Greg’s shaft. My body was open, my mind obliterated. I lifted my hips for more.

“Good girl, Nezzie,” Greg said and gripped my hair tighter. I opened more. I wanted more. Both thumbs entered my anus and he pulled me apart slightly before pushing them deeper. He kept them there while he moved in slow motion. He wiggled his thumbs while keeping his slow pace. I was on the verge, the very precipice, and both men pulled out of me slowly and stopped. I stayed in position and tried to put my mouth on Gregory’s erection, but he pulled my hair back. I strained my back to arch my hips higher, but Mr. Ladnier was no longer there. Maybe someone else was there to take his place. I did not move from that position in hopes of finding that edge, that clear point of no return.

“Greg, I . . .” I swallowed hard. “Please.”

“Shhhh, you have to pace yourself, my love. This is just the beginning.” He smiled and handed me champagne. “Sit, my love, and look around. Tell me. Who shall I have fuck you next?”

Mr. Ladnier came back with a fresh drink in his hand. He had left his trousers on the same chair where Mr. Labelle had put his. His erection was gorgeous. He was large, with a slight curve upwards. “You like my dick, precious?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Well, my little sweet, you took every inch of it like a good girl should. Miss Nezzie, you are a good fuck, my dear.”

“Nezzie, thank Mr. Ladnier for fucking you. You know your manners,” Gregory said.

“Thank you, sir, thank you.”

“Pleasure’s all mine.”

“So, Nez, who’s next?” Greg asked. “Or do you want to mingle a bit?”

Ms. Portiere and Eric were still standing nearby. They had been watching the whole time and Eric had a full erection. She was whispering in his ear, but his eyes were on me.

“I say we mingle. We can’t have the subs fucking you before all the doms get their turn.” Greg unhooked the leash from the chair and attached it to my strap. Mr. Ladnier asked Ms. Portiere something and she nodded her head. Mr. Ladnier put his hands on Eric’s shoulders and pushed him to his knees. Eric hungrily took Mr. Ladnier into his mouth while his mistress kissed Mr. Ladnier.

The security of the leash pleased me, but now I was curious as ever and wanted more sex, and so did Greg. We were enjoying the heightened sensuality. He grabbed a pair of nipple clamps and tightened them just to that point of too much, that perfect point that illustrated my limits thus far. He kissed me and then gave them each a quarter turn more. “Just a reminder that limits are to be tested, Nezzie.”

“Yes, my lord. Please test them.”

He smiled as we approached the sitting area. Sunny was conversing with Candie and Danny.

“Where’s Ty?” Greg asked him.

“Mr. Meadows has him. I mean, Julien has him,” he smiled. “I gotta get used to calling them by their first names.”

“It’ll come, Sunny. Old habits do die hard.”

“I hope it’s okay that I agreed to lend him out.”

“What do you mean?” Greg asked as he handed me another glass of champagne.

“Well, he’s just so comfortable with everyone. It’s too much like a treat for him. I think I’m spoiling him with too much freedom.”

“Well, you’re the boss, Sunny. You can pull him in anytime.” Greg patted him on the back. “Nezzie had her first roast fuck just now. I gotta say, I’m proud of her.” He turned to me. “Your performance even got a standing ovation! Did you see the size of Eric’s hard-on?”

“Yes, my lord.”

“Sunny, Nezzie here wants more dick,” Greg said.

“I do too,” Sunny said.

“Well, hell, Sunny, what are you waiting for? You’re on top. All ya gotta do is ask,” Gregory said. “See, like this.” He turned to Danny. “Hey, boy, Sunny here needs some dick. Do him up, son.”

“Yes, sir.” Danny turned to Sunny. “What can I do for you, sir?”

Sunny looked at Gregory, who said, “Just like that, kid. You’re on top and I can’t imagine anyone in here would turn you down. Why the hell would they? You’re fuckin’ smokin’. Now fuck him silly, Sunny. Bend him over that sofa and fuck him. It’s what he’s here for.”

“Yes, sir.” Sunny grabbed Danny by the back of the neck and bent him over the backside of the sofa.

“My poor Nezzie needs her pussy fucked. What shall we do?” Gregory teased me. “Hey Candie, where’s your Mr. Ainslie?”

“He’s with Ms. Lang,” she said.

“He left you here all alone?”

“Well, no, sir, I was with Sunny and Danny.”

“Indeed you were.” Greg turned to Sunny. “Hey, Sunny. Get down here on all fours and fuck Danny doggie-style so he can fuck Candie.”

“What, sir?” Sunny said between thrusts.

“Candie, come over here and put your hands on the sofa.” Gregory took her hand and led her to the front of the sofa. “Danny, get over here and fuck Candie from behind. Sunny, you fuck Danny from behind. That way everybody gets some.” He made a gesture like he was fucking Candie and she giggled. “Sorry, girl. Sunny’s new and needs some guidance on creativity and assertiveness. I’ll get him right for the next time.”

“Thank you, sir,” she said.

Danny and Sunny were lining up behind her as we walked away. “I guess I’ll need to help Sunny out a little more than I thought. He always struck a good balance with me. I never really thought of him as very submissive.”

“Really, my lord?”

“Yeah. I mean, he’s a good sub and all, but I thought he was more independent-minded.”

“I don’t think you realize how much we’ve come to depend on you for everything, my lord, even how we make decisions.”

“Oh, I’m aware, my love, totally aware that your mind is mine. Everything about you belongs to me. But Sunny’s been exercising more independence lately.” He continued, “As it should be, my love. As it should be.”

Boy was still in the stockade. His head hung low and his legs were bent, allowing his backside to droop. He was getting tired. To my dismay, Gregory spanked him very hard. Boy let out a yelp from behind his gag. The sound brought the attention of many, even those involved in the orgy. The room fell to relative silence so Greg’s voice carried when he cried, “Attention, Boy! This ain’t no disco! Straighten those legs! Get that pretty ass of yours in the air!”

Boy straightened his shaky legs and lifted his ass. His breath was shallow and ragged.

“Nezzie, pull the dildo a little and then push it in deeper.”

“My lord, I . . .”

“Do it, Nez!” He pulled on my leash, bringing me within reach of Boy’s dildo. “Remember, he wants it, otherwise he wouldn’t be here.”

Boy raised his behind when Gregory said that, as if telling me it was okay, so I pulled on the dildo, but it was well secured with the chains. Boy’s breath caught and he lifted higher for me. I pushed it in lightly and he rose up even more.

“See, Nez. He wants you to push it in more. Do it and twist it too.”

I followed my master’s command and Boy moaned. “Keep your legs straight, Boy,” Greg ordered and Boy locked his knees. “Nezzie, feel his cock. Feel how it’s all fucked up and twisted. Feel his balls, too. Look at them.” I balked and he pulled my leash. “Do it or I’ll put you in there next to him!”

BOOK: Twisted Oak: A Sexual Odyssey
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