Twisted Oak: A Sexual Odyssey (38 page)

BOOK: Twisted Oak: A Sexual Odyssey
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“Yes, sir.”

“No, let me tie them. You’ve been too squirmy and I don’t want you to fall.” He moved toward the head of the bed to grab the long silken rope. “You have just got to learn to stay fucking still.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Lift your feet in the air for me and spread ’em, bitch. How many times do I have to tell you?”

He tied my wrists together and secured them to the bed frame. I lifted my legs and spread them with my hips hinging over the other side of the bed. The position was very difficult to maintain.

“Time to add some yoga to your routine,” he said as he pulled my wrists tight.

I was thankful for the silkiness of the fabric because my wrists were still tender from the previous bindings.

“Maybe we can get all tantric. That could be a fun thing to do together, don’t you think?”

“Yes, sir.” I was struggling now.

“Then we can see just how far you’ll bend, my little lotus flower.” He came back around the bed and stood on the floor between my legs. “You’re kind of weak. I noticed that last night when you were showing us your pussy. You started shaking like you’re doing now. Does it hurt?”

“Yes, sir.”


“The back of my legs, sir.”

“Your back’s okay?” he asked.

“Yes, sir.”

“More squats for you when we get back to the city.” He grabbed my ankles, allowing me to rest my muscles. He pulled me another inch or two off the edge of the bed and pushed my ankles above my head. “How’s that? Any better now?”

“A little, sir,” I said through strained breath.

“Still a little uncomfortable?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good,” he said as he filled my backside with lubricant. “Not that it will matter in a second. Keep bending for me, slave.” He shoved my ankles more and I grunted with the pressure. I was finding it hard to breathe and was thankful for the empty stomach.

“Okay, Nezzie, open up for me.” He lined himself up with my anus and impaled me. I exhaled audibly. The pleasure pain spread through my groins. “Breathe, girl. Just breathe and let me in, cher. Let me all the way in.”

He spread my legs wide until I thought my hips might snap. “Oh my god, Mr. Delacroix,” I exclaimed wide-eyed.

“Yes, my little whore, I am your god.” He pressed further than he ever had. “You like it?”

All I could do was nod my head. I had no breath for words. He slowly backed out and entered again slower. The sensation of surrender brought me to a brilliant euphoria. My mind melted with my body, that negative space he so aptly filled. His blue eyes rained adoration. He straightened his torso and looked to the sky. He brought my ankles straight up, allowing him to grind into me, pulling and pushing my ankles up and down. He bent my knees and put the soles of my feet into his armpits. He leaned into them, commencing a rhythmic cadence of thrusts. I fell into the rhythm and soon my hips worked with him, grinding up and down and around.

“Nezzie, you’re coming a lot for me,” he smiled, “I can see it. Oh god, I love to see you like this.”

“Thank you, my lord.”

He pushed my ankles back and leaned over me, his wide eyes searching mine. “This is where you belong, under me, open and available. In your throat, your pussy, and right here,” he said as he thrust into me. “I own your ass, wench.”

“Yes, sir, please don’t stop.”

“Nezzie, I can’t ever stop loving you.” He stood and raised my ankles, spreading me thin again, open and so full. His hips moved faster now and the thrusting was more forceful, but my body responded in kind, opening and unfolding for his wish. My breath left my body with each thrust. I loved the familiar hardening, his quickening before he came. His grip on my ankles tightened until his fingertips turned white. He moaned, but held fast and would not come. The sight of him approaching climax enraptured me and I knew the light of his love would fill me, so I let my legs fall even wider through the pain. I did not care if I snapped in two.

“My lord,” I moaned.

“Not yet, cher. Shhhhh. Na-na, not yet.” He kept charging into me. Sweat dripped from his curls onto my bent torso. I bent a millimeter more. “See how you bend?”

“Yes, my lord, only for you. This is your creation. I am for you.” I tried in vain to open my legs wider.

“Good girl,” he said. “Now I’m gonna shove hard. I wanna shoot deep inside you. Stay open for me, slut.”

“Yes, my—” He moved his hands to my upper thighs and shoved in before I could finish. He used all his strength, groaning under the pressure. I felt the pulsating hardness inside me. He was pushing hard with his legs as if trying with all his might to push a locked door open. All I could do was pant like a dog and concentrate on staying open for him for as long as he needed. I found this challenge pleasing to both the mind and the body. His juices filled me to the brim, but he stayed motionless.

“Stay the fuck open. Show me how well you can control your body. Stay open,” he challenged me. It was clear he had been in my position before. He pushed harder and grunted as his penis got softer. “Stay open. Concentrate. I know you’ve got a brain, so fucking use it.”

I concentrated and exhaled; to our shared delight, my body responded favorably. “Good girl,” he said.

I closed my eyes and concentrated on nothing else. I no longer felt hungry.


The sun was very low, and the rooms were darkening quickly. Mr. Delacroix led me to a sumptuous candlelit bath filled with rose-scented bubbles. He closed the bathroom windows, so the room was steamy hot. I leaned back, closed my eyes, and wondered just how hot it could possibly get.

“Nezzie, it’s so good to be home.” He leaned back and I felt his feet tickle my armpits. “No one has ever given me such an extraordinary challenge before. See what you give to me?”

“I’m not sure I understand, sir.”

“Simply, my dear one, I am nothing without you. You’re changing me, bringing me to new levels of awareness and responsibility. Before you came, I was floundering with no direction. I haven’t been this focused since I don’t know when. Probably never.”

“My lord, together we are something; without each other we are nothing.”

“Precisely. You see now how it goes both ways. I’m gonna do whatever it takes to keep it that way no matter what challenges and changes come our way. It’s you and me, Nezzie; together we got this.”

“Sometimes before I met you, sir, I wished I had never been born. But now I understand why I was born, why my mother kept me, and even why I had to go through what I did. I get it now, the bigger picture of it all.”

“Is that so?” he asked.

“Yes, sir, I was born because there was a lonely little boy at Twisted Oak who needed a life partner. I was born to be here with you. I see it now, how you and I had to travel our paths to each other. It’s all very clear now.”

“Does it help knowing your suffering wasn’t in vain?” he asked.

“Yes, my lord, somehow it does, and I hope it helps you too. We’ve both suffered, haven’t we? And we both deserve love and happiness.”

“Indeed we do,
mon amour
. Let me wash you.” His big hands were gentle and soothing. “I wanna know every inch of you.”

“Thank you, my lord.”

“You’re my most precious thing, Nezzie. I wouldn’t care if I lost everything; the world could end and I wouldn’t care, as long as I have you.”

“Oh Mr. Delacroix, I’m not going anywhere. Even if we lived in the village, I’d be as happy as I am right now, as long as we’re together.”

“You’re my motivation for remaining successful. You make my success worthwhile. I work hard because of what’s been given to me, the business and my dad’s memory and all his hard work, but now with you, I’m even more driven. I get genuinely excited about new deals and acquisitions now because of you. I wanna make you proud. I’ve never had such purpose before.”

“Thank you, my dear loving lord.”

He gave me the washcloth. His broad shoulders and neck were so strong, but softened when I touched them. I could feel his torso relax when my hands moved across. He leaned back. His legs floated in free-form relaxation as I ran my hands down his thick thighs and sculpted calves. He giggled when I washed his toes.

“Truth be told, cher, I’m just an oversensitive pile of emotional mush,” he sighed.

“I like that about you. That you’re so in tune with how you feel. Sir, it’s probably why you’re so good at what you do. I know it makes you good at what you do with me. I hope you don’t ever think you have to change. Your sensitivity makes you desirable and real. It makes me love you more every day.”

“Thank you for the kind words,” he said as he pushed himself up out of the tub. “Come on, let’s get you something to eat and have a chat, shall we?”

“Yes, sir, but why so serious?”

“We have serious matters to discuss, my dear.”

The lights were low and he lit three tapered candles at the center of the kitchenette table. Silver domes covered our dinner plates. Eggs Benedict, sausage, and a small bowl of grits adorned my plate; his held some kind of fowl and rice with vegetables. A wine cooler sat next to the table dripping with condensation; a bottle of champagne was covered in dewy droplets.

“Sit, my love, and enjoy your meal,” he said as he opened the champagne. We both drank to living and it felt good.

I was ravenous, so I ate while he spoke.

“I went over a new contract with Marie today and she’s agreed to it, but I need your signature on it as well. It says she’s our responsibility. When I am not around, you’ll be in charge. You seem to come to it naturally with her and she likes you, so it just happened that way. In fact, she asked again if she could be yours.”

“Yes, sir, I like her too. You were right from the get-go. She’s a good person.”

“I’m rarely wrong about people, but sometimes I just can’t get through to them, like with Jackson. He confounds me.”

“I think he does that to all of us, sir.”

“No doubt. Anyway, I have the contract here for you to sign. It also includes the caveat of having Girl here. If I’m gone and you’re here while she’s here, she is also your responsibility, but she is her own person, and not likely to listen to commands. Marie and Girl are allowed sexual relations with each other, but you are not to participate unless you have my permission, do you understand?”

“Yes, sir,” I said as I bit into a piece of sausage. “Sir, can you tell me about Girl?”

“Oh, you’ll love her. Everyone loves her. She’s a kick. She’s been around for almost as long as I can remember. Charles, Mr. Ladnier, brought her back from college and she’s stayed ever since. He graduated from Berkeley out in California back in the sixties. He did the whole San Fran Haight-Ashbury scene, drugs, love, flowers and all that, and apparently that’s where he hooked up with Girl.”

“Oh, so she is a little older, sir,” I said.

“Yes, Ladnier is around Jackson’s age, I think. Ya know, I never really think about their ages. Kinda funny, that. Anyway, from what I gather, Ladnier hooked up with her out there. She’s the one who introduced him to this lifestyle. I’m not certain, but I think she and he belonged to the same dom for a while in some kind of commune. And when he graduated law school, she decided to come back to Baton Rouge with him.”

“Oh, so are they married or something?”

“No, not married, and she has never worn his collar, but I’m sure they have some kind of agreement because she stays with him and takes his commands quite nicely.”

“I guess she’s like Marie is now, belongs but is not collared, like Ty was before he signed.”

“Yeah, and I reckon that’s why it’s a good idea to have her come sit with Marie, to help her understand that kind of thing. This should work out real well.”

“So you’ve known her a long time, my lord?”

“Oh yeah. Sometimes she’d babysit for me when my dad needed extra help. She’s been the caretaker for a lot of us. You know, kind of like the seamstress for the band, always around picking up the slack and fixing what needs to be fixed. She’s one of the kindest people I know.”

“Have you ever had sex with her, sir?”

“Yeah,” he said, and his casual manner put me at ease. It made me realize that she was just another toy, one of many he’d had. I believed him when he told me not to confuse his momentary wants with love. I understood his nature and it was becoming my nature too.

“She’s really something, though. She’s never lost that flower power hippie-dippie stuff. She’s just an old hippie, but not old in that kind of way, just her mannerisms and values are outdated.” He laughed. “Even how she dresses; you’ll see what I mean. She marches to the tune of a different drummer.”

“Sounds refreshing to me, sir.”

“Very. She lights up the space around her. You’ll like having her around; a real independent spirit.” He took a bite of his vegetables. I watched his jaw work as he chewed. Every move was art in action, as if he were a living sculpture.

“My lord, why do they call her Girl?”

“Apparently, that’s how she was introduced to Mr. Ladnier back in the day and it stuck. I think, sweetheart, once you get to know them all better, you’ll find them a very congenial group.”

“I have no doubt about it, sir. I just feel a little inadequate at times,” I said as I sipped my champagne.

“Darling, don’t forget, we’re all a little older than you. In another decade or two, you’ll be right where they are, in your own way. By then, you’ll be running the show out here. You’ll own it. The farm will be yours. You don’t realize that you’re working on your success right now and doing an excellent job.”

“Thank you, sir.” More doubts entered my mind. I had no idea how to run a business like Twisted Oak.

“Which brings me to the serious issue.” He set his fork down and I followed suit.

“Yes, my lord?”

“I, uh . . .” He took a breath. “Nez, I think it’s time I . . .” He paused again and took a sip of water. “It’s about that other thing I said you could do. You know, the thing that would prove yourself to me.”

“Yes, my lord, what is it?” I asked earnestly.

He took another deep breath. “I’d be honored if you wore my collar, love.”

“Oh, Mr. Delacroix,” I exclaimed as I jumped out of my chair. “You mean it?” I ran to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. “Yes, yes, yes!” I said with tears of joy.

“Nezzie, yes, yes,

“My lord, yes.”

He leaned into my body with a sigh of relief.

“Seriously, my lord, did you think I would say no?”

“I wasn’t planning on asking you so soon but I couldn’t help it. I love you so much and then all this crap with Jackson and Marie I thought maybe would turn you off. I was thinking it would take you longer to like Twisted Oak, too. I never thought you’d take to it so well.”

“I’m taking to
and that’s all that matters, sir. I love
and nothing else.”

“Yes, I suppose you’re right, my smart Nezzie baby,” he smiled. “Sit. There’s more to consider now that we both know the direction we’re taking.”

“Yes, sir.” I sat, trying to contain my joy.

“We could wait and I can put the collar on you officially at the roast, or we could have a little thing just you and me this week. It’s up to you. Next month will be your birthday celebration and we can have an extra special party to celebrate your collar then, too. It’s completely up to you, whatever you want to do.” He fidgeted in his seat and sipped his water. “You can be collared privately or in front of everyone, now or even later, if you need more time to think about it. I don’t want to rush you. Think carefully, Nez.”

“Sir, I don’t have to think. Everything I said to you is true. I can’t imagine another way. I feel bad, though, that we haven’t really celebrated your birthday.”

“We are right now. This is the best birthday present I could ever receive. This is why I was compelled to ask you now. On the one hand, I keep telling myself not to rush things, but I’m really feeling the power with you. I honestly know we can make it together. I need a partner that I can count on and my gut tells me it’s you.”

“I don’t wanna wait, my lord. I wanna do it now, right this instant,” I said, laughing.

“Hold your horses, kid. I need a little time,” he smiled.

“Okay, sir, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to rush you.”

“Aw, baby girl, you’re fucking adorable.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“No, Nezzie, honestly, thank you,” he said and turned serious again.

“What is it, my lord?”

“I miss my dad. I wish he were here to meet you. He’d love you and I know he’d be happy for us.”

“He is, my lord, wherever he is, he knows.”

“I’d like to think so.” He took my hands in his. “I promise you that I’ll do everything I can to make your dreams come true, Nez, and I mean that.”

“Mr. Delacroix, you are my dream come true. I love you more than you know.”

He opened another bottle of champagne in celebration and we went over Marie’s contract. Now that I would be wearing the collar, the contract had new meaning for me, and new responsibility for Mr. Delacroix’s personal affairs. Even after our exchange that day, feelings of inadequacy kept creeping in, but he held firm in his belief in me and for that, I was eternally grateful. No one had ever believed in me before.

We were tipsy by the time we made our way back to the bedroom. Mr. Delacroix was trying to teach me French. We giggled every time I butchered a phrase.

Laissez-moi vous voir nu,
” he laughed.

“What does it mean?”

He laughed again. “It means ‘let me see you naked.’” He untied the robe and pushed it off my shoulders. “Get your ass back in that bed, slut.” He smiled and I jumped into the bed, but this time, he did not bind me. “Nezzie, get on your knees at the foot of the bed and face the headboard.”

I was puzzled, but I obliged happily. He crawled onto the bed, lay on his back, and opened his legs. He even arched his back and showed his throat as if he were in complete submission. I was struck by the beauty of it.

“You’re the boss this time, Nez. I am for you right now,” he said and closed his eyes.

“My lord, I don’t know what to do.”

“Take your time, use your imagination, and feel free to use the toys in the armoire.” He looked at me with gunmetal eyes. “You’re the fucking boss, Nez. Let your imagination rule.”

My mind was a blank. Letting instinct create my strategy, I used the long silken tether to tie his hands to the headboard.

“Copycat,” he said.

“Shhh, my lord.”

“I’m not your lord, Nez. Not right now. I’m your nothing. You’re my goddess and I’m here for you to do with as you please,” he said. “My body’s yours. Bend me, please.”

“Oh, Mr. Delacroix,” I whispered in his ear as I fumbled with the tethers and finally tied his wrists.

“You have fantasies of domination. I know you do, so go ahead. Dominate my ass.”

“Like practice, my lord, for when I am in charge of Marie?” I asked.

“Sure, this is your party, ma’am.”

I went to the armoire to get another long tether. I was intrigued to see him behave submissively. I had gotten a taste of it at the apartment when Mr. Scott was there. It turned me on to think I could get the same reaction.

I stood at the foot of the bed. “Okay, boy,” I said as harsh as possible and had to fight the urge to laugh. “Spread your legs for me.” To my astonishment, his cock reacted to my voice with noticeable growth. I had trouble concentrating on tying the rope. Every molecule inside me wanted to be one with him, to thank him, to fuck him.

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