Twisted Oak: A Sexual Odyssey (20 page)

BOOK: Twisted Oak: A Sexual Odyssey
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“I know. And for those of us brave enough to tell it, well, my friend, sometimes we get the whippin’.” I placed my hand on his thigh, which was in constant motion.

“Now ain’t that the god’s honest truth.”

A few minutes passed and someone in the shadows of the iron fence in the square whistled, “Hey, Tyrone, you got business.”

“I got to go, Miss Nez,” he said as he got up from the chair. I glimpsed a brief moment of Ty looking his age as he traveled under the balcony light; not a boy, but a young man on a mission.

“What’re you gonna do?” I pleaded.

“Well, cher, tonight I’m gonna roll around in a mountain of blow until I can’t feel a fuckin’ thang. And then tomorrow I’m comin’ home where I belong, right here wit’ you and Sunny. We all gots our demons and we needs each other to fight ’em off.”

Ty’s remark nudged at my demons. I had not thought of cocaine in weeks. The craving was brief, stabbing, and caught me off guard, but the high I experienced with cocaine paled in comparison to the high I received from my lord.

Ty didn’t wait for me to show him out, but rather took his time leaving the apartment, like a man who knew his way.


The bedroom was dark when I entered save for a streetlamp giving light through the open window. I went to close the shutters when Mr. Delacroix’s voice gently brought me out of myself. “Nez, is that you?”

“Yes, my lord, it’s me,” I said in a whisper. “Are you feeling better?”

“Why are your clothes on?” he asked.

“I’m sorry, sir. I’ve only just now come back in. The light was shining, so I thought you’d like me to close the shutters.”

“Nez, when you come into our bedroom, the very first thing you do is remove your clothes, no matter what you’re up to.” His voice sharpened just enough to make my heart rate go up and my nether regions tingle.

“Yes, sir,” I said, and I slipped the nightdress over my head.

“That’s better,” he said as he leaned over to turn on the lamp. “Now close the shutters.”

“Yes, sir.” I went about closing the shutters while his eyes followed my every move in steely silence.

“I think it’s time you show me your willingness. It occurs to me that you’re ready.”

“Ready, sir?”

“Come lay down on your back.”

I followed his commands and lay down on the middle of the bed. I was excited, nervous, and anxious all at once. My heart raced. My nipples were erect. I shivered as if it were freezing when in reality it was a warm spring night.

“Good girl,” he smiled. “You’re so impeccable at this moment.”

“Thank you, sir.” Thoughts of Ty’s story kept knocking at the backdoor of my brain, but I kept them at bay knowing that Sunny would be home soon, that it could never be like that with Sunny here. I needed to trust Mr. Delacroix.

He came to me with thick silken ropes in his hands and straddled me. His penis, only half aroused, lay on my tummy and his knees sunk into the mattress. His weight held me down. Silently he took my left hand, tied it securely to the headboard, and kissed it gently. Then he came down and kissed my mouth fully and for a long time, dampness seeping into my crotch. He took my right hand, secured it to the headboard, and kissed it. I remembered Sunny the night I watched them have sex and panic began to set in. He sensed it.

“See how smart you are? You already know what’s in store, don’t you?”

“I think so, my lord.” I had butterflies in my stomach.

“Nez, if you insist on overthinking things, you’ll suffer more.” He shrugged. “I guess if that’s how you want it, fine by me. I love your suffering and you do it so sweetly.” He kneeled next to me on the bed, licked my left hip, and then ran his tongue down the inside of my left thigh, calf, and ankle. My nether regions lit with excitement. He began tying one of his special knots around my ankle.

“You could be enjoying this; in fact, you should be, but you choose to overthink it, so your suffering is by choice. You choose it, no one else. You do it to yourself.”

“Yes, sir,” I said as he lifted my ankle to meet its mate on the headboard.

Gunmetal eyes met mine. “Leave your other ankle there and don’t bend your knee. I want you to stretch out.” He sat back and looked at me impassively as I struggled with the awkwardness. “I’d love to control what’s in your mind, but I can’t. I can only give you guidance, as any devoted dominant should, guidance that could help alleviate your suffering.”

He kneeled on the bed next to my right side, his tongue traveling from my hip to my ankle slowly and seductively. “You’re so fucking cerebral,” he said, securing the knot on my right ankle. “If I could, I’d fuck your brain. I really would. God, to know your thoughts, control them, to fuck your mind. But that’s impossible, isn’t it?” He lifted the right ankle and secured it to my right wrist.

“Sir, this is a bit of a mind fuck,” I said, hoping to add levity. After all, sex should be fun and I was nervous.

“Is it?” he said and smiled. “How wonderful to be fucking your mind. Do you like it?”

Trick question, so I decided to play it safe. “Yes, sir. Please fuck my mind.”

“Nezzie, you’re a sneaky bitch, aren’t you?” He shoved pillows up under my shoulders and back. “Nezzie, relax. Relax everything. Remember how Sunny did it, how he fell into the bindings? Don’t fight them. Use them for your pleasure. Start here.” He put his hand on my head. “Relax it back, Nezzie, all the way. Every muscle on your face, your eyes, your neck.” He ran his hand down the front of my neck and paused at my throat. “Relax here, too.”

I relaxed every muscle as his hand traveled my body and slowly became more comfortable.

“See, baby, I’ll never put you in a situation where you can’t find satisfaction and comfort. It’s about your pleasure too.” He took his hands and lightly touched my arms. “Relax them, Nezzie. You won’t fall. I assure you, my bindings will hold you securely.”

I attempted to turn my arms into rubber bands. He kissed me on the mouth gently.

“Thank you, my lord.” I was near that blissful zone I had seen Sunny in the other night.

Mr. Delacroix ran his hands down my legs where they bent sharply at the hips. “Relax now, Nezzie. Relax all of you.” He began rubbing my buttocks gently and he licked my clit ever so slightly. “Good girl,” he said, and then I felt his tongue travel through my nether region, splitting my lips and barely brushing the entrance to my canal on his way to licking consecutive circles around my anus. His fingers continued to tickle my most private estuary. I felt slightly stoned, but elevated at the same time. His finger tickled my clit as he kept licking the circle. Waves of physical change moved across my body, a new elevated sensation.

“Oh, my lord, thank you.”

He laughed that infectious laugh. “You’re welcome, but just you wait. It gets better.” His tongue slightly entered my anus and I involuntarily reacted. “You think what you like, my lady, but the more you relax, the better it’ll be. God, I love fucking virgins. Relax, Nezzie. It’s me, your master. I won’t hurt you. I know what you like. Breathe, baby. Just exhale for me nice and long. Let yourself go. Open up for your lord and master.”

When I did, he filled my anus with lubricant, that cold feeling running into me. I was surprised at how deep the lubricant went and I recalled Monique saying how she liked this position because she was so open. I focused on keeping my breath even and deep. I focused on relaxing my ass for him and gave myself over to his will.

“You can close your eyes, if it helps you relax,” he said as he rose to mount me. I saw his hands grasp the headboard and his weight on me added stress on my shoulders. “Stay relaxed,” he said, “I’ll go slow. This is gonna be so fucking succulent.
Détendez, neige blanc. Par sa peau blanche comme la neige.
Just relax. Let me take what belongs to me.”

I exhaled and he entered me slowly. I began to struggle. Then I recalled Sunny doing the same, so I focused on my breathing again and he pulled away slightly, but not all the way. “You okay, Nez?” he asked.

“Yeah, just a little surprised.”

“Just a little surprised,
?” He jammed into me hard.

“My lord!” I screamed. My breathing got shallow and swift.

“That’s better. Does it hurt?”

“Yes, my lord.”

“Good. Give it to me. You belong to me. It’s your duty to submit.”

I tried to respond, but all I could muster was a low moan as tears came to my eyes.

“Good girl. Now relax, Nez. Look at me and breathe. Look in my eyes. See how much this means to me, to have all of your body for me?”

I opened my eyes to see his electricity alight for me. His gunmetal eyes were gone and those familiar brilliant eyes shown with such care and deep longing. I bathed in his light and fell helplessly into his soft silken ropes as the pain grew. I was on the cusp of using a safe word when the pain dissipated into pure pleasure. I moaned as he entered me, every inch of his manhood opening me and pushing me to a new limit, a new pinnacle, a new way of giving to him, a joyous cause.

“There you go, Nezzie. That’s my girl. Open your ass to me, submit.” He was moving in and out of me at a regular but slow pace. “Aw yeah, such a tight fucking ass. It feels so good, Nezzie. Does it feel good to you?”

“Yes, sir,” I gasped.

“You want me to keep fucking your ass?”

“Yes, please, sir.”

“Then submit yourself to me.” His smile was incandescent and I was on the precipice of the most overwhelming orgasm. Warm juices overflowed from my vagina. Visceral moans escaped my throat.

“See, baby, I told you, you’re a natural. Oh god, you are so fucking wet. Jesus, you’re coming all over yourself.”

He picked up the pace. With even, deliberate pounding, a jolt of pain pleasure traveled through my body. He held steady like this for a few minutes. Small grunts escaped my vocal cords with each heavenly thrust. My eyes rolled and closed in ecstasy.

“Oh, Mr. Delacroix, thank you, thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome, my love.” He started going faster and he was breathing heavily. “I’m gonna come in your ass now, Nezzie. You’re gonna love this.”

His crashes into me became deeper and more vigilant, when at last he shoved into me so hard, I lost my breath. When I thought I would succumb to a pleasurable death, I felt his seed fill me. He pushed into me and then pulled out.

“Mr. Delacroix, more, please.” My body ached for more; my mind ached for more.

“Cher, unlike you, I am not a bottomless pit,” he laughed, “and besides, that’s enough for the first go. You’re gonna be sore, but I want it to be a nice kind of sore. Sorry, Nezzie baby, that’s all you get for tonight.” He lifted himself off me. “And let this be an enduring reminder of who is boss here. I say when, where, how, and what hole. You never do unless I give you permission. Do you understand?”

My body was still shuddering from the aftermath of such an incredible orgasm. “Yes, sir.” He left me bound and vulnerable as he began to pace the floor.

“You’ll be ready for anything at any time from now on. You’re mine. Your whole body is for me. Know in your mind that I can decide to fuck your body anytime and you’ll give it freely no matter what.”

“Yes, my lord.”

“You submit to me, no one else, Nez. Tell me.”

“I submit to you, no one else, my lord.”

His hand hit my exposed buttocks with a slap that took me by surprise. I could not move against the tethers. I was vulnerable in that position, completely debased. This was inequity and I loved it. He slapped me again and I groaned as I worked against the rope to gyrate my hips.

“That’s better, Nez.”

“Please, my lord.” I begged for something, but I had no idea what.

“So now you want a red ass, too?” He didn’t wait for my answer but kneeled on the side of the bed and smeared his hand on my wet vaginal portal and spanked me again, the wet hand making the sting all the more salient. Once more, he smeared his hand on me and smacked hard on my ass.

“You are right where you belong,” he said as he left me hanging there and went to the bathroom.

I cried as I hung there. He made me feel so good and so bad at the same time and I yearned for more. It was such a puzzling predicament. I heard the water run in the bathroom and reminded myself not to overthink things, to go with the flow and to fall back on the bindings. I wanted him to be proud of me when he came back so I bent willingly to show him my gratitude for the pleasure he provided.

My ass stung and my tender anus seemed like it was still wide open to the world, but I consciously relaxed my body into the ropes as Sunny had shown me. I was tender, but the hypersensitivity was delicious. My groin began to inflame again at the thought of what just happened and I knew I was ready for more. The familiar sensation of waves of muscle tightening indicated that I would climax again. I worked hard to stop it until Mr. Delacroix came back so he could see it. I thought of calling out to him, but at last he appeared.

Laser eyes, gleaming smile. “Nezzie, you’re coming again, you fucking little slut.”

“My lord, I was so afraid you’d miss it,” I croaked through irregular gasps.

“What should I do with it, your pussy that won’t stop wetting itself?”

“Sir, your wish is my command,” I whimpered.

He came to me and untied the tethers, leaving me in a free fall, cold, insecure, and wanting. I attempted to cover myself, but he took the blankets away.

“Now do you know the value in being bound?” he asked.

“Yes, my lord,” I said as I pulled myself up into the fetal position.

“Do you want to be tied again?” he asked as he went to his throne and sat facing me.

“Yes, my lord.”

“Then crawl to me. Get on your hands and knees and crawl to me now.”

“Yes, sir.” I clambered off the bed, remained on all fours, and crawled to his feet.

“Turn around, stay on your knees, but spread your legs. Stick your fucking ass in the air so I can see how you’re still coming all over yourself.”

I followed his commands.

“Good girl. Your pussy is so wet. Nezzie, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you pissed yourself. Such a sight, such an inviting aperitif.” His thick fingers pushed and played with my nether lips, but never entered me. I ached for his hand inside me.

“Face me, Nez. Show me your devotion. Knees spread and I want to see your fucking ass in the air.”

I turned and kept my knees far apart, placing my head between his bare feet and lifting my ass as high as I could. I listened to him breathe. Minutes passed. Finally, he asked me to come closer, to stay on my knees and give him my wrists. I was relieved not to have to hold that position much longer, but was surprised when he tied my wrists to each arm of his chair in pulley fashion to pull me closer with a small tug of the ropes.

“Open your mouth, Nezzie. Time for your throat fucking.”

I was amazed at his ability to recover from his previous orgasm, but there was no time for contemplation. He shoved his sex into my throat and pulled the ropes tighter, immobilizing me against him. He hit the back of my throat, compelling me to pull away, but instead he pulled me tighter. When he loosened the ropes, I sucked as hard as I could.

He said in a guttural groan, “Good girl, such a hungry girl. Suck it dry. It’s why I keep you.”

I nodded in agreement, and he pulled me in again. I sucked as he loosened the ropes. The enjoyment I received from his pleasure was indescribable. This joyful cadence continued until my jaw was fatigued and his cock hardened and pulsated with pleasure. His cream flowed into my mouth, the sweet salt taste drowning my throat. He pulled me in and laid my head on his lap.

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