Twisted Oak: A Sexual Odyssey (43 page)

BOOK: Twisted Oak: A Sexual Odyssey
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“They loved your dress, Nezzie. They couldn’t keep their eyes off you the whole time.” Gregory was pulling his shirt over his head. “We need to get ready for playtime now, my lovely pet. I hope you didn’t eat too much at brunch considering how you prefer sex on an empty stomach.”

Even though Gregory had prepared me for it, the segregation of the group at brunch was uncomfortable. I had become accustomed to having him constantly by my side in social situations, but this time, I was seated outside with the rest of the subs while the doms ate inside at the formal table.

I leaned back on the chaise and replayed the conversations in my mind while he showered. Most surrounded the topic of the Scotts’ absence, and I was thankful to have Ty there to distract them from their incessant gossip. It appeared he was still a novelty. I was the new girl and I wore Mr. Delacroix’s collar, the center of everyone’s fascination, but the gossip surrounding the Scotts was overwhelming.

Aside from Candie, Brandie, Ty, and me, there were four more subs, three men and another woman, all very handsome. Marie and Girl weren’t there. Gregory decided it would be best for Marie to wait until her wounds healed, and Girl refused to leave her alone. I wished they were there.

The girl’s name was Air, tall and slender with brown hair. She belonged to Mr. Algrant from Thibodaux, who had never spoken to me at the dom party. The men all belonged to Ms. Banning of New Orleans: Danny, Eric, and Boy. Danny explained that they were to be shared among the others, all except Boy, who was to be punished. Their conversation hovered over which dom they thought would be the best. Boy never uttered a word.

“He’s been told to shut up today,” Danny said, poking Boy in the ribs with his knuckle. Boy did not react.

“Knock it off, Danny. Don’t make it worse for him than it already is,” Eric said.

I decided that Danny was one of the mean ones. Air was congenial and asked me how long I had belonged to Mr. Delacroix. She was quiet, serene, and enraptured with Ty. She explained that she had belonged to Mr. Algrant since the previous Christmas. She also wore a collar.

“Why you bein’ punished, Boy?” Ty asked him, but there was no reply.

“He can’t speak, Ty. What is it that you don’t understand about him having to shut up?” Danny laughed at Boy again. “Some people just don’t know when to shut up.” He pushed Boy’s shoulder. Boy looked at the ground.

Eric moved to stand between Boy and Danny and addressed Ty. “He called Ms. Banning a bitch last week and she heard him.”

“Oh my,” I said.

Danny rubbed it in. “Yeah, she was not happy. He got a good punishment and has been in the box for six days. This is the first time she’s let him out.”

“The box?” Ty asked.

Eric said, “I’ve only been in there for a demonstration, enough to keep me straight, but it’s a small room with no windows. Kind of like solitary in prison. I can’t imagine a week of it. Danny is new. He hasn’t had the demonstration yet. I think if he did, he would have more sympathy.”

“I may be new, but I know enough not to call her names. That was just stupid, Boy.”

“I’ll remind Ms. Banning that a demonstration is due, Danny. Maybe that’ll boost your empathy a little.”

Eric was firm, but kind. I could see that someday he would be an excellent dom. His broad shoulders were accented by short brown hair and hazel eyes; he had perfectly manicured hands.

“How long have you belonged to Ms. Banning, Eric?” I asked.

“Getting into my sixth month. I should be released in a couple weeks,” he said with pride.

“Wow, congratulations!” I said, knowing this was something to be proud of, considering her reputation. “Where will you go next?”

“I’ll belong to Ms. Portiere. She’s the one who sent me to Ms. Banning for further training. Miss Nez, it appears you and I will be neighbors.”

* * *

I did not notice the shower had turned off. Gregory was standing in front of me, and his sharp voice pulled me from my thoughts. “Nezzie, have you heard a word I said? What the hell are you thinking about now?”

“Boy, Ms. Banning’s sub.”

“Oh, yeah, he got himself into a lick of trouble last week. Did he speak at brunch? Be honest with me.”

“No, sir, not a word, but Danny . . .”

“I’m fully aware of Danny’s attitude. You needn’t tell me.” Gregory shook his head. “He should be ashamed. Hell, Ms. Banning should be ashamed.” He took my chin between his fingers. “Don’t forget that I know everything that goes on at Twisted Oak.”

“Yes, my lord. I just want you to know that Boy was good. He didn’t say a single word. He didn’t even make a noise.”

“Good. Nezzie, let this be a lesson to you. Don’t say disparaging things about me or the other doms, or even the other subs. If you have a concern, come to me, but don’t go bad-mouthing people. Be respectful and it’ll pay dividends you never dreamed of.” He took my hand and led me in front of the armoire mirror. “You’ll see Boy’s punishment today, but don’t worry. It’s between Boy and Ms. Banning. He needs to learn a lesson and she is the best one to teach him. Come on, I gotta get you ready.”

“Greg, you’ve been in the box?” I asked incredulously.

“Only for a demonstration, cher, and that was enough for me. But the punishment you’ll see today, I have endured.”

I stood naked for him. To my surprise, he removed Monique’s collar.

“Monique’s is too fragile and valuable for playtime,” he said, setting it on the nightstand. “Let me look at you.” He turned me around and examined me from head to toe. Cool mists of perfume tantalized my senses. He rubbed light oil on my skin. “God, you smell delicious.”

He buckled large leather cuffs on my wrists and ankles that had heavy metal hoops on them. He placed a matching strap around my middle that hung loosely atop my hips. The matching collar felt odd on my neck.

“They’re new, so they’re kind of stiff, but once they get worn in, they’ll be more comfortable. The more we use these, the better.” He smiled and attached a heavy chain leash to the strap around my hips and began walking into the sitting room.

My heart raced. I balked and he pulled, not realizing I had stopped walking. I felt so demeaned I began to cry. Surprising waves of anger came over me, but he tugged the leash harder, pulling me close to him.

“Shut off that anger right now. It’ll just make things harder for you. Turn it off, Nez. It’s just playtime. You’re still you, mistress of this house. Show them how powerful you are by submitting to me. Show them, all of them, that this is where you belong.” He pulled down on the leash, pulling me to my knees. I looked at his feet, but I stopped crying.

“Look at me,” he said. His expression changed to one of worry. “Nezzie, if this isn’t okay with you, you can stay here. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”

It was clear that he would go without me. I had come this far and I could not let him go alone. I quelled my anger out of curiosity. Or was it jealousy?

“You won’t leave me, will you, Greg? You won’t leave me alone like you did at brunch, will you?”

“Nezzie, I will never be too far away from you, but I plan on having my fair share of playtime too, ya know. You’ll always be close enough for me to hear you if you call my name or use a safe word, and I will never leave you in a risky position. No one, and I mean no one, will touch you without my permission, which of course will ultimately come from you. Just remember, no one is here against his or her will, and no one is doing anything today that they don’t want to be doing, even Boy. One safe word and it’s quits. That’s the rule for everyone.”

“So all Boy has to do is say the word ‘red’ and Ms. Banning will stop? She’ll let him speak and not punish him?”

“That’s right, my little virgin. That is absolutely how it works. Keep that in mind today. Everything you see can stop in an instant with one word. It might seem as though people are being forced into a scene, but they aren’t. They want to be here doing what they are doing. I promise you that. You have to let your mind go and let your body take over; let your body be your guide. It knows what it wants.”

* * *

The Ursuline Playroom was empty when we arrived, so we took our places on the dais, he in his chair and I on my pillow. The music played low and all the red lights were on. A mirrored disco ball turned in the center of the dark ceiling.

“It’s customary that we be the first to come and the last to leave, unless some of the subs stay here for the night, but I think everyone is going home today, except Mr. Horne. He has a cottage.”

He shifted in his seat and attached my leash to the ring on the side of it. It made me cringe.

“See this as your security, Nezzie.” He tugged the chain. “This is the symbol of our attachment. Air will have hers as well. It shows that you are collared, that you’re more than a regular sub. It’s something to be proud of, Nezzie. As long as you’re leashed, you can’t be touched.”

“Thank you, my lord,” I whispered.

“Good girl, Nezzie.” He patted my head. “Would you like a drink of something? Maybe some wine to loosen you up?” He got up and walked across the room toward the sitting area. His black silk pants glittered in the dim red light. His broad back glistened with the sheen of lightly scented oil, and his feet were bare. He walked with a swagger. He owned the place and everything in it, the king of the castle. And I was his queen.

We sat in our places and waited for his guests to arrive. I drank champagne and he drank water.

“Nezzie, once you get into it, I know you’ll like it, just like you do every time we play with our friends. And don’t forget that you can talk to Sunny anytime you want. He knows the ropes, so to speak,” he laughed. “Just breathe, my sweet love. Just breathe.”

Voices came from the stairway, including Mr. Ainslie’s Southern drawl. “Charles, the girls look fine today.” I heard a small spanking noise and Brandie giggled. “Now ya know why the ladies always go first, eh, Brandie?”

Brandie was the first to appear and then Mr. Ainslie. She turned and waited for Candie, and then the two women went to their knees the moment Mr. Ladnier landed on the top step.

“On your feet, girls, there’ll be time enough on your knees today. Run and get Mr. Ainslie and I some whiskey. Get yourselves something too.”

“Yes, sir,” Brandie said, and off they went to the bar.

“Gentlemen!” Gregory stood to shake their hands.

“Greg, it’s damned nice to see you sittin’ there,” Mr. Ainslie said. “Miss Nez, you were resplendent today at brunch. I dare say, I couldn’t keep my eyes off you. The collar becomes you.”

“Thank you, sir,” I said, sitting up a little straighter.

“Right where you belong, sugah,” Mr. Ladnier said. His handsome smile shone down on me. “Just perfect. I don’t know how Gregory lucked out so much, but he did with you.” He leaned over and whispered, “I hope to have first crack at you today, if, of course, you’ll grant me permission.” I felt his warm breath on my forehead and his dark eyes made me melt.

“Yes, sir,” I whispered.

“Very kind of you, my dear.” He stood as Candie presented him with a small glass of whiskey. “Would you like more champagne, Nezzie? Greg, is it all right for Nezzie to have another?”

“Yes, Charles.” Gregory sat back down. “First crack, ya say?”

“If it pleases Nezzie and her master, too, of course,” Mr. Ladnier said as he sipped his whiskey.

“It pleases me, but we should wait till the others arrive, don’t you think? We wouldn’t want to appear rude,” Gregory said.

“Agreed,” Mr. Ladnier said and turned to Mr. Ainslie. “Ms. Banning sure has Boy in a world of hurt today.”

“Well, friend, you call her that name and see what happens. I don’t think she’d care if you were president of the United States, she’d box you up and throw away the key.” Mr. Ainslie’s green eyes fell to mine. “I wonder what possessed him.”

Gregory chimed in. “She pushed a button and he reacted just as she intended him to. She’s good.”

“Oh, I forgot, Greg, you’re a Banning boy. You ever go in the box?” Mr. Ladnier asked.

“Only for a two-hour demo and that was enough for me.” He became wistful. “Ya know, gentlemen, those months as a Banning boy were some of the best of my life.” He sipped his water and took an ice cube in his mouth.

“She turns ’em out well,” Mr. Ainslie said just as Ms. Banning appeared with her three boys behind her. She wore a long black lace dress with a high neckline and matching stiletto patent leather sandals. Her dress was so sheer that she may as well have been in the nude. Danny and Eric were walking naked except for the cuffs and straps, hands folded in front and heads bowed. Boy crawled behind them gagged and wearing what looked like a chastity belt around his groin.

“Aw, look at the poor kid,” Mr. Ainslie said.

“Sympathy will get you nowhere, Mr. Ainslie,” Ms. Banning said.

“But you look so damned good. It seems unfair to have him bound so tightly, and look at the size of that dildo! Good god, Ms. Banning! You are positively diabolic.” Mr. Ainslie bent to kiss her and she welcomed him with an open mouth.

“Brandie, fetch Ms. Banning a beverage,” Mr. Ladnier ordered.

“Red wine, little girl,” Ms. Banning added and looked at Mr. Ainslie. “I have more devilish schemes in store for you today.” She turned to Boy. “Boy, pay your respects to Mr. Delacroix so I can get you situated.”

Boy slowly crawled up to Gregory. As he came next to me, I inspected the leather contraption he wore. It consisted of a series of straps drawn so tight, the skin bulged. The straps were not as wide as mine, which seemed to cause more pain. They wound around his hips and under his crotch similar to the way Gregory bound me for my demonstration, but Boy’s testicles were crushed between two straps that traveled between his legs. I could see his skin bulging. His penis, not fully erect, was covered with thinner leather straps that would be excruciating with even a small amount of arousal. The two straps between his legs traveled up the center of each cheek on his backside; others crisscrossed tight around his fine ass. The marks would show for days, but most alarming was the enormous dildo shoved deep into his rectum, fastened tight by chains to the straps on his ass. I could not fathom his level of pain.

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