Twice Bitten Not Shy [Vampires of Eternity] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (16 page)

BOOK: Twice Bitten Not Shy [Vampires of Eternity] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Bree continued to place the votives on the tables. She then checked the stock in the bar. It wouldn’t do to not have enough of everything, including soft drinks. Lastly she checked the champagne fountain, which was set up in the corner of the room. It looked so beautiful with the spotlights reflecting on the cut crystal.

Rafe came up behind her before she even realized. “So where were we?”

“Mmmm, well, I don’t know where you were, but I’m about to head back to my office. I’m sure Gwen has some other things she needs my help with.”

“Aww, must you leave, already?”

“Yes, I’m afraid so. But play your cards right and you might get to dance with me tomorrow night.”

“I see the lady is going to play hard to get.”

“No, not at all. I just live in reality.”

“Well, things change all the time, Brianna. Make sure you’re open to them.”

“Oh, don’t worry about me. See you tomorrow. I can find my way out.” She turned her back on him and headed out the door.

When she got to her car, she gave Gwen a call. “Holy shit, are you sure that place isn’t a hideout for the Chippendales dancers? I ran into two guys today who were to die for.”

“Really? Just promise me you’ll be careful, Bree. You realize that they are probably vampires, too.”

“Oh, hell yeah. I know they are. But so what? I just want to fuck them, not marry them.” She could hear Gwen choke on the other end of the phone.

“Sheesh, you have such a way with words.”

“Yeah, I know. Don’t you love it?”

“Well, I need you back here. We have a few ends we have to tie up before tomorrow night.”

“Headed there now. See you soon.”

“Bye, be safe.”

Chapter 24


When Gwen had seen the dress Brianna had picked out for her, she wanted to kill her. But now that she had it on, she had to admit, she looked amazing. She had piled her shoulder-length black hair up on top of her head and pinned it with crystal hair pins. She’d taken longer than usual to apply her makeup and it looked good, even to her. Diamond studs and a tennis bracelet completed her jewelry. The dress was off the shoulder and midnight-blue velvet. It clung to every one of her curves. She looked like a dark-haired Marilyn Monroe. Even her cleavage was amazing. Bree had hit it dead-on. She couldn’t wait to see the looks on the guys’ faces when they saw her this evening.

All day long she had wanted to talk to them, but she had resisted. There was too much riding on tonight for them and her. Luckily, she hadn’t heard back from Roger or the psycho gypsy bitch.

She shook herself out of her reverie and took one last look in the mirror.
Not too shabby, girl. We’ll hold our own tonight for sure.
With a quick touch-up of her lipstick, she grabbed her purse and headed for the car. Next stop, Eternity.


* * * *


Christian’s pacing was driving Sebastian crazy. They knew tonight was not just the opening of their club but possibly the turning point of their existence. Their pacing wouldn’t change anything. Hell, Demetria wasn’t much help, either. The power that poured from her was stifling and wearing down their blocking defenses. Neither of them wanted her to know what they were planning. She would try to stop them. But when she left them to have her daily rest, they had decided that no matter what, Gwendolyn was to be protected, even if it meant the end of their lives. They loved her too much to see her hurt in any way.

Christian stopped his pacing and turned to Sebastian. “She’s on her way.”

“Yes, I know. I can feel her worry, but not much else.”

“Me either.”

“Well, let’s hope we can pull this off.”

“Oh, we will, Christian, no doubt about it.”

Sebastian checked his watch. The guests would be arriving shortly, and they needed to be in the main room to greet them. This was the grand opening, after all. He was anxious to see Gwendolyn and to make sure that she was really okay.

“Christian, are you ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.” They looked at each other with resignation. However tonight turned out, it would be what it would be.


* * * *


Gwen walked up to Eternity and wondered if they would survive this night. As she reached for the door, it swung open.
Eek, déjà vu
Wow, just wow.
But it wasn’t a dark hole in front of her. It was Sebastian and Christian. She stopped, since they were blocking her entrance. They almost seemed entranced.
I knew they’d be surprised.
She tried to keep a straight face, and she looked up at them. Both wore black tuxedos and looked amazing. If she hadn’t been in love with them before this, she would have fallen hard with one look.
It was then that it hit her that there was no turning back. She loved these two men and would do whatever was needed to make sure she could stay with them.

“Cat got your tongues?” Gwen couldn’t help but giggle.

“Umm, no, not at all,” Sebastian sputtered. “You look amazing.”

“Yeah, no shit,” Christian murmured.

“I’m glad you both approve. Do I look that bad usually?”

“Of course not, but damn, no one will even notice the club. They won’t be able to take their eyes off of you.”

“I seriously doubt that. But if you don’t let me in, no one else will be coming in tonight.”

She could tell they had a
moment as they backed away to allow her entrance. She was sure they hadn’t had many of those in the last four hundred years. “So did all the food arrive, and is the room set up properly?”

“It looks great.” Christian nodded at Sebastian’s words.

“Okay. I figured Brianna would handle it well enough. Let’s just make sure it’s all good.”

They walked down the hallway to the main club area. When she walked in, she knew that she had gotten everything right. It glowed with understated elegance. The aroma of roses and gardenias permeated the room. The votives looked like twinkling stars as they gave off soft light. The extra ceiling lights, which she had ordered, were placed perfectly around the room. Bree had followed her instructions to the T. The buffet was split up so there were the same dishes on each table placed against each side wall. The room had an odd layout, with the bar dead center, and it had been a challenge to ensure that it would flow smoothly.

The wait staff was already in the kitchen. Soon they would circulate among the guests and hand out the hors d’oeuvres. The food was very high-end, caviar, smoked salmon, assorted cheeses, sushi, and filo dough stuffed with spinach and feta. They were ready.
As ready as we’ll ever be.

A shiver of unease ran down her spine. Gwen really hoped Roger wouldn’t show up. But as if the mere thought had conjured him up, there he was at the front door.
Damn, no luck but bad luck as usual
. But she would do all in her power to ensure this opening came off without a hitch. If she had to tie him up and throw him in the closet she would. Nothing was going to ruin tonight.

“Roger, I thought I asked you not to come tonight?”

Roger was staring at her as if it had been years since he’d last seen her. He let out a low whistle. “You look absolutely stunning. No one will notice anyone else here.”

“Don’t try to change the subject. You better not cause trouble tonight.”

“Gwen. Everything will be just fine.”

“That is what I’m worried about. You are just not yourself lately.”

Bree had arrived earlier than Gwen and had been briefing the kitchen staff with their final instructions. She came over to Gwen and cut in. “Listen, you two, this is not the time for an argument. Look, the guests are arriving. You need to go play gracious hostess with your clients. Oh, and boss lady, you look fabulous.”

Gwen was surprised to see her, not having realized she had arrived. Although she wasn’t happy with Bree’s words she realized she was right. Now that Brianna knew the entire story, she would help watch over Roger. Gwen was still unable to shake that feeling of trepidation.
Hopefully it’s just me overreacting again.

“Thank you, Bree. Wow. You look amazing.” And she really did. In a wine-colored gown and with her hair done up, she looked lovely. Very unlike the Goth girl who was usually in the office. The many ear piercings had been traded for diamond studs and her makeup was done in an understated elegance. Gwen would never have believed it possible if she hadn’t seen it herself.

Sebastian’s voice popped into her head.
Everything will be fine, Gwendolyn. Roger is right about one thing. You will be the center of attention tonight.

Gwen could feel the color rising in her cheeks as she approached Sebastian and Christian near the entrance. “So are you both ready? It’s your night. Try to look like you are enjoying yourselves.”

Christian turned to give her an eye-crinkling smile. “No worries, Gwendolyn. We’ve been looking forward to this day for years.”

“Good. I’m glad to hear it. With all of the RSVPs we received, Eternity should be on the tip of everyone’s tongues by tomorrow.”

“If it is, it is all due to your hard work, Gwendolyn.” Sebastian kissed her cheek. “And we can’t thank you enough for everything.”

“Wait, I’m getting weird vibes from both of you. What’s going on?”

“Please don’t worry. Christian and I will explain everything later. As you said to us, try to enjoy your evening.”

Gwen was stopped from saying anything else when the first of the invited guests started to arrive. She had Sebastian on her left and Christian on her right. Seeing them in their tuxedos she could better picture how they must have looked in their own time. They were so handsome, and with their hair tied back, their gorgeous faces were accentuated. They oozed sexuality.

As they welcomed each guest, it became a blur of introductions and hand shaking. They received countless compliments and even some hugs from friends and prior customers. The men held up well, but she could feel the tension that leaked from them both.

The arrivals had died down, and Gwen was about to lead the men into the main club when a woman passed through the front door. She was the most gorgeous woman she had ever seen, and they noticed her at the same time. The men stiffened. Their tension ratcheted up at least ten notches. Not understanding what was going on, she just followed their lead.

“Demetria, we’re so happy that you could make it.” Sebastian leaned forward and kissed her cheek.

Okay, that sounded cordial but was definitely not. Who is she?

Christian’s voice softly caressed her thoughts.
She’s our maker.

Damn, I said that out loud, too.

He laughed. “It’s okay, sweetheart. No worries. She can read your mind as well, and she has no qualms about doing it.”

Gwen looked sharply at the woman who had made them into vampires. Should she hate her or thank her?

Demetria laughed. “You should definitely thank me, woman.”

Her voice was deep and husky, a prime candidate for a phone sex operator job. Apparently Christian was right about the mind reading.

Gwen and Demetria traded stares. Christian stepped up and took Demetria’s arm and led her into the club. This was not the time or the place, and Gwen knew it. But she really didn’t like this vampire queen who looked like a Greek goddess.

The guests had arrived, but still no gypsy. For this, Gwen was very thankful. The vampire queen and Roger were more than enough for one night. The evening progressed without a hitch for the first few hours. It looked like Eternity was going to be a big hit. The guests were talkative. There was lots of mingling, and laughter was coming from several of the different rooms. The string quartet she had hired was perfect.

Gwen hoped that Sebastian and Christian were pleased with the result.

Yes, I am,
his voice whispered through her head.
You have done an amazing job in a very short time. We can’t thank you enough.

Gwen smiled. “You’re very welcome. It has mostly been my pleasure.” Gwen was finally starting to think everything might turn out fine. But then there was a scream and the sound of shattered glass.

What the fuck?
Gwen turned to see the champagne fountain in a shattered mess on the floor. Shards of crystal glassware and puddles of champagne were all over the floor, and in the midst of the mess stood Demetria and Roger. He looked terrified, even though she wasn’t even touching him.

Gwen raced over to where they were, determined to save her ex-husband from the vampire queen. She could feel Sebastian trying to stop her, but she kept going.

“Demetria, stop whatever you’re doing. Leave him alone.”

“But I’m not doing anything. He has brought this all on himself, or I should say the gypsy has.”

“What? The gypsy, what are you talking about?” Gwen hoped she was wrong but was getting a very bad feeling.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about.”

Gwen turned to Roger. “What is going on?” But instead of Roger, the gypsy’s eyes looked back at her.
Fuck, it’s not Roger
. “What are you doing?”

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