The Last Confession of Thomas Hawkins

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Authors: Antonia Hodgson

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Historical, #Mystery & Detective

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About the Author


Antonia Hodgson was born and grew up in Derby and studied English at the University of Leeds. Her debut novel, The Devil in the Marshalsea, won the CWA Historical Dagger in 2014 and was shortlisted for the John Creasey First Novel award. In the US, Publishers Weekly named it one of the top 10 Mystery/Thriller titles of the year.


She was first introduced to the early Georgians while taking ‘A’ level History. Unfortunately the course focused almost exclusively on George II’s ministerial reshuffles, a subject even George II found staggeringly dull. It was only later, on discovering Hogarth, The Beggar’s Opera and Moll Flanders, that she became fascinated by an often-neglected period of British history. Her favourite quote about London in the 1720s comes from a disapproving Swiss traveller, who complained that ‘debauch runs wild with an unblushing countenance’.


Antonia lives in London, where she works as an editor.



Also by Antonia Hodgson


The Devil in the Marshalsea




First published in Great Britain in 2015 by Hodder & Stoughton

An Hachette UK company


Copyright © Antonia Hodgson 2015


The right of John Henry Clay to be identified as the Author of the Work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.


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All characters in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental.


A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library


Hardback ISBN 978 1 444 77545 7

Trade Paperback ISBN 978 1 444 77546 4

eBook ISBN 978 1 444 78049 9


Hodder & Stoughton Ltd

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For David and Chris,

even though they prefer the twentieth century




‘All you that in the condemned hold do lie

Prepare you, for tomorrow you shall die’


Words called beneath Newgate Prison
on the eve of a hanging





Part One

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five


Part Two

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve


Part Three

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen


Part Four

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty


Part Five

The Tryal

Chapter Twenty-One

The Ballad of Thomas Hawkins


Part Six

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three




The History Behind
The Last Confession of Thomas Hawkins

Select Bibliography




No one thought Tom Hawkins would hang. Not until the last moment.

Gentlemen don’t hang; not even ones found guilty of murder. Hawkins wasn’t much of a gentleman, that was true, but he came from a good family. A good family with good connections. The pardon would come. Sometimes the Marshal kept it hidden deep in his pocket, only to pull it out with a flourish when the procession reached the gallows. A bit of drama for the mob. A lesson, too: an act of mercy is always a lesson.

This is what Hawkins tells himself as his cart rolls slowly out of Newgate Prison.
The pardon will come. I

ve kept my side of the bargain. I

ve held my tongue.
But Hawkins has a gambler’s instinct, and he can feel the odds rising with each turn of the wheel.

He should have been freed hours ago. If he could only catch someone’s eye . . . but the Marshal is riding up at the head of the procession, followed by a band of constables armed with staves. Their boots pound hard against the cobbles as they march up Snow Hill. He can’t see them. He is a condemned man, and condemned men must ride backwards to their hanging, on carts swagged in black crêpe. He sits with his back to the carthorse, chained in iron, long legs stretched out in front of him. He sees only what he has already passed: the muddy road beneath him, the houses, the crowds of people.

The great bell of St Sepulchre tolls low and heavy as the devil’s heartbeat, summoning the town out on to the streets.
Hanging day.
He has heard the bell toll many times before. He has followed the carts to the gallows. He has watched men die slowly, blind beneath a white hood, their legs kicking the air. Now it is his turn to dance upon the rope, while the world cheers him to his death.

He must stay calm. The journey to Tyburn will take two hours through all these crowds. There is still time. He has done everything that was asked of him. Surely his loyalty, his silence, will save him now? A thin, snake’s voice whispers in his head.

s nothing more silent than a corpse.

He pushes the thought away, concentrates on his breathing. This, at least, is still his to control. There is a smudge of dirt on the ankle of his left stocking. His eyes fix upon it as the cart arrives at the steps of St Sepulchre.

The horse gives a sudden lurch and he is flung forward, then back. He winces in pain as his shoulders slice against the sharp edge of his coffin. They have tied it behind him for the journey.


Four prisoners will hang today. Higgs and Oakley are footpads, betrayed by a fellow gang member. Mary Green was caught lifting a few yards of mantua silk from a shop in Spitalfields. Cherry red, the newspapers said, as if such a thing mattered. Hawkins is the only one convicted of murder. He is the one the crowds have come to see. Even with his head down, he can feel them staring. They hang out of every window; line the narrow streets five or six deep, on the brink of riot. They curse his name, tell him he will hang like a dog. The two guards flanking his cart grip their javelins hard, watching for trouble.

Sometimes the town shows pity, but not today. Not for a man who won’t confess his crime. Violence smoulders in the air, ready to catch flame. It would be safer to keep the carts moving, but there are traditions that must be observed on the road to Tyburn and this is one of them.
Perhaps they will push the cart over.
His arms are pinioned, but he could still run. He lifts his eyes to the crowds; sees only hatred, fear and fury. Aye, he could run – straight into the arms of the mob. They would tear him to pieces.

The church bellman appears on the steps. He is a narrow-boned, fretful man, and the hand bell is too big for him. He rings it twelve times, holding onto the handle with both hands. It is a struggle and he looks relieved when it’s over. The crowd, delighted, applauds him as if he were a comic turn at Sadler’s Wells. He frowns at them. This is meant to be a solemn moment and they are ruining it. ‘Pray heartily unto God for these poor sinners,’ he pipes, fighting to be heard over the din, ‘who are now going to their death.’

‘My thanks for that reminder,’ Hawkins mutters. The guard at his left bites back a smile.

The bellman calls upon the condemned to repent. The other three prisoners have admitted their guilt – they have an air of calm acceptance that draws approval from the crowds. Young girls throw sprigs of white flowers on to their carts. White for forgiveness. White for rebirth. Oakley is so convinced God will grant him mercy that he is going to his death dressed in his shroud; the long white smock and ruffled cap a sign to all that he is eager to leave this wicked world and ascend to heaven.

Hawkins is wearing a sky-blue velvet coat and breeches, and a white silk waistcoat trimmed with gold thread.

A plump, pretty girl trembles her way towards him as if he were a caged tiger and pushes her last sprig of flowers through the wooden rails of the cart. As he takes them from her their fingers touch. She gives a start, half-thrilled, half-terrified, and hurries back to the safety of the church steps. He sighs under his breath. Perhaps later she will tell her friends how she met the notorious Thomas Hawkins on the road to Tyburn. Will she say that the devil shone out of his bright-blue eyes? That his touch burned her skin? Will she pay a shilling for an inch of the rope that hangs him, and keep it for luck?

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